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amiibo (NFC)


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I'm not even sure I believe that amiibo game [Nintendo Infinity] is coming.


Which Mario would you upload into it as Mario? Smash Mario, Mario Kart Mario, regular Mario?... would they all work? Would there be a new Mario for 'Nintendo Infinity'?


I wouldn't be surprised if they were just kept to individual games.

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I don't see the confusion there? Surely yes they would all work. They've already said figures will work across multiple games. So Smash, Kart and Regular Mario would translate into either their version in "Nintendo Infinity" or the regular kind.


I can't imagine they don't make a dedicated game for them, even Nintendo aren't that crazy.

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I suspect running a successful business is a little bit more complicated than just "throw our IP out to every franchise to help sell a few more". Nintendo's IP should be cherished, and is basically what's keeping them afloat, putting it in other third party titles would be crazy. For what purpose? To sell a handful more amiibos? Those two games are it's competition!


It was already highlighted with the EA Gamecube Sports games but...


Boom Street

Tekken Tag Tournament

Rayman Legends


Sonic Lost World

Lego City


Nintendo really don't seem against throwing their IP out to every franchise to help it a bit more :p


And this case more than any of those actually seems like a really good fit and beneficial to both parties, a shame it didn't happen.


I really don't know how Amiibo's will sell right now. They're certainly not a guaranteed success. Skylanders and Disney Infinity are both good and bad indicators. Good in the sense that this kind of thing can and does seem to be working but bad in the sense that Nintendo, completely new to this whole integrating toys into gaming thing, are going up against two HUGE franchises that have spent years building up their user-base.


As has been said, I really don't think they can take off unless they are needed or unless there is a specific game for them. Selling them as just an 'extra' to go alongside Smash and Mario Kart will do jack-shit. It will sell to the hardcore fans who want decent figures, but after that, will fall to the deep depths of Nintendo hell along with Wii Speak and the Wii U's retail shelf space.

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Even IF Nintendo wanted amiibo in Skylanders and/or Infinity, I bet both Activision and Disney wouldn't want it.

Why would they let competition profit from their succes?


Nintendo needs to take a slightly different direction with amiibo, and if they do as they currently tell us (make them work for more than one game) it'll just be "wait and see"...


It wouldn't be smart to enter a saturated market (or red ocean) : peace:

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£10.99 per piece.


Cue Wii complaining about price conversions.

£11 is cheaper than the £13 I was expecting. So I'm fine with that. Especially as that's RRP. Give them a few months they'll be 3 for 2.


I'll probably pick Samus, Link and Marth up initially. Then I'll get the rest when they're cheaper.

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£132 ouch :(


Plus an extra couple to unseal to play with ;)


Wouldn't it be thoughtful of Nintendo if they decided to go with packaging that allows easy access to the NFC chip without having to destroy the plastic/cardboard to get at the figure?


I know that's half the point though being able to hold the physical figure but it would have been nice; personally I would have preferred it had they gone with a more traditional box with a window approach just like they used to for their Trophy Figures...



(I have this one unboxed and without the Keese)



Just a thought anyway. : peace:

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I went looking for images of an NFC card, then a Nintendo NFC card and came across this article:




It's 2 and a half years old and shows how things have not worked out, is full of contradictions and unfulfilled promises. I think it's a very interesting read.


Anyway my point was if they really need to do NFC, just give us a card. The only good thing I see about NFC is if you wanted to go to a friends house and use an NFC card to transfer saved data. But it's not very likely and there's other ways around it. Log into your Wii U from your friends or access a cloud server with your data or transfer to a 3DS and back out again when you get there. But if they used a card they couldn't milk it for all its worth with 12 figures x £11 a pop to start with. Other than what I said about transferring data there is no real need for them that I can think of.


Can anybody think of a reason we "need" amiibo?


Edit: I thought of one other reason. If you went to a game retailer and used your amiibo to buy credit and transfer it when you get home but that was mentioned in the article I think. That would be good if you're a kid and don't have a credit card. Would there be a transaction fee though? The shop would want to get something for providing a service. Doesn't bother me, I just use my credit card whenever I need it and it's far easier than going all the way into town to top up using an amiibo.


So again any real need?

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I went looking for images of an NFC card, then a Nintendo NFC card and came across this article:




It's 2 and a half years old and shows how things have not worked out, is full of contradictions and unfulfilled promises. I think it's a very interesting read.


Anyway my point was if they really need to do NFC, just give us a card. The only good thing I see about NFC is if you wanted to go to a friends house and use an NFC card to transfer saved data. But it's not very likely and there's other ways around it. Log into your Wii U from your friends or access a cloud server with your data or transfer to a 3DS and back out again when you get there. But if they used a card they couldn't milk it for all its worth with 12 figures x £11 a pop to start with. Other than what I said about transferring data there is no real need for them that I can think of.


Can anybody think of a reason we "need" amiibo?


Edit: I thought of one other reason. If you went to a game retailer and used your amiibo to buy credit and transfer it when you get home but that was hinted at in the article I think. That would be good if you're a kid and don't have a credit card. Would there be a transaction fee though? The shop would want to get something for providing a service. Doesn't bother me, I just use my credit card whenever I need it.

The card stuff exists in Japan. Payment can be done with it



Also, amiibo isn't just for sharing personalised data, they are also set to unlock things in games. To provide content in the game that can't exist without the figure etc.


I don't think it's filled with contradictions and unfilled promises, but rather you're filled with misinformation and bias.


Wouldn't it be thoughtful of Nintendo if they decided to go with packaging that allows easy access to the NFC chip without having to destroy the plastic/cardboard to get at the figure?


I know that's half the point though being able to hold the physical figure but it would have been nice; personally I would have preferred it had they gone with a more traditional box with a window approach just like they used to for their Trophy Figures...



(I have this one unboxed and without the Keese)



Just a thought anyway. : peace:

The base of the package seems low enough for the NFC reader to read it, so we should be fine.

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I went looking for images of an NFC card, then a Nintendo NFC card and came across this article:




It's 2 and a half years old and shows how things have not worked out, is full of contradictions and unfulfilled promises. I think it's a very interesting read.


Anyway my point was if they really need to do NFC, just give us a card. The only good thing I see about NFC is if you wanted to go to a friends house and use an NFC card to transfer saved data. But it's not very likely and there's other ways around it. Log into your Wii U from your friends or access a cloud server with your data or transfer to a 3DS and back out again when you get there. But if they used a card they couldn't milk it for all its worth with 12 figures x £11 a pop to start with. Other than what I said about transferring data there is no real need for them that I can think of.


Can anybody think of a reason we "need" amiibo?


Edit: I thought of one other reason. If you went to a game retailer and used your amiibo to buy credit and transfer it when you get home but that was mentioned in the article I think. That would be good if you're a kid and don't have a credit card. Would there be a transaction fee though? The shop would want to get something for providing a service. Doesn't bother me, I just use my credit card whenever I need it and it's far easier than going all the way into town to top up using an amiibo.


So again any real need?


The point of the figures is, as Ronnie said, to have little Nintendo characters scattered around the place. You also have to remember that you probably aren't their target audience, kids are.


When it comes to the younger generation, Nintendo have lost a bit of mind share. Things like this make kids go nuts. Just look at Skylanders and Infinity, both well received by children and very popular. If Nintendo can get a slice of this pie and get their characters recognised by kids then it sets it up potential for potential new customers.


I'll be buying them, even if they don't do anything relevant in the game. I bought the whole set of the Infinity figures and a bunch of them don't do anything outside of the creating mode.


At the end of the day if you don't want them, then don't buy them. It's that simple.

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Nintendo characters in Disney Infinity or Skylanders? I'd rather wait for the dedicated Nintendo game thanks!


You would?

Millions of gamers are tired of waiting for Nintendo to bring more of their IP's to our screens and have voted with their wallets into buying other systems.


Cross promotion is smart for both companies. Especially tying in with the Disney licence which aligns wonderfully with pretty much all of Nintendo's IP.

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The card stuff exists in Japan. Payment can be done with it



Also, amiibo isn't just for sharing personalised data, they are also set to unlock things in games. To provide content in the game that can't exist without the figure etc.


I don't think it's filled with contradictions and unfilled promises, but rather you're filled with misinformation and bias.


Why doesn't the card stuff exist here?


You don't "need" amiibo to unlock things. They're forcing that upon us if indeed that's what they do. Yes the content can exist without a figure. Put it on the disc and don't hide it unless you have a key(amiibo).


Yes the article is full of fail on Nintendos part. I'm not going through it all, especially not for someone like you who refuses to deal with reality but I'll highlight these bolded sections from it:


  • Nintendo Network Will Be The Real Deal When They Are Ready To Unleash It
  • Nintendo Will Try And Keep Every Hit Game ‘Fresh’ With DLC Until The End of its System’s Lifespan
  • Miyamoto Has More Time To Look For the Next Big Hit


  • How long does it take and Nintendo Network is not all it could or should be?
  • Super Mario 3D World and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, 2 major examples beg to differ
  • Miyamoto has had 2 and 1/2 years and still nothing(2 awful small projects and who's even working on Starfox?)


You're the one who is biased and can never accept any criticism of Nintendo. Most other people here see the good and the bad, myself included that Nintendo do. I don't need to take crap from you a confirmed liar.

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Why doesn't the card stuff exist here?


You don't "need" amiibo to unlock things. They're forcing that upon us if indeed that's what they do. Yes the content can exist without a figure. Put it on the disc and don't hide it unless you have a key(amiibo).


Yes the article is full of fail on Nintendos part. I'm not going through it all, especially not for someone like you who refuses to deal with reality but I'll highlight these bolded sections from it:


  • Nintendo Network Will Be The Real Deal When They Are Ready To Unleash It
  • Nintendo Will Try And Keep Every Hit Game ‘Fresh’ With DLC Until The End of its System’s Lifespan
  • Miyamoto Has More Time To Look For the Next Big Hit


  • How long does it take and Nintendo Network is not all it could or should be?
  • Super Mario 3D World and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, 2 major examples beg to differ
  • Miyamoto has had 2 and 1/2 years and still nothing(2 awful small projects and who's even working on Starfox?)


You're the one who is biased and can never accept any criticism of Nintendo. Most other people here see the good and the bad, myself included that Nintendo do. I don't need to take crap from you a confirmed liar.

So much for you having me on ignore ;)


1. Because they have to sort out licenses etc. with the companies that do have it, and as @Hero\-of\-Time said

3. Nintendo Network is the real deal. Sure, it has a couple of issues, but so does everything, and they have outlined that they are going to resolve those issues with the next platforms

4. Some games don't lend themselves to DLC. I'd rather not have DLC shoehorned in where it doesn't belong.

5. Miyamoto was working on gameplay concepts, not specific hit games. He's trying for hit gameplay, and the three he showed at E3 have great potential. Also, we don't know everything that's in development, either. You do know things do exist without us knowing about them, right?


Also, I do criticise Nintendo when criticism is warranted.

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He really does refuse to see the whole point of amiibo's, it's so tedious. Even if they didn't unlock any OPTIONAL EXTRAS in the game I'd still be buying them. You're paying a tenner for figurines!


I suppose I shouldn't be surprised coming from the guy who doesn't buy other consoles because "Sony and Microsoft are scum". :indeed:

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While yes, they could make it so NFC credit cards work, that brings me back to the beginning of this point.


There's probably extra security involved in NFC credit card. While you can link your phone to a payment account and use the NFC to pay for something in a shop, you can't use a contactless card to pay for something on your phone.

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He really does refuse to see the whole point of amiibo's, it's so tedious. Even if they didn't unlock any OPTIONAL EXTRAS in the game I'd still be buying them. You're paying a tenner for figurines!


I suppose I shouldn't be surprised coming from the guy who doesn't buy other consoles because "Sony and Microsoft are scum". :indeed:

Indeed. Sony and MS are somewhat scummy (I will never forgive Microsoft for what they tried to do with the Xbox One), but I still buy their products :p

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£10.99 per piece.


Cue @Wii complaining about price conversions.


Hey more power to you. Why not be ripped off? Sure it's great. Who cares that $13 dollars is under £8. I'm sure the € price will be more ridiculous, it usually is. If the price was fair I might be more amenable to them.


Still waiting for one good reason as to why we need amiibo? Yes I get that some people like collectibles but I play games. It's a branching out of merchandising but they are not needed to play games. Nor should they be.


People complain that the gamepad is a gimmick. I disagree, it just hasn't shown its full potential or more accurately Nintendo hasn't shown its full potential. Amiibo is a gimmick.

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