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Gaming Podcasts: A Thread about Listening to Others

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15 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

Pretty decent Top Ten video here. :D

Well, that's wrong because...


Pokémon Gold/Silver are better than Red/Blue in every way. I would have said Crystal, but that's Game Boy Colour only and I get the feeling they weren't counting those kind of games.

Also not a big fan of Kirby's Dream Land 2. That game outstays it's welcome, in my opinion. It's certainly not bad though.


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53 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Well, that's wrong because...

  Spoilers for the video. (Hide contents)

Pokémon Gold/Silver are better than Red/Blue in every way. I would have said Crystal, but that's Game Boy Colour only and I get the feeling they weren't counting those kind of games.

Also not a big fan of Kirby's Dream Land 2. That game outstays it's welcome, in my opinion. It's certainly not bad though.


That's why I said pretty decent. ;)

I agree that there were a couple of games that could have been swapped out, it's a mostly "safe" top ten video I'd say but still good. :D

Definitely the absence of one of my favourite game series in there as well, but the game wasn't perfect in many ways so I understand why it's not in there... mostly. :p

I'd like to see them do a GBC top ten as that would definitely be a trickier one to score I reckon. :peace:

We should totally do some community and staff based N-E top ten thing at some point, pretty sure we did an overall one but I mean a format focused list. :smile:

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13 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

I think they only included old-school GB games. Not even the ones that were optimized for the GBC. You can tell from the way they excluded Wario Land 2, or Link's Awakening DX.

Yeah, that did strike me as weird. Apart from the warping glitch, DX is just a better choice of game.

If that's the case, then I guess I can overlook it...

...this time.

Anyway, @S.C.G this "format focused" top ten list idea, what do you mean by that? Like, best games on a console, or best racing games, etc?

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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

Anyway, @S.C.G this "format focused" top ten list idea, what do you mean by that? Like, best games on a console, or best racing games, etc?

Well, mainly top ten on any particular Nintendo console, we could cover them all over time though...

...let's start with the obvious choice first though, the Virtual Boy. ;)

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24 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

Well, mainly top ten on any particular Nintendo console, we could cover them all over time though...

...let's start with the obvious choice first though, the Virtual Boy. ;)

I quite like this idea. If you don't mind, perhaps I could start a thread tomorrow kicking this off? (With credit going to you, of course) Maybe with the NES though. Virtual Boy is far too nuanced for the filthy peasants around here.

I guess we should run it by the rest of the staff though.

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51 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

I quite like this idea. If you don't mind, perhaps I could start a thread tomorrow kicking this off? (With credit going to you, of course) Maybe with the NES though. Virtual Boy is far too nuanced for the filthy peasants around here.

I guess we should run it by the rest of the staff though.

Sounds good to me. :p

It will be interesting to see which games we end up with, especially as there are a fair few unsung titles on the NES. :peace:

Even for all the times they have been re-released, there's still a few surprises on that platform when it comes to its games library. :smile:

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  • 1 month later...

I see the Kinda Funny crew ( specifically Andrea and Greg ) are being called out on some stuff that they have said in regards to PDP and Notch. It's going to be interesting to see how all of this plays out. It could end up damaging the brand in the long term. *grabs popcorn*

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I see you have been banned over on Resterera @Ronnie. You should know better than to try and engage the community over there regarding such topics. :p 

Just finished listening to the amazing 4 hour episode of this weeks Frame Trap. I've never watched any of Maximilian Dood's content but I know of him and I really enjoyed listening to him discuss the fighting game genre. The way he talked about how a guy got stabbed in the arcades due to being defeated in a game was hilarious. It was if such an event happened on a regular basis and there was nothing out of the ordinary with it. :D I also enjoyed the MK game they played where they had to name all of the characters. For the characters in the original MK game I just sang the Mortal Kombat movie song in my head. :grin:

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12 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I see you have been banned over on Resterera @Ronnie. You should know better than to try and engage the community over there regarding such topics. :p

Oh yeah? I've not been on since my post. I'll be crying myself to sleep tonight for sure. :laughing: ResetEra is absolutely pathetic. Mix immature crusading gamers with OTT SJWs and that's what you get.

Their latest attack on Greg and Andrea is disgusting, especially the former who couldn't be a more honourable bloke these days.

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I see the Kinda Funny crew ( specifically Andrea and Greg ) are being called out on some stuff that they have said in regards to PDP and Notch. It's going to be interesting to see how all of this plays out. It could end up damaging the brand in the long term. *grabs popcorn*

It's things like this that make me really hate the gaming community (in general).

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On 01/05/2019 at 1:13 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

Just finished listening to the amazing 4 hour episode of this weeks Frame Trap. I've never watched any of Maximilian Dood's content but I know of him and I really enjoyed listening to him discuss the fighting game genre. The way he talked about how a guy got stabbed in the arcades due to being defeated in a game was hilarious. It was if such an event happened on a regular basis and there was nothing out of the ordinary with it. :D I also enjoyed the MK game they played where they had to name all of the characters. For the characters in the original MK game I just sang the Mortal Kombat movie song in my head. :grin:

Maximillian's great. I tend to check out a his videos from time to time, whether by rating finishers/endings or just having a few casual matches online. It shows me a more accurate picture of a fighting game than any trailer or high-level competitive match could. Loved the crossover with the Allies.

"Some guy got stabbed back in the day"


"I mean, it wasn't serious. He ran away." :laughing:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone else watched this weeks episode of NVC? It's very rare that I actually watch a podcast on the TV but this was one of those occasions.

Tom tried to crack a joke about how the new Pokemon game should lean into the British theme by showing every character drinking heavily the entire game. The room went pretty silent. I was just listening to it at this point ( was playing on Switch ) but I hit rewind to see the reactions of Peer and Sam. Sam didn't look impressed at all and Peer just kinda said "Okay" and kinda gave an awkward smile. I think he was just trying to quickly move on. :D 

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I don’t watch Max but I also know of him. He’s the creator of my favourite YouTube video of all time.

What I like most is that he just GETS how big this is and you can see his reactions are 100% genuine. After watching loads of reaction videos to this reveal he was the only one who at the who knew from the first bar of music and the stars that it was FFVII. 

As for Reset Era it’s obvious now it was never a gaming forum, it’s a politics forum which happens to have a gaming subsection. Seeing how some of the devs, journos and content creators have slowly subscribed to the groupthink has been sad to watch. Part of me thinks that was the plan all along.

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13 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Has anyone else watched this weeks episode of NVC? It's very rare that I actually watch a podcast on the TV but this was one of those occasions.

Tom tried to crack a joke about how the new Pokemon game should lean into the British theme by showing every character drinking heavily the entire game. The room went pretty silent. I was just listening to it at this point ( was playing on Switch ) but I hit rewind to see the reactions of Peer and Sam. Sam didn't look impressed at all and Peer just kinda said "Okay" and kinda gave an awkward smile. I think he was just trying to quickly move on. :D 

Not seen it yet but I'll look out for that. I can't make my mind up about Tom, sometimes he's ok, other times I find him annoying. He loves Hollow Knight though, so that redeems him a bit

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Love this tweet from Greg Miller, referring to the riducle over the name of the latest COD that was leaked.

Schreier butts in of course telling Greg he's wrong and that it's ok to ridicule.

(probably when he's not torpedo-ing a dev team)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I stopped listening to the EZA podcast on a regular basis a while back now ( although I did listen to an episode of theirs a few weeks back to hear an answer to a question that got asked ) but I gave their E3 podcast a listen and really enjoyed it. Their conversation about leaks was an interesting one and you could tell Brandon was pretty annoyed with the amount that happened in the lead up to E3. He made a good point about why isn't it being talked about more. I did take issue with Kyle saying that he has to talk about leaks for the podcast. He doesn't at all and if they do they really should put up some kind of spoiler warning.

I watched one of this years E3 conferences with the Allies commentating on it ( think it was Ubisoft ) and during the pre-conference banter they started openly talking about the leaks. As soon as it was mentioned I muted it and they put he sound back on when the conference actually started. What's funny is that on here I jokingly told killthenet this is what he would probably have to do if watching E3 with EZA and this is exactly what happened. :D 

I disagreed with Ian when he said he didn't think that Bethseda had people planted in the crowd. Of course they did and it made the show so much worse....not that it was great anyway.

The stories about what happened at EA Play were hilarious. What an absolute mess. :laughing:

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E3 2019 Huber Syndrome, it's not the end of E3 without it. :D

Now we just need the EZA Best Carpet of E3 2019 video tomorrow and E3 will be officially complete and we can finally move on...

(not that I disliked E3, just that all things have to come to an end, for me it's not over unti I've at least seen these two videos) ;)

Looking forward to the games which are coming out and to next years E3 show of course. :peace:

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No carpet awards this year (the award was stolen) but... damn, Ian and Don have outdone themselves for E3 2019. :D

I loved the video and I though Ian did really well to keep going through all of E3, plus Don just has some of the best B-Roll and commentary. :peace:

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3 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

So is there a general consensus about which is the best podcast? I've heard a few (Kotaku & Easy Allies) but wasn't blown away by either (although I love their content).

I'd highly recommend the Game Informer show, if you haven't checked it out already. Funny, informative, and just an all-round good time. Especially great to listen to when they come back from trips for their cover stories, as they go all over the place spending time with developers as a result. Plus, they're always quite long, and typically close with a developer interview. 

Speaking of EZA, though, Kinda Funny shot their E3 2019 review with them in their new studio, and I think it's some of the best content KF have put out in a podcast for a loooooong time: 


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13 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

So is there a general consensus about which is the best podcast? I've heard a few (Kotaku & Easy Allies) but wasn't blown away by either (although I love their content).

I listen/watch Kinda Funny Games (daily hour long news/feature shows and very knowledgeable insight into the industry), and IGN's Game Scoop (mix of retro games + modern day stuff) and Nintendo Voice Chat. Would recommend all three.

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On 16/06/2019 at 3:44 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

Sorry to say but I wasn't a fan of it. I don't think it was a patch on their usual carpet awards. :( 

I've been meaning to ask this for ages now...what's the deal with Ian wearing lipstick and false nails/painting his nails?

Fair point, I just thought they did really well under the circumstances but I might have been being a bit hyperbolic :D I still enjoyed the video though but I hope the Carpet Awards return.

As for what's the deal with Ian wearing lipstick and painting his nails... I guess he likes to do those things and so, he does. ::shrug:

I'm not sure if there's much else to say really, but Ian's great and as are the rest of the Easy Allies, they all add something to the lineup...

  • Ben - is the most enthused I've seen anyone for anything anime related in general, also cats ;)
  • Brandon - is the business side of things, knows about trailers and Star Wars/Disney hype
  • Bloodworth - is responsible for co-ordinating everything, driving game enthusiast
  • Brad - keeps it real most of the time, likes Soulsborne games more than most
  • Damiani - is the Nintendo/Final Fantasy/MMO guy, has had some great podcasts
  • Don - is the film guy, best B-roll in the biz and an exceptional story-teller
  • Huber - is hype personified, really likeable guy... Resident Evil, Evil Within, Shenmue & Yakuza, let's go! :p
  • Ian - seems to be the most compassionate of all the Allies, exceptional on the technical side as well
  • Kyle - is really creative (see Box Peek) and has a wicked sense of humour at times, good at hosting

That's how I see things anyway, everyone's got their strengths and weaknesses but they make a really good team and I'm generally pleasantly surprised by the content they put out. :smile:

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On 16/06/2019 at 3:44 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

Sorry to say but I wasn't a fan of it. I don't think it was a patch on their usual carpet awards. :( 

I've been meaning to ask this for ages now...what's the deal with Ian wearing lipstick and false nails/painting his nails?

Does there have to be a deal..? ::shrug:

I haven't caught up with a lot of the E3 impressions yet but it's gonna be tough not knowing what carpet was the greatest of E3 2019..


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