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Nintendo: Game Credits Done Right


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I just just finished Super Punch-Out this morning and was sitting watching the credits roll with a big grin on my face. Part of it was because I actually beat the game but the other part was due to the credits being fun.


This got me thinking, Nintendo do really take some time and care to not only make great games but also to make the credits really enjoyable. They do this with either nostalgic bits of music, showing the player pictures of characters and scenes, clips of levels they went through or even letting you interact with the credits themselves, as seen in the NSMB games.


It's a completely different approach to what most western developers do. Ubisoft has got to be the worse culprit for credits that are awful, bland, half hour staff rolls.


Here's a few examples off the top of my head of what Nintendo have done. I've tried to search and just grab the credits where I can but some have a bit of the ending as well.
















Anyone else agree? Any other favourites out there?

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Yup! They never spare any expense there!


Mario 64 has one of my favourite end credits music tracks ever!



So many developers focus on putting all of their efforts on the first hour or so of their games because they don't expect people to finish them. Not Nintendo. They KNOW that you're gonna want to play to the very end :D (and they reward you handsomely all the way!)

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I was sitting through the dull Call of Duty Advanced Warfare credits the other night and thinking how great classic Nintendo game credits were. There must be a few non Nintendo games with good end credits too, can't think of any off the top of my head though.


Lylat Wars is another good Nintendo one:


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My gripe is usually the short length of any post game cut scene. I've spent so long with these characters, that i really want to see more of them, when nintendo do thos theyre amazing but theyre often very short.

Nintendo Staff credits are a consistently fun, joyous experience which few developers bother with (incredible, given how easy it could be to pop in a few images!).

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No mention of the Pokémon games yet? The credits in almost all of the main games (and many of the spin-offs) since the start of the 3rd Gen have been great (they were okay before then, too, but a bit dull compared to what has come since). The Black/White credits are the only awful credits I can remember seeing in a Pokémon game.

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Cool how the credits are hidden in the title screen. :awesome:




Love it when you get to play during the credits. :grin:

WarioWare: D.I.Y. had a little mini-game too.


One of the best has to be Game & Wario though. That's right... Game & Wario. :heh:

Not exactly a great vid but it seems to be the only one:


I think video game credits should always try to feature some type of interactive aspects really, and not just be a generic staff roll like TV or film. ;)

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I was expecting to see Tingle's Rupeeland thrown in there for good measure as well.
Oh yeah. :woops:

There will be loads I've forgotten.

K.K. Slider's Saturday night performances in Animal Crossing is another good one. Oh, and Walk with Me on DS had all of the developers Miis (and their dogs :hehe:) walking across the screen. :grin:

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No mention of the Pokémon games yet? The credits in almost all of the main games (and many of the spin-offs) since the start of the 3rd Gen have been great (they were okay before then, too, but a bit dull compared to what has come since). The Black/White credits are the only awful credits I can remember seeing in a Pokémon game.


Red/Blue's ending really captured the feeling of finally becoming Champion I felt.

Broadcast Yourself


Gold/Silver has my favourite ending.

Broadcast Yourself


Black/White's sounds like a final boss theme. I quite like it.

Broadcast Yourself




Never got to see this, really enjoyed it.

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Black/White's sounds like a final boss theme. I quite like it.


Oh, I also like it a lot... in audio form. But it's soooo dull to watch. The camera just pans around a 3D model of Reshiram/Zekrom for minutes with nothing happening. It's the laziest credits roll of the entire series.

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Platinum also seem to put a lot of effort in on their credits


Wonderfull 101 and Bayonetta had good credits with playable sections, not finished Bayonetta 2 yet but I expect more of the same when I get there




W101 credits are very lengthy but not a borefest like Ubisofts games.




Not strictly Platinum Games but...





Tatsunoko vs Capcom's credits are great too!


I completely forgot about those! :bowdown:



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