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I've been outwitted for most of the evening by an IKEA bedside table...however just logging on now if you're still about?


If not apologies for not getting on or in touch sooner!


Sorry mate, just saw this now. I'm all done for the night, so maybe another time :D

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The game has now passed the 1 million mark in Japan.


Today, Nintendo confirmed on their Splatoon blog that they've sold one million copies of Splatoon in Japan. This included physical, digital and bundles. Congrats!


Also, Nintendo announced that the Squid Sisters will perform live at the Game Party Japan 2015. That takes at 12 am PT on Saturday, January 30. It will most likely air on NicoNico.

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The Developers of this game did an interview with Gameinformer today.


Couple of things of note:


How long do you plan to release additional content for the game? Will content eventually go from free to paid after a certain period of support?


Nogami: As we mentioned earlier, the free content for the game will continue to release until January 2016 and we don't have plans to release paid DLC after that.


So it looks like the map/weapons/gear updates will stop after January. It's a shame that its coming to an end but I'm not complaining about that, the support for this game over the past six months has been great. Plus the two new maps they just announced will keep my interest going in this game until at least February.


Will we see any updates with features that aren’t necessarily new gear or maps? Some players have expressed a dislike of the current map rotation size (two) in favor of three to four per rotation. Is there any plan to make changes to that system?


Amano: After this update in January, we will of course continue to support bug fixes and balance changes to the game where we feel they are necessary. With map rotation, this is something that we envisioned from the beginning of development of the game. The idea that players would have two maps on which to play and you would take one weapon into the map and figure out the best way to move about the map and learn the ins and outs of each stage. We don't have any immediate plans to change that. Thinking forward, this is something that would really affect the structure of the game. It is something that we consistently continue to see users discussing. It's perhaps something we will start to think about as a challenge, and we would need to think of the best ways to solve that challenge, but we don't have any immediate plans to take that on.


However this seems odd to me. I'm not convinced that changing the map rotation to three to would greatly affect the challenge of the game. They themselfs up the map rotation to Three during Splatfests...

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I think the two map rotation is the most annoying thing about the game now that the dust has settled.

If they could just prevent the 4/5 in a row matches on the same map it would not be so bad.

I agree it could easily be upped to three and that would also reduce much of the problem. :(

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The game that keeps on giving....


And yeah, the map and mode rotation is a huge huge huge irritation! Doesn't make any sense. There are so many maps now there are loads I haven't played for ages!! It's so so stupid.


Why don't they just let us change weapons and such and allow for animal rotation!??! It works fine in squad battles and private games so what's the problem. Really wish they'd change that!!

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I think the two map rotation is the most annoying thing about the game now that the dust has settled.

If they could just prevent the 4/5 in a row matches on the same map it would not be so bad.

I agree it could easily be upped to three and that would also reduce much of the problem. :(


The game that keeps on giving....


And yeah, the map and mode rotation is a huge huge huge irritation! Doesn't make any sense. There are so many maps now there are loads I haven't played for ages!! It's so so stupid.


Why don't they just let us change weapons and such and allow for animal(whut?!) rotation!??! It works fine in squad battles and private games so what's the problem. Really wish they'd change that!!


A fully random rotation would be the best - or a selection of 3/4 of all and users vote and majority takes it etc(similar to what Halo did iirc). I wondered before, though I haven't a basis for it, if having 2 maps per four hours or 3 solid maps for a splatfest somehow can allow them to be preloaded of sorts to then speed up loading times - I wouldn't put it past them tbh. If there was to be a full random/more varied setup, maybe it'd put a penalty on speed of loading etc? Sadly I'm only speculating though, could not be the case at all.

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So in January it'll finally be a roughly 3/4 complete game?


Yes, it's still far too lacking in features and game modes to be considered near complete!



Although I do enjoy it, I just find that it irritates more than gives enjoyment.

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I feel like this game was 3/4 complete when it launched but they have added so much since then its been more then a complete game for a long time now.


I think it can be contextual really - and whether you have something else to compare it to. I was far more tolerable when I only had a WiiU, though I still grew tired of Splatoon's decisions when getting together with folks here for private matches/squads - a one player imbalance was a really good definition of the word itself - and that was something I honestly just couldn't tolerate too much, let alone the other criticisms often levelled.

Splatoon is a fantastic concept and idea though, and it's so absolutely Nintendo - but I think it's so absolutely Nintendo that some of their general decisions have contributed to it still not living up to its full potential(it does utilise a lot of it, though).

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I managed to make it through 2 ranked matches last night and 1 game of Turf Wars and had loads of fun. Unfortunately, every other attempt was cut short by my connection issues with the game.


My enjoyment, however, is making me consider hooking my Wii U up via ethernet for when I want to play Splatoon, just in the hope that it works for me. Due to the inconvenience and the risk that it still won't do me any good, I'd like to try it out for as cheaply as possible. Could anyone direct me to an adapter and 7-10m cable at a reasonable price that should work with Wii U? I'm setting a limit of about £10 :heh:

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My Nephew is super excited for tomorrow now :D he's been busy on super mario maker and played a few games of splatoon with me this morning :) he was level 15 on my wii U, he's upto level 5 on his last time I checked... shouldn't be long till he's closer to my level.. but it was funny playing against a bunch of level 3/10's earlier :D

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Little easter egg i found on the new map. If you go to the west side of the map and look out across the water in the direction of the Jellyfish in a rubber dinghy, wait until there's less then a minute left of the timer you see...


The Great Zapfish swimming around very briefly. I took a couple of pictures in recon mode:






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At this point all of the maps should be in rotation. I played for 20 minutes yesterday and got bored playing the same few.


It's so annoying isn't it. I mean I love the game, easily my favourite game of the whole generation, but it's frustrating. The modes and maps should be completely selectable. There are so many maps now there's some I've not played in months!

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