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GAME are currently selling £25 worth of PSN credit for £12.99. Just nabbed two for my PS+ renewal.




Thank you for that.


I read @Happenstance's post below and thought that I'd try my luck anyway. I thought I'd take the piss a bit and order three. They went through but I didn't get any confirmation email about it being dispatched. Ah well, worth a try.


About three days ago, I get an email from GAME saying that my items are on the way. They came yesterday. It's a bit lame actually, because each code was on a piece of that paper where you scratch the code off, but placed inside a blu-ray/Playstation case. Each case was sealed and each case came packaged inside a cardboard box. A bit of a waste of resources really for just three pieces of paper. I now have to figure out what I'll be doing with the cases.


But, the fantastic news is that I now have £75 worth of credit for the PSN store!

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Thank you for that.


I read @Happenstance's post below and thought that I'd try my luck anyway. I thought I'd take the piss a bit and order three. They went through but I didn't get any confirmation email about it being dispatched. Ah well, worth a try.


About three days ago, I get an email from GAME saying that my items are on the way. They came yesterday. It's a bit lame actually, because each code was on a piece of that paper where you scratch the code off, but placed inside a blu-ray/Playstation case. Each case was sealed and each case came packaged inside a cardboard box. A bit of a waste of resources really for just three pieces of paper. I now have to figure out what I'll be doing with the cases.


But, the fantastic news is that I now have £75 worth of credit for the PSN store!


I ordered two but only one arrived. I complained to GAME after a week had passed so they sent me another one via next day delivery. I got in from work to find that the missing one AND the replacement had shown up. £75 worth of PSN moolah for £25. 'Twas a good day. :D

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I ordered two but only one arrived. I complained to GAME after a week had passed so they sent me another one via next day delivery. I got in from work to find that the missing one AND the replacement had shown up. £75 worth of PSN moolah for £25. 'Twas a good day. :D


*£75 PSN credit bro-fist*


*Eagerly scrolls through PSN store to look for bargains*


I'll be buying Everybody's Gone To the Rapture on day one. :D Will be waiting for deals for FlOw, Flower and Contrast, too.

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@Fierce_LiNk please buy Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, when it comes to PS4 next month!


I'm being very tempted by King's Quest atm... but I may wait until all the episodes are out before buying it, and maybe even on PS4 and not PS3 when that happens.


Also looking at buying Hohokum (Cross-Buy) in the summer sale.

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@Fierce_LiNk please buy Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, when it comes to PS4 next month!


I'm being very tempted by King's Quest atm... but I may wait until all the episodes are out before buying it, and maybe even on PS4 and not PS3 when that happens.


Also looking at buying Hohokum (Cross-Buy) in the summer sale.


Funny enough, I read about Brothers recently (awesome cider by the way) and remembered that you told me to get it. Will be looking into that.


Hohokum is lovely, if abstract as fuck. If you imagine that Electroplankton had a bit of a point to it, it would closely resemble Hohokum. I liked it a lot. I imagine it's fun to play on an acid trip.

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Funny enough, I read about Brothers recently (awesome cider by the way) and remembered that you told me to get it. Will be looking into that.


Hohokum is lovely, if abstract as fuck. If you imagine that Electroplankton had a bit of a point to it, it would closely resemble Hohokum. I liked it a lot. I imagine it's fun to play on an acid trip.

Just read Brothers (must try that cider!) is actually out on the 12th August! Save a bit of that £75 :) The world in that game is stunning.


haha. Yeah it was your recommendation of Hohokum to me which is making me consider it all the more.

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Just read Brothers (must try that cider!) is actually out on the 12th August! Save a bit of that £75 :) The world in that game is stunning.


haha. Yeah it was your recommendation of Hohokum to me which is making me consider it all the more.


I think Everybody's Gone is out at the same time, brah. Huhuhu, too many fucking games.


I've just realised that I have a £20 voucher for GAME thanks to an end of year gift from a pupil. Tempted to use that for some sort of big release...Fallout 4 maybe? Not sure what else I'm really desperate for.

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Can I just say that the guys behind Everybody's Gone To The Rapture have perfectly captured the essence of my home County, Shropshire! I genuinely can't wait to play this game for that reason alone!


Yeah, it's pretty cool that we're getting a game that focuses so much on a specific part of Britain. I'd love to play a few more games that are set in this part of the world rather than generic American big cities.

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Not really a bargain post/question but;


What's the general price of a PS4 at the moment - notably the best prices/offers? How has it generally been pricewise since release? I'm tempted to do what I did with the WiiU and buy one at the best bargain I find, regardless of if I'm gonna start playing right away (if that makes any sense).

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Not really a bargain post/question but;


What's the general price of a PS4 at the moment - notably the best prices/offers? How has it generally been pricewise since release? I'm tempted to do what I did with the WiiU and buy one at the best bargain I find, regardless of if I'm gonna start playing right away (if that makes any sense).


They are kicking around the £280 mark with 2 games at the moment. I think GoW3, TLOU and The Order are some of the games that you can pick with the bundles.

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Not really a bargain post/question but;


What's the general price of a PS4 at the moment - notably the best prices/offers? How has it generally been pricewise since release? I'm tempted to do what I did with the WiiU and buy one at the best bargain I find, regardless of if I'm gonna start playing right away (if that makes any sense).

A great deal is the Metal Gear Solid PS4 bundle limited edition on GameSpot IE for £280 (they deliver to UK). Given the game will be £40-50 on release, it's about the same value as getting the console for £280 and 2 cheaper games.


You also get that rather cool looking limited edition which I'd say has value in itself. :)



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Have you played the Resistance games? Part of the first one (I think) is set in Manchester.


I played about 30 minutes of one of the games but can't remember too much about it at all. I was thrown right into the middle of the game and had no idea what was going on or what I was doing.


Think we stopped and played some Guitar Hero instead.


Thanks guys. Has it generally be sitting around the same price or falling slightly? I might wait a little longer before I consider grabbing one for now unless it's a spectacular deal somewhere.


It's hit the mark of £280 with either a game (or rarely, two games thrown in). I paid £299 for mine over a year ago, so you can easily get it under £300.


If you wait a few months, there's inevitably going to be slightly better deals. Just like if you wait 5 years into a console's lifecycle, you'll no doubt be able to get it much cheaper. The downside is, obviously, you'll get it later and miss out in the mean time. It's a good time to jump in now because the prices are good and there's the likes of Rocket League which we're playing.


Have you finally seen the light and are moving away from the WiiU? I don't miss it one bit.

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Do you guys think the 1TB hard drive console would be sufficient enough, or are you still quite likely to want to upgrade it? I know file sizes seem to be getting bigger and bigger all the time, but I don't know how big we're talking for owning a decent amount of games.

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It's hit the mark of £280 with either a game (or rarely, two games thrown in). I paid £299 for mine over a year ago, so you can easily get it under £300.


If you wait a few months, there's inevitably going to be slightly better deals. Just like if you wait 5 years into a console's lifecycle, you'll no doubt be able to get it much cheaper. The downside is, obviously, you'll get it later and miss out in the mean time. It's a good time to jump in now because the prices are good and there's the likes of Rocket League which we're playing.


Have you finally seen the light and are moving away from the WiiU? I don't miss it one bit.


Semi but I can't lie - Splatoon has me super hooked(90+ hrs) and its update is coming this week; I just feel like there's lots on the PS4 that looks interesting and cool and that I'd get it eventually. I look at it as I did the WiiU - buying it for a good price earlier than I might otherwise still makes sense if I'm going to get it down the line eventually.


Having said that, I still have a WiiU backlog I should tackle, and about 50 PS3 games I got for a bargain with a PS3 a year or two ago - so I've technically got lots to keep me going but I'm just looking at that much greener grass on your side of the fence ;)

However with the online/social aspects though it makes more sense for me to get on it now whilst everyone else is, as you mention - so I'm beginning to be at the point of dithering.

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I had to make a slight adjustment to your comment there. You can't put a price on taste :heh:

I want to say you mean brutal as in amazing, purely because I don't see how it can be anything else.


You're just being weird with language like all the cool kids, right? Tell me you're not cray cray plz.

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I want to say you mean brutal as in amazing, purely because I don't see how it can be anything else.


You're just being weird with language like all the cool kids, right? Tell me you're not cray cray plz.


It doesn't appeal to my eyes.. and I'm definitely not one of the cool kids :heh:

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Do you guys think the 1TB hard drive console would be sufficient enough, or are you still quite likely to want to upgrade it? I know file sizes seem to be getting bigger and bigger all the time, but I don't know how big we're talking for owning a decent amount of games.


Depends on how many games/screenshots/videos you want to store on the HDD. 1TB is enough for me, i've got a few games on and have a few screengrabs. And still have over 450gb left over.


Games do vary in size, Witcher 3 is 50gb whilst the indie games are 500mb-1gb+

Edited by Jimbob
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