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Run down of all the leaked stuff earlier this year that's looking like it could be true, copied from Gaf


Forza Horizon: "Fall 2014, probably September. Super sexy weather system and... shit tons of co-op/social stuff. 1080P and open-world, so you can road trip with your bros."

White Xbone incoming.

Why all the leaks? Scared you might get caught? "I am incapable of fear. Plus, this is such exciting stuff, and me talking about it ahead of time isn't going to hurt anything, truthfully. We're all chomping at the bit for it to come out. This is not bad. "

Halo Anniversary 2 will be 1080p, iffy on the 60fps, maybe not.

Quantum Break is Holiday 2014

Multiplayer confirmed for HA2, same devs as Halo Anniversary.

Sunset Overdrive is Fall 2014

Is not Phil Spencer

Black Tusk cancelled project was called "Shangheist." May have involved stealing stuff from the Chinese (though I think that may have been a reference to the name and maybe not the gameplay? Not sure...)

Fable Legends is Summer 2015

Halo 2 Anniversary includes beta for Halo 5

Gears of War will probably need a 2.5 year dev time.

First Titanfall DLC is 45 days from release, then another one 120 days from release.

No Crackdown 3 news this year most likely, since it's a 2016 title.

A list w/dates of the rest of the Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries that Xbone will release in this year.

No info/idea on what Rare's up to, sadly.

$399 XB1 this year? "Maybe one without an Optical Disc Drive."



The whole pre-show green carpet is really cringe worthy. Larry Hryb is barely listening to anyone he asks questions to.



How the fuck was this all leaked so early?! Daaaamn, whoever did that must have been balls deep in the industry.


This could actually bump the Xbox One later this year, the Halo trilogy is going to get a good nostalgia rush for quite a few people.


Pretty quiet in here, not much happen? Wasn't able to watch it so I was wondering if it's worth watching later.

Pretty quiet in here, not much happen? Wasn't able to watch it so I was wondering if it's worth watching later.


I was thinking that, I think for me personally there's nothing that's prompting a reaction enough from myself to post anything.


COD: Meh

Ass Creed: Meh

Sunset Overdrive: Mite b kewl

Dance Central: Mehhhhh


It's all solid stuff no doubt, but nothing to prompt me to go OH HOLY SHIIIIIT. Cuphead looks AMAZING though, keeping my eye on that to play on PC later this year though.

I was thinking that, I think for me personally there's nothing that's prompting a reaction enough from myself to post anything.


COD: Meh

Ass Creed: Meh

Sunset Overdrive: Mite b kewl

Dance Central: Mehhhhh


It's all solid stuff no doubt, but nothing to prompt me to go OH HOLY SHIIIIIT. Cuphead looks AMAZING though, keeping my eye on that to play on PC later this year though.


Sounds like a typical MS conference to be honest. I think I'll skip it. Only really interested in the new Tomb Raider.


Tbh, we had a hilarious E3 last year with the new consoles, this one was always going to be a bit shit by comparison. Next year the new stuff with more protracted development schedules will show who's really cutting the mustard.


Not a bad opening, especially considering last years entrance. The presentation was solid, a little too much on the "*mumble mumble* ONLY ON XBOX ONE" as per usual but I think that's becoming a bit of a staple for every hardware manufacturer when it comes to multiplats.


Nothing really grabbed my interest to pick up an Xbox One even remotely soon, but I imagine shit's kinda exciting for Xbox fans new and old.


High point: Capcom's Dead Rising 3 DLC announcement, Sunset Overdrive gameplay

Low point: Can we fuck off with opening up E3 with Call of Duty footage please? It says a lot that the "leading form of entertainment" kicks things off with gameplay from a game that comes out annually that brings nothing new to the table.


Score: 6/10


Exclusive title by Platinum Games... apart from that, nothing really... genuinely... selling the system to me. :blank:



Not this year at least. :heh:



Good news for anyone who already owns the machine though. : peace:

Sounds like a typical MS conference to be honest. I think I'll skip it. Only really interested in the new Tomb Raider.


Not giving them enough credit there tbf. A "typical" MS conference is an embarrassing mess cut into TV TV SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS and made into memes.


Whilst they didn't have a lot of revelations, for fans of big franchises there was certainly lots of nice new footage, and for once they kept their dignity and focussed on games.


Conference was ok, found it a bit boring towards the end. Games all look great, but nothing really that interests me, that isn't multiplatform, and even then.


Tomb Raider 2 and The Witcher ftw.

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