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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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Great read, Flinky. I'm still on the fence as to whether to pick this up but your posts does a good job of making me want to experience the game at some point.



It's a great game and definitely one you should experience.


Also, it's worth noting that the game is getting additional content all of the time. They've recently given new costumes for several main characters and they've also added a completely new movement mechanic for the main character. All of these can be turned off, too, which is fantastic if you don't particularly want them.


They've also added some great changes to the way that the games works. You can now "pin" certain alchemy formulas, so that you know which ingredients you're looking for when going to the shop. There are also now boxes scattered around the world (in Inns, usually) where Geralt can stash any stuff that he doesn't want to carry with him all of the time, like the traditional Resident Evil chest mechanic.


It's a triumph on so many different levels. Storytelling, world building, character development, but I'm really happy with how there's new quests being added through dlc (these have been free so far) and there's going to be around 20-30 hours worth of quests coming through paid-dlc, too. Although I've finished the game, I'm definitely 100% going to get all of the dlc for it. I'm in love with the world that they've created and I want more.


And there was me trying to not say much about Journey to avoid spoiling them at all :p


I have to say, Flink's Witcher post alone and some of the little titles I see you all posting about is really making me think about getting a PS4 at some point. Shall maybe wait for the next good deal or a price drop and have it as something to take me through Winter. Maybe I'll set myself a challenge of actually playing all my Wii U games first though(Splatoon is getting in my way of playing anything much, right now).


It's a pretty good time to be a PS4 owner, imo. This year already, we've had Bloodborne, The Order (I liked it a lot), The Witcher 3 and Arkham Knight. There's Star Wars Battlefront and Fallout 4 out later this year, too. There's also some great deals out there for both the PS4 and One.

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So I played Journey today and absolutely loved it! Perfect game to play on a rainy day like today as well, it really made me feel happy while playing it. The game has a very simple idea behind it, but it just works so well.


Here is what I posted in the Journey thread:


So I played this today for the first time ever. I didn't know too much about it, and I have to say that after playing it I still barely have a clue about what was going on. :P


But I absolutely loved every second of the game! It is so very beautiful and the soundtrack was amazing, I could listen to that again. :)


I enjoyed playing this with others, it really adds a nice layer to the game, waiting for each other, pointing out where they can find upgrades etc. I thought I played most of the game with one companion, but during the credits I found out I actually played with 7 different people haha.


It was fun though, some of them went along with me randomly pressing the "interact" button, kind of creating our own song. :)


Lovely game and I will most likely play it again at some point. Especially as I only got 2 of the trophies so far!




So pretty!






Hyrule Warriors

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U

Valiant Hearts

Dust: An Elysian Tail

Velocity 2X

Rogue Legacy


Bayonetta 2

Never Alone



The Unfinished Swan

Super Exploding Zoo

Infamous: Second Son

Infamous: First Light

Hotline Miami

Thomas Was Alone

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor




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Joining the list of ours playing it recently, I also played and finished up Journey on the PS4 the other day.


I had bought it on the PS3 at the start of the year as I couldn't be bothered waiting for it to be released on the PS4 but ended up not playing a huge amount as I got caught up in work and all the other downloadable games I was away playing elsewhere. So, downloading it on Friday, I set out to not only start it but also finish it for the first time.


And an hour or two later, I was finished. Really enjoyed it as the feel of the game, that atmosphere of almost isolation but then seeing another player in the distance and making your way towards them and the chirping that ensues, I don't think I've played another game like it that has nailed that kind of atmosphere. Admittedly, there was a point where I wish the other player would've gone away (was trying to get the trophy for crossing the bridge without completing it but they just went off and finished it anyway :mad:) but for the most part, I really enjoyed encountered other players and going through the game with them.


The one I ended up staying the longest with was right at the end of the game as you're nearing the end but then one of those sentry things spotted us and then attacked and they disappeared. I was left to finish it up on my own and actually had a genuine sense of loss for not having that player with me to reach the top of the mountain when we were so close. No other game has ever done that so to be able to be drawn in like that despite having no true interaction with the other players is a testament to how great the game is.


Similarly echo the praises of the soundtrack, absolutely loved that, and the visuals are superb, especially with the way the colour palette changes across areas.


So yeah, loved it. Waiting a couple more days before starting up again (will bag me the week later trophy as well :D) but can't wait. Does anyone know whether it can be played locally with 2 players or is it all online and random who you interact with? Thinking it would be something that would be great to play with the missus.


Back to The Witcher 3 now and to tackle the ridiculous amount of games I bought over the last couple of weeks of the PS Store summer sale.

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Having briefly considered playing through Journey again at the weekend or start Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, I figured that I didn't really feel like I wanted to play either so I had some fun online with Wii Sports Club, Mario Golf: World Tour, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 and, to a much lesser extent, Luigi's Mansion 2 :heh:


I did, however, clear Streets of Rage 2 last night for the millionth time :grin:




Streets of Rage 2 Replay


Inspired by the recent availability of the 3DS version, which I haven't downloaded, I played it on the Wii Virtual Console and, as always, had a blast :yay:


I love it :love:

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My girlfriend and I have started Super Mario Galaxy 2 recently.


Such a wonderful game. I remember enjoying it a lot when I first played it. 40 stars in and we both have a lot of fun.


The lady is getting frustrated a lot, though as I'm much better than her and get most of the stars first try when she keeps dying :laughing: Fuckin' noob.



She asked me today: "Have Nintendo released Super Mario Galaxy 3?"


"Why the fuck not?"

"Exactly...why the fuck not?"



Been playing Hearthstone regularly for the past week. Awesome game. Hopefully I'll be able to understand how to build an Arena deck, soon.

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I've just finished Journey for the first time.


That was one of the most beautiful experiences from a visual and musical perspective that I've had. I can't fault the game at all, it was pretty much perfect with everything. It's short, but I think that makes it better. I can definitely see myself playing through it again.


I love how the story is told to you, or rather you figure it out without ever hearing a voice-over or read a text. The usage of a random player as a companion is genius.


The final five or ten minutes is breath-taking. I had to stop playing this game every few minutes to grab a quick screenshot, it's just so damn beautiful.


This one was definitely worth the wait. Stunning on so many levels. I think the message behind the game (the story, I guess) is powerful and inspiring.


I'm so glad that I finally got a chance to play this. :D


Games of 2015


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed

Transistor - Finished

The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and Platinumed

inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed

Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story

The Walking Dead Season Two - Finished

The Order 1886 - Finished


Never Alone - Finished

Hohokum - Finished

The Witcher 3 - Story (and many other quests!) completed

Journey - Finished

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I cleared another Virtual Console game on Wii last night, though this was for the first time :smile:




Metal Slug 3


The last level, in particular, was long and difficult but I got there in the end :smile: It was a fun game and I'd be tempted to pick up some of the others on the Wii VC, though 900 points is perhaps a little off-putting!


Updating my list for the year with my entries for July shows the following:


Star Wars: Rogue Leader (GC)

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (GC)

Viewtiful Joe (GC)

The Last of Us: Left Behind (PS3)


Yoshi's New Island (3DS)

Dino Crisis (PS1)

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D (3DS)

Okami (Wii)

Super Mario World (Wii VC) Replay

Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS)

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U)

Super Smash Bros (N64)

Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)

Kirby: Power Paintbrush (DS)

Pandora's Tower (Wii)

Starfox Assault (GC) Replay

P.N.03 (GC)

Splatoon (Wii U)

Starfox Adventures (GC) Replay


Ikaruga (GC) Replay

Starwing (SNES) Replay

Starfox Command (DS) Replay

Starfox 64 3D (3DS) Replay

Kirby and The Rainbow Paintbrush (Wii U)

Killer is Dead (PS3)

Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)

Streets of Rage 2 (Wii VC) Replay

Metal Slug 3 (Wii VC)


There were a lot of games I played through again this month! Even Muramasa: The Demon Blade was finishing off the second story as the first was done years ago :heh:


Killer is Dead is the first game I've cleared on a non-Nintendo platform since February and was also one of my biggest disappointments :hmm: I downloaded Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes at the same time but not sure when I'll feel the desire to get around to that!


I also played Wii Sports Resort for a bit last night, and now and again throughout the month, and I've been surprised by how much I still have left to do in it, including swordplay showdowns, cycling stages and no doubt others. I tracked down some remaining points of interest on the island flyover and it just helped to further reinforce why I love Wu-Hu Island. I want to see more of it in future :grin:

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Glad to hear how much you both enjoyed Journey @Fierce_LiNk and @Eenuh! Honestly think it's one of the most memorable and engrossing gaming experiences I've ever had.


I've not done much gaming recently - Splatoon and Pokemon Shuffle tend to take my brief bits of gaming time. Started Lego City a while back but not felt the pull to go back over Splatoon. Started Shovel Knight last month or so too - can absolutely appreciate the excellence of it and the love people have, it's delightful in what it does.


I have a plan for this weekend inspired by E3's Mario Maker footages...an all day Super Mario World playthrough! Aiming for 100% in what'll be about 10 hours, getting a few mates around who either have never played it or haven't played for ages and we're gonna pass the pad on death/level completion. If I was smarter or otherwise inclined I'd attempt to stream/record but meh. I am however very excited to see a few friends play one of my favourite games for the first time ever - especially in the modern age!

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Glad to hear how much you both enjoyed Journey @Fierce_LiNk and @Eenuh! Honestly think it's one of the most memorable and engrossing gaming experiences I've ever had.


It really is amazing, this game gave me a really satisfying feeling, like when you read a captivating book or listen to beautiful music. I watched Jim play it yesterday (like, properly sat down without anything to distract me) and still loved it just as much. Itching to play it again, but have to wait two days to get one of the trophies haha. :P


Been listening to the soundtrack as well, it's just really beautiful. Think this will be one of those games I will remember down the line, it just left a great impression on me. :)

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I have a plan for this weekend inspired by E3's Mario Maker footages...an all day Super Mario World playthrough! Aiming for 100% in what'll be about 10 hours, getting a few mates around who either have never played it or haven't played for ages and we're gonna pass the pad on death/level completion. If I was smarter or otherwise inclined I'd attempt to stream/record but meh. I am however very excited to see a few friends play one of my favourite games for the first time ever - especially in the modern age!


I was gonna say 10 hours is extremely generous for 100%.. until I saw you'd be passing the controller between others who are less experienced :heh:


They better love it!

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It really is amazing, this game gave me a really satisfying feeling, like when you read a captivating book or listen to beautiful music. I watched Jim play it yesterday (like, properly sat down without anything to distract me) and still loved it just as much. Itching to play it again, but have to wait two days to get one of the trophies haha. :P


Been listening to the soundtrack as well, it's just really beautiful. Think this will be one of those games I will remember down the line, it just left a great impression on me. :)


Yeah I'd like to playthrough it again and probably will if/when I get a PS4. I found my own original journey quite emotional, I lost a companion and then ended up turning it off. When I came back to finish I was in the snow levels, and never actually found anyone else to journey with me, and it really stuck with me!


I was gonna say 10 hours is extremely generous for 100%.. until I saw you'd be passing the controller between others who are less experienced :heh:


They better love it!


I'm sure I've done it in an afternoon - but even then it could have been a long one. I'm currently supposed to start work at 7am Sunday, so planning to have people in by 12pm and out by 10pm - working my estimate off of HLTB that actually suggests a 'Completionists' value around 10 hours! Not entirely sure how it differs from the 'Main+Extras' but it's got a fair few submissions so I'm errring on the side of caution for now - plus we'll be chilling and ting anyway.


I've also asked for no backseat Marioing by those who have played - want to let my mates try to discover secrets and exits by themselves albeit fair game to crack a secret on your own plays, though. I'm curious to see how many opt to go back to red levels to try and find the secrets!

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I was gonna say 10 hours is extremely generous for 100%.. until I saw you'd be passing the controller between others who are less experienced :heh:


They better love it!


We didn't finish. I tried my best to not backseat Mario and I think the grind of it all got too much for some eventually - ended up at the beginning of World 6, and I'd started going back to get some secrets etc - clocked out at 51 exits after maybe 6-7 hours. Not sure if we'll go back - people did seem a bit burnt out so...a valiant effort! And I think people enjoyed what they played - but some of that game is actually quite challenging and annoying in a day and age where we are impatient!

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We didn't finish. I tried my best to not backseat Mario and I think the grind of it all got too much for some eventually - ended up at the beginning of World 6, and I'd started going back to get some secrets etc - clocked out at 51 exits after maybe 6-7 hours. Not sure if we'll go back - people did seem a bit burnt out so...a valiant effort! And I think people enjoyed what they played - but some of that game is actually quite challenging and annoying in a day and age where we are impatient!


There are some secret exits that I'm not sure I would have found if the game came out today :heh: It's lucky we had the time to explore every level fully back then :grin:

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And I'm done! On Friday, I finished Super Smash Bros. for WiiU completely.


It's quite obvious that I really enjoyed this game, otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered. So I won't go on about what I like about the game.


Instead, I'll point out a few things that I think would have made it even better.


1. Cutting Adventure mode (Subspace Emissary) really hurt the single player experience, it just doesn't hold up as well as Brawl's. With the 3DS version, it's understandable, but I wanted something like that for WiiU.


2. The stages are very hit and miss, there's some very great stages like GAMER, Orbital Gate Assault and Jungle Hijinxs, but there's an awful lot of stages that are very uninspired or just plain bad.

In fact, here's a few...



So much potential wasted!


Mario Galaxy should have been fantastic, it's got slightly curved gravity, so some projectiles don't fly that straight. And there's definitely a bunch of things from the two Galaxy games to mess with players. But unfortunately, it's nothing more than Bridge Of Eldin with no bridge breaking, no King Bulbin and two platforms.

In fact, the Sonic stage, which has the curved gravity as well, is a much better stage.


(It has got some fantastic music choices though)



Look, I think I can just about make out Pit there...


My word, this stage is just bad. It's probably the worst Smash stage ever!

It's so bad, it's the only stage I've ever turned off in Random Stage switch!

It's got hazards, it's got breakable terrain, it's got cool platform layouts.

But, it's just too big!

It's so big, Ridley could fit in it!

Even on 8-player Smash, it goes on far too long!



Oh neat, they took Smashville from Brawl and made a more current version?


Oh, if only...

Now the stage itself is fine, what annoys me is that Smashville from Brawl is actually in the WiiU game anyway!


The 3DS version showed us that there can be a really cool Animal Crossing stage! And yet WiiU is stuck with 2 almost identical stages from the same series!

In fact a lot of the stages in WiiU are just simply embarrassing compared to what the 3DS got.











This stage gets a special mention for being the greatest Zelda stage ever!









Actually, the WiiU version doesn't have a new F-Zero stage at all.

Just like the games really.





Nothing against Great Cave Offensive, but it didn't have a chance!





Just like F-Zero, Mii's don't really have a stage on WiiU, unless you count Miiverse, even then, this still wins.



Once again, I like PAC-LAND, but the whole independent screen thing makes this stage brilliant!



Of course, there are exceptions, and I've purposely ignored old stages, but when 14 of the 23 new stages totally curb stomp the WiiU equivalents, you know something's wrong!

The only stage I think the WiiU has over the 3DS one is the new Mario Kart stage, and they're very similar, but Mario Kart 8's anti-grav karts helps WiiU clinch it there.

And there's not a single new stage on the 3DS I disliked. WiiU ain't got that.

Man, that was a long point...


3. Smash Tour is nowhere near as good as Smash Run.

I like Smash Tour, I really do. But it's got nothing on the sheer brilliance of 3DS' Smash Run.


4. Some of the WiiU challenges are just plain insane! Now I know people like a challenge, but Classic 9.0 with one life is just plain sadistic!


Anyway, wrapping up. Yes this post has been quite negative, but I still love Smash for WiiU! And I'll probably continue to play it for a very long time.

(Just not on Palutena's Temple...)


Lufia: The Legend Returns - GBC

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - WiiU (Not 100%)

Demon's Crest - SNES (Not 100%)

The World Ends With You - DS

Gunman Clive - 3DS

Gunman Clive 2 - 3DS

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - 3DS

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D - 3DS

Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe - 3DS

Banjo-Tooie - N64

Metroid Zero Mission - GBA (Not 100%)

Child of Light - Wii U (Single Character challenge)

Super Smash Bros - 3DS (Everything, baby!)

Super Mario World - SNES

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - 3DS (Credits seen)

Super Mario 64 - N64 (120 stars)

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - 3DS

Final Fantasy 8 - PS1

Tengami - WiiU

Earthbound Beginnings - NES

Puzzle & Dragons Z - 3DS

Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition - 3DS

Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies - Wii

Pokemon Blue - GB

Kirby Dream Land 2 - GB

Kirby's Fun Pak - SNES

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - N64

Kirby: Nightmare In Dream Land - GBA

Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - GBA

Kirby's Epic Yarn - Wii

Super Smash Bros. - Wii U (100%)


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There are some secret exits that I'm not sure I would have found if the game came out today :heh: It's lucky we had the time to explore every level fully back then :grin:


Yeah I'm not entirely sure how I found them back then myself - the red stage indicator isn't always a lot to go on! Trial and error of the greatest order methinks. We did have a Game Genie too though come to think of it, and some of the codes must have made our exploration a bit easier; I'm still rather proud of myself finding most of the exits myself! A couple got shown to us as kids by my dad's friend's kids iirc.

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Yeah I'm not entirely sure how I found them back then myself - the red stage indicator isn't always a lot to go on! Trial and error of the greatest order methinks..


What's funny for me is that I never knew about the difference between red and yellow dots for each level back at the time and still managed to find everything.. and I've never forgotten it all :grin:


These days, it's sometimes a little too easy to search the internet when getting a tiny bit stuck on something.. :red:

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What's funny for me is that I never knew about the difference between red and yellow dots for each level back at the time and still managed to find everything.. and I've never forgotten it all :grin:


Heh, same here. When I read somewhere on the internet that red dots indicate multiple exists my brain exploded. I think I was 17 or 18 at that time :D

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What's funny for me is that I never knew about the difference between red and yellow dots for each level back at the time and still managed to find everything.. and I've never forgotten it all :grin:


These days, it's sometimes a little too easy to search the internet when getting a tiny bit stuck on something.. :red:


Isn't it in the instruction book or an info block somewhere? I'm sure the game told me. As for funny...you wanna try figuring out why Yoshi can fly on a black and white TV!

I def do agree on the latter part though - but sadly I am just as guilty myself too nowadays.

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I got around to finishing Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS3) over the weekend. I had started it around May/June time but got really bored with it. I decided to crack on with it and push on during the course of the weekend.


It's certainly the worst of the MGS games, for me. An over complicated story, very little Solid Snake and corridors that all look the same, make for a very 'meh' experience.


PS+ dished the goods out again and I started Sound Shapes (PS4) the other day and finished it yesterday. The campaign is quite short and it's not until you play through the game via the Death Mode where things becoming very interesting.


You have to collect a certain amount of notes in a certain amount of time and if you die then it's back to the start you go. There is a certain amount of luck involved, though, as the placement of the notes is random. I swear, sometimes you could play perfectly but because the notes are too spread apart you would run out of time.


Still, the game offered a great amount of challenge and it allowed me to net 3 platinum trophies and a massive amount of silvers. :D


I've also been playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on and off again. I've just been working my way through the DLC missions and taking care of the Palicos. I'm starting to get bored of it again, though. Having done all the quests, the game can only hold my attention for so long.

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Finished Arkham Knight last night. My full thoughts are in the thread, as i mentioned there this game is 80% great to 20% not so great. I loved being Batman, i loved driving around in the Batmobile. I just wasn't a fan of the Batmobile tank battles. Nor the ending of the game. And to be fair, i tried playing the Red Hood DLC last night afterwards, and it's aweful


And, i can add Journey to the list as well. A fine game indeed, great soundtrack. Did it in about 2 1/2 hours. What can i say, it's one of them simple games that is so easy to get lost in.




And just finished Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. If that was a sign of things to come, then bring it on. Loved it, and i'm glad i played it this close to release instead of when it initially came out.

Edited by Jimbob
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I'm trying to figure out what would be the best game to start my PS4/non-Nintendo education with. I'm planning on getting Uncharted Collection (never played any of them), Tomb Raider DE, Order: 1886, Tearaway Unfolded (played and loved the Vita game), Watch Dogs, AC: Syndicate and maaaaybe Arkham Knight, and then smaller titles like Transistor, Resogun and Journey.


I was thinking start with a game like the Order then go on to Uncharted but I don't want the step down in presentation to be distracting, which I assume it would be. Any suggestions? I want to start with a bang so the indies and Tearaway, while I'm sure are fantastic games, are out.

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I'm trying to figure out what would be the best game to start my PS4/non-Nintendo education with. I'm planning on getting Uncharted Collection (never played any of them), Tomb Raider DE, Order: 1886, Tearaway Unfolded (played and loved the Vita game), Watch Dogs, AC: Syndicate and maaaaybe Arkham Knight, and then smaller titles like Transistor, Resogun and Journey.


I was thinking start with a game like the Order then go on to Uncharted but I don't want the step down in presentation to be distracting, which I assume it would be. Any suggestions? I want to start with a bang so the indies and Tearaway, while I'm sure are fantastic games, are out.


The first game that I played was Tomb Raider, so I recommend you go for that, too. :D


I would also highly recommend The Witcher 3. Also, Alien Isolation is wonderful.


The Last of Us? Definitely worth playing.


What sort of experience are you looking for? I would imagine Journey would be right up your street. It's short, but it's something that should definitely be experienced.


This might seem a bit out there but...Assassin's Creed: Black Flag? It's actually really beautiful and is very well made. I was surprised by it. Looked absolutely fantastic from what I saw @Eenuh playing of it.

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I agree with Tomb Raider, I really enjoyed that game even though I wasn't sure it would be my type of game (normally don't go for "dark" and "gritty" like games). Definitely worth playing I think.


Also, if you like the Lord of the Rings universe, have a look at Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. Open world game, but uses a great nemesis system (taking out certain enemies will make others rise in rank etc.).


And yes I loved AC: Black Flag, but it was the first open world game I played so maybe I am biased haha.


Oh also, I loved Infamous: Second Son. The visuals for that are beautiful and very colourful, I think you might like that! And it was just a great game I thought. :)

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I'm trying to figure out what would be the best game to start my PS4/non-Nintendo education with. I'm planning on getting Uncharted Collection (never played any of them), Tomb Raider DE, Order: 1886, Tearaway Unfolded (played and loved the Vita game), Watch Dogs, AC: Syndicate and maaaaybe Arkham Knight, and then smaller titles like Transistor, Resogun and Journey.


I was thinking start with a game like the Order then go on to Uncharted but I don't want the step down in presentation to be distracting, which I assume it would be. Any suggestions? I want to start with a bang so the indies and Tearaway, while I'm sure are fantastic games, are out.


The Order is a great game, it's about £20 these days which is good. Personally, with the length of The Order, get it with another game or two. Are you into Metal Gear Solid?, if so the fifth title is due out in a few weeks and would be worth checking out.


The Uncharted collection would be a good addition to The Order, i've played Golden Abyss and enjoyed it. Think Tomb Raider, and you are on the right track. As Flinky has mentioned, The Last of Us is well worth playing. Same as Witcher 3, that is one major time sink.


Journey is a great game, just finished it myself and i loved it. A simple game (not in a sense of easy, but not complicated and easy to get right into). Resogun, many can vouch for it being good.


I see topics around saying the PS4 has no games, i disagree. The PS4 has many wonderful games out there right now, the ones named above are a selection.

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