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Job woes/wins


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Today I handed in my notice of resignation. It was kind of exhilarating, fun, anti-climactic and stressful – all at the same time.


Handing in your notice and then leaving a job is always strange.


You spend every waking moment (sort of) with your colleagues for a number of years and then the next Monday you never see them again.

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Did you stand up on your desk and lead a revolt of colleagues out the front door?


Every man for himself.


Handing in your notice and then leaving a job is always strange.


You spend every waking moment (sort of) with your colleagues for a number of years and then the next Monday you never see them again.


Yeah, it's weird like that. Even people I didn't really think about looked sad when I told them, like genuinely. Made me care more than I thought I would.

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So on Monday myself and 4 colleagues were sent to one of our locations in Scotland on an overnight trip.

I didn't want to go but the company had already booked it without asking me and told me so afterwards... urgh.


So yesterday evening after spending the day at our work location (a paper mill), we went back to the hotel to check in... yet unbeknownst to a single one of us on the trip, the company hadn't paid for the hotel rooms, just reserved them.

Now when I've travelled before they've paid, as they have for my colleagues I was with, but this time they hadn't... and hadn't told even a single one of us at all.

So we were then expected to pay for the rooms and claim it back. Which my colleagues did...


...myself however, I wasn't having that. Our company always somehow find a way for fucking us employees over, they've tried to do it with me in the past with a contract I agreed with them in regards to out of office hours working, and so I wasn't having them fuck me again.


So I called my manager to let him know of my displeasure and that I was refusing to pay for the hotel. His stance initially was "I don't know what you expect me to do" to which I'd said I didn't know, but given that he is my manager that I figured I was best letting him know of my anger and that the cost of a train ticket home was less than the hotel room so if I was forking out for anything, it'd be that.

After a bit of back and forth he said he'd pay for the room on his card, which he did.


Today, as I'm on the train back after another day at our site up here, my colleagues at the office have said its all kicking off with management and senior management.

Looks like I'm in for some "meetings" when we get back in work tomorrow.


It pisses me off royally, we'll see how they go tomorrow. At the moment I'm still raging with the company as its not the first time they've done things like this and yet they try to put it on us employees... I'm not having it!

Edited by Kav
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So on Monday myself and 4 colleagues were sent to one of our locations in Scotland on an overnight trip.

I didn't want to go but the company had already booked it without asking me and told me so afterwards... urgh.


So yesterday evening after spending the day at our work location (a paper mill), we went back to the hotel to check in... yet unbeknownst to a single one of us on the trip, the company hadn't paid for the hotel rooms, just reserved them.

Now when I've travelled before they've paid, as they have for my colleagues I was with, but this time they hadn't... and hadn't told even a single one of us at all.

So we were then expected to pay for the rooms and claim it back. Which my colleagues did...


...myself however, I wasn't having that. Our company always somehow find a way for fucking us employees over, they've tried to do it with me in the past with a contract I agreed with them in regards to out of office hours working, and so I wasn't having them fuck me again.


So I called my manager to let him know of my displeasure and that I was refusing to pay for the hotel. His stance initially was "I don't know what you expect me to do" to which I'd said I didn't know, but given that he is my manager that I figured I was best letting him know of my anger and that the cost of a train ticket home was less than the hotel room so if I was forking out for anything, it'd be that.

After a bit of back and forth he said he'd pay for the room on his card, which he did.


Today, as I'm on the train back after another day at our site up here, my colleagues at the office have said its all kicking off with management and senior management.

Looks like I'm in for some "meetings" when we get back in work tomorrow.


It pisses me off royally, we'll see how they go tomorrow. At the moment I'm still raging with the company as its not the first time they've done things like this and yet they try to put it on us employees... I'm not having it!



You're absolutely in the right on this one. So long as you were professional, respectful and polite to your manager about the non-payment, the company has no leg to stand on, morally or contractually.

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Got a call yesterday from a lady from a recruitment firm, a proper one this time as it's her name/agency that is at the bottom of some of the Totaljobs positions I actually apply for, and wanted to talk to me about legal admin roles even though I send legal secretarial applications to her, to see her today. Appointment is at 11 so I rush home after work at 10, into shower, suited up, grabbed the earliest bus I could grab and was a little late, but she wasn't there at all. Sat in their reception (on the sixth floor) for about 30 minutes whilst the secretary kept ringing her numbers. Most annoyed as it had cut into nap time.


Awoken from nap again to find her ringing me, saying that she had put me in for next Friday in her diary (despite the email she sent yesterday saying the appointment was "tomorrow") and something had come up at about 8ish so she cancelled all her other appointments. Got another one on Monday (I hope) and hopefully will lead to something better.


I've been offered full-time-ish next week at the supermarket since they still haven't figured out how many of latest team member to leave Joe's hours they're actually going to offer as a vacancy. Which is going to be a real pain in the anus. May do a little extra hours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bursar came in today to talk to me about all the admin jobs. Because the Registrar/Head's PA is struggling to get all the work done they are thinking about shifting some jobs around so she just becomes the Head's PA, the current marketing assistant becomes the registrar and I split my time being development and marketing. They've asked me to think about it but I honestly dont know what I'm going to say at the moment. They've made it very clear that there is no money in the budget for jobs so I think its very unlikely that this will come with a pay rise so I dont really see the benefit to me here. Its basically the registrar couldnt handle her two jobs so she gets moved down to one and I get the extra stress of two.


Plus this is ignoring for the moment that I absolutely cannot stand the marketing manager.



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Bursar came in today to talk to me about all the admin jobs. Because the Registrar/Head's PA is struggling to get all the work done they are thinking about shifting some jobs around so she just becomes the Head's PA, the current marketing assistant becomes the registrar and I split my time being development and marketing. They've asked me to think about it but I honestly dont know what I'm going to say at the moment. They've made it very clear that there is no money in the budget for jobs so I think its very unlikely that this will come with a pay rise so I dont really see the benefit to me here. Its basically the registrar couldnt handle her two jobs so she gets moved down to one and I get the extra stress of two.


Plus this is ignoring for the moment that I absolutely cannot stand the marketing manager.



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Anyone up for a rant? Sweet:


Life at da supermarket is getting better and better. Generally we ignore calls to checkouts because we won't have time to our jobs, let alone help another department because they're unable to do theirs. We all got dragged aside by our manager who had made a nice collage about the different types of customers (there's about four apparently) and their expectations whilst expressing the following:

  • We are not hitting our targets effectively because we're "buddying up",
  • If we buddy-up we'll be having so much bants that we're unproductive,
  • The problem because of this is "maturity"


Plus that we had to answer every checkout call. AND TALK ABOUT FUCKING BRAND GUARANTEE TO EVERY CUSTOMER.


When he pointed out that our last feedback was "I don't know his name but he was... (compliment here)", we pointed out that it could be the customers fault for not looking at our name badge (a valid point, when I ask for help in a store I don't check out their name), he went on a rant that we should "stop being immature, get our heads on and the next person to make a cheeky reply would get dragged into the office". Which awoke the upper tier of one of my better qualities: Spiteful EEVIL. I now attend every service call made (if I have time, one was 10 mins before the end of my shift, so bollocks to that) because I'm all about helping.


Today we were all asked to "push on fresh", which is basically putting out the fridge-stuff delivery out because the people who's job it is weren't in yet, by the store manager - who promptly walked off shortly after we arrived. The summons was communicated over the department's WhatsApp group, so our manager could see it. A couple of hours later he noticed:


"You can't be having a push on fresh now not we are too stretched"

I replied "Plus we answered a service call to deliver customer expectations"

"Well you'll struggle to deliver everything if we are having to support tills as well as fresh in a morning I shall take this and express my concerns"

"Don't worry about Brand Guarantee as well. I made every customer aware." [i shouted it as I made my way to checkouts]


Pure cake and wanna noms it too.

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Anyone up for a rant? Sweet:


Life at da supermarket is getting better and better. Generally we ignore calls to checkouts because we won't have time to our jobs, let alone help another department because they're unable to do theirs. We all got dragged aside by our manager who had made a nice collage about the different types of customers (there's about four apparently) and their expectations whilst expressing the following:

  • We are not hitting our targets effectively because we're "buddying up",
  • If we buddy-up we'll be having so much bants that we're unproductive,
  • The problem because of this is "maturity"


Plus that we had to answer every checkout call. AND TALK ABOUT FUCKING BRAND GUARANTEE TO EVERY CUSTOMER.


When he pointed out that our last feedback was "I don't know his name but he was... (compliment here)", we pointed out that it could be the customers fault for not looking at our name badge (a valid point, when I ask for help in a store I don't check out their name), he went on a rant that we should "stop being immature, get our heads on and the next person to make a cheeky reply would get dragged into the office". Which awoke the upper tier of one of my better qualities: Spiteful EEVIL. I now attend every service call made (if I have time, one was 10 mins before the end of my shift, so bollocks to that) because I'm all about helping.


Today we were all asked to "push on fresh", which is basically putting out the fridge-stuff delivery out because the people who's job it is weren't in yet, by the store manager - who promptly walked off shortly after we arrived. The summons was communicated over the department's WhatsApp group, so our manager could see it. A couple of hours later he noticed:


"You can't be having a push on fresh now not we are too stretched"

I replied "Plus we answered a service call to deliver customer expectations"

"Well you'll struggle to deliver everything if we are having to support tills as well as fresh in a morning I shall take this and express my concerns"

"Don't worry about Brand Guarantee as well. I made every customer aware." [i shouted it as I made my way to checkouts]


Pure cake and wanna noms it too.

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Generally we ignore calls to checkouts because we won't have time to our jobs,


I can't stand it when there are massive queues at the checkout. Morrisons are by far the worst (apart from Aldi/Lidl) but other supermarkets are quickly catching up on them.

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Generally we ignore calls to checkouts because we won't have time to our jobs,


I can't stand it when there are massive queues at the checkout. Morrisons are by far the worst (apart from Aldi/Lidl) but other supermarkets are quickly catching up on them.

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I can't stand it when there are massive queues at the checkout. Morrisons are by far the worst (apart from Aldi/Lidl) but other supermarkets are quickly catching up on them.

And I agree, but there's my department I have to work for as opposed to doing anothers' work for them. So long as the managers are aware that what they're asking will result in my job not being done properly (or at all) and they're happy with that, then that's aces.


Had another fun encounter with another manager today. My colleage and I are sitting in a lil room (dubbed one of the interview rooms) tapping away at our PDA's. As there is a lot of number inputting and some writing we're sitting down. Duty manager comes in, normally a sound guy, asking what we're doing, we explain our task and he demands we do it on the shop floor. I enquire:

"What shelf would you like me to lean against?"


"I need to surface to write on, what do expect me to do?"

"Stop with the questions"

"Do you want me to write on my arm?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! Do you want me to waste a clipboard from the shop floor?"

Personnel (now known as People Manager) Manager who had been there for the whole exchange, said there is a single clipboard in the training room for use (by the whole store), so will try to use next time. Which will result in me standing there typing in numbers in the same spot for... Oooh, could be 20-30 minutes*


He'd been in a bad mood all day (came up to use earlier asking what we were doing) Mentioned this to my manager and said that if he wants to take this further he can get me my union rep. He said he will "speak to them" later. So bugger all will get done/he backs the other guy. Either way I'm going to talk to my rep tomorrow.



*A nice Google result shows standing still in the same spot for too long can be dangerous, hoping I can use this to piss on his claim.

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Bursar came in today to talk to me about all the admin jobs. Because the Registrar/Head's PA is struggling to get all the work done they are thinking about shifting some jobs around so she just becomes the Head's PA, the current marketing assistant becomes the registrar and I split my time being development and marketing. They've asked me to think about it but I honestly dont know what I'm going to say at the moment. They've made it very clear that there is no money in the budget for jobs so I think its very unlikely that this will come with a pay rise so I dont really see the benefit to me here. Its basically the registrar couldnt handle her two jobs so she gets moved down to one and I get the extra stress of two.


Plus this is ignoring for the moment that I absolutely cannot stand the marketing manager.




Well, I said no to this new job. Bursar has now come back saying I'm the only one in the school suited towards it so I've got 3 options. Take the Development/Marketing job, reduce my hours and stay on as just Development assistant or start looking for a new job.


With where I live still its really hard to find work I can get to easily and I cant afford to cut back my hours so I'm basically being forced into this new job. I'm completely pissed off with the school and the way this has all been handled. I spent hours last night going back and forth on what to do. It makes the most sense to just accept the job and then keep looking for something elsewhere but my problem is that everytime I decide that, I get so angry on what they are doing that I change my mind again.


I dont think I'm actually going to know what I'll choose until I see the Bursar in person later and whatever I blurt out will be my choice.

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Having not got an interview for the lecturing position at Glasgow uni, I've broadened my job search a bit as academia isn't proving fruitful at the moment, not least because a lot of places seem to be cutting back in roles currently. I should be a bit saddened by not being able to continue with psychology but for the time being, I think a break is definitely needed as I'm struggling to even be in my department at the moment, there's a horrible air about the place with possible redundancies of more staff and limited funds for much research.


So quite happy to be looking elsewhere. Having done a lot of stats through my degrees/research, I've been looking at data admin stuff as I'm used to working with large spreadsheets. Applied for such a job earlier that's in the city I live in, though it's through Nationwide Placements UK so I don't know who the employer is and can't guarantee they won't ask for me to relocate, but fingers crossed it is within Dundee and that something comes from it.


Just really needing a change of scenery work wise and hoping to catch a break on this one as it would take some of the stress off at the moment with not really wanting to be in my department.

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My manage is leaving at the end of September.


It's a bit shit as he's a great guy, and a good manager. My company is really crap. Nobody does any work (it's harder to do work here than to doss around) but spend most of their time organising bullshit meetings and pretending to do work. I was brought in to conduct analysis, but there's no data available (nobody has architectured any) so I do a few reports with what little I have, and spend most of my time pissing around and then leave early. I've told my manager this, he's fully aware of it (there's a new system coming in October which is supposed to improve things so he just tells me to hold out until then). I've also told him that I want to move to Singapore next year, so he's trying to get me onto some training/qualifications to improve my employability.


No idea who will replace him, but it's definitely not going to be somebody as good as he is. I hope it's not a complete tosser.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't get the data admin job, gutted to be honest as I thought I stood a good chance but it seems as though as they're using an agency, the company looking to fill the position (which I still don't know the name of) wasn't looking for a permanent member of staff, which I stated was the job type I was looking for, and so weren't probably looking for someone whose probably just out of school or something rather than someone with 2 university degrees.


It got me down a bit but I thought "Oh well" and have just put in an application today for a graduate trainee position in the local council for a corporate research and information analyst. Probably a better suit with my current CV and offers a nice starting salary so fingers crossed on this one.


I am finding that I'm either over qualified for what's coming up as available or not qualified enough which is a right pain in the backside as I'd happily take something at the moment but seems that I'm destined to stay the middle ground currently. Hopefully the above leads to something.

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I'm finishing up the first week of my new job. It kind of feels like my first real job. People respect me and shit. I'm used to that but not in an official capacity. I was up in Norwich for the start of the week. Got to expense dinner so obviously I found out what the max I could spend was and bought myself the biggest steak accordingly, and maxed it out with the tip.


I might have to request a company phone because I'll be shooting between places a fair amount.


My desk is awesome. By the window in the corner of the office so I can look at porn Pokemon all I like.


Oh, and I think I like the actual work.

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Giving the job hunt another turn with the new Uni term bearing down on us in a few weeks, the University continuing to expand rapidly and the store already operating over capacity with never enough schedule hours through the year. Off to a slightly irritating start. Need to respond to a barely-decipherable voice message that sounds like it was left by one the

with a phone number that doesn't work. Didn't realize HSBC had call centers in Titanica.
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