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The PlayStation VR breakout box not supporting HDR is a massive annoyance now. Why the hell did they not make it HDMI 2.0a HDCP 2.2 compatible, it's not like the PS4 Pro was a surprise to them?


Update: It takes me thirty minutes to swap over the cables because of how my PS4 is installed. I can't even find any HDMI switches which correctly pass through 2160p60 and HDR. So it pretty much means for me it's going to take longer to setup than the Vive. Ugh!


Oh, I used a Vive the other day. It was just some underwater demo. Was neat but nothing amazing. The experience was kind of ruined by the massive "stop moving" grids that appeared.


Those grids can be disabled or dimmed.

Edited by V. Amoleo
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The PlayStation VR breakout box not supporting HDR is a massive annoyance now. Why the hell did they not make it HDMI 2.0a HDCP 2.2 compatible, it's not like the PS4 Pro was a surprise to them?


Update: It takes me thirty minutes to swap over the cables because of how my PS4 is installed. I can't even find any HDMI switches which correctly pass through 2160p60 and HDR. So it pretty much means for me it's going to take longer to setup than the Vive. Ugh!


If anybody ends up in a similar situation to me I can confirm that this cable successfully passes all the needed 2160p60 + HDR data when plugged into the amp and the correct VR data when plugged into the VR breakout box.


I was having no luck at all using HDMI couplers.

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Finished thumper, incredible game, will definitely go back to it for high scoring. @somme what is play + one hit kill mode?


Apparently it's faster and more "violent". I had a whirl on Level 1 + and it did seem faster. Still managed to S grade the level on my first go, though I did notice I also got an S+ grade for one of the parts. Haven't seen that before.

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Apparently it's faster and more "violent". I had a whirl on Level 1 + and it did seem faster. Still managed to S grade the level on my first go, though I did notice I also got an S+ grade for one of the parts. Haven't seen that before.


Hmm, not a big fan of stuff like this, a highscore game mode, but it repeats the levels with a mild change... I'd rather play the proper game and improve my scores.

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Hmm, not a big fan of stuff like this, a highscore game mode, but it repeats the levels with a mild change... I'd rather play the proper game and improve my scores.


It's still the proper game.. just harder. It's got a high scoreboard of its own.

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So nobody's PS VR is collecting dust yet?


Is anyone getting plenty of enjoyment out of it without move controllers?


No dust! :)


And yeah you can, a lot of games work fine with the DS4 alone. But the Move controllers are much better for gun wielding games.


In Until Dawn for example, if you had a DS4, you move both hands at the same time. If you have Move controllers you can move them independently, like real arms, and shoot in opposite directions.


Also, I wrote a review for Robinson, if anyone was thinking about picking it up: https://psvr-reviews.com/2016/11/14/robinson-the-journey/

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@Shorty definitely not, exactly what I needed to give a bit of spark to gaming; even the simplest of games is fun to play. It's still a bit tech demo-y, and probably very expensive all things considered, but if money isn't a big factor then it's an exciting medium.


Ands it's worth it for thumper


Cheers @somme, the game appeals to me, but not sure of content yet so I'll wait and hope it comes down in price.

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No game should really be free though, if not they've been made by some random dude in a bedroom. Just the fact that there are so many free games out for the VR platform is awesome :D.


I tried Google Maps on my Oculus DK2 yesterday (just make Steam think it's a Vive, super easy), and it is an awesome experience :D. Great way to showcase VR for new people ^^.

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No game should really be free though, if not they've been made by some random dude in a bedroom. Just the fact that there are so many free games out for the VR platform is awesome :D.


But it's not even really a game. More of a very-limited-slightly-interactive promo for a year old movie. And they charged 15 quid.


Alumette, a VR stop-motion short film was released on launch day, was free, and much, much better.

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Finally got my Vive set up how I want it and my Internet connection sorted so it can stay connected during VR sessions.


Had a try of Google Earth VR and its great. Only thing thats a shame is the low textures of stuff when you get closer and the lack of 3D buildings when you leave cities but thats just stuff that will get better as it goes on. Its also the first VR experience I've had so far that had my legs going all wobbly.


I also tried BigScreen. This is one of those programs which lets you setup a room and invite people to watch whatevers on your PC screen. I joined a room called Hearthstone and found someone watching porn so I'd already say its a success! lol

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So the Resident Evil 7: Beginning Hour demo has been updated to incorporate a VR mode. From what I've heard it's really good. Apparently it also looks much better than the Kitchen demo, which was pretty ugly.


I'm way too much of a wuss to give it a go myself though. I'll have to gear myself up for it!

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