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How do you look so fabulous thread


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Hey guys, so I was curious, what things do you do to make yourself look good?


I've started this thread because damn, just lately looking in the mirror I've felt like donning a potato sack (like Resi 4) and running around with a chainsaw.


The main thing is my eyes, I'm almost like a panda now because they're so dark underneath. So does anyone know what stuff I could use to make my eyes less dark/deadly?


And in general, feel free to share your tips on how you look youthful/good on how you eat, what you do and what you wear!

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I'm going to lose a lot of man points but let's just say you're asking the right guy...lol. My girlfriend got me a really good Clinique gift box for Christmas and it works a treat. I literally love it!


Right, first off for the eyes I'd recommend something like this: http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/prod_10701_10001_123071901099_-1

It works well and you can get a small one for pretty cheap. I have a 10ml one and it's lasted me 3 months so yes, get it.


As for other stuff..I've started using a face scrub/exfoliant, which has basically got rid of any dry skin I used to have. There's a clinique one that is absolutely brilliant and it last forever. I also have a liquid face wash (http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/prod_10701_10001_123071911699_-1) which is class and I use most mornings before I get my day going.


Finally, I use this: http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/prod_10701_10001_123071903599_-1. Not only does it make my skin feel amazing, it smells amazing. Boom.


Out of interest, do you shave at all? Or are you a beardy type (like myself atm). If you use a shaver, I'd recommend use a post shave cream/healer, but of course it might not be relevant to you.


In terms of eating, for me an ideal diet plan is something like this:


Breakfast: Porridge/Protein Pancakes, usually with a banana or something on the side.

Lunch: Chicken+Avocado wraps/salad. Basically, I try and avoid excess carbs with lunch, unless I skipped porridge for breakfast.

Dinner: Meat+Veg. If I have carbs I'll make sure it's something like brown rice.


In between those meals I'll snack on things like apples, bananas and have a couple of protein shakes, depending on whether it's a gym day.


Out of interest, do you exercise much? There's nothing better to make you look and feel healthier than a good workout regime. Even if you don't have access to a gym I would hugely recommend doing something P90x...changed my life!

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I've looked better. Probably looking worse these days than ever before due to lack of exercise, needing a haircut and continuing to dress like a little kid. I also recently shaved which is making me look like I'm terminally ill. Never again.


The hair will soon be cut a decent amount shorter and what little facial hair I'm capable of should grow back.


The key is healthy eating, adopting a style that suits you and a healthy lifestyle.

Edited by Guy
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Seconded on the Clinique stuff - it's fantastic.


Simple things are making sure you get enough sleep. Drink a lot of water (if your pee isn't clear then you're not drinking enough is my philosophy!). Shower every single day, wash your hair every day or every other day. Get regular hair cuts, long hair is a big no in my book - it's hard to make look good on a guy every single day. Keep it short and sweet.


Wear clothes that fit you! I can't stress this enough, if you wear baggy clothes because you're trying to hide a belly or because they're more comfortable (good fitting clothes should be comfortable) you'll just look like you can't be bothered about your own appearance in the slightest. If you can't be bothered about something as simple as that then why would anyone else expect you to be bothered about anything to do with them?


Work out and go to the gym, it really does make you feel better.

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I'm a man, therefore I just trim any hair that is too long and try not to smell like Satan's arsehole.


Slightly more in depth version: I think it's disgusting how women have been conditioned into relying on makeup and trying to achieve the impossible standards set by advertising/the media/the man. I'll be fucked if I'm falling into that mindset. I'll keep myself clean and not too scruffy, but that's it.



Also, as an extra point: Every time I'm in the shower I see a bottle of shower gel that says "For the man who wants to look good effortlessly". Surely it's better to look like you've put some effort in? No one is impressed when Brad Pitt shows up looking good, but if Johnny Vegas showed up to an event looking like James Bond, people's jaws would hit the floor.

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Also, as an extra point: Every time I'm in the shower I see a bottle of shower gel that says "For the man who wants to look good effortlessly". Surely it's better to look like you've put some effort in? No one is impressed when Brad Pitt shows up looking good, but if Johnny Vegas showed up to an event looking like James Bond, people's jaws would hit the floor.


U wot m8? Brad Pitt is considered by many to be the sexiest man alive...of course people are impressed when he looks good. Put it this way, Brad Pitt's bad day far, faaaar exceeds Johnny Vegas' best. Even then, people like Brad Pitt have a "high bottom level". Meaning that even when they're not looking their best, they still look pretty fucking good because of the exceptionally high standards that they have for themselves.


I understand about airbrushing and looking super-skinny and all that...but it's not really THAT had to look tidy. Even more than decent. A lot of the people that I think are hot or sexy aren't even people who have movie-star looks. You don't need that. It's usually, for me, down to the following:


1. Diet.

2. Appearance/Cleanliness

3. Personality.


Take control over what you eat. It's far too easy for people to bullshit about food. All you need is a little self control and it does wonders. I feel much, much better when I'm eating the right stuff than when I'm eating the wrong things. Control your diet, exercise during the week, challenge yourself and you'll reap the benefits not only by looking better but feeling better. You don't want to be a 40-year-old-something-has-been who is out of shape and could have taken better care of yourself. Don't let yourself get to that stage.


Your body and the way you appear says a lot about you as a person. If you don't bother to wash yourself/shower, tidy your hair up, you're not going to encourage people to come and speak to you or socialise with you. Smelling good is under-rated! I have a different aftershave/eau de toilette for every day of the week. I have karma cream from Lush because it makes my skin feel awesome and I make sure that I shower AT LEAST once a day because I feel rough as fuck and look/smell dreadful without one (coupled with the exercise I do). Ine smells amazing! Perfume/aftershave shopping is best in life.


Personality. If you feel good about yourself on the inside, you'll radiate it on the outside. Cliched, but true. If you love life and actually have things that interest you, it becomes infectious and you influence those around you. People find that attractive, I certainly do. Even if you're not talkative or super-confident, you need to have some way of showing "this is who I am and what I stand for". Everybody has their quirks and I find it interesting when I meet new people to see how they tick.

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U wot m8? Brad Pitt is considered by many to be the sexiest man alive...of course people are impressed when he looks good. Put it this way, Brad Pitt's bad day far, faaaar exceeds Johnny Vegas' best. Even then, people like Brad Pitt have a "high bottom level". Meaning that even when they're not looking their best, they still look pretty fucking good because of the exceptionally high standards that they have for themselves.


I understand about airbrushing and looking super-skinny and all that...but it's not really THAT had to look tidy. Even more than decent. A lot of the people that I think are hot or sexy aren't even people who have movie-star looks. You don't need that. It's usually, for me, down to the following:


1. Diet.

2. Appearance/Cleanliness

3. Personality.


Take control over what you eat. It's far too easy for people to bullshit about food. All you need is a little self control and it does wonders. I feel much, much better when I'm eating the right stuff than when I'm eating the wrong things. Control your diet, exercise during the week, challenge yourself and you'll reap the benefits not only by looking better but feeling better. You don't want to be a 40-year-old-something-has-been who is out of shape and could have taken better care of yourself. Don't let yourself get to that stage.


Your body and the way you appear says a lot about you as a person. If you don't bother to wash yourself/shower, tidy your hair up, you're not going to encourage people to come and speak to you or socialise with you. Smelling good is under-rated! I have a different aftershave/eau de toilette for every day of the week. I have karma cream from Lush because it makes my skin feel awesome and I make sure that I shower AT LEAST once a day because I feel rough as fuck and look/smell dreadful without one (coupled with the exercise I do). Ine smells amazing! Perfume/aftershave shopping is best in life.


Personality. If you feel good about yourself on the inside, you'll radiate it on the outside. Cliched, but true. If you love life and actually have things that interest you, it becomes infectious and you influence those around you. People find that attractive, I certainly do. Even if you're not talkative or super-confident, you need to have some way of showing "this is who I am and what I stand for". Everybody has their quirks and I find it interesting when I meet new people to see how they tick.


I have a lot of girl mates and they all say that they hate guys that don't wear a nice aftershave/cologne because after a long day/date they are pretty much gaurenteed to smell bad :blank: I currently switch between Diesel:Fuel For Life, Ralph Lauren: Polo Red and D&G: The One.


And yes, diet. It's so so important.

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U wot m8? Brad Pitt is considered by many to be the sexiest man alive...of course people are impressed when he looks good. Put it this way, Brad Pitt's bad day far, faaaar exceeds Johnny Vegas' best. Even then, people like Brad Pitt have a "high bottom level". Meaning that even when they're not looking their best, they still look pretty fucking good because of the exceptionally high standards that they have for themselves.


I think the point that Goafer's making, is that Brad Pitt looks good anyway, so it's never going to be impressive that he looks good. But for the rest of us, putting in some effort can be the difference between looking good and looking like shit. Obviously trying hard and looking good is far more impressive.


Back to Goafer's original point; the reason that they put that, is because there is (certainly there used to be, not really any more) a bit of a stigma surrounding men who use cosmetics and take care of their appearance. So you want to look good, but you don't want to look like you've tried too hard, you want it to look natural. It's an outdated marketing tactic.

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I have a lot of girl mates and they all say that they hate guys that don't wear a nice aftershave/cologne because after a long day/date they are pretty much gaurenteed to smell bad :blank: I currently switch between Diesel:Fuel For Life, Ralph Lauren: Polo Red and D&G: The One.


And yes, diet. It's so so important.


My smells are:


Hugo Boss: Soul

Hugo Boss: Bottled Night

Bvlgari: Aqva

Davidoff: Adventure

Davidoff: Cool Water

Davidoff: Champion

Calvin Klein: Eternity

Calvin Klein: Man

Armani: Code

Chanel: Bleu


I don't spend a lot on it at all. I ask for these as gifts for birthday/christmas, I buy them when there's stupidly low deals on (picked up Adventure for 20 quid, 100ml) and I buy larger bottles (100ml) because it lasts longer.


I'm regularly getting told in work that I'm the "best smelling person there", by parents AND teachers. (a few of the older students have commented on this too). Compliments = confidence rises = you feel happier = everything you do is better because you put more care into things.

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My smells are:


Hugo Boss: Soul

Hugo Boss: Bottled Night

Bvlgari: Aqva

Davidoff: Adventure

Davidoff: Cool Water

Davidoff: Champion

Calvin Klein: Eternity

Calvin Klein: Man

Armani: Code

Chanel: Bleu


I don't spend a lot on it at all. I ask for these as gifts for birthday/christmas, I buy them when there's stupidly low deals on (picked up Adventure for 20 quid, 100ml) and I buy larger bottles (100ml) because it lasts longer.


I'm regularly getting told in work that I'm the "best smelling person there", by parents AND teachers. (a few of the older students have commented on this too). Compliments = confidence rises = you feel happier = everything you do is better because you put more care into things.


Chanel: Bleu smells absolutely incredible. My old housemate wore it once and I could smell it on him for the whole night...so good! And yeah I tend to ask for them as gifts as well, especially as you get some killer deals on them around christmas!


Out of interest, what do people use to style their hair? Anything in particular? The wax I'm using atm is pretty shit if I'm being honest..I mean it works but it takes days to wash out :(


Edit. Ohhh sheet, I also have Davidoff Cool Water. Amazeballs.

Edited by Goron_3
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U wot m8? Brad Pitt is considered by many to be the sexiest man alive...of course people are impressed when he looks good. Put it this way, Brad Pitt's bad day far, faaaar exceeds Johnny Vegas' best. Even then, people like Brad Pitt have a "high bottom level". Meaning that even when they're not looking their best, they still look pretty fucking good because of the exceptionally high standards that they have for themselves.


I think the point that Goafer's making, is that Brad Pitt looks good anyway, so it's never going to be impressive that he looks good. But for the rest of us, putting in some effort can be the difference between looking good and looking like shit. Obviously trying hard and looking good is far more impressive.


Basically what Moogle said. Sure, Brad Pitt will always look better than Johnny Vegas, but no one is impressed by it. He was just born that way. However, if someone who is not naturally good looking shows up looking positively rugged, people will be far more impressed as they've done a lot with so little so to speak.

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I think the point that Goafer's making, is that Brad Pitt looks good anyway, so it's never going to be impressive that he looks good. But for the rest of us, putting in some effort can be the difference between looking good and looking like shit. Obviously trying hard and looking good is far more impressive.


Back to Goafer's original point; the reason that they put that, is because there is (certainly there used to be, not really any more) a bit of a stigma surrounding men who use cosmetics and take care of their appearance. So you want to look good, but you don't want to look like you've tried too hard, you want it to look natural. It's an outdated marketing tactic.



Basically what Moogle said. Sure, Brad Pitt will always look better than Johnny Vegas, but no one is impressed by it. He was just born that way. However, if someone who is not naturally good looking shows up looking positively rugged, people will be far more impressed as they've done a lot with so little so to speak.


I agree with half of what you are saying, but disagree with some bits. Brad Pitt has the greatest of all time facial genetics, but he has worked veeeeery hard to achieve and maintain that physique for example. He's taken care with styling his hair over the years, facial hair, etc. He's not just woken up and had six-pack abs, for example, he's had to work for that. Being in shape also means he'll have less fat around his face, meaning certain features like his cheekbones and jawline will be accentuated.


Johnny Vegas would NEED to put in a lot more of an effort in order to impress people. He hasn't got the physique that Brad Pitt has, he hasn't got the natural facial features or the style and charisma. He's not a movie-star, for example. He's...what the fuck does Johnny Vegas actually do? Status proves a part in it, too.


So, yes, whilst Brad Pitt is born with SOME aesthetic features, he has worked on the rest of it to make him a true 10/10. Dat face (natural), dat styling, dat physique, dat rugged look, dat career. Dat evrything.


Chanel: Bleu smells absolutely incredible. My old housemate wore it once and I could smell it on him for the whole night...so good! And yeah I tend to ask for them as gifts as well, especially as you get some killer deals on them around christmas!


Out of interest, what do people use to style their hair? Anything in particular? The wax I'm using atm is pretty shit if I'm being honest..I mean it works but it takes days to wash out :(


Chanel is sexy as hell. :awesome:

For hair products, I only use Matt Clay. I tend to keep my hair a bit shorter these days because it's quicker and easier to style.

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@Goron_3 Thanks a lot for the advice and links, I've ordered the age defence for eyes! I'll get round to ordering the others on Friday when I'm paid again!


My diet is something I really need to work on and seeing yours only solidifies that. It's not exactly bad it's just thoughtless. Some days I won't eat much at all until mid-day (or anything) and then I eat pasta or a sandwich (and not a healthy one either) or something overkill to make up for the lack of breakfast. I tend to buy dreaded canteen food when I'm at work too which is just battered everything. So yeah, I'm definitely gonna try and improve even if it's just a routine to start with so I'm not eating at weird times.


And yeah, I started (light) exercising 2 months ago now. I stick to a bare minimum of 30 push ups and sit ups morning and night which isn't much but even that has made me feel miles better. In-between I've got a few new things to get me going like Kinect, not exactly the gym but it's a good replacement for sitting around on my ass in my free time I think :p


Out of interest, do you shave at all? Or are you a beardy type (like myself atm). If you use a shaver, I'd recommend use a post shave cream/healer, but of course it might not be relevant to you.


Sadly! I got away with it for years and only had to shave once a month at the most (without my facial hair becoming noticable) but something happened when I turned 22, almost like a second puberty, and now I have to shave every few days :( My skin was bad for a while but I have started using a post shave balm which has helped loads. It used to feel like my skin got super tight after shaving!

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For me, it's tricky.


I do over an hour of jogging or other aerobic or anaerobic exercise each day to keep trim. Obsessive, perhaps, but having been on both ends of the scale, I much prefer being thin than 18 stone again. Other than that, I don't do much else.


I shave every time I go out of the house, so every few days or so. If I shave too soon though, I cut my face up a lot. Don't use any post shave stuff as my skin manages it rather well. I still get ID'd for stuff you need to be 18 for, always on a night out and often when I'm getting my parent's death-sticks which is rather nice seeing as I'm almost 28. Hell, people often think that I'm like 23 but look younger (because they know I'm older than 18).


Only issue I really have are from the dark under my eyes, but have had that since I was 15. Will test @Goron_3's advice though, that may help. I've also taken to using some moisturiser here and there.


I just have a fear that if I start using these things, the body will start to get used to it and stop doing things itself and thus, when I stop taking it, I'll look like a very old wallet.

Edited by Serebii
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I just have a fear that if I start using these things, the body will start to get used to it and stop doing things itself and thus, when I stop taking it, I'll look like a very old wallet.


Apparently, this is why hair gets greasy when you stop washing it. Your scalp is so used to producing tonnes of grease to replace the stuff that the shampoo strips out, that it keeps producing loads until it gets used to not having to produce as much.


Women are probably the best people to do to for hair advice and this lady seems to like having "unwashed" hair. She does get a bit political, but she seems happy with the actual results.


If you’ve detergented your scalp all your life, several times a week, it will be used to having to produce extra sebum to compensate. When you stop shampooing it takes the scalp a short time to adjust. In other words you might have to put up with the dreaded grease for a very short time. I found brushing helped with that and, trust me, it was absolutely fine after about 10 days.
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I only bother washing it when I go out, which as said before, is once or twice a week, so I'm good in that department :) Though it's foolishly very short at the moment anyway, so it doesn't matter. Can't wait to get more length back.


Where do you do your hour of jogging if you only go outside a few times a week?

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Where do you do your hour of jogging if you only go outside a few times a week?

When I say go out, I mean social occasions or instances where I may interact with people. I'm going to look like crap jogging regardless :p


If the weather's terrible, I do it inside while watching TV with my Wii Fit Meter in my pocket. Gets the job done too

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I shave every time I go out of the house, so every few days or so. If I shave too soon though, I cut my face up a lot. Don't use any post shave stuff as my skin manages it rather well. I still get ID'd for stuff you need to be 18 for, always on a night out and often when I'm getting my parent's death-sticks which is rather nice seeing as I'm almost 28. Hell, people often think that I'm like 23 but look younger (because they know I'm older than 18).


Why would you want to look like someone in their early 20s? I can't think of anything more horrific (except being mistaken for a teenager).


Trying to look young is like clear alcohol;




If you can, grow a beard - it'll change your life. Although, word of warning, if your beard looks anything less than utterly magnificent, get rid of it. Bad beards are the worst.

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