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Not interested in SuperHyperCube @dazzybee, or is it not out yet?


It's the one that seems to be reviewing the best and an experience that's just perfect for VR.


It is out. Haven't tried that one myself.


I tried out Thumper today.



Not a game I would normally bother with/enjoy but in VR it's absolutely crazy. Even the simplest of games becomes so much more enjoyable when you're actually in it.

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Not interested in SuperHyperCube @dazzybee, or is it not out yet?


It's the one that seems to be reviewing the best and an experience that's just perfect for VR.


Yeah it is, don't know why I haven't looked too much into it, there's a 3ds game I have which is pretty much the same gameplay, it's good, but I guess the other games just appealed to me more, and it's quite expensive at £25 for what it is.

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Wayward Sky is another good one, and another one I didn't expect to like. I checked out the demo, enjoyed it enough to buy and am really loving the full game. It's charming! If you'd said a third/firstperson point and click (or look and click in this case) would work well in VR I wouldn't have believed you.


And the short 3d platformer in Playroom VR has received high praise as well. Mario64 in VR would be amazing.

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I had my first experience with virtual reality yesterday and fuck me, although these were full blown attractions, I was really impressed and it completely corroded my cynicism.


Over the weekend, the city I'm in had many events over the city as part of a VR Festival. I had no idea it was going on so when a friend invited me out to go have a look after we had some lunch I was well up for it. We went for the interactive attractions rather than the other demos around the city as it seemed the most interesting and we weren't let down.


First up was Urban Coaster, we were strapped with HTC Vive's, stuck on swinging seats in front of these huge ass fans and the effect was incredibly convincing. It was pretty awesome getting an overhead view of Tokyo whilst riding a virtual reality roller coaster. Here's a video of someone using it, neither of us seemed that scared by it heh



Next up was Hashilus, a horse racing simulator that was on a fully interactive seat that rocked around in time to the horse running along. This was easily the most impressive of the two, we both came off the thing exhausted and it seems we both nearly fell of at some point. I can only find a video of an older version, our one had a stick we could use as the jockey whip and I was really impressed by the visual tracking of the object, I spent the moments leading up to the start of the race moving the whip in many different motions just to see how accurate the tracking was.



I can understand the hype after using it for the first time and it's amazing this is just the beginning of it being in consumers hands.

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And the short 3d platformer in Playroom VR has received high praise as well. Mario64 in VR would be amazing.

That's Robot Rescue right? I've been hearing really great things about that.


At first I thought PS VR could be another Move/Kinect, but PS VR games are charting well in the UK (2 in the top 10, 8 total in the top 40) and reception has been great.


I really want one, but knowing I need a camera and move controllers and software to get the most out of it is putting me off a lot.

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That's Robot Rescue right? I've been hearing really great things about that.


At first I thought PS VR could be another Move/Kinect, but PS VR games are charting well in the UK (2 in the top 10, 8 total in the top 40) and reception has been great.


I really want one, but knowing I need a camera and move controllers and software to get the most out of it is putting me off a lot.


I am thinking about asking for this as a pooled Christmas gift from my family. The other systems are out of my price range and this sounds like good fun, it's making me really want one!

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Luckily I had some extra cash so bought a camera last year - can't remember the exact reason. Think it might have been for Alien: Isolation and Tearaway.


There is a bundle that has everything in, though I'm not sure if it's US only.

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It's a shame I didn't have the foresight to buy some move controllers and a camera second-hand. Now everyone is capitalizing on the popularity of PS VR and they're expensive af on eBay :p


Yeah I'm pretty sure Move controllers are sold out in the UK.


The Move controllers are very comfortable and having one in each hand in VR feels very natural.

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I really want one, but knowing I need a camera and move controllers and software to get the most out of it is putting me off a lot.


That's the same situation for me. I want to try it out, but getting all of the necessary hardware and software is expensive.


Eager to hear how people are finding it. Can't wait for the second wave of games, because that's where we'll start to see the good stuff, imo.

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Eager to hear how people are finding it. Can't wait for the second wave of games, because that's where we'll start to see the good stuff, imo.


What I've played has been mind blowing, as I've heard others say this is another "Mario 64" moment. It's the first time since then I've been utterly and completely wowed. I mean, you're in the game.


Robinson is an upcoming game that looks good, (dinosaurs!) and Star Trek Bridge Crew should be fun as long as you're not teamed up with assholes.

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Eager to hear how people are finding it. Can't wait for the second wave of games, because that's where we'll start to see the good stuff, imo.


I think its going to be a much smaller progression than you are expecting to be honest. Don't forget VR hasn't just started with the PSVR, people have been making games for years for the Oculus, Vive and the other cheaper versions out there and are still figuring out what works and what doesn't. I think it will be another few years before we really start to figure out just what kind of games/experiences work best for VR.

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Bought one of these for my eldests Christmas present and "had" to try it to make sure it didn't give him motion sickness.


Completely agree. There have been a few moments in gaming where Iv said "this will change everything". The first Zelda, using a disc on the PS1, FFVII, Mario 64..... VR will change everything. It's incredible.

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I think its going to be a much smaller progression than you are expecting to be honest. Don't forget VR hasn't just started with the PSVR, people have been making games for years for the Oculus, Vive and the other cheaper versions out there and are still figuring out what works and what doesn't. I think it will be another few years before we really start to figure out just what kind of games/experiences work best for VR.


I really don't mind how slow the progress is - at least for now, who knows I could very well change my mind.


But at the moment even the simplest of games and ideas (Tumble, Thumper) are thoroughly entertaining.

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I really don't mind how slow the progress is - at least for now, who knows I could very well change my mind.


But at the moment even the simplest of games and ideas (Tumble, Thumper) are thoroughly entertaining.


I'm not saying the slow progress will be bad. If I thought so I probably wouldn't have bought the Vive. I like seeing all this stuff getting figured out. Seeing what works and what doesn't etc.

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I think its going to be a much smaller progression than you are expecting to be honest. Don't forget VR hasn't just started with the PSVR, people have been making games for years for the Oculus, Vive and the other cheaper versions out there and are still figuring out what works and what doesn't. I think it will be another few years before we really start to figure out just what kind of games/experiences work best for VR.

I think, probably, this is a completely different animal though. By all accounts PSVR games look more polished and feel more complete than their PC counterparts. Games are charting, which I didn't expect, the headset must be selling very well. I imagine there'll be a buzz around this, lots of non-gamers picking it up unlike Vive which is an expensive piece of kit with a much smaller suitable crowd. There was Gear, sure, but I literally don't know anyone who's ever cared about that, since you can only get the experiences for that which can be loaded on a mobile. My point is, this is making it mainstream which could see the higher ups making a push, and lots of third parties jumping on opportunities. Even if it's just new VR features on existing games, like Tomb Raider, or short, half-price experiences like Batman, there could be people looking to capitalize on this asap.

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There was Gear, sure, but I literally don't know anyone who's ever cared about that, since you can only get the experiences for that which can be loaded on a mobile. My point is, this is making it mainstream which could see the higher ups making a push, and lots of third parties jumping on opportunities. Even if it's just new VR features on existing games, like Tomb Raider, or short, half-price experiences like Batman, there could be people looking to capitalize on this asap.


Me and Happenstance both have one and have rather enjoyed them, in fact! The S6 screen is actually higher res than the PSVR moniter, so it's not entirely inferior - the cinematic mode on it is, as Happenstance said, great, for example.


For whatever reason, though, after a month or two of being utterly blown away by it (though obviously the games were much lower graphic quality, the video content and the concept games were amazing in places) I found it collecting dust in recent months.


One thing that would really sell PSVR for me is it was added to Plus - ie if there were a free PSVR game added to plus each month. The Gear stuff, though a real mixed bag, had the advantage of all the apps and games being sub-7 quid. The PSVR content looks like it could really add up, ontop of the hardware outlay - particularly with the bit hitters being games people already own and have to pay for again (Rez, Driveclub).


Nonetheless, and considering I rather thought Sony had blown it by hyping up the PS4 Pro right before PSVR launch - I'm glad to see it's getting interest regardless. I'd be keen to pick one up a few months down the line if there's a steady stream of fairly priced games released.. will keep an eye on impressions in here!

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Had some friends over tonight to play some VR. Thought we were only going to play for a couple of hours then have a few drinks. We only stopped playing at 4AM (started at 7PM).


They all said how amazing it was - how they all wanted PSVR for themselves and how it was the most fun local multiplayer since the N64 days. Twas a great evening!

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No because the headphone out on the PSVR cable has to be used. The breakout box is doing the positional audio I believe.


Boo!! I have a cable with my wireless headphones, but they don't seem to work, don't understand why not...


Played more today - VR Luge is cack, why did they even bother putting it on?! Surely they had better demos... Also tried the Robot Rescue game as heard people saying it was amazing, they weren't joking, oh boy it's incredible!! Can't wait for the first platformer.


Also watched Invasion and Alumette, Invasion is okay, but Alumette is beautiful!!!


Oh, and the head pong game on Worlds is fantastic, but did Nintendo make it? No online multiplayer? Ridiculous!

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