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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D


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Starting playing this last night (normal 3DS XL) - what a brilliant remake. So far I like every change they've made.


For a game that is about rushing around, you could spend ages inspecting all the models and posters in the buildings. The game world feels richer than ever.


The graphics are also amazing - I genuinely didn't know the 3DS could depict areas like this, particularly in terms of textures. The Southern Swamp area looks like a real woodland. As much as I loved the N64 Zeldas, I did sometimes get a sense of disorientation. With this though, it's so much more enjoyable as you can see clearly into the distance.


Another simple pleasure is playing it with headphones in - it's so much easier to keep up with the monkey and the butler. Also, it was easier to actually give the potion to the witch.

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Honestly can't say if this is the definitive version or not as the changes kinda mess with my nostalgia but the game is still fantastic and one of my favourite Zelda's (tied with OoT) and it does look great on the 3DS. Slightly jealous of people who get to play this for the first time.


Onto MH4!


That's kinda my concerns, like...will the changes affect how good I think it is? Out of interest what would you say your total play time was to 100% it? Wondering if people find it faster given some of the changes made. This framerate issue sounds a bit of a shame too, though tbh I dunno if I'd notice something like that all that much. How are you getting on with it @Shorty? Your previous post was exactly the kind of opinion I was after, and the fact you mention that despite those issues you're still enjoying it is quite reassuring.

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@Rummy loving it tbh. Found the biggest change a bit of a disappointment but I'm over it.

Another simple pleasure is playing it with headphones in - it's so much easier to keep up with the monkey and the butler. Also, it was easier to actually give the potion to the witch.


I actually find this easy just with the left and right speaker :)

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How did people manage to get the fairy in the main room of Snowhead Temple? I've just gotten it but curious as to how others managed it...

jumping off the top pillar as Link and Goron Link (well, rolled off with him but kept hitting the wall), didn't think Deku Link would've been able to made it.


In the end I thought maybe the secret alcove wasn't hiding the fairy at all and went to the top floor and used the Deku Leaf pad, I had wondered why it was there in the first place. I then spent the next 20-30 seconds slowly falling towards it as I couldn't be bothered risking dropping and missing it. Was a weird feeling that the glide didn't give out after awhile.


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That's kinda my concerns, like...will the changes affect how good I think it is? Out of interest what would you say your total play time was to 100% it? Wondering if people find it faster given some of the changes made. This framerate issue sounds a bit of a shame too, though tbh I dunno if I'd notice something like that all that much. How are you getting on with it @Shorty? Your previous post was exactly the kind of opinion I was after, and the fact you mention that despite those issues you're still enjoying it is quite reassuring.


Activity log says 25:05. My 3DS crashed while in sleep mode after I beat the Great Bay temple so I had to do that twice. So remove say 45 minutes for that.


This actually happened a lot to me, not sure if it's my 3DS, the or the fact I was downloading games in the background, but make sure to save before using sleep mode.


Also started the Stone Tower temple on the night of the second day think I would have had enough time. I didn't. Came close though, almost beat Twinmold but they take quite a beating in this version.


I think the biggest time saver for new players would have been the change to the Invisible Soldier, it's not obvious where he is and you don't really think to look there.


The Song of Double Time changes also literally saves time. The only time I really used it was for the Anju/Kafei quest though.


Some changes probably saves time here an there, but it's difficult to say if the changes made the game quicker. I practically know the game like the back of my hand at this point, probably more so than OoT, so I kinda knew exactly what to do. If it was my first time I could see it going over 40 hours.


None of the changes ruin the game, it's just different to how I remember. If you've never played the original then there won't even be a problem.


I only really noticed the framerate drop once. Not saying they didn't happen at overtimes, it's just I didn't notice.

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How did people manage to get the fairy in the main room of Snowhead Temple? I've just gotten it but curious as to how others managed it...

jumping off the top pillar as Link and Goron Link (well, rolled off with him but kept hitting the wall), didn't think Deku Link would've been able to made it.


In the end I thought maybe the secret alcove wasn't hiding the fairy at all and went to the top floor and used the Deku Leaf pad, I had wondered why it was there in the first place. I then spent the next 20-30 seconds slowly falling towards it as I couldn't be bothered risking dropping and missing it. Was a weird feeling that the glide didn't give out after awhile.

I inadvertently glitched it, but am happy that I managed it.


I rolled as Goron, but went through the wall above it and landed behind the chest.


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How did people manage to get the fairy in the main room of Snowhead Temple? I've just gotten it but curious as to how others managed it...

jumping off the top pillar as Link and Goron Link (well, rolled off with him but kept hitting the wall), didn't think Deku Link would've been able to made it.


In the end I thought maybe the secret alcove wasn't hiding the fairy at all and went to the top floor and used the Deku Leaf pad, I had wondered why it was there in the first place. I then spent the next 20-30 seconds slowly falling towards it as I couldn't be bothered risking dropping and missing it. Was a weird feeling that the glide didn't give out after awhile.


I wasn't sure how to do that either. I did what you did, but I was running out of time and wanted to take the fairies back before the clock went round (no time to get the boss). I could tell it was going to take too long so took a chance and dropped, I only just made it, sure that's not the right way to do it! When I eventually got to the Great Fairy I had < 5s to spare :p


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Thanks for the responses guys, really getting me tempted to pick this up soon.


How did people manage to get the fairy in the main room of Snowhead Temple? I've just gotten it but curious as to how others managed it...

jumping off the top pillar as Link and Goron Link (well, rolled off with him but kept hitting the wall), didn't think Deku Link would've been able to made it.


In the end I thought maybe the secret alcove wasn't hiding the fairy at all and went to the top floor and used the Deku Leaf pad, I had wondered why it was there in the first place. I then spent the next 20-30 seconds slowly falling towards it as I couldn't be bothered risking dropping and missing it. Was a weird feeling that the glide didn't give out after awhile.


Iirc, wasn't that same fairy a bitch in the original? I swear I recall doing it different to what a guide might have suggested, but I can't recall how/why.

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Have to pause my playthrough of this while I cover Pokémon Shuffle :( Hate having a gap in gaming, especially as this is one of my more favourite games of all time.


Don't cover pokemon shuffle? its a spin off its going to be crap no matter what



turning the handle on that jack in the box

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Wrong. There are reasons as to why but I don't post that in public.


I was messing, you know?

You just kinda set yourself up for that. I had to take advantage.

Anyway, there are times when I think you have a pretty cool gig with the site.

This isn't one of those times.

Here's hoping you get through this as quickly and cheaply as possible.

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IMO, not doing something that you probably don't really want to do will be more of an achievement/commendable action than if you do it. One small victory over OCD and all that.

No. My site needs to be complete. If I don't cover a game, then I don't do my job and people would lose faith in me.


My only issue with that game is that it's F2P anyway. I like match 3 puzzles.

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This game looks and plays stunning, it seems a much bigger upgrade than OOT 3D was. So so good, and having a free roaming camera is fantastic. That NEEDS to be standard on Zelda U.


It does make me wish Nintendo would go off the usual track for their next game though. I'm dreading the usual 'start off as a villager then rise up and save the princess from Ganon' story.

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Got brief hands on Marcamillian's copy t'other day, didn't do much as he hadn't done much(wanted to check out shooting gallery but alas no bow and arrow) so just went and had a fight with the robberbird instead. It made me recall how nice OoT3D was with the graphical update, and I did step into the fishing pond and sorta remembered how awesome OoT fishing general was. Thinking I'll pick this up in the next few weeks for them good nostalgiafeels - anyone know the best place/price for it atm?

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