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Recommend me some Gamecube games


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Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1&2

Phantasy Star Online C.A.R.D Revolution


Oh god these two games are a must!


Well, C.A.R.D Revolution is a must, Episodes 1&2 I can only really recommend if you have some people to do some local multiplayer with. If not, you're best off using a private server like SCHTHACK or ULTIMA to play Blue Burst for free.

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Great collection so far Ealdast, you've got a lot of must haves already. Nice to see you have stuff like Beyond Good and Evil and Second Sight and POP, as well as the more obvious first party must haves like Zelda, Mario, Metroid etc.


You must get Resident Evil, Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 4, either on the Gamecube or the Wii. Code Veronica X, Resident Evil 2 and 3 are nice to have too but can be pricey on the Cube, I would prioritise the first three I mentioned.


If you play a lot of local multiplayer you should consider Warioware Inc, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Smash Football, either Timesplitters games and Super Monkey Ball 2 (I think SMB2 has the best/most mini games). Worms 3D is a good multiplayer laugh, (and as it's turn based you can play it with 4 friends with only one controller). I'd say Mario Party 5 too but one Mario Party game is probably enough, MP5 is good though.


Props to people mentioning games like Timesplitters, Metal Arms, Hitman 2, Sphinx And The Cursed Mummy, Chibi Robo, Killer 7 and Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Metal Arms, Shinx and Hulk are probably underrated gems but less essential, and they're are available (often cheaper) on other systems. I woud add games like 007 Everything or Nothing, Freedom Fighters and X-men Legends to that list.


Viewtiful Joe is quality, a proper gamer's game, I'd say that's must have on the Cube or otherwise.


The Timesplitters games are absolutely essential if you like FPS games. Either is as good as the other, personally I think it's worth having both but Future Perfect can be pricey on the Cube, cheaper to get on other systems (as with most multiplats).


Killer 7 is very unique but a bit of a marmite game, I love it but it's hard to recommend as a must have given how dividing and expensive it can be.


Similarly Jungle Beat depends on whether you fancy the bongo controls, great game but is it for you?


Chibi Robo is easy to recomend, it's a very Nintendo sort of game, bright and charming, really puts a smile on your face. It can be rare and expensive though, I paid £23 for mine and I thought it was was worth it.


Zelda: Four Swords Adventure probably isn't quite a must have, it is a quality game though, and obviously a must have for Zelda fans.


Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour is good if you like golf games, or would prefer a more interesting and querky alternative to traditional golf sims. I woulln't say it was must have though unless you really like golf.


Skies Of Arcadia Legends is a top quality RPG if you like them, but can be very expensive.


Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes is probably a must have for most people, but again it's usually expensive

Edited by pratty
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I had considered buying the 'cube version just for collection, but at the moment I just don't have the money to be spending on games I already have, especially when it tends to sell for around £50 on ebay :(

It´s funny, because I considered getting the Wii version in addition.. But I never got around to it, and I frankly don´t care anymore at this point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got an RGB Scart cable to replace the standard composite cables on my 'Cube (would have gone component if it wasn't for the £120+ price people are asking for them, crazy!), can't believe the difference this cable makes to the picture quality - so much sharper and the colours do not look as washed out as they did before.

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  • 4 months later...

Thread bump.


So I've just dug my GameCube out from our spare room where it had been slung a couple of years back!


I've managed to find a handful of games, none of which particularly grabbing me to play.


Anyway, I've plugged it all in and it works perfectly!! I also managed to find my WaveBird and the adaptor that picks the signal up! Massively pleased about that!


So the reason for the thread bump then. Well...


I've decided that I'd like to go back and revisit some Cube games that I missed previously.


But I'd like you guys to help me decide which game to buy first to play!


Out of these three, which would you recommend first:


Super Mario Sunshine

Wario World

StarFox Adventures


I have played sunshine and starfox before, but I can hardly remember either of them. I've always wanted to play Wario World.


I will pick all of them up at some point, but which one would you recommend first?


Eventually, I will be picking up the games I always wanted to play on the GC but never got round to, F-Zero, Viewtiful Joe, Kirby Air Ride, StarFox Assault, Wave Race, Killer 7, Paper Mario and maaaaany more! But for now, I have a bigger urge to play through the 3 games I've mentioned, so your vote in which would be a good help!!


: peace:

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But I'd like you guys to help me decide which game to buy first to play!


Out of these three, which would you recommend first:


Super Mario Sunshine

Wario World

StarFox Adventures



Well seeing as you've already subconsciously listed them in order of preference... ;)


I was going to recommend Super Mario Sunshine (Wahoo!) anyway as it is absolutely essential, especially if you've forgotten most of it as I hear that it's a fantastic title to revisit and so Isle Delphino should definitely be your first port of call this summer season; perfect timing really. : peace:


Definitely give Wario World a go though, I have that in my collection too because I like collecting games made by Treasure but weirdly I've never even played it myself... :blank: so let me know when you're going to start that and I may consider playing through it at the same time to see what all the fuss was about. :heh:


StarFox Adventures I think it's OK to leave until last although it is a very underrated game in my eyes, perhaps Rare's last long lost classic? The company is certainly a show of its former self these days in any case. :indeed:


Good choices though and it's so nice to see some more love for the Gamecube, the console that just keeps on giving. :D

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Out of these three, which would you recommend first:


Super Mario Sunshine

Wario World

StarFox Adventures


: peace:


I'd probably have to agree with @S\.C\.G and recommend Super Mario Sunshine first, even though I would argue there are plenty of other Gamecube games that are more deserving of your time right now :heh:


I had always wanted to play through Starfox Adventures again as I enjoyed it first time around when it originally came out. I finally started it a few weeks ago, after finishing Killer7 again, fearing that I may now see it for the average game that it supposedly is :indeed: Initially, that's exactly what happened! The opening section of the game is poor and it doesn't feel like an encouraging introduction to Starfox Adventures, though I did eventually start to warm to it again.. even if the accents of the characters are hilariously out of place :heh: Having said that, my progress halted around the 30% mark and I'm not particularly enthused at the prospect of going back :hmm: I may just leave it well alone and try to hang onto my fading memories of a good game..


Wario World is just OK, from what I remember.. which isn't much, it has to be said! I got it a good few years after it came out and played through it 100%, but I've never touched it since and would probably barely recognise any of it if I put it on now ::shrug:


Go with Super Mario Sunshine if those games are your 3 main options for now, but if you're interested in picking up any more games in future, give me a shout. I have a few that I don't feel deserve to be sitting on my shelf breathing the same air as my other games :heh:

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Thanks @S\.C\.G : peace:


I think I will pick up Sunshine first then! I've watched loads of videos of Wario World and I'm massively intrigued to play it although it looks terrible! It looks like an N64 game. But I still want to play it.


I could have just plugged my Wii in to play the Cube titles, but they're is something about playing it on the actual GameCube that I like! Weird as that is! :awesome:


Thinking back, I managed to play the majority of the 'must have' GameCube games, which is surprising really as I had my Cube from when I was like 12/13, so I obviously waited until birthdays / Christmas to get my gaming hauls!


I really wanted to play Smash Bros and Double Dash last night but turns out I don't have those games anymore :(. God knows what I did with them. Will definitely be picking them up again soon anyway! :heh:


But yeah, when i get Wario World, I'll let you know Sam! : peace:


I'd probably have to agree with @S\.C\.G and recommend Super Mario Sunshine first, even though I would argue there are plenty of other Gamecube games that are more deserving of your time right now :heh:


I had always wanted to play through Starfox Adventures again as I enjoyed it first time around when it originally came out. I finally started it a few weeks ago, after finishing Killer7 again, fearing that I may now see it for the average game that it supposedly is :indeed: Initially, that's exactly what happened! The opening section of the game is poor and it doesn't feel like an encouraging introduction to Starfox Adventures, though I did eventually start to warm to it again.. even if the accents of the characters are hilariously out of place :heh: Having said that, my progress halted around the 30% mark and I'm not particularly enthused at the prospect of going back :hmm: I may just leave it well alone and try to hang onto my fading memories of a good game..


Wario World is just OK, from what I remember.. which isn't much, it has to be said! I got it a good few years after it came out and played through it 100%, but I've never touched it since and would probably barely recognise any of it if I put it on now ::shrug:


Go with Super Mario Sunshine if those games are your 3 main options for now, but if you're interested in picking up any more games in future, give me a shout. I have a few that I don't feel deserve to be sitting on my shelf breathing the same air as my other games :heh:


Thanks Nando! :D


I know it's strange to have those 3 games as my starting point, but I just had an urge to play all of them so thought I'd gauge what everyone else thinks!!


I'm actually really excited to go back and play Sunshine. I remember the 'Galaxies' well and I know SM64 like the back of my hand, whereas Sunshine is the one that I can hardly remember at all. I can't wait to play through it and see what I think of it all these years on. I'm totally confident that the actual gameplay will have held up to the test of time too, it is Mario after all!


And I'll bear it in mind Nando re the games you no longer want / need! You'll have to let me know what you've got and I'll see if any take my fancy! : peace:

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Thanks @S\.C\.G : peace:


I think I will pick up Sunshine first then! I've watched loads of videos of Wario World and I'm massively intrigued to play it although it looks terrible! It looks like an N64 game. But I still want to play it.


I could have just plugged my Wii in to play the Cube titles, but they're is something about playing it on the actual GameCube that I like! Weird as that is! :awesome:


Thinking back, I managed to play the majority of the 'must have' GameCube games, which is surprising really as I had my Cube from when I was like 12/13, so I obviously waited until birthdays / Christmas to get my gaming hauls!


I really wanted to play Smash Bros and Double Dash last night but turns out I don't have those games anymore :(. God knows what I did with them. Will definitely be picking them up again soon anyway! :heh:


But yeah, when i get Wario World, I'll let you know Sam! : peace:




Thanks Nando! :D


I know it's strange to have those 3 games as my starting point, but I just had an urge to play all of them so thought I'd gauge what everyone else thinks!!


I'm actually really excited to go back and play Sunshine. I remember the 'Galaxies' well and I know SM64 like the back of my hand, whereas Sunshine is the one that I can hardly remember at all. I can't wait to play through it and see what I think of it all these years on. I'm totally confident that the actual gameplay will have held up to the test of time too, it is Mario after all!


And I'll bear it in mind Nando re the games you no longer want / need! You'll have to let me know what you've got and I'll see if any take my fancy! : peace:


I'll make up a list at some point, but I wouldn't get too excited as most of them probably aren't worth your time :heh:


I want to play Super Mario Sunshine again too, but unlike with Super Mario World and Super Mario Galaxy, I know there's no way I'd be looking to finish it with ALL Shine Sprites. I'd probably only be doing the bare minimum to see the ending, trying to avoid missions that I'm not that fond of : peace:

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I'll make up a list at some point, but I wouldn't get too excited as most of them probably aren't worth your time :heh:


I want to play Super Mario Sunshine again too, but unlike with Super Mario World and Super Mario Galaxy, I know there's no way I'd be looking to finish it with ALL Shine Sprites. I'd probably only be doing the bare minimum to see the ending, trying to avoid missions that I'm not that fond of : peace:


Yeah same with me really.

I literally just want to revisit the game and see what I make of it all these years on. I'd have to be massively taken with it to finish it to 100% completion, but you never know!!


I guess this will ride me over until the Wii U gets Cube titles on the eShop... :blank:ha!

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Can't go wrong with Super Mario Sunshine. Now that you know what to expect, you have a really good game in your hands, no preconceptions.


Starfox Adventures is pretty decent, as long as you don't mind the lack of sidequests, it's pretty linear. But yeah, leave it for later.


Haven't played Wario World, but it does look like it's better played after Sunshine than after Starfox

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I guess this will ride me over until the Wii U gets Cube titles on the eShop... :blank:ha!


Good luck with that :heh: The fact that it doesn't even have N64 games yet and the 3DS not having portable SNES games makes me feel sick :blank:


The Virtual Console on Wii U has encouraged me to go back to bolster my games on the vastly superior Wii Virtual Console as I have basically come to the conclusion that the Wii is my 'main' console and is likely to remain so until they hopefully get everything right with their next device. The fact that the Wii lets me play my sizeable Wii and GC collection through component along with some of my favourite SNES, N64 and Mega Drive games makes it the most significant gaming presence in my house, soemthing the Wii U is unlikely to ever come close to matching. The GC compatibility is one of the main reasons I'll never transfer my Wii data over to Wii U, but there's also the fact that the Wii games look considerably worse through HDMI than they do through my component cable :indeed:


Anyway, not to get too far sidetracked, make sure you pick up Wave Race: Blue Storm at some point. I randomly played through the Expert Circuit on Friday, and it is still absolutely glorious :yay: Not even an 8th place finish on La Razza Canal could ruin my enjoyment.. or my 1st place finish overall :heh:

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How many of you bitches have played Cel Damage for the Cube?


I loved it back in the day. :D


Never played but, there is an Ayyyychhhhe Deeeeeee! version available which I will probably go for whenever it inevitably appears for freeeee on Plus... if it hasn't already even, always been curious about eeeet. :D

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Never played but, there is an Ayyyychhhhe Deeeeeee! version available which I will probably go for whenever it inevitably appears for freeeee on Plus... if it hasn't already even, always been curious about eeeet. :D


Ah, forgot it was on Plus. PS4 version, yes?


Try it, it's a lovely game. It looked really, really good at the time and it was just absolutely manic.

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Super Mario Sunhine absolutely deserves to be a priority, but if you're definitely going to play Wario World, then I'd be tempted to say play it first and get it out of the way, it's not that great. It's not a bad game either but I think if you're curious about it then the longer you wait to play it the more disappointed you might be.


Starfox Adventure's is a good game. Once you get over the fact it's not as good as Zelda, and not a proper Starfox game, then it's quite enjoyable. Some of the voice acting grates but that's just a minor niggle.

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Thanks for all the responses! I'm gonna order a copy of Sunshine tomorrow off eBay and get to work on that!

I posted a photo of my WaveBird on Instagram the other day and people went crazy with the likes on it!! My phone keeps lighting up with yet more people liking it haha. Seems it really did leave a lasting impression with people. : peace:


Can't wait to get into these Cube games! I'll be sure to post my opinions on all these retro adventures as I progress, if any of ya are bothered! :heh:

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Currently bidding on a copy of Mario Kart Double Dash. I have noooo idea where my original copy went. Prob got rid of it for something else. :(


Fingers crossed I win this as I remember loving DD. Especially with how different it was compared to the other MK's.

Gonna find me a Sunshine to bid on shortly too!


It's weird. Feels like I've got a brand new console or something, delving back to older games! :D

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What's that saying? "Any book you haven't read is a new book." i think it applies to games too.


Aha very true! :)


I didn't win the Double Dash I was bidding on. :( Gutted.


I did, however, win a copy of Sunishine but that was through Buy it Now.

It just shows that Nintendo games hold their bloody value though. Sunshine is still going for £15-20 used!! :o


I got mine for £18 with postage. I am really picky though. I don't want one with a marked disc, bumped game box, creased instruction leafelt... :shakehead I'm a nightmare. :heh:


I also didn't want a Players Choice edition. Jesus, I''m OCD. :laughing:


In other news though - does anywhere still actually sell GC games? Obviously preowned. Might nip to one of the big GAME's near me (gonna nip into Siansbury's there for Wii points too if I can get any) see if they do them, but from memory, they don't. Anyone know? :wtf:

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I got mine for £18 with postage. I am really picky though. I don't want one with a marked disc, bumped game box, creased instruction leafelt... :shakehead I'm a nightmare. :heh:


I also didn't want a Players Choice edition. Jesus, I''m OCD. :laughing:


Haha. I'm the same. When buying used games off ebay for the older consoles I always make sure they are mint and like you I refuse to have any players choice/platinum games on my shelf. :D


I hope you enjoy Sunshine. I tried to play it again a couple of years ago now but found that I could switch the camera movement to the way that i'm now used to and it felt really jarring so just put it back on the shelf. :heh:

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What's that saying? "Any book you haven't read is a new book." i think it applies to games too.


I like that!


If a game is a good game, it'll grab your attention in any era. I'm still discovering Jet Set Radio on the DreamCast and think it looks wonderful. Hard to put that one down.


I feel slightly guilty for never playing Viewtiful Joe. Am tempted to pick that up for cheap when I have time.

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I wont even buy a used game!... that's how OCD I am :p


I may have to find a way to break myself out of this though, because I want to pick up some N64/Gamecube games at some point, and don't think I could begin to afford most games new (I know I couldn't with the vast majority of N66 games).

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Haha. I'm the same. When buying used games off ebay for the older consoles I always make sure they are mint and like you I refuse to have any players choice/platinum games on my shelf. :D


I hope you enjoy Sunshine. I tried to play it again a couple of years ago now but found that I could switch the camera movement to the way that i'm now used to and it felt really jarring so just put it back on the shelf. :heh:


Ha thank God I'm not the only one! Makes me feel better about my ways! : peace:


And I hope so too. I'd like to think the gameplay has held up well but I'm not sure. I remember absolutely nothing about the game, so that's the main reason for wanting to revisit it. I hope I can get some enjoyment from it.

My main (rather vague) memory is that it wasn't my favourite game ever, but the curiosity is killin me!


I am hoping it arrives tomorrow so I can get stuck in over the weekend and make a post about my progress! :)

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