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Pokken Tournament (Wii U Spring 2016)


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I imagine the inevitable NX version will look smooth as hell


AFAIK the graphics are identical to the arcade version (which also has the same soft look, as far as I can tell from the images/videos of it online), so I wouldn't bank on it necessarily coming to the NX console; certainly it's not indicative of anything.


With the LAN mode in place and them going out of their way to have the arcade controller made for Wii U, it's pretty clear that TPC want to see the Wii U version used for the forseable future in tournaments like EVO.

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You can but we still won't let you :heh:


I'll take that slightly worrying sentence as a yes then? Cool beans!


I pretty much agree with @Dcubed, the game is great fun... in multiplayer.

The single player experience, on the other hand, is pretty much what I thought this game would be, repetitive and lacking any real substance.


If you've got friends to play this with, go for it! It's a right laugh! And if you're the kind of guy who likes playing people online on arcade fighters, then it's worth a look. But if you're hoping for a decent amount of single player stuff to do, steer clear.


BTW, my favourite character is Sceptile, and I completely suck at this game! @Ugh first aid picked up the game for the first time and creamed me 11 to 4.


Nah they'll underestimate the difficulty of 720p and it will take them about 18 months to figure it out :heh:


Oh snap! Game Freak will need some Burn Heal after that!


(I am assuming you're referring to GF, right?)

Edited by Glen-i
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With the LAN mode in place and them going out of their way to have the arcade controller made for Wii U, it's pretty clear that TPC want to see the Wii U version used for the forseable future in tournaments like EVO.


Yeah, from the get-go, Mr. Ishihara said his hope was for Pokkén to become a third pillar at Worlds.


I question if it'll continue at CEO, EVO etc. (though it has a decent shot. The owner of SmashBoards is actually the tournament organizer at The Pokémon Company International, which probably is a large part of how that happened), but it may still have a Pokémon following akin to VGC.


I do question its longevity beyond this year, however.


Nah they'll underestimate the difficulty of 720p and it will take them about 18 months to figure it out :heh:

How so? Bandai Namco are quite adept at developing for HD systems. Smash Bros. for Wii U, for example, was 1080p60.

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How so? Bandai Namco are quite adept at developing for HD systems. Smash Bros. for Wii U, for example, was 1080p60.


I was making a joke about Nintendo's confusion/difficulty with HD during the start of Wii U.


Basically assume if I use :heh: I'm joking, not serious and you shouldn't worry about/question it.

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Never mind facts, we're laughing at Nintendo. Surely you're used to this board by now?


It was a light-hearted joke which most people seem to have taken it as that (i.e. not coming in saying "yeah Nintendo are shit"). We make the same light-hearted jokes about Sony forgetting the Vita is a thing. Try not to make it more than it was - a joke.

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I love the look of the game but was slightly put-off as I'm really shit with conventional fighters (even Soul), Smash is the only real fighter I play. But as the N-E review says, it's more a mix of both so maybe it'd be a good place for me to jump in? Also, anything that lets me dress my avatar has me frothing at the mouth.

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I've only been playing 20 mins and already the stupid commentator lass is doing my head in!


I picked Pikachu as my starter and headed straight for the tournaments. None of that tutorial rubbish for me, even if I dont have a clue what half the stuff on the screen means. :D

You can turn the commentator off in the My Town settings

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Having a great time on this so far. Currently in the finals of the blue tournament but backed out to grind some levels with Pikachu.


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While messing with my avatar I noticed there's a big cock up with the eye colours. The second row of colours is all mixed up. Silver is red, purple is grey and vice versa. Guess the translators got the names mixed up or something.

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Having a great time on this so far. Currently in the finals of the blue tournament but backed out to grind some levels with Pikachu.


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While messing with my avatar I noticed there's a big cock up with the eye colours. The second row of colours is all mixed up. Silver is red, purple is grey and vice versa. Guess the translators got the names mixed up or something.


Judging from your avatars title, someone has a bit of an ego. :p

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My copy arrived along with the controller, I haven't had a chance to play it - busy for a while yet - but did anyone else pick up the pad as well?


It's better quality than I expected, I mean it is Hori so it was bound to be good but the d-pad and buttons feel pretty decent on it. :)

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My perfect record in the Ferren league nearly went just, If that Suicune landed one weak move I'd have lost, my first defeat is at hand.


I also had a close call when fighting Charizard. One hit and I was done for but I managed to hold it together and get a combo off. My perfect record remains intact, at least for now....


I beat the hell out of Shadow Mewtwo and was expecting to get something for it. Turns out you get sod all for winning these fights. Was well annoyed.


Current progress.


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I had a few matches this morning.


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I had a try of the online mode yesterday and managed to kick the persons butt. I was very surprised that I won! I may retire now and keep my record at 100%. :D


I love the Eevee support. Despite unlocking a bunch of others I still use little Eevee. Getting a bit of health back and an attack boost works great for my aggressive style of play.


@Dcubed did you finish the story mode when you reviewed it? I'm just wonder what level you were at before you tackled the final fight.


Speaking of leveling up, I've just been pouring my stats into attack and defence at the moment. They have 25 and 26 points in them. I'm not sure if i'll bother to put any into the other two categories but I can always reassign them if need be.

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I had a few matches this morning.


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I had a try of the online mode yesterday and managed to kick the persons butt. I was very surprised that I won! I may retire now and keep my record at 100%. :D


I love the Eevee support. Despite unlocking a bunch of others I still use little Eevee. Getting a bit of health back and an attack boost works great for my aggressive style of play.


@Dcubed did you finish the story mode when you reviewed it? I'm just wonder what level you were at before you tackled the final fight.


Speaking of leveling up, I've just been pouring my stats into attack and defence at the moment. They have 25 and 26 points in them. I'm not sure if i'll bother to put any into the other two categories but I can always reassign them if need be.


I ended up using multiple Pokemon throughout, switching back and forth, so around level 50 odd for my highest level one.


Personally I've been mostly using Cubone/Diglet I just love the speed and the pure Jerk factor involved :laughing:

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