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Ubisoft Boycott: 'forced parity' for PS4 versions to be downgraded to Xbone level.


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'You're in a minority, don't bother fighting for anything because you won't get it.'


Whilst this thoroughly doesn't affect me, I find it strange how many people seem to be identifying with the above sentiment. I wholeheartedly disagree with that, and say that if people want to take a stand, however meaningless and petty others might find it, then do so!


The general idea of what's occuring here does irk me, though as said it doesn't affect me right now, it's Ubisoft's right to do what they like, but if I were a PS4 owner feeling I was getting a lesser game because of MS - I'd probably give up buying it myself.


(yet ironically I still consider buying watch dogs on wii u, lolz)

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The fact they patched AC4 to run at 1080p suggests it really isn't that hard. Not to mention that a couple months ago they said they were aiming for that.


Yep, there is extra free performance to be had on the PS4. No excuses.


Spec-wise. Sure, they're going to have different exclusives, and different online services, etc. but when it comes to power, the difference is negligible.


Seriously, 900p instead of 1080p. That's what "downgrading" means for these consoles. I highly doubt most customers will care.


You might want to double check on that ;)

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The movement that opened this thread is a protest, which is the "battle" I was talking about. Ubisoft will do what they want because this protest will achieve nothing that'll make Ubisoft care.



I stand corrected, then. I do still think it's a small difference, but hey, I'm me.




...This thread opened with a call for a boycott, which I (and others) interpreted as "Let's not buy this game, and let Ubisoft know". Every mention of sales thus far was exclusively used in the angle of "Will Ubisoft care? Will this work?"


Mind you, mr-paul asked a genuine question ("Is it viable for them to do what you want them to do?"), and you answered with "Your post represents what is wrong with this forum". Did I read it right?


Yep you read right and you are spot on!


Yep, there is extra free performance to be had on the PS4. No excuses.


I'm not sure the comparison can be made AC 4 was running on an upscaled pushed last gen engine so it was obviously easier to do so. I think PS4 owners are seriously deluded if they think every single game will run at 1080p.


Why does it matter that "most customers" wouldn't care? Are "most" customers the guys that spend countless hours of their lives on message boards discussing this shit? Why do you expect us to care about "most consumers"? The difference between 900p and 1080p is about a third of the pixel count, which is very very noticeable, not only because of the detail lost, but also because of the increased aliasing. So when you say the difference between the consoles is negligible you'd be right in that I'm sure any game that can run on a PS4 could also run on an XBone, but to actively ask people to be less discerning when their console choice might have been directly influenced by its comparative graphical ability, is dumb.


In hardware terms, the PS4 gpu is about 50% more powerful than the Xbone's. A publisher marring the disparity between the two to avoid whatever discussion might occur, or to placate the proprietor of the weaker console is just shoddy, and adds the the impression that Microsoft have little to add besides trying to brute force their way through this gen using their bank balance as a battering ram.


Have to say this comment in particular is absolute crap....let's not forget how Sony arrived in the industry after all....

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You've just got to crazy to believe UbiSoft on this.


This is the same company that placated Microsoft with the parity release of Rayman, delaying the Wii U version more than half a year in the process.


I'm not saying I believe them...but I sure as hell don't 100% buy into all these conspiracy theories...Microsoft spent money on marketing this game why is it so hard to believe they made Xbox One the lead platform and that's that and eventually they will get to patching the PS4 version? I hate this sense of entitlement amongst gamers that everything should be exactly how they want it, not what's most profitable and makes the most sense the companies who are trying to make money! Let's all just stop buying AAA games and see where the industry goes!


I don't see it being any different to the PS2 days when the cube and xbox got crappy ports of a lot of games....but Sony were putting the money into those games so it was somehow alright?

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Well the resolution parity doesn't make any sense. It wouldn't be an issue to push the PS4 so why aren't they?


There aren't that many games that aren't 1080p on PS4 either, are there?


Your right in that assessment yes, however as this list shows;




A lot of games are running at 1080p but at 30fps, whose to say that as developers move on they don't make these kind of compromises to run games at 60fps? (something I notice more than the small resolution difference), granted Ubisoft didn't do this for Unity as it's only running at 30.


I guess my point I was trying to make about the parity is that if Xbox was a lead platform for one game in particular I don't see the problem with releasing the game the same on both platforms and if sales justify it then make the necessary adjustments/patches. That would make more business sense.... It's the reason we had a lot of shoddy PC ports in the past because developers clearly didn't internally justify the extra effort.

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I think if most games on PS4 are 1080p, regardless of whatever Microsoft are doing, people should be allowed to get annoyed that its anything less than that. But then when you add in the evidence that the XBone usually lags behind at 900p, and the remarks about parity, well fuck them. At the end of the day, it's just a game - I've said it before, UbiSoft have to make me want the game and this isn't making me want it.


In fact, it makes me wonder what they dub down other than resolution.

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Have to say this comment in particular is absolute crap....let's not forget how Sony arrived in the industry after all....


Nothing you ever say makes a fucking lick of sense. What does "how Sony arrived" have to do with anything? Who's discussing Sony's industry entrance? What bearing does that have on the present? And why does one entity's malfeasance excuse another's? Your comment is based on the poorly thought out idea that if you're criticising one company, you much be riding the jock of the other, when actually, I'm just taking the two on their respective merits at the moment.


You're consistently talking shit about the consumer being "entitled," but what you fail to understand is that Ubisoft aren't entitled to my cash. I choose to give them money on occasion for the product I want. If that product doesn't transpire, I'm perfectly at liberty to say what I don't like about it and to (*shock*) not buy the product.


What the fuck do I care about XBone being the "lead" platform? What does that even mean other than that Microsoft gave them a wad of cash to pare back the competing platform's version? And why the fuck should I care if it makes business sense? I'm not here to lubricate the fucking wheels of some moneyhat corporation bro, I'm here to play games I want to play. If the Xbox One version runs at 900p, that's more than evidence enough that the PS4 version can do better.

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I don't see why Microsoft as the mid tier next gen console should be the lead console for anything unless A) Microsoft had a deal involving money to get it, or B) the developers have worked on the middle console so its easier to port to others (up to Ps4 down to WiiU) which in this case seems very unlikely



either way Pc should be the lead console now considering how "close" the others are to PC architecture these days, then ports should be downgraded to suit....


In either case the developers should making a game with the largest audience in mind to maximize profits, publicly telling people you've gone for parity will not maximize profits, it could only potentially lose sales (for reasons listed above, on Gaf, Comment on IGN etc etc)..if publicly saying this could only see a loss, then Ubi must be getting the money elsewhere.....

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Yeah i am surprised many devs have not released on Xbone. Some months PS4 has double the releases.






Userbase is important but PS4 really has pulled away from the other two consoles in terms of releases.


There aren't that many games that aren't 1080p on PS4 either, are there?


Only a couple. BF4, UFC, NHL and probably some other game or two i forgot.


Some games have odd problems like COD Ghosts which apparently runs over 60fps creating judder on TV's... bad vsync solution.


Update: http://blog.ubi.com/assassins-creed-unity-delivers-resolution-players/


I am sure the programmers on this game will be cringing with that blog post. PR must be embarassed they have to work with this anti consumer junk.

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Nothing you ever say makes a fucking lick of sense. What does "how Sony arrived" have to do with anything? Who's discussing Sony's industry entrance? What bearing does that have on the present? And why does one entity's malfeasance excuse another's? Your comment is based on the poorly thought out idea that if you're criticising one company, you much be riding the jock of the other, when actually, I'm just taking the two on their respective merits at the moment.


You're consistently talking shit about the consumer being "entitled," but what you fail to understand is that Ubisoft aren't entitled to my cash. I choose to give them money on occasion for the product I want. If that product doesn't transpire, I'm perfectly at liberty to say what I don't like about it and to (*shock*) not buy the product.


What the fuck do I care about XBone being the "lead" platform? What does that even mean other than that Microsoft gave them a wad of cash to pare back the competing platform's version? And why the fuck should I care if it makes business sense? I'm not here to lubricate the fucking wheels of some moneyhat corporation bro, I'm here to play games I want to play. If the Xbox One version runs at 900p, that's more than evidence enough that the PS4 version can do better.


Because you (or someone else I've lost track) were mouthing off about Microsoft bulldozing their way through this generation with cash and then someone else said that's what they did with the 360. I was merely saying that's exactly what Sony did when they entered with the PS1....and arguably what they did to bring better content to the PS3 as well after they fell behind. So give over saying I'm not making any sense.


Yes Ubisoft aren't entitled to your money I never said they were. I'm not saying you have to care about lubricating wheels moneyhats but let's face it doesn't matter whose console you own and what games your playing your lining someones pockets. Not use in swearing about it.


Don't call me bro because to be perfectly honest your acting like an absolute wanker.

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Mate it's because constructing a proper argument where the premises, propositions and conclusions are watertight seems like untying a gordian knot to you. Maybe it's because you can't seem to be able to keep another person's argument (one repeated multiple times over the course of about six comments) in your head long enough to think of a cogent response. You can't even distinguish between what two different people are saying.


Also wasn't it you that said my comment was "absolute crap"? Responding in kind doesn't make me an absolute wanker, bro, it makes you incapable of taking as good as you give.


Also this:


I'm not saying you have to care about lubricating wheels moneyhats.


Don't call me bro because to be perfectly honest your acting like an absolute wanker.


First sentence is just a fucking mess, looks like it's missing a preposition, as well as the object of the sentence it's directly quoting. I'm going to go ahead and diagnose trauma to the Broca and Wernicke's areas. There's also the classic inability to distinguish between your and you're, alas poor Yorick, did you not attend English classes in the days of yore?


F-. Don't see me after class, you're ineducable.

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Mate it's because constructing a proper argument where the premises, propositions and conclusions are watertight seems like untying a gordian knot to you. Maybe it's because you can't seem to be able to keep another person's argument (one repeated multiple times over the course of about six comments) in your head long enough to think of a cogent response. You can't even distinguish between what two different people are saying.


Also wasn't it you that said my comment was "absolute crap"? Responding in kind doesn't make me an absolute wanker, bro, it makes you incapable of taking as good as you give.


Also this:




First sentence is just a fucking mess, looks like it's missing a preposition, as well as the object of the sentence it's directly quoting. I'm going to go ahead and diagnose trauma to the Broca and Wernicke's areas. There's also the classic inability to distinguish between your and you're, alas poor Yorick, did you not attend English classes in the days of yore?


F-. Don't see me after class, you're ineducable.


Pfff yep way to go....let's start trawling through your past posts and start picking up on errors to "win" arguments. Believe it not remembering who said what on this thread isn't my most pressing concern in life and I freely admitted I couldn't remember who had brought up the point about the 360.


Yes I went to English classes I have a BA in English studies which coupled with my teaching qualifications has meant I've taught my fair share of English classes. It was clearly my mistake for not realizing that posting on these forums was an academic pursuit that I should be putting on my resume.


All I have left to say is thank god this place has an ignore list.

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  • 1 month later...

amazingly this game got worse.


Game should be called Ass Greed: Parity given new news of microtransactions and worse PS4 performance. The game has serious bugs and issues on all systems. Seems unfinfished.

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I will enjoy it. Seems like Spore all over again in terms of some people going insane over one aspect that shouldn't add so much tilt (in that case DRM, this case FPS issues). Most likely I won't play it for a while since I've got so many other games...I'll bet they will have patched it before then.

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After seeing all of the massive amount of problems associated with this game, including the performance issues, the parity nonsense, the typical factory-belt-made trademark Ubisoft gameplay that all of their open world games have (and the AC series' typical problems - what, you're only just figuring it out now after about 11 AC games!?) the poor game impressions (not just reviews, but pre and post release hands on impressions from people), the pre-order content nonsense and the scummy microtransactions (worst of all, the fact that they deliberately hid it from reviewers outright!); quite frankly, if you don't know what you're getting into at this point, you're either an idiot or you just don't care about this stuff.


And if you're going in actually genuinely surprised by any of this bullshit, then quite frankly you deserve to be lied to. If you really aren't expecting this crap at this point, in this day and age, from these publishers (and this publisher especially), then the onus is on you. You're getting everything you want and deserve.


If you don't like it, don't bloody support it! Just say NO!

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After seeing all of the massive amount of problems associated with this game, including the performance issues, the parity nonsense, the typical factory-belt-made trademark Ubisoft gameplay that all of their open world games have (and the AC series' typical problems - what, you're only just figuring it out now after about 11 AC games!?) the poor game impressions (not just reviews, but pre and post release hands on impressions from people), the pre-order content nonsense and the scummy microtransactions (worst of all, the fact that they deliberately hid it from reviewers outright!); quite frankly, if you don't know what you're getting into at this point, you're either an idiot or you just don't care about this stuff.


And if you're going in actually genuinely surprised by any of this bullshit, then quite frankly you deserve to be lied to. If you really aren't expecting this crap at this point, in this day and age, from these publishers (and this publisher especially), then the onus is on you. You're getting everything you want and deserve.


If you don't like it, don't bloody support it! Just say NO!


Great post. There loads wrong with this game. Its the current front runner for anti consumerism for gaming right now.

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