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That alone won't be enough.

I believe that Sony and Microsoft each showed off 30-40 previously unannounced games during last years E3.

If Nintendo want people to buy a new console, when the PS4 and XBONE have quite a few years left in them, they will have to surpass that.


I think Kav just means winning e3. As in Zelda and a new console will give them all the hype. Not that it'll definitely be the number one home console or anything.

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I think you may want to count again.

Didn't count myself, my source is this:


And sorry, I exaggerated a bit, the correct number was 22, 30-40 was the total ammount of games. Nope, no excuses, I just fucked up.

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Didn't count myself, my source is this:


And sorry, I exaggerated a bit, the correct number was 22, 30-40 was the total ammount of games. Nope, no excuses, I just fucked up.


I still don't get the 22 new games, from my count the only Playstation reveals were Horizon, Hitman, Dreams, FF7 and Shenmue 3. New trailers for previously announced games were Last Guardian, SFV, No Man's Sky, AC:S, Firewatch, COD, Disney Infinity, Battlefront and Uncharted. I might be missing one or two but it's not quite 30-40 new games, or even 22.

Edited by Ronnie
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Might also help if people make clear what "new" means when they are referring to numbers.


Just announced during the conference?

Announced in the weeks leading up to it and shown for the first time?

A game not publicly shown, but perhaps announced, until the conference?


etc etc

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That alone won't be enough.

I believe that Sony and Microsoft each showed off 30-40 previously unannounced games during last years E3.

If Nintendo want people to buy a new console, when the PS4 and XBONE have quite a few years left in them, they will have to surpass that.


Well of course I mean they should show the release games for the NX too.

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It's the type of RAM that the PS4 uses. DDR5 was pretty expensive back then but Sony announced that they would use 8GB of it for their system. It was one of the announcements that led to third parties developing software with the PS4 as the priority system.


Apparently, prior to the event, third parties were told to expect half of that but at the last minute Sony went all out to win them over. Microsoft then made it even worse for themselves with the whole 'no used games' fiasco.


Well not quite. GDDR5 (Graphics Double Data Rate) RAM Was first used all the way back in 2008 on the ATI HD4870 GPU. It's a low latency and high bandwidth memory and following releases of GPUs featured it even on low end models (those that hand no need of the bandwidth.) It was around long enough that there was no reason to not use it honestly, price would not have been prohibitive in 2012/2013.


The odd part is that it is different from typical RAM though, so it was a little strange to use it across the system for GPU, and CPU. Obviously though it works.



Edit: Oh the other thing about the HD4870 card that was the first to use GDDR5, it cost $300 (£188) and easily beat competing card at $650. (Which was because Nvidia was price gouging at the time, they quickly dropped the price to $499 for the 280 and the 260 dropped from $400 to $300.)

Edited by Nolan
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With the Direct tomorrow being specified not to be about the NX or mobile (a very strange move by Nintendo), it seems logical that we're only getting news on games (through the summer according to reports).


An E3 all-inclusive reveal it is, then. If it's releasing this year, anyway.

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With the Direct tomorrow being specified not to be about the NX or mobile (a very strange move by Nintendo), it seems logical that we're only getting news on games (through the summer according to reports).

An E3 all-inclusive reveal it is, then. If it's releasing this year, anyway.


That sounds better to me than a pre-recorded half-reveal to me. And you never know they still have 3 months to do a dedicated event for it.

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That sounds better to me than a pre-recorded half-reveal to me. And you never know they still have 3 months to do a dedicated event for it.


I'm not sure. The PS4 reveal went well:

- show some gameplay graphics and the controller a few months before E3.

- reveal console and games at E3.

- a few events during the summer for people to try it out.


Unless we get a Direct just before E3 now, I don't expect a dedicated Direct for it. Perhaps they'll treat E3 like a Direct, who knows. I'm just worried that they might be putting all of their eggs in one basket (and I want to see something, pretty badly at this point).

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A new rumour, apparently gained from two different sources:




Nintendo are rumoured to be funding a sequel to Beyond Good & Evil for the NX. Similar to what they did for Bayonetta.

That would be awesome.


Nintendo doing this sort of third party support is what I want. If Nintendo can't secure the big guns, then they should support these titles that people want as much as possible.


Bayonetta 2 turned out to be wonderful :)

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"NX" must surely be the most talked-about codename there's ever been. Nintendo would be smart to just keep it as the final name for the console.


It feels like its talked about nowhere near the level of Revolution!

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It feels like its talked about nowhere near the level of Revolution!


There was also an amazing amount of energy and excitement in any Revolution discussion ( just as Fierce_LiNk pointed out in the other thread ) that the NX has yet to even come close to.


Possibly because our expectations are so low now. :D

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I do wish my expectations were higher. Nintendo have been a constant companion since I was four years old. Zelda and I are even sharing a 30th birthday this year. There's just been so many missteps over recent years and too much emphasis on gimmicks.


Barring a few recent entries, Nintendo still make bloody good games but unfortunately I just can't see that being enough for them these days. Unlike others, I'm not that bothered about things like voice chat, and if it weren't for the "free" monthly games I would resent Playstation's monthly fee for online gaming. However, just because I don't use things like that doesn't mean they shouldn't exist.


I'm really hoping they knock E3 out of the park, but.. I'm not so sure they will.

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