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My ideal controller would probably be an improved Wii Remote & Nunchuk with traditional button layouts to allow for all types of games to be played from the simplicity of Wii Sports to anything that the PS4 and XBOX One controllers could deal with and beyond. Unfortunately, I don't see this ever being likely due to a common dislike for motion control and everyone seeming to want to break away from anything Wii-related which, whilst understandable, is a huge shame as there's so much untapped potential from that particular control scheme :hmm:

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Now isn't the time to make NX an identical PS4/XBO, no one will buy it mid-generation when they already have a PS4/XBO. I really hope NX is unique enough to sell units, it has to be quite cheap as well.


This is the truth of the matter. Although I'm struggling to think of something unique that will draw an audience:

Motion control again? I don't think it'd sell.

Touch screen? No.

A hybrid? Maybe... this might just be the draw that works.

Something else nobody has yet thought of..? But what?!


Anyone else have any ideas?

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I think there's a big chance they'll keep a touch screen in the main controller, if only because a huge part of Miiverse's success comes from the drawings, and a big reason why so many people are making amazing drawings on Miiverse is because it doesn't require an additional purchase after the console.


Of course they'll need to do something new as well, but I guess one of Nintendo's strengths is being unpredictable, so I have no idea what it could be. :P

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I think there's a big chance they'll keep a touch screen in the main controller, if only because a huge part of Miiverse's success comes from the drawings, and a big reason why so many people are making amazing drawings on Miiverse is because it doesn't require an additional purchase after the console.


Of course they'll need to do something new as well, but I guess one of Nintendo's strengths is being unpredictable, so I have no idea what it could be. :P


I reckon they will but it won't be a draw like you say, it would need something else. I'm sticking with my guess in the prediction thread.

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Do people reckon we'll see some kind of goodwill gesture from Nintendo to those of us that purchased a Wii U? Like perhaps a slightly reduced NX system price, or another 3DS ambassador type thing?


Not necessarily saying they should do something like this, or that I expect it (although I obviously wouldn't complain :heh:), just curious.

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I don't think they need to really. We'll have had four years of the console, and some great games. The 3DS Ambassador program was because they dropped the price after a few months. Maybe like £10 off for Wii U owners but that might look a little desperate.

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As much as I feel burnt by the WiiU, I don't think they will. Sure I'd like them to but I can't see it.


Unless they change their Virtual Console to a Netflix like service... then I can see them doing a money off the subscription dependant on how many VC games you purchased.

Edited by Kav
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This is the truth of the matter. Although I'm struggling to think of something unique that will draw an audience:

Motion control again? I don't think it'd sell.

Touch screen? No.

A hybrid? Maybe... this might just be the draw that works.

Something else nobody has yet thought of..? But what?!


Anyone else have any ideas?

Neural implant. Beyond VR. You just sit back and experience the game in your cerebral cortex.


Job done. Industry won.


Do people reckon we'll see some kind of goodwill gesture from Nintendo to those of us that purchased a Wii U? Like perhaps a slightly reduced NX system price, or another 3DS ambassador type thing?


Not necessarily saying they should do something like this, or that I expect it (although I obviously wouldn't complain :heh:), just curious.

You'll get to carry your 3DS and Wii U VC library over at no cost

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From NEOGaf:


That quote is solid, I've heard it and where it comes from is a solid source, I'm sure a gaf mod has heard it as well. The NX will be as powerful as they can fit inside their target price and power consumption, that should be very powerful for ~40 watts, I'd expect around 1TFLOP for the console as a good high point for speculation with half that being the lower expectation I have. The Handheld will hopefully produce similar visuals on a smaller screen with 1/4th the resolution (which increases the performance of the device over higher resolutions) wouldn't surprise me at all if the handheld out performed Wii U and the console was very close to XB1.


If the hendheld is more powerfull then the Wii U then I do see a good chances for good sales, plus the software it should make them a lot of money, but what do they plan with the home console?


OK, they could get the third parties games as the console can handle it, but how are they going to sell it? OK, I will buy it as Nintendo is "my" platform, but what about other people?


They really need strong library for the launch and a good price (but this can be a problem for the power of the console).


Again, maybe they just want to not loose the touch during this console generation (PS4 and XBOXONE) and make good profit with mobile, parks, movies and then jump in again for the next generation and for that they could have everything ready (on-line, accounts, new architecture they and everything else they were talking about).

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Also, they HAVE to ditch the controllers. Trying to explain to my non-gamer friend who recently got a Wii U what controller she needs for different games is a nightmare. It's like 'don't get a classic controller as that only works with Wii games and some Wii U games, a classic controller Pro is the same but a PRO controller works with most Wii U games, party games you'll need a Wii remote, a normal one will do for most but... Wait, that game Nintendo Land that comes with the system? Yeah you'll need Wii motion plus for that.


Out of interest why did your friend get a WiiU?

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Do people reckon we'll see some kind of goodwill gesture from Nintendo to those of us that purchased a Wii U? Like perhaps a slightly reduced NX system price, or another 3DS ambassador type thing?


Not necessarily saying they should do something like this, or that I expect it (although I obviously wouldn't complain :heh:), just curious.


The goodwill gesture will be full BC with all Wii, Wii U and Wii U VC games ;)


The handheld though will have full BC with the Wii U VC titles only :p

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You'll get to carry your 3DS and Wii U VC library over at no cost


I take it this is sarcasm as that's not a gesture at all.


Again, maybe they just want to not loose the touch during this console generation (PS4 and XBOXONE) and make good profit with mobile, parks, movies and then jump in again for the next generation and for that they could have everything ready (on-line, accounts, new architecture they and everything else they were talking about).


That's pretty much it. The NX console is the result of the poor wii u sales and the console not being able to shift enough units for Nintendo to wait another 2-3 years.


Even the GC allowed Nintendo to wait it out.

Edited by liger05
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Nintendo needs a good roll of the dice with NX, if it's not a pair of sixes it's doomed to fail. They have to come out all guns blazing!


It's exciting to think about, but also very worrying as we know Nintendo as of the last couple generations haven't even had the gloves on, not considering themselves in competition with Sony & Microsoft.

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That's pretty much it. The NX console is the result of the poor wii u sales and the console not being able to shift enough units for Nintendo to wait another 2-3 years.


Even the GC allowed Nintendo to wait it out.


This does worry me quite a lot, tbh. Part of me expects this to be a half-baked idea or another novelty, as a result of having to "think up something quickly".

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Thing is, controllers should evolve. PS4 controller is essentially the PS2 controller. Game controls haven't evolved that much in 16 years (aside from the Wii, but that has now reverted.


If there's not much change, gaming will start to stagnate even more.


The Wii U was a mis-step because they couldn't communicate it (I argue the Wii U is the greatest controller (but with flaws) in a very long time), but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try.


I also still don't get why people want a third near-identical console. That won't do well. NX HAS to be unique if it is to succeed.


I don't think that's true at all, as long as the controller has all the buttons needed, great games come from great software. Most of Nintendo's best and high quality titles come from the GameCube era, a controller that's about as conventional as they get for Nintendo.


I think innovation comes from the power of the console. More power = more freedom to do whatever they want, an expansive and exciting world. For example, Metroid Prime was fantastic because of what the hardware allowed it to achieve. I'm all for them improving upon controllers they already have but there's no need to keep re-inventing the wheel. I'd say some of their new controllers have been to the detriment of some games. Super Monkey Ball has never been the same since it has had to use touch screens, Wii Remotes, balance boards and Slide Pads.

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I don't think that's true at all, as long as the controller has all the buttons needed, great games come from great software. Most of Nintendo's best and high quality titles come from the GameCube era, a controller that's about as conventional as they get for Nintendo.


I think innovation comes from the power of the console. More power = more freedom to do whatever they want, an expansive and exciting world. For example, Metroid Prime was fantastic because of what the hardware allowed it to achieve. I'm all for them improving upon controllers they already have but there's no need to keep re-inventing the wheel. I'd say some of their new controllers have been to the detriment of some games. Super Monkey Ball has never been the same since it has had to use touch screens, Wii Remotes, balance boards and Slide Pads.


Super Monkey Ball is a fantastic example of unnecessarily complicating a game. The original was superb. The one on the Wii was fun at first, but it's a pain in the arse to truly master it due to the controls. You end up fighting the controls in the game rather than actually thinking about the game itself.

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Super Monkey Ball is a fantastic example of unnecessarily complicating a game. The original was superb. The one on the Wii was fun at first, but it's a pain in the arse to truly master it due to the controls. You end up fighting the controls in the game rather than actually thinking about the game itself.


That's true, I really wanted to like the Wii game but as the difficulty ramps up, the Wii Remote becomes your worst enemy. The thing I'll never be able to forget though is them boss battles... Ugh :shakehead

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That's true, I really wanted to like the Wii game but as the difficulty ramps up, the Wii Remote becomes your worst enemy. The thing I'll never be able to forget though is them boss battles... Ugh :shakehead


Yeah, they ruined it all with that game. The boss battles were awfffuuuuuuuul! I remember booting it up for the first few times and thinking that the game was the shit...before changing my mind and thinking that the game was just shit.


Sometimes you just want things done in a simple way. Why complicate it?

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That's true, I really wanted to like the Wii game but as the difficulty ramps up, the Wii Remote becomes your worst enemy. The thing I'll never be able to forget though is them boss battles... Ugh :shakehead


See that's the thing. The motion controls were the one thing that Banana Blitz actually got right! They worked very, very well. The problem was that the rest of the game was total garbage!


The level design was horrific, with practically no real difficulty to speak of. They took away Challenge Mode entirely, gave you an extra life for every 10 bananas instead of 100 (seriously!? The game isn't braindead easy enough as it is!?), added the horrible boss battles, introduced the jump mechanic that completely breaks the level design (that was already lacking to begin with) and... well, it just completely lacks the tight design that made the first two games such classics.


And the less said about the outsourced, shovelware minigames, the better!

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Whilst it wouldn't make the best financial sense. Nintendo would probably be better off waiting a few more years for the Xbox One and PS4 to age and then throw out a machine with higher specs. Instead of trying to play catch up for the second time.


People can pipe on about software winning you generations and selling units. But it's new hardware and advances in technology that drives software and developers forward. Nintendo dropped a bollock with the Wii specs and have paid for it since. (Yes I'm fully aware they made a huge amount of money on the Wii, but where are those fans now?)

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Whilst it wouldn't make the best financial sense. Nintendo would probably be better off waiting a few more years for the Xbox One and PS4 to age and then throw out a machine with higher specs. Instead of trying to play catch up for the second time.


People can pipe on about software winning you generations and selling units. But it's new hardware and advances in technology that drives software and developers forward. Nintendo dropped a bollock with the Wii specs and have paid for it since. (Yes I'm fully aware they made a huge amount of money on the Wii, but where are those fans now?)


I'm sure they would of loved to wait but what could they do for 3 years? There was no point in keeping spending development costs on wii u software.


Remember how Nintendo dropped support for the wii on its last legs and amplify that x10. Waiting would leave Nintendo in an awful position as by the time this gen ends they would be totally irrelevant in the console space.


Releasing a console mid generation is far from ideal but I really don't think they could wait till 2018/2019.



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