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Job woes/wins


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End of my tonight's shift, my section leader asked me if I'm interested to became a section leader cos she reckon I'll be good at it. I said I'll think about it cos of my deafness and she will let me know when the 3 months training will start.


"If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!"


- Richard Branson

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How deaf are you @DriftKaiser - and how are your colleagues about it? In my experience if you can do the job itself with a handicap then the real worry is only in how you deal with the management side of things. Is it a different case for you?


Full deaf so I'm depending on BSL/pen&paper to communicates with other colleagues/customers so it could be an issue. Guess I'll give it a shot.

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Best of luck with it. It's well worth doing just to get a taster of what is involved in actually being a section leader. The least that happens is that you get a new perspective and discover your own ability to do new transferable skills. It's only a positive thing. Keep us posted!

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On Thursday I handed my notice in!


It was late on Thursday and my boss was off Friday and off tomorrow so we'll speak about it properly on Tuesday. Then will tell two of my guys. The third is off until the 9th and out of politeness I'll wait until he's back and tell him before telling everyone else, in spite of wanting to shout it from the roof! Only 67 working days until I leave.


Decided to focus on the video game me and some others from here are working on. We had a meeting yesterday and hashed through some ideas and it was really nice (and a very welcome change) to feel a sense of enthusiasm and positivity! Looking forward to getting my teeth into it properly come February, although obviously working on it until then too.

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Been a while since I posted here!


I have been working my current job for 15 months. They have fucked up on numerous occasions, from not registering my company car (got a 2k bill when they realised), to just screwing me out of a 3k bonus due to a software error.


For some reason I am being really really unlucky here, missing out on orders that is no fault of my own (one example, a customer died and the replacement ordered elsewhere, I didn't know he was dead till I chased up the order 3 days after it was due). My boss cancelled one 30k order because of a problem with extraction (no real problem, could have been easily solved) and they budgeted a repeat order for 40k which was actually a warranty repair.


The 3k commission really was the straw that broke the camels back though, so on Friday I started looking around. I got a call that morning from the place that I used to work asking if I would be interested in an interview (word travels fast in my industry). I interviewed Friday afternoon and am going back today to discuss contracts.


Here is my issue; The reason I left was constant arguments and struggles with the then general manager. Stupid things, like her blaming problems on me and saying that I wanted her job etc. By the time I left there, God I hated it. It was really really bad. But at my new place I saw that these sort of problems are in any workplace.


The manager is now a director and has a stake in the company. In my interview she told me that she wants people on board who are like me, who are capable and hard working and who she trusts to do the job. The interview went great and I was excited, but now I have a nagging feeling. I can't explain it, but I remember how bad it was before and I don't know if this new "her" is as false as she has been in the past.


I spoke to an old colleague and he said things are better than they were but not as good as she is making out. The money discussed is more than my current salary by 20%, it's a much smaller area to cover with less admin, and to be honest work, involved.


So yeah TL;DR - place I left for my new company is offering around 20% more money for less work. I hated it before but things seem to be better, but I'm not sure if that's just a smoke screen to get me back.



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to just screwing me out of a 3k bonus due to a software error.


"software error"


Yes, I'm sure it was. Is it a bonus or commission? These are different things. If it is commission then you are due it if it's stated in your contract. Bonuses tend not to be contractual and depend on a number of circumstances.

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"software error"


Yes, I'm sure it was. Is it a bonus or commission? These are different things. If it is commission then you are due it if it's stated in your contract. Bonuses tend not to be contractual and depend on a number of circumstances.



It's commission, my target for Q3 was 255k. My figure on the 30th September was 270,088.62 therefore hitting my target.


Got my wage slip 2 days before payday instead of on the 11th of the month. No commission on it. Asked the question, and after backwards and forwards for 2 days I got told on payday that there had been a software error and my figure was actually £254.912.00 meaning I missed my target by £88.


Apparently an account in Ireland had somehow ended up on my area inflating it by 15k.


Bear in mind that this is a global firm, huge place with offices in 100 countries. I figure someone is fucking with me for some reason in the office.


The CEO of the U.K. Called me and they transferred me £1000 as a apologie bonus which was £680 after tax instead of 3k.

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Spoke to my boss further today about my plans to leave (what I want to cover, reasons etc) and she offered me all sorts to stay including "seeing what we can do about people you don't like" (how Mafia), taking several months off, pay rise, part-time, new responsibilities etc. She then spoke to her boss who seemed to back any of them and said if it's annoyance about general structural things "that might be changing by the end of the year" (not in any way I particularly care about).


It's not just annoyance that I'm going and that's not going to sway me. Some may temporarily interest me in the short term but nothing long term.


Years ago the software development team moved over to IT. They took with them anyone on the team at the time and that included someone that was focused on progression. When they left the team gave up the responsibility of that and it kind of fell on us (support) even though everyone agreed it should be for another team. That team is headed by a horrible person that nobody wants to deal with so it's stuck with us and I've moaned and ranted about it a number of times over the years and nothing has changed (because nobody wants to rock the boat). I'm intending to put in a bid for more money (which we're allowed to do annually) to have someone to do that role to take it away from my team. Probably will be short-term to take over a lot of new changes that they introduced this academic year (after a load of new changes two years ago). I'm kind of mulling over basically saying to them I will do that on a PT (preferably 2 days a week, mostly working from home) basis. The money won't be released until next September so it would still give me several months to do what I want, but then keep money rolling in down the line. Going to mull it over and then possibly float the idea. I hate that area of work, but that's partially because I feel its not ours and I can't do it justice on top of everything else I'm supposed to do.


My boss did say though if I want to do exam invigilation that would be fine and would be about £3200 pre-tax for six weeks (April and August). It'll be boring as fuck but it would be a cash injection.






*at work, not a problem in my personal life

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Has a phone interview with Experian last Friday and got shizzle advanced to the next stage which is going in to their offices for, what appears to be, a group competency interview thing. Which is somewhat confusing if we're expected to one-up one another or something. Hopefully I misunderstood what they were saying. This will be taking place during the week that I'm being Digivolved to having full time hours due to peeps on holiday, which will make for an exciting Tuesday.


They've just hired two new people which will be starting probably mid-November and would be sexy if I slammed in my notice around that time, since it's taken the best part of a year for Tesco to get their shit together and get more staff. I'm just wondering how much notice to give them, one or two weeks. I'm getting way ahead of myself here though.

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a group competency interview thing. Which is somewhat confusing if we're expected to one-up one another or something. Hopefully I misunderstood what they were saying.


They want to see you working well as a group, they want to see that you can listen and respond to other people's ideas even when they do not align with your own.


My girlfriend had one recently so it's a good example to use. Individually, they were given a list of 15 random items and were told to rank them in order of how useful they would be in space. After they had ranked them themselves they were to get together in a group to create one master list of objects.


The idea was that people would have different thoughts about different objects and there's not really a right answer. You need to listen to people, respect their opinion and be able to counter with your own opinion as to why what you think is right. It's not about one upping.

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They want to see you working well as a group, they want to see that you can listen and respond to other people's ideas even when they do not align with your own.

I feel that, but that would be a little weird since it's an inbound call centre shizzle and the scope for teamwork would be rather limited. I'll still be open to giving it a bash though.

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I was talking with my mates about jobs and CVs and basically I realised that I have no idea how to look for jobs that I can actually do. My job title is a misnomer... how the hell do i find jobs that I can do?


Find out a generic title that relates to what you do. Give me your elevator pitch and I'll have a think.

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Didn't get lé job at Experian. Was told I was "flippant", which was weird because I piled on the charm and that during the group exercise (there were five of us) I was distant/disengaged. Sent them an email asking for some clarification on the issues. Got a reply asking for when I was free tomorrow for my additional feedback.


Another factor was I bombed my last competence question, which I knew during and after it being asked. It's hard to answer a question that you have zero experience* with. It can be hard for me to lie on the fly at times.


*Like asking someone who has never broken a bone how did they deal with a situation where they had a broken arm.

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Find out a generic title that relates to what you do. Give me your elevator pitch and I'll have a think.


Not that I'm looking, but make sense of Assistant Academic Registrar (Registry Processes & Data Quality) while you're at it :heh:


Told two of my guys I'm leaving today. One gasped. I appreciated that.

Edited by Ashley
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Didn't get lé job at Experian. Was told I was "flippant", which was weird because I piled on the charm and that during the group exercise (there were five of us) I was distant/disengaged. Sent them an email asking for some clarification on the issues. Got a reply asking for when I was free tomorrow for my additional feedback.


Another factor was I bombed my last competence question, which I knew during and after it being asked. It's hard to answer a question that you have zero experience* with. It can be hard for me to lie on the fly at times.


*Like asking someone who has never broken a bone how did they deal with a situation where they had a broken arm.


I access group exercises for my company, so I know how difficult these can be since there is only a very short amount of time for candidates to make a positive impression. When receiving your feedback, try not to take it personally even if you disagree with some of their points. It will also most likely be someone from HR relaying the feedback rather than the actual assessor, so arguing won't do you any good.

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It will also most likely be someone from HR relaying the feedback rather than the actual assessor, so arguing won't do you any good.

I would say you'd be half right with this, the recruitment lady was in the room with us the whole time, as well as about 15 other staff, two pairs of which I had the competency questions with. It was bizarre.

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I've had nothing but compliments about me taking care of my Grandad. They keep urging me to apply. A nurse came in just this second to do the meds round for my Grandad. I told the nurse the meds he's had all day and when he had them. She asked about himself and I told her what he's eaten, what he's drank, his toilet stuff and how many hours he's slept. She said "You've pretty much answered every question I was going to ask you in one go. You're very attentive". I asked a few questions about his sleeping positions, about his sleeping patterns and asked for some stuff to help me with him and she said "I think you'd make a brilliant carer, you should definitely apply". I told her I was thinking about it and she said "I would. You haven't had any experience or qualifications either?" and I said "No, just through what I've seen and what you've all told me to do" and she said "You're seriously good for someone who is inexperienced"

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I've had nothing but compliments about me taking care of my Grandad. They keep urging me to apply. A nurse came in just this second to do the meds round for my Grandad. I told the nurse the meds he's had all day and when he had them. She asked about himself and I told her what he's eaten, what he's drank, his toilet stuff and how many hours he's slept. She said "You've pretty much answered every question I was going to ask you in one go. You're very attentive". I asked a few questions about his sleeping positions, about his sleeping patterns and asked for some stuff to help me with him and she said "I think you'd make a brilliant carer, you should definitely apply". I told her I was thinking about it and she said "I would. You haven't had any experience or qualifications either?" and I said "No, just through what I've seen and what you've all told me to do" and she said "You're seriously good for someone who is inexperienced"


Now go and do eet. I don't wanna come back in here to find out you've buckled.

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Now go and do eet. I don't wanna come back in here to find out you've buckled.


I wouldn't mind it but it's the arse-wiping bit that puts me off a little. Like, I can clean it up and stuff but when it comes to actually cleaning arses...hmmm...I dunno...


I'm leaning more towards the 'totally go for it' though.

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I wouldn't mind it but it's the arse-wiping bit that puts me off a little. Like, I can clean it up and stuff but when it comes to actually cleaning arses...hmmm...I dunno...


I'm leaning more towards the 'totally go for it' though.


All jobs have their downsides. Apply for it, they obviously think you'll be good at it.


And stop delaying it too. Apply, then think about if you want it or not. The other way around means you waste time where they might find someone else.

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Signed a contract to work as a student assistant for a PhD student from next week 'til the end of the year. :)


It's possible the contract will be extented until mid-2016. If not there's a possibility to work in a different department from the 1st of January 2016 : peace:


10 hours per week to make some money during my time as a student.


The work I'll do will consist of minor lab-work, but hey, it's something.

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