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Do Nintendo still have what it takes to produce hardware?


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There is so much bullshit in that video. It's laughable.



I honestly have no idea what the Game Pad could be used for in a way that it was essential and made a game (that wasn't just a collection of minigames and such) impossible on other systems. Anyone want to tell me some? One even.

Edited by Daft
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There is so much bullshit in that video. It's laughable.



I honestly have no idea what the Game Pad could be used for in a way that it was essential and made a game (that wasn't just a collection of minigames and such) impossible on other systems. Anyone want to tell me some? One even.


Have you played Metroid Blast in Nintendoland? Make that into a full game with more serious graphics and you have a very core-appealing game with a concept that isn't possible on the same level with PS4/Xone.


Cooperation between gamepad players and wiimote players in an online environment would be (pun intended) a BLAST!

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Have you played Metroid Blast in Nintendoland? Make that into a full game with more serious graphics and you have a very core-appealing game with a concept that isn't possible on the same level with PS4/Xone.


Cooperation between gamepad players and wiimote players in an online environment would be (pun intended) a BLAST!


Doesn't ring a bell. What do you do in it?

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There is so much bullshit in that video. It's laughable.



I honestly have no idea what the Game Pad could be used for in a way that it was essential and made a game (that wasn't just a collection of minigames and such) impossible on other systems. Anyone want to tell me some? One even.


it's just not about that.

Don't you work in the industry?

Nintendo consoles are made for the family. The wiimote was an brilliant invention because it allowed players of all ages and skill levels to play together.

A huge benefit of the gamepad is that your kids can play on the console without taking over the tv. Just because you don't have a family and don't benefit from this function does not make it redundant.

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There is so much bullshit in that video. It's laughable.



I honestly have no idea what the Game Pad could be used for in a way that it was essential and made a game (that wasn't just a collection of minigames and such) impossible on other systems. Anyone want to tell me some? One even.


There are loads of ways in which the gamepad could improve the gaming experience for people. Problem is, half of the developers in that video just talked about off-screen play, which I see as the worst, most lazy use of the gamepad.


And that's another problem: Nintendo focused too much on off-screen play, which isn't an innovation that's strong enough to justify the price of the console.


As a game designer, I can imagine lots of cool uses. How about an air combat game, where you see your plane like normal on the TV, while you have bomb sights on the gamepad? Or an FPS where you give orders to your squad using the tablet?

Heck, when I played GTAV, there were probably twenty times I genuinely wished that this or that feature was tablet controlled.

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it's just not about that.

Don't you work in the industry?

Nintendo consoles are made for the family. The wiimote was an brilliant invention because it allowed players of all ages and skill levels to play together.

A huge benefit of the gamepad is that your kids can play on the console without taking over the tv. Just because you don't have a family and don't benefit from this function does not make it redundant.


Sorry but I think Nintendo give way too much emphasis on a console the whole family can enjoy.


Off TV play is not and will never be a major draw. Kids have there own bedrooms with own TV's so this big push for a console for the living room is pointless.

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Yeah, I'm really not seeing how the GamePad adds to the Metroid game. You could just do that online.


There are loads of ways in which the gamepad could improve the gaming experience for people. Problem is, half of the developers in that video just talked about off-screen play, which I see as the worst, most lazy use of the gamepad.


And that's another problem: Nintendo focused too much on off-screen play, which isn't an innovation that's strong enough to justify the price of the console.


As a game designer, I can imagine lots of cool uses. How about an air combat game, where you see your plane like normal on the TV, while you have bomb sights on the gamepad? Or an FPS where you give orders to your squad using the tablet?

Heck, when I played GTAV, there were probably twenty times I genuinely wished that this or that feature was tablet controlled.


But these features aren't essential. I don't play a lot of squad based FPSes but in Ghost Recon Advance Protocol you just aimed and pressed a direction on the D-pad to direct your squad. Worked perfectly. How would a Game Pad make it better?


All these ideas just seem so meh.


I guess the air combat idea isn't bad but that's nothing that can't be done on other consoles with an tablet or smartphone (Ground Zero does a pretty good real-time map, for reference).

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There is so much bullshit in that video. It's laughable.



I honestly have no idea what the Game Pad could be used for in a way that it was essential and made a game (that wasn't just a collection of minigames and such) impossible on other systems. Anyone want to tell me some? One even.


Could just be lack of imagination on your part :p

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I honestly have no idea what the Game Pad could be used for in a way that it was essential and made a game (that wasn't just a collection of minigames and such) impossible on other systems. Anyone want to tell me some? One even.


Pokemon - as a real-time pokedex/Camera in Pokemon Snap/Pokeball ala the Ninja game in Nintendoland.


But I doubt anything will open you up to the gamepad..

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What do you mean a real-time Pokedex? (And how couldn't that be done with other second-screen tech?!) Pokemon Snap worked perfectly on the N64. Would lifting a control up to take a photo REALLY make that big a difference?


Could just be lack of imagination on your part :p


Could you have literally nothing of value to say?


Our survey says 'yes'.

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What do you mean a real-time Pokedex? (And how couldn't that be done with other second-screen tech?!) Pokemon Snap worked perfectly on the N64. Would lifting a control up to take a photo REALLY make that big a difference?




Could you have literally nothing of value to say?


Our survey says 'yes'.


Like I've said before, if you could play it on an office chair so you could make use of the gyro (like the Zelda game in Nintendo Land), it would be bloody amazing.

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I think what Daft is saying isn't "what benefits can the GamePad bring now that it exists", but rather "were the potential benefits big enough, and likely to be used enough, to justify building a console around it and having it up the value of said console?"


Perhaps in light of Microsoft's announcement today...

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I think what Daft is saying isn't "what benefits can the GamePad bring now that it exists", but rather "were the potential benefits big enough, and likely to be used enough, to justify building a console around it and having it up the value of said console?"


Perhaps in light of Microsoft's announcement today...


You seem to be trying to explain what daft means a lot. Maybe he should just be clearer and not come across, as usual, as always attacking and never seeing other points of view.


What do you mean a real-time Pokedex? (And how couldn't that be done with other second-screen tech?!) Pokemon Snap worked perfectly on the N64. Would lifting a control up to take a photo REALLY make that big a difference?




Could you have literally nothing of value to say?


Our survey says 'yes'.


But you throw in that caveat "impossible" on other systems like it means something, it doesn't. Nothing is impossible on any system you COULD make the two screen gameplay work, but will it be as good - ps4-vita says NO. And also that is way more expensive, needing a vita, or a tablet etc then it all coming packaged in. It shouldn't be about things being possible on other systems, but is it good in of itself. Is 2 screen gameplay good? Is off tv play good? Is touch control gameplay good? Etc etc saying "impossible" elsewhere is so so weak to say. Utterly pointless and destroys discussion.

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You seem to be trying to explain what daft means a lot. Maybe he should just be clearer and not come across, as usual, as always attacking and never seeing other points of view.


I'm sincerely sorry for trying to see something from someone else's point of view and trying to help facilitate conversation. It was foolhardy of me.

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I'm sincerely sorry for trying to see something from someone else's point of view and trying to help facilitate conversation. It was foolhardy of me.


I don't know why you got defensive, I wasn't attacking you for it, i think you're giving him a little too much credit and diplomacy, but at least you're balancing his opinions out. I was more commenting on the fact his posts NEED this in the first place.

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I don't know why you got defensive, I wasn't attacking you for it, i think you're giving him a little too much credit and diplomacy, but at least you're balancing his opinions out. I was more commenting on the fact his posts NEED this in the first place.


"You seem to be trying to explain what daft means a lot".


I am the subject in that sentence. If you wanted to critique Daft's post, you didn't need to reference my own.


But oh wait, you then did critique his post. So...you just wanted to do it twice? Did it/he annoy you that much?


And perhaps I am being defensive, but I was merely trying to show that words are polysemic and things may not be as you initially interpret them.


What would have been the polite thing to do was to ask Daft for a better explanation, or say "this is how I'm interpreting it, is that correct" as anyone with either a modicum of understanding of semiotics, or even of linguistics and interaction, will know that you can't take a sentence at face value as very rarely do they have only one possible interpretation. Instead, you went on the offensive.

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"You seem to be trying to explain what daft means a lot".


I am the subject in that sentence. If you wanted to critique Daft's post, you didn't need to reference my own.


But oh wait, you then did critique his post. So...you just wanted to do it twice? Did it/he annoy you that much?


And perhaps I am being defensive, but I was merely trying to show that words are polysemic and things may not be as you initially interpret them.


What would have been the polite thing to do was to ask Daft for a better explanation, or say "this is how I'm interpreting it, is that correct" as anyone with either a modicum of understanding of semiotics, or even of linguistics and interaction, will know that you can't take a sentence at face value as very rarely do they have only one possible interpretation. Instead, you went on the offensive.


Show me where "went on the offensive", for you i was pointing that his posts need rationalising by his friend. It says a lot about said posts when this needs to happen. My response to him was perfectly fine wasn't it? Don't take you irrational defensive stance as a sign that someone's being defensive.


As for your use of semiotics, the facts it feels like you're trying to over intellectualise very simple thoughts, the word isn't used in the right context as far as I can tell.


And in think it's pretty clear what daft means and says, I don't need to ask, he's had the same thoughts and tact for years. That's fine. You seem to try and give balance to him that I don't think is there.


As for different meanings... Funny, everyone all the time talks about what eople say and judge that, you too, especially with serebii. I wonder if you'd have been so defensive if it wasn't your friend and house mate....


"You seem to be trying to explain what daft means a lot".


I am the subject in that sentence. If you wanted to critique Daft's post, you didn't need to reference my own.


But oh wait, you then did critique his post. So...you just wanted to do it twice? Did it/he annoy you that much?


And perhaps I am being defensive, but I was merely trying to show that words are polysemic and things may not be as you initially interpret them.


What would have been the polite thing to do was to ask Daft for a better explanation, or say "this is how I'm interpreting it, is that correct" as anyone with either a modicum of understanding of semiotics, or even of linguistics and interaction, will know that you can't take a sentence at face value as very rarely do they have only one possible interpretation. Instead, you went on the offensive.


Show me where "went on the offensive", for you i was pointing that his posts need rationalising by his friend. It says a lot about said posts when this needs to happen. My response to him was perfectly fine wasn't it? Don't take you irrational defensive stance as a sign that someone's being defensive.


As for your use of semiotics, the facts it feels like you're trying to over intellectualise very simple thoughts, the word isn't used in the right context as far as I can tell.


And in think it's pretty clear what daft means and says, I don't need to ask, he's had the same thoughts and tact for years. That's fine. You seem to try and give balance to him that I don't think is there.


As for different meanings... Funny, everyone all the time talks about what eople say and judge that, you too, especially with serebii. I wonder if you'd have been so defensive if it wasn't your friend and house mate....

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Show me where "went on the offensive", for you i was pointing that his posts need rationalising by his friend. It says a lot about said posts when this needs to happen. My response to him was perfectly fine wasn't it? Don't take you irrational defensive stance as a sign that someone's being defensive.


As for your use of semiotics, the facts it feels like you're trying to over intellectualise very simple thoughts, the word isn't used in the right context as far as I can tell.


And in think it's pretty clear what daft means and says, I don't need to ask, he's had the same thoughts and tact for years. That's fine. You seem to try and give balance to him that I don't think is there.


As for different meanings... Funny, everyone all the time talks about what eople say and judge that, you too, especially with serebii. I wonder if you'd have been so defensive if it wasn't your friend and house mate....


1) "Utterly pointless and destroys discussion" is an attacking response

2) Semiotics is the study of signs and that includes words. With all due respect, I have studied it (whereas your post suggests you haven't, but apologies if I am mistaken, meanings can be misinterpreted after all) and I am free to use whatever words I choose to. Sorry if its more intellectual than you would like, but it is how I chose to respond. I spend my life in an academic context, it spills over.

3) 'I know exactly what everyone else things'... None of us are a 20s cartoon character, we have multi-faceted opinions.

4) I at times get annoyed with Serebii and jump to conclusions, yes. I am human and flawed. However, I also try and see what he is saying at times. For example, yesterday in his Wii U General post I tried to find out what he meant about the "slippery slope" comment.

5) I wondered how long it would take for you to bring that up. As if our friendship is so weak that I need to jump to his defence to ensure it remains. Bitch please. I respect Daft and, having more conversations with him, know that sometimes there are other angles that aren't explored (either because it's not explicitly stated, or outright excluded). At the end of the day I haven't seen Daft for more than 3 hours since last Thursday so its not like we're colluding. I would try and understand (sorry, "defend") many other people's posts.

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1) "Utterly pointless and destroys discussion" is an attacking response

2) Semiotics is the study of signs and that includes words. With all due respect, I have studied it (whereas your post suggests you haven't, but apologies if I am mistaken, meanings can be misinterpreted after all) and I am free to use whatever words I choose to. Sorry if its more intellectual than you would like, but it is how I chose to respond. I spend my life in an academic context, it spills over.

3) 'I know exactly what everyone else things'... None of us are a 20s cartoon character, we have multi-faceted opinions.

4) I at times get annoyed with Serebii and jump to conclusions, yes. I am human and flawed. However, I also try and see what he is saying at times. For example, yesterday in his Wii U General post I tried to find out what he meant about the "slippery slope" comment.

5) I wondered how long it would take for you to bring that up. As if our friendship is so weak that I need to jump to his defence to ensure it remains. Bitch please. I respect Daft and, having more conversations with him, know that sometimes there are other angles that aren't explored (either because it's not explicitly stated, or outright excluded). At the end of the day I haven't seen Daft for more than 3 hours since last Thursday so its not like we're colluding. I would try and understand (sorry, "defend") many other people's posts.


1. That really isn't going in the offensive is it, the fact you think it is shows how sensitive you're being about it.

2. Yes I have studied it. A lot. More specifically with regards to drama and film, but the science of itself too. And you can "argue" that anything is relevent, in the same way you can argue that anything can be art. But are you really suggesting you, and the rest of us, analyse every day conversation in such a way? Preposterous.

3. I don't even know what you're referring to here.

4. A lot of times you don't. But fair enough. But even that slippery slope ended up being yet another negative spin and attack by the same culprits.

5. It certainly seems relevent in the way you respond so entires, I've noticed it before, but this specifically involved me.


And you don't have to defend anyone. It's just weird you go on the defensive in such a way (which was really over the top by the way), and arguing a point that very often you don't do, yeah you're human blah blah blah but it still comes across hypocritical or weirdly defensive.

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I think what Daft is saying isn't "what benefits can the GamePad bring now that it exists", but rather "were the potential benefits big enough, and likely to be used enough, to justify building a console around it and having it up the value of said console?"


Perhaps in light of Microsoft's announcement today...


But the same thing could be said about the Wii.


The point of view I'm getting from Daft stems from this sentence:


But these features aren't essential.


In that case waggle wasn't essential... But essentially the Wiimote bought diversity (the casuals) into gaming on a whole another level.


Its fine if the gamepad isn't what you want, but discrediting it at every occasion is an injustice. If the Wii bombed the wiimote would have got the same critique - Lest we forget, no one really asked for motion controls.


Pokemon Snap worked perfectly on the N64. Would lifting a control up to take a photo REALLY make that big a difference?


I respect your opinion as you're one of the more stable members, but it just seems like you've got it in for the gamepad and nothing can change that... Which can be seen as pointless moaning.


Anyway, just like that ninja game on Nintendoland - using the gamepad as a camera for a game like Pokemon Snap, will certainly add another level of interactivity - at least for me.

Edited by King_V
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