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My Dad always tells me the best way to try new food is in a sandwich. So what are people's favourite fillings? I'm thinking more along the lines of home made combinations, rather than just posting your favourite store bought varieties.


I'm currently half way through a cheese/Doritos sour cream and chive dip/jalapeno combination. The sour cream and chive cancels out the heat of the jalapenos but they still stay tangy. Much like.

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I've just eaten my second round of sandwiches today because I was starving again. Tuna in spring water, bread, butter, hnnnnng.




Sometimes I have a tandoori chicken sandwich. The only downside with this is that you need to know that you want it the day beforehand, so you can prepare it and put the chicken in the fridge for the next day, covered in the tandoori mix. Oh my. Hnnnng.

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I do not recommend a whole sandwich (baguette) of Camembert as I found out earlier!

I read that and thought you'd just found a Camerbert baguette in the street and decided to eat it. I wildness recommended doing that either.

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fish finger sandwich, moderate amount of ketchup on white bread, its awesome


Bacon sandwich, best butter seeded wholemeal loaf, mouth wateringly good


One of the best sandwiches i ever had was perhaps enjoyed so much due to lack of sleep and the crazy hour but when i was out gritting during the winter 2 years ago, it was a really cold snowy night, had to dig out so many trapped cars, and obviously working 10pm to 7am i needed a flask of coffee and some food, so i made a sandwich; mini baguette, piri piri chicken pieces, monteray jack cheese, black pepper mayo, red onion and then warmed slightly so the cheese melts

at 3am that was the most tasty sandwich i'd ever had in my life

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fish finger sandwich, moderate amount of ketchup on white bread, its awesome



My brother eats these. Son, I am disgust.


He also invented an abomination and destroyed everything that I knew about sandwiches. We were eating a roast dinner and I must have been in my early teens at the time, so this is years back. Mashed potatoes, the great of all time usage of potatoes. Everybody piles them onto their plates. I recreated that famous scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind where Richard Dreyfuss builds that mountain out of mashed potato. Smothered the whole lot with gravy. It was divine.


My brother had to take it one step too far. Two slices of bread, with piles and piles of mashed potato stuffed between them, complete with ketchup. He's the only person I've ever known to eat mashed potato sandwiches and still does it. I still think he does it to wind me up because how anybody could think that would be a good idea is beyond me.:shakehead

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Damn ye are making me hungry.


Nearly all sandwiches need to have cheese or it's not a proper sandwich.


The only one I could think of was a tuna & sweetcorn baguette. Never had cheese on it before. Don't see why not though. Must try that next time.


Cheese is great!


I like making my own at times. Nothing exotic but white bread, ham, chicken, egg mayonnaise, potato salad, lettuce, coleslaw, cheddar cheese and spreadable cheese. Delicious!


@Agent Gibbs Fish finger sandwiches are awesome with cheese of course but no ketchup. I only use that for burgers.

Edited by Wii
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Really? It's a huge carb overload and there's no real substance to it...far too squishy for my liking.


Maybe we should get ReZ to do it for his Food Review. :heh:

Squishier than tuna?



It's no carbier than a pastie with potato in it. You'd have to have ketchup or cheese for flavour (or even mayonnaise?) but I'd eat it.

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I can confirm that mashed potato sandwiches are divine.


Haven't had one for ages though.


Never heard of mashed potato sandwiches before. Would it be just plain mash? But a chip sandwich, now that is divine. Oh and a sausage sandwich as well. And white pudding. Or all 3 together with a bit of brown sauce.

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@Agent Gibbs Fish finger sandwiches are awesome with cheese of course but no ketchup. I only use that for burgers.


I've done that before, depends on the cheese, used a firey mexican one once....not as nice as it should have been


I'm really hungry reading about the sandwiches in here...



mash potato sandwich.......i've done that, well sunday roast left overs in a sandwich

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My brother eats these. Son, I am disgust.


He also invented an abomination and destroyed everything that I knew about sandwiches. We were eating a roast dinner and I must have been in my early teens at the time, so this is years back. Mashed potatoes, the great of all time usage of potatoes. Everybody piles them onto their plates. I recreated that famous scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind where Richard Dreyfuss builds that mountain out of mashed potato. Smothered the whole lot with gravy. It was divine.


My brother had to take it one step too far. Two slices of bread, with piles and piles of mashed potato stuffed between them, complete with ketchup. He's the only person I've ever known to eat mashed potato sandwiches and still does it. I still think he does it to wind me up because how anybody could think that would be a good idea is beyond me.:shakehead


When I lived with my parents and my mum did a roast I occasionally would use the leftover bits the next day(chicken, roast potatoes w/onions, stuffing) to mash together with a bit of BBQ sauce(add it to everything, especially sandwich fillings, maybe a dash of Encona too) and put it in some bread. Fucking excellent.


In fact, though I've only come to realise this in more recent years, sandwiches are awesome. My oft used fillings are egg, or tuna, or meat/chicken - as said I'll add some BBQ and pepper sauce usually, maybe a bit of chopped onions or sweet peppers for a bit of bulking too. I have a terrible secret that shocks many people though....


I don't do butter. I don't do mayonnaise much either. I think I'm a bit of a food racist(except I always go for white bread).

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Squishier than tuna?



It's no carbier than a pastie with potato in it. You'd have to have ketchup or cheese for flavour (or even mayonnaise?) but I'd eat it.


I use tuna chunks, so yeah, much squishier.


Surely when you bite down onto it all of the mash will just seep out of the sides and back onto your plate. It just sounds and looks like a fucking mess! :shakehead

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