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Weight Loss and Fitness 2015


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I put all I have into my first set. You can only fatigue your muscles at a maximum weight once in a routine so after you've done that it's time to basically switch to drop sets.


I don't do anything as strict as that. If you're already hitting 100kg in one set for five reps, I would say that you should attempt 105kg for a rep on chest day the next week (you might be able to eek out two reps).


I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're saying, though. Break it down for me. (Sorry, it's Monday morning, I'm being slow)


You answered it in the second paragraph, brah. Don't worry, I hate Mondays, too. :D


But yeah, the question was at which point do you decide to move up the weight. As in, do you aim for 5 reps, get those 5 reps and then move the weight up next time, which is what I was planning to do. But yeah, you answered eet.

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You answered it in the second paragraph, brah. Don't worry, I hate Mondays, too. :D


But yeah, the question was at which point do you decide to move up the weight. As in, do you aim for 5 reps, get those 5 reps and then move the weight up next time, which is what I was planning to do. But yeah, you answered eet.


I would say that I use the 110kg weight to push myself. First one rep, hopefully two reps next week – at about 3 reps I should be able to do 105 for 5 reps pretty easily, by virtue of it being 5kg lighter. At that point, depending on how happy I am with my form, and how solid I feel, I might try 112.5/115kg for one single rep (I might even just maintain my 110 rep but slow it down and maintain tension).


But I'm winging it a little so I might just try one week aiming to do two sets of 5 at 105kg.


There's so much you can do to add variety. Wish I could have a more concrete methodology but I'm feeling it all out.

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Couldn't get on bench today because the gym was busy and the person I usually get to spot me is MIA.Did incline dumbbell instead.


34kg x 8

34kg x 7

34kg x 5

26kg x 10

26kg x 10


I could maybe have done heavier, 36/38 but getting the barbells into position becomes a bit of an issue at that point.


Then I did Incline dumbbell flyes, 18kg felt solid so I pushed to 20kg which felt good. Lowered the rep count on those.


18kg x 8

20kg x 5

20kg x 5

20kg x 5


Then I did three sets of 10 dips, one set wide, one set closed and a final set five and five.


What does everyone else do on incline with dumbbells??

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Back on My Fitness Pal. Also I did a great chest session yesterday. I always seem to get DOMs in my chest aswell so I feel brilliant today. I do like some chest doms


I went to the gym today before work too. I trained back. Good way to start the week anyway

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So I always wondered how everyone was benching so much more than me but I found out it is because I never take the weight of the bar into account!


So I'm here doing 70-75 thinking pretty poor after having done it for a while but turns out the bar is 15-20 so really I'm doing fine.

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So I always wondered how everyone was benching so much more than me but I found out it is because I never take the weight of the bar into account!


So I'm here doing 70-75 thinking pretty poor after having done it for a while but turns out the bar is 15-20 so really I'm doing fine.


Fool! :P


Haven't seen you around these parts in a while.

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I am the fattest I have ever been. I was 19 stone and 10 pounds last week but during this week, I've managed to lose 4lb through healthier eating and doing exercise (I downloaded an app called 100% Army Fit. I'm on Level 3). My fitness is still pretty great though, which is strange. If anything, I've ran even further than I used to, as bizarre as that is.


As you all probably know if you've read the bad stuff thread, I've not had the best of times and rarely any time to myself. I've dedicated most of my time to working and then looking after my Grandad. However, these past three weeks, since quitting my job, I've had a little more time to myself to get myself back on track. Obviously it's been harder looking after my Grandad and seeing him deteriorate, which brings on major stress eating and problems with myself mentally but I'm in a better place. I'm controlling myself now and I'm getting better. Things may not be bright right now but the best thing you can do is soldier on, right?

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I feel you Animal. I've been pretty depressed for a while, it's very difficult to avoid slipping into bad habits. Just remember to start back up with fairly realistic goals, rather than going all out just because you're in the mood at the time, because that will burn you out. Small or steady progress is better than none :)

Edited by Shorty
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Hang in there Animal, if you can find time just a few minutes of exercise a day could help you destress, just a quick yoga-ish routine is better than nothing.


If you're really struggling for time and/or motivation to 'work out', make a deal with yourself to do 10 squats every time you enter a new room at home, as though it's the price of entry haha. No reason why you can't exercise in spits and spats throughout the day like that.

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I feel you Animal. I've been pretty depressed for a while, it's very difficult to avoid slipping into bad habits. Just remember to start back up with fairly realistic goals, rather than going all out just because you're in the mood at the time, because that will burn you out. Small or steady progress is better than none :)


Thanks dude. I've done well all week but my Grandad isn't himself today and I saw something in his eyes that he somehow knew it wouldn't get better for him and he grabbed my hand and kissed it. Obviously it set me off. Felt so bad and wanted to feel happy again so done stupid things and ate a doughnut, 2 cakes, a bag of chocolate peanuts and I feel so crap. I did go for a run so...win?


Hang in there Animal, if you can find time just a few minutes of exercise a day could help you destress, just a quick yoga-ish routine is better than nothing.


If you're really struggling for time and/or motivation to 'work out', make a deal with yourself to do 10 squats every time you enter a new room at home, as though it's the price of entry haha. No reason why you can't exercise in spits and spats throughout the day like that.


I did do an Insanity class yesterday. I'm doing the 100% Army Fit stuff tonight and sometimes I don't feel motivated at all so I think your idea is brilliant! :)

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I did do an Insanity class yesterday. I'm doing the 100% Army Fit stuff tonight and sometimes I don't feel motivated at all so I think your idea is brilliant! :)


Get creative, do a ten second isometric overhead press against the door frame of every doorway you walk through, do pushups while the kettle is boiling, earn that brew haha.


Best of luck mate.

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@Animal I think it's all about habit. We all react differently to stress but there's nothing innate in it in that response. I use to stuff my face back in school when I was going through particularly tumultuous periods but then I started running and I ran almost every night and after a bit I started to use that run to getaway from all the crap that built up during the day.


Now I go to the gym as a kind of productive self-harm. I've not worked out if that's a good or bad thing yet.

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@Animal I think it's all about habit. We all react differently to stress but there's nothing innate in it in that response. I use to stuff my face back in school when I was going through particularly tumultuous periods but then I started running and I ran almost every night and after a bit I started to use that run to getaway from all the crap that built up during the day.


Now I go to the gym as a kind of productive self-harm. I've not worked out if that's a good or bad thing yet.


I always react like this whenever I have stress though. Food is the sole thing that always makes me happy. Let's face it, when you eat your favourite thing (mine being either peanut butter, chocolate hobnobs or popcorn), you feel at least a little happy. Unfortunately, I keep on doing it. I just need to crack this and stop doing that like you have and I'll be all good.


The only time I managed to do it was way back when back in my DDR days. I used to come home from school and I'd be on the dance mat for hours on end. Sometimes, I was on it until midnight. Then obviously the competitions came along, I made friends, team Brum and then it ended. I had no competition, nothing to compete for and I beat my high scores.


The only thing closest to that is Just Dance when I have the Just Dance battles with @Josh64. For some reason, something in me ignites when there's competition. It's not that I want to beat them but more that I want to prove I can be just as good as them...if that made any sense.


Oh and for the record, I think it's a good thing that you're able to use any negative emotion and work out. It's obviously paying off because judging by the Insta photos, you look awesome so props to you.

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I guess I need to stop being lazy and beat you at those Just Dance's! I could really do with it because I've put on a lot of weight recently (about 2 stone in the last year) but I'm still in the denial stage. I did start to try and lose weight but then just lost motivation and went back to eating away my problems.


As it stands, that's another problem for another day :p too many things on my plate (pardon the pun) but Just Dance can be the start (of something new)!

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I'm a bit off the rails again. This time of the year fucks me up. My raynauds is on a rampage more than it ever was and my hands and feet are numb most of the time. The fact I can even type this is just evidence of my skills as a typist rather than physical ability. Unhappy Hannah gets herself into a spiral and can't get out of it :-(

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I've had trouble motivating myself proberly for the last months. I still try to go four times a week but since quitting crossfit, my joy of training has gone down. The gym I'm now in just doesn't have anything that is close enough to the feeling that crossfit gives me and weight training has also staled a bit since I don't really go regularly for that anymore. I'm only doing strength exercises like once or twice a week which doesn't leave room for any progress.


Coupled with my groin trouble it's just not looking good for the next long period. At least I am now free of pain in the groin in my daily life now. It seemed that my legs were not equally long (about 0.4 cm difference) which together with my hyper mobility had caused me to use my body in strange ways, as my physical therapist says it.

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I went to the gym with a mate after work on Monday so he could show me free weight shizzle. It was mainly dumbells in various positions on a bench with some press ups which was meant to be a chest day, however it's been my arms which have been feeling the pain since then. Taking off t-shirts have never been so difficult. This is what true gains must feel like.

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I guess I need to stop being lazy and beat you at those Just Dance's! I could really do with it because I've put on a lot of weight recently (about 2 stone in the last year) but I'm still in the denial stage. I did start to try and lose weight but then just lost motivation and went back to eating away my problems.


As it stands, that's another problem for another day :p too many things on my plate (pardon the pun) but Just Dance can be the start (of something new)!


Maybe you could be my weight loss buddy. We can braid each other's hair, have K-Pop in the background and try out methods of weight loss and stuff?


I'm a bit off the rails again. This time of the year fucks me up. My raynauds is on a rampage more than it ever was and my hands and feet are numb most of the time. The fact I can even type this is just evidence of my skills as a typist rather than physical ability. Unhappy Hannah gets herself into a spiral and can't get out of it :-(


Aww hun. If you need to talk, you have my Skype :)

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If you're not feeling any burn or at least tightness on your chest after a bench/chest day, then you needed to activate your chest muscles more on the lift, instead of powering it all with your shoulders/biceps.

Since it was my first proper go at it manually (as opposed to machines) I think I need to actually create some chest muscles before I can feel any tightness in them :P

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