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Final Fantasy Explorers (3DS)


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Well that was random! S-E actually taking care of a localisation of a 3DS game without having to have Nintendo do it for them!? wow!


Maybe they've finally pulled their finger out?


Hope this means that we're also getting that awesome looking 3DS remake of FF1 (that came free with the Japanese release of Explorers) as well!

Edited by Dcubed
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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone done much reading up on Explorers?


In other words, the game strays quite a ways from its traditional RPG roots. Besides the lack of EXP and levels in Explorers, it also features entirely action-oriented battle mechanics. You can lock on to foes, and your individual actions map at your discretion to face buttons and recharge on individual cooldown timers. Still, it feels very much like a Final Fantasy game, and not just because of the Job System and folks hanging around the hub town with familiar names like "Cid" and "Beatrice." It has that series' unique je ne sais quoi — high production values (though the emphasis on large, open fields and caves to explore means lower visual quality up close) and high accessibility despite an abundance of interlocking systems.

Diary of a Final Fantasy Explorer: Tripping the Lite


Interestingly, Final Fantasy Explorers doesn't appear to be a total Monster Hunter clone. It has has seen quite a few comparisons, for instance, to Crystal Chronicles - the odd little action spinoff first released on the GameCube more than a decade ago. Japanese players have likened it to an MMORPG, suggesting a more structured experience than what you get in a typical Monster Hunter game. In that regard, Final Fantasy Explorers may end up having more appeal to those who prefer traditional story-based RPGs than it may have had otherwise.

Can Final Fantasy Explorers Follow in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate's Footsteps in the West?

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  • 4 months later...
Reviews are starting to arrive this morning. Seems to be receiving a very meh response.


Still looking forward to it. :yay: How could I not? I mean, it's got the best FF character in it.




You've linked the wrong image and accidentally put the 2nd worst protagonist there (not Lightening thank god) - Vivi looks more mage like

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Terra hardly says a bloody word, lol. Is that a good character to you?


My favourite thing about Squall, other than him both looking badass and performing multiple stunts of badassery, is his character development. He goes from detached and antisocial to opening up and falling in love with someone. What a guyyy.

Edited by Sheikah
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Well, let's see about that...





Oh, look at how ridiculously wrong you are!


She's as talkative as just about everyone else in the game. Stop it.

No she isn't. Anyone who has played the game knows she doesn't say very much compared to most of the other characters.

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My favourite thing about Squall, other than him both looking badass and performing multiple stunts of badassery, is his character development. He goes from detached and antisocial to opening up and falling in love with someone. What a guyyy.


He opens up to one person, big woop. He's still pretty distant from the rest of the cast.


Terra does it better.

Goes from self depreciating and mopey to taking care of a village of oprhans during the apocalypse.


No she isn't. Anyone who has played the game knows she doesn't say very much compared to most of the other characters.


Don't insinuate that I haven't played FF6.


She's not as boisterous as the likes of Sabin and Edgar, of course, but she talks plenty.

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In terms of actions every single protagonist does loads of fucking good deeds, that really doesn't matter. Terra is just a very boring character that says very little.


That's your opinion, I happen to disagree.

I find Squall very unlikable.

I like just about everyone else in FF8, but Squall just came across as the kind of guy who thinks the world revolves around himself.

But you already know what I think, I'm sure you remember the heated debate over this game last year in the gaming diary thread.

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I tried to post this this morning but database errors said fuck you Nolan. So here it is now instead.


I remember liking Squall back when it was cool to be "whatever" about everything. But then I went through puberty and my tastes changed a bit. Squall is stoic with extra stoic on the side, he does change and has a bit of a character arc. He eventually considers the others to be at least his friends. Of course I don't care for any of them either, or the story.


Terra is frankly about equal to Squall I think similar closed attitude and opens up. She speaks plenty though, that argument doesn't really have legs. Her main thing is just being half esper. I find Locke, Celes, or Cyan to be far more interesting.


Really though we all know that the Onion Knight is the true hero of the series.

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I take it i'm the only one who picked this up then?


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I put an hour into it yesterday evening and so far it feels very much like a kiddie version of Monster Hunter. It lacks the sense of danger that the MH series brings to the table and so far its been stupidly easy. It kinda feels like a cross between PSO and Monster Hunter, with a Final Fantasy skin attached.

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