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Official Nintendo Magazine to close this month with issue 114


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It's a sad day for Nintendo as the last remaining Nintendo magazine in the UK (shocking to think there were once 3 fighting for our attention) will come to a close this month. The website is due to close shortly after in November. No staff are to be laid off but instead moved into different areas in future. Apparently this was a joint decision between Future and Nintendo, not one or the other.


The website doesn't seem to be working right now but there's this from GO Nintendo:


Nintendo UK and Future have today confirmed the closure of Official Nintendo Magazine (ONM) in the UK.


The last issue of Official Nintendo Magazine, which launched in the UK in 2002, will be in stores on 14th October, 2014 (Issue 114). Throughout its tenure, Official Nintendo Magazine has continued to bring fans, news, interviews, previews and reviews on both new and retro Nintendo hardware and software.


Nintendo will continue to speak directly to fans via Nintendo Direct, our social media and online channels and public events.


Nintendo UK and Future will continue to work closely on future projects across Gamesradar.com, CVG, Edge, Kotaku UK and Gamesmaster.


The Official Nintendo Magazine has been published by Future since 2006, prior to this it was published by EMAP.


For Official Nintendo Magazine subscription inquiries, please contact the Future Customer Services team on 0844 848 2852 (UK) or +44 1604 251045 (International).


The above statement probably leaves you with some questions. The Q&A below hopes to shed some light on the situation.




Why have you decided to close Official Nintendo Magazine?


- Nintendo is constantly evaluating and evolving the ways in which it speaks to its fans, with this in mind, Nintendo UK has decided to focus on alternative channels including Nintendo Direct, social media and online channels and public events


- Future has decided to enhance its online offering around a core of existing sites with the recently launched Kotaku UK providing a great platform for our wealth of Nintendo experts from ONM and the wider Future network. Future looks forward to expanding its Nintendo coverage on Gamesradar as we unveil exciting plans to expand the site's scope and depth. Gamesradar recently confirmed the impending integration of totalfilm.com and sfx.com, adding a wealth of expertise in movies, film, sci-fi and comics. Gamesradar's existing gaming coverage attracts 7 million unique users and 100 million page views a month. Future plans to showcase the award-winning work of its global network of games journalist from brands including OPM, OXM, Edge, Gamesmaster and PC Gamer on a newly enhanced Gamesradar platform, with some exciting announcements due in the near-future and beyond.


When is the magazine closing?


- Issue 114 will be the last issue of Official Nintendo Magazine in the UK and will be in store on 14th October 2014


Will you be doing anything special in the last issue?


- Details of the last issue of Official Nintendo Magazine are yet to be announced and we have no comment on this at the current time


What does this mean for the website?


- The website will cease to be live as of 11th November 2014, after this the site will be redirected to Nintendo.co.uk


Why didn't you keep the website open ie just close the Magazine?


- Nintendo UK already has a number of official online channels including Nintendo.co.uk, the Official Nintendo Online Store, madeforplay.co.uk and various social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


What does this mean for the supporting social media channels?


- All Official Nintendo Magazine social media channels will cease to be operational on 11 November


Whose decision was it to close ONM, Nintendo's or Future?


- It was a joint decision, Nintendo has decided to direct efforts toward other communication channels to communicate with fans, and Future is focusing on a core of existing sites with the recently launched Kotaku UK providing a great platform for our wealth of Nintendo experts from ONM and the wider Future network. Combined they will continue to deliver the Nintendo expertise our readers have come to expect in exciting new ways


Was the decision linked to the declining popularity of Nintendo products?


- No, Nintendo has decided to direct efforts toward other communication channels to communicate with fans, and Future is focusing on a core of existing sites with the recently launched Kotaku UK providing a great platform for our wealth of Nintendo experts from ONM and the wider Future network. Combined they will continue to deliver the Nintendo expertise our readers have come to expect in exciting new ways


Do you plan to launch an alternative magazine to ONM?


- We have nothing to announce at the current time


Magazine Market


Is the closure linked to the redundancies recently announced by Future?


- No


Are you also planning to close the print editions of Official PlayStation or Official Xbox Magazines?


- No, we have nothing to announce in relation to Official PlayStation Magazine or Official Xbox Magazine at this time


Will Official Nintendo Magazines in other markets also be closed? (Nintendo)


- No, this announcement does not impact on any other markets


ONM Staff


Will there be redundancies off the back of the closure of ONM?


- No, the closure of Official Nintendo Magazine has not led to any redundancies, the team have been redeployed within Future


What will happen to the ONM staff?


- The Official Nintendo Magazine team has all been redeployed within Future




What does this mean for current subscribers, do they get a refund?


- Current subscribers will be informed via post of the closure of Official Nintendo Magazine. Their subscription will automatically transfer over to GamesMaster effective immediately. Subscribers have the option to cancel the subscription and receive a refund for any remaining issues if they contact Future by Friday 17th October.


- Those readers who already have a GamesMaster subscription will have their current subscription to GamesMaster extended unless they opt to contact Future by Friday 17th October to cancel it.


- Contact details for Future are as follows: 0844 848 2852 (UK) or +44 1604 251045 (International).


What is the refund process?


- Current subscribers will be informed via post of the closure of Official Nintendo Magazine. Their subscription will automatically transfer over to GamesMaster effective immediately. Subscribers have the option to cancel the subscription and receive a refund for any remaining issues if they contact Future by Friday 17th October.


- Those readers who already have a GamesMaster subscription will have their current subscription to GamesMaster extended unless they opt to contact Future by Friday 17th October to cancel it



A sad day indeed, I'd been reading ONM since 2003 when I was a sprightly year 7. Loved reading up on the world of Nintendo, especially back when my internet was rubbish. The 2006 revamp was so exciting too. I have to admit though, I'm part of the problem, only bought a couple in the last few years for big releases.

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@S\.C\.G - Some of their free gifts in the GameCube era were crazily good. I still have my SMASHING LIVE cd, best free gift from any magazine, I'd say.


But yeah, they had all sorts of crazy stuff, Zelda playing cards, Zelda through time CD, Animal crossing key chains. Sadly even the free gifts had gone to pot the last few years. Literally every month was either a free poster or 3ds skin :(

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@S\.C\.G - Some of their free gifts in the GameCube era were crazily good. I still have my SMASHING LIVE cd, best free gift from any magazine, I'd say.


But yeah, they had all sorts of crazy stuff, Zelda playing cards, Zelda through time CD, Animal crossing key chains. Sadly even the free gifts had gone to pot the last few years. Literally every month was either a free poster or 3ds skin :(


The E3 2004 DVD with all the trailers (including the omfgz Zelda one) was the most amazing thing ever because I hadn't really 'discovered' the internet as an outlet then, what with having dial-up.

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I don't understand magazines for gaming, fans are desperate for immediate opinion and news, why wait weeks for it? Magazines should be for excellent curated content, it's the only thing it can have going for it moving forward.


Still a shame, strange to think that Nintendo think their main website can provide anything that the magazine did... its a glorified shop!

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It's a shame this has to close, bringing an end to what (i once believed) a great source for Nintendo information, before the internet took off. This and N64, NGC or whatever it was called leading up to it's closure. Both were great for news, and of course the free gifts both supplied.


At least on the plus side, no-one has lost their job due to the closure of the magazine and are all remaining in Future in some form or another.

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I had a feeling this was going to happen when I got the most recent issue and the only staff member left was Matthew Castle (not including the freelancers).


Shame its ending but I think they were struggling.

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I had a feeling this was going to happen when I got the most recent issue and the only staff member left was Matthew Castle (not including the freelancers).


Shame its ending but I think they were struggling.

Ever since they got rid of Tom East, it has been going downhill. The website stopped updating. It was like they didn't care and when Future announced they were doing severe cuts, I knew this was coming, as much as they claim it has nothing to do with it. It clearly does.

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When I was little I used to get magazines like CUBE and NGC every month with pocket money. Used to read them cover to cover. But since the internet has become readily available there just isn't any point. Yes it's sad, but they're no longer relevant unfortunately.

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I don't understand magazines for gaming, fans are desperate for immediate opinion and news, why wait weeks for it? Magazines should be for excellent curated content, it's the only thing it can have going for it moving forward.


Still a shame, strange to think that Nintendo think their main website can provide anything that the magazine did... its a glorified shop!


They were great back in the day. Sadly the internet has killed this kind of thing.


It also doesn't help that there is a major lack of content to actually write about on Nintendo platforms at the moment. I remember when this was happening during both the Cube & Wii era in their twilight years. The magazine was awful as they really had sod all to write about.

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They were great back in the day. Sadly the internet has killed this kind of thing.


It also doesn't help that there is a major lack of content to actually write about on Nintendo platforms at the moment. I remember when this was happening during both the Cube & Wii era in their twilight years. The magazine was awful as they really had sod all to write about.


Yeah, I still enjoyed it and had a recent subscription and listened to their podcasts but it's inevitable, be surprised if there are any gaming magazines around a in a few years. It's just not the right format for it.

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Yeah, I still enjoyed it and had a recent subscription and listened to their podcasts but it's inevitable, be surprised if there are any gaming magazines around a in a few years. It's just not the right format for it.


I give it a few years at best.


Gaming magazines were good back before the internet really took off. I enjoyed reading each issue, learning more and more on games which interested me. But the way of the Nintendo magazines is inevitable, there simply isn't enough stuff to write about these days.

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I never took to this magazine as much as Nintendo Magazine System, but I used to buy it during the Wii heyday. It's sad to me when a magazine closes because i used to spend so much time reading video game magazines as a teenager, so this feels like part of my hobby disappearing. But as a few people have said, its just a sign of the times, we can get all of this information online every day so this is something inevitable .

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The E3 2004 DVD with all the trailers (including the omfgz Zelda one) was the most amazing thing ever because I hadn't really 'discovered' the internet as an outlet then, what with having dial-up.


Holy crap, think I still have that somewhere, I watched that DVD so damn much, don't think I've been so excited about a console since.

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I had a feeling this was going to happen when I got the most recent issue and the only staff member left was Matthew Castle (not including the freelancers).

And he hasn't been "back" that long, after he jumped ship oh-so-conveniently before NGamer (which I argue was the better magazine) closed just a few months after it had a revamp.

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Thats terrible news! love ONM they were always a great read even after the internet and news sites effectively killed off the niche magazine market, print is dying...wonder when Official Playstation and Xbox magazines will go? supposedly ONM had a similar readership to those, so if it was in trouble surely its just a matter of time before they go....i suppose Nintendo have Directs so they have an outlet to fall back on


very sad news, i bought ONM every month for years until the internet made it a pointless exercise, and still when they had a good free gift....think i'll get issue 114 as a last farewell

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There's no doubt there will be a time when Xbox and PS magazines go too but I still give it a few years. Ninendo gaming itself is dying along with the magazine industry so that didn't help, heck, I'm pretty sure there are still some unofficial Xbox ones out there as well as the official one.

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Yeah N64 magazine was fantastic.


Will never forget the day I had to throw my back issues away as my wardrobe had buckled under the weight of them all.


I was worried my wardrobe would do the same, as that's where I keep mine but it seems to have held up. There are a few sites out there with scans of all these old issues if you ever feel like reading them again.

Edited by Helmsly
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Yeah N64 magazine was fantastic.




I was worried my wardrobe would do the same, as that's where I keep mine but it seems to have held up. There are a few sites out there with scans of all these old issues if you ever feel like reading them again.


OH REALLY? You just sent me down a huge internet rabbit whole...as dumb as it sounds I had favourite issues!!!! Now I'm gonna spend hours unearthing them

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OH REALLY? You just sent me down a huge internet rabbit whole...as dumb as it sounds I had favourite issues!!!! Now I'm gonna spend hours unearthing them


haha me too. I actually used to enjoy reading their reviews for low scoring games because of how funny they were at expressing how bad a game was.


The different features they ran each month were pretty great too.

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haha me too. I actually used to enjoy reading their reviews for low scoring games because of how funny they were at expressing how bad a game was.


The different features they ran each month were pretty great too.


I remember the OoT reveal and review being two of my fav episodes...also they did a feature on Shadowman which I loved (never finished that game and actually just purchased it on Steam)

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