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Weight Loss and Fitness 2014


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Done a 30 minute run. 3.64km .

And I had to walk twice for 30 seconds each because I was running out of breath. :blank:


There's a lot of room for improvement :laughing:


Possibly all the shagging you've been doing has shagged you out, haha.

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I guess I'm not so jealous of you after all because I can run for miles! Perks of being a (born-again) virgin! mwahahaha! I kid. You'll get on top of this shit and you'll probably fuck the shit out of running as well, you dirty bastard, you! :p I think what you typed was great anyway, lmao.




Before and after photos. This was at the end of 2013/start of this year and the one on the right side is of me about a couple of hours ago.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've found a good balance of late between weight lifting and running. Currently do one session focusing on Chest and Back and the other on Legs, Shoulders and Arms. I normally do that over a week with a 10km run in-between. I've never really utilised a split routine before but I'm loving it so far. It allows me to fit in much more volume on each muscle and not get bored of doing the same exercises all the time. I'm also adding a sprint workout at the end of each session and it's fucking brutal. Warm up for 5 minutes then whack the treadmill up to the fastest speed it has (20kph) and do 6 x 30 sets with 30 secs rest between. I'm feeling so much fitter and enjoying it so much more. I'm finding my running times getting shorter, back to the sub 47 minute times now :)


Also got the deadlift up over 100kg, though grip starts to become a bit of an issue after that.

Edited by Jon
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My half marathon is on 6th September and I am feeling quite fatigued from training (averaged 54.5km each of the last four weeks). It's making a difference though.

Yesterday I ran a 10km tempo run (not all out) and got a new 10km PB of 43:27.

I ran a good 15km last Saturday. I thought it would be fun to do it on a running track. I was wrong. 37.5 laps of a track is boring and soul destroying. Flat and fast, but there's nothing to keep your mind off the pain. Did the 15km in 1:07:47.

Aiming for a half marathon time of 1:35:00. I can taste it.

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I've been piddling about really, still working around my various injuries, not doing anything structured, trying this and that.


I had replaced pressing with overhead holds which I enjoyed but was still having shoulder issues. So the challenge was to figure out a way to press or at least work the pressing muslces.


I stumbled upon the "bicep planche"


and incorporated that. It works the biceps, core, front shoulders and pecs a bit too.


For balance I also invert it and do a similar thing facing upwards (fingers pointing forward) and leaning back, which works the upper back, rear delts and triceps. The triceps get hit especially hard. I had tricep DOMS for 2 straight days last week.


I don't know why but I've always been drawn to isometrics, I think it's the feeling of tension you get. I doubt they'll replace lifting weights but I've been able to work my upper body fairly well despite a dodgy shoulder. I think they're worth giving a try for anybody who just works out at home, just watch your elbow joint and don't lean too far too soon.


For legs I had been doing high rep bodyweight lunges but I've gotten bored of them, so I've slacked a bit. Might try learning how to pistol squat again, I used to be able to do them, albeit with ugly form, but I didn't keep up the practice and can't do them anymore.

Edited by pratty
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How's this going for everyone? It's very quiet in here!


I'm fully into the swing of things. I tell you what, it's weird bulking. I feel hungry all the fucking time. I'm drinking tons of water, too.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck bulking. My brother is doing it right now. Stupid amount of food and protein drinks. The fucker cant stop passing gas, the smelly twat.


I however have no interest in getting as big as he wants to be. All about the toning. DDP yoga is fantastic, running and exercise bike also nice and I do weights 3 times a week. Its going well.

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I had replaced pressing with overhead holds which I enjoyed but was still having shoulder issues. So the challenge was to figure out a way to press or at least work the pressing muslces.


Here's a tip for you: Crawl! I've heard that it does wonders to your body. There are several types of crawl: Bear crawl, Spiderman crawl, walk-outs, crab crawl in all directions. Every crawl should be done forward and backwards for optimal results. Do it 5-10 minutes before workouts while warming up. It's supposed to be very good for the shoulders and core muscles. :)




My own hip injury is finally subdued enough for me to attend crossfit WODs again. I've started lifting weights again but going for the relatively low weights on the legs.

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Here's a tip for you: Crawl! I've heard that it does wonders to your body. There are several types of crawl: Bear crawl, Spiderman crawl, walk-outs, crab crawl in all directions. Every crawl should be done forward and backwards for optimal results. Do it 5-10 minutes before workouts while warming up. It's supposed to be very good for the shoulders and core muscles. :).


Cheers, funninly enough I was thinking about crawls the other day, but you reminded me abotu them again. I've messed arund with them a bit in the past in the garden but never done them for very long. I could probably do them into doors forwards and backwards for short distances. only thing I found was they can get hard on the wrists after a while but I could see how it goes.

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I've started doing Strong Lifts from last week. Did squats twice last week and three times this week. It's insane but it feels great.


Also incorporated some wide-grip pull-ups 5x5. I superset one thing every session with them. They were hard to do at first but now I think I'm going to have to do them weighted.

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Time for my Four-Monthly Checkup and just past the 1 year mark since starting my home workouts.


Admittedly slacked off a lot in this quarter than the previous three but still think some tiny loss in the lower belly which is all I want :D

Suppose I could have just used the first pic and todays pic and of course there's a massive difference but I like to see the steps :)






And before anyone says it no the workouts aren't the cause of the hair loss :heh:

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I've started doing Strong Lifts from last week. Did squats twice last week and three times this week. It's insane but it feels great.


Also incorporated some wide-grip pull-ups 5x5. I superset one thing every session with them. They were hard to do at first but now I think I'm going to have to do them weighted.


Genuine question.


How do you go about doing squats 3 times a week? I love to do heavy squatting but I find I can only really do it 2 times during the course of a week. It takes me a couple of days at least to recover from one session before I can hit them again. I suppose I could lower the weight but I don't want to do that just to fit in an extra session.

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Genuine question.


How do you go about doing squats 3 times a week? I love to do heavy squatting but I find I can only really do it 2 times during the course of a week. It takes me a couple of days at least to recover from one session before I can hit them again. I suppose I could lower the weight but I don't want to do that just to fit in an extra session.


I reckon he's probably doing some kind of full body split workout. E.g, work your upper and lower body in the same workout, maybe three times a week. Squats, bench, possibly deadlift, too.


I've contemplated doing that myself. You'll probably see all kinds of gains if you eat right, too. Your body will adapt the more you do it and if you eat enough. The downside is that I guess that you'd have to skimp out on all of the accessory exercises and stick mainly to the compounds.

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Genuine question.


How do you go about doing squats 3 times a week? I love to do heavy squatting but I find I can only really do it 2 times during the course of a week. It takes me a couple of days at least to recover from one session before I can hit them again. I suppose I could lower the weight but I don't want to do that just to fit in an extra session.


I did it for a while on Starting Strength. It was very tough for the first week but after that you get used to it. If you eat enough you can increase your squat by 5kg each session.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So.. my hip problems... this is awkward but it seems that it's due to my cycling and not crossfit. Who would have thought? I'm experimenting at the moment, so now I'm going to work by bus and doing crossfit in the evening and I have next to no pain in the hip after this.


Still, I'm getting it checked on Monday. I found out that I have a special health insurance so I can get up to 12 consultations a year with a physician, chiropractor, psychologist etc. (in total) for free. Then there's really no excuse for not doing it.

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My job has proven to be fantastic for weight loss too. I have to run around and do deliveries, carrying heavy boxes and I eat less so that means I've lost weight and gained some fitness too. I'm now 17st 1lb and I've lost inches from all around my body (not that area, I can assure you! ;)) and I just feel so good. I'm finally beginning to think that it's possible I can get slim and it's a good feeling.


I've also had some attention on my weight loss blog, which is run by me and a friend I met on MyFitnessPal. It's going great and we're going through a 100 day challenge at the moment. We're on Day 16. Check it out if you want: http://www.theflabdominaldiaries.wordpress.com

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Got my hip checked again yesterday and had an X-ray taken. No problem with the bones at all so that's good. It seems to be a problem with the groin, something many soccer-players experience. So now I at least know what's wrong and can get the proper help from a physician. This makes me happy. The doctor said that I could be pain free in a couple of months. :D

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I just did my first ever half marathon, the Great Birmingham Run. Got a time of 2 hours 3 minutes which I am chuffed to bits over. I was looking dead set on getting under the two hour mark, but there was a great big ruddy hill to climb at around mile 11 which completely took the wind out of me. Still, going into the race I was expecting to run somewhere in the region of 2 hours 30, so to run it in nearly 2 hours is super awesome.

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