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The Super Mario 3D World thread


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I was wondering what you're ordering from Domino's!

A Texas BBQ and my own special concoction of anchovies, tuna, mushrooms & jalapeno peppers :D


I've just been picking random characters but for multiplayer I'll be playing as Mario or Toad cause they're the fastest.

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Christmas is soon, right?


Right guys? :blush:


Christmas has come early for me where this game is concerned! :D


I'm now up to World 5 and I am still loving every minute of this glorious game!



This is not only the best Wii U game I have played so far, but it's also the best game I have played all year and is easily in my top ten Mario games... EVER! :D


I haven't even finished it yet but I'm that confident in my recommendation of this superb title. :hehe:


Just... too... good! :heart:


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God damn the wait for Nintendo to move into HD was so worth it. :o This game is unbelievably beautiful. :love: Such a ridiculous level of polish, so many little details... I mean it basically looks like the renders they used for advertising back in the day, it's like the artwork of Mario 64 come to life!




Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen that actually. :heh: In fact, the visuals in SM3DW are even better. :hehe:


Anyone with a Wii U, that doesn't (or isn't planning to) get this game deserves such a slap.

Seriously, if the majority of Wii U owners don't pick this up then I just don't know what to think any more. :blank:


How come I can't post stamps in Miiverse... or have ghost data? Is it just me or the UK... the rest of Miiverse seems to be able to post stamps...
Stamps can only be used in posts made from within the game itself. If you just go into Miiverse (even if you're in the SM3DW community) you won't be able to use them.


As for Mii Ghosts, the option to enable them appears in World 2. :)

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I've been on this solid since I got in from work at 5 and I've just finished world 7 ( Castle World ).


I have been refusing to move on until I had nabbed each star, stamp and golden pole from each level. The collectibles seem a lot easier to find than the coins in the NSMB series.


I love it how you go from massive open levels, to 100 second short levels and then to Captain Toad stages, which are glorious and wish there was more of them.


One stage in the Castle World cost me a few lives. It's called Red-Hot Run and it's fast and frantic, especially when trying to nab everything.


Time for bed now, 7-8 hours of Mario after you've been to work ain't healthy. I feel like my eyes are bleeding! :)

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I've been on this solid since I got in from work at 5 and I've just finished world 7 ( Castle World ).


I have been refusing to move on until I had nabbed each star, stamp and golden pole from each level. The collectibles seem a lot easier to find than the coins in the NSMB series.


I love it how you go from massive open levels, to 100 second short levels and then to Captain Toad stages, which are glorious and wish there was more of them.


One stage in the Castle World cost me a few lives. It's called Red-Hot Run and it's fast and frantic, especially when trying to nab everything.


Time for bed now, 7-8 hours of Mario after you've been to work ain't healthy. I feel like my eyes are bleeding! :)


Sorry I'm not trying to start an argument or be rude or anything, but I can't understand how someone can rush through an entire game (especially one of this quality) in one or two sittings. Does the thought of taking things slow and savouring the experience really not appeal to you? I can't imagine anything worse than waiting months or years for a game like this then rushing through it in a couple of days, but that's just me. Obviously whatever turns you on go for it, I'm just trying to understand. :)

Edited by Ronnie
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I think, @Hero\-of\-Time just really loves games... it's that simple. : peace:


When it comes to games, I can understand to an extent people wanting to 'make it last' especially when you consider the huge gap there is between releases of certain titles; but equally when a game really draws you in to the point which you keep playing and playing, then before you know it... you've finished it. :heh:


That to me is the mark of a really amazing game, regardless of whether you complete it in one long sitting or several small ones... the quality of the game is the same; finishing it on the same day you started it or spreading it out over equal play-sessions over a space of a week or more, that's just preference. : peace:


Personally I have played Super Mario 3D World for a solid eight hours today... in that time I've probably finished around 80% of the game and I've finally reached my 'fill' point for now, so I stopped. :) I tend not to limit myself when I don't have to... I'm on holiday from work currently so I just played until I felt satisfied with the progress I had made and with the amount of joy that the game has given me - which I really can't even begin to measure in this case :grin: - but I think that Hero is a fantastic guy with an amazing amount of enthusiasm for games which he expresses by completing them in a manner which might seem 'quick' to us but to him I think it's just his natural pace. ::shrug:


Ultimately it doesn't matter, but what does is that we all enjoy these games and that the fact that we get to enjoy such brilliant titles as this for however long or short a time... regardless it's both a joy and a privilege for gamers alike. :D

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Sorry I'm not trying to start an argument or be rude or anything, but I can't understand how someone can rush through an entire game (especially one of this quality) in one or two sittings. Does the thought of taking things slow and savouring the experience really not appeal to you? I can't imagine anything worse than waiting months or years for a game like this then rushing through it in a couple of days, but that's just me. Obviously whatever turns you on go for it, I'm just trying to understand. :)


Not this pants again. How in the hell am I rushing through it when I'm looking and finding everything in the level? If I was simply running to the end and hitting the flag pole then yes I would be rushing. Scouring the levels for every collectible isn't doing that.


Gaming is my main hobby and one of my biggest passions in life. I take holidays when a big game is out and sit and play them for hours on end. It's what I do.


It makes no difference if the game is done in a couple of sittings or spread throughout a week. The time it takes would be exactly the same only spread out. If I was to spread it out then another game would be getting played and then I suppose I would be getting accused of rushing through that one.


*fires Mario up*

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Not this pants again. How in the hell am I rushing through it when I'm looking and finding everything in the level? If I was simply running to the end and hitting the flag pole then yes I would be rushing. Scouring the levels for every collectible isn't doing that.


Gaming is my main hobby and one of my biggest passions in life. I take holidays when a big game is out and sit and play them for hours on end. It's what I do.


It makes no difference if the game is done in a couple of sittings or spread throughout a week. The time it takes would be exactly the same only spread out. If I was to spread it out then another game would be getting played and then I suppose I would be getting accused of rushing through that one.


*fires Mario up*


Sorry mate, but I do agree with him! I spread games like this out, doing half a world a day to make it last :)


Also, even you've got to admit - you a bit of a freak hahaha


The other night we were sat in a lobby playing COD, and we were all scratching our heads because we could all hear Zelda music coming from somewhere.


It turned out you were playing Zelda on the 3DS at the SAME TIME as playing COD.


Whilst I personally couldn't play games like that as I like to spread them out and immerse myself as much as I can in epic experiences, I have to tip my hat to you - playing two games at once it's pretty impressive! :bowdown:

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Sorry mate, but I do agree with him! I spread games like this out, doing half a world a day to make it last.


That's the thing, the end time is still exactly the same and as I said, if this wasn't getting played then another game would be and no doubt I would be flying through that.


Haha, yeah, that Zelda thing was pretty funny. To be fair I wasn't really playing it, more like just running around Hyrule checking if the map was the same. :D


I for one can't help but do it. Zelda was a masterpiece, but I couldn't put it down. When I managed to, I was back on it half an hour later.


It's the curse of the Nintendo developed titled


My mate text me the exact same thing yesterday while playing Zelda. He kept trying to have a break from it but ended up picking the 3DS up 10 mins later. :)

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That's the thing, the end time is still exactly the same and as I said, if this wasn't getting played then another game would be and no doubt I would be flying through that.


Haha, yeah, that Zelda thing was pretty funny. To be fair I wasn't really playing it, more like just running around Hyrule checking if the map was the same. :D




My mate text me the exact same thing yesterday while playing Zelda. He kept trying to have a break from it but ended up picking the 3DS up 10 mins later. :)


The week before last (14th to 21st), I spent 27 hours playing Lego Marvel

The last week (21st to 28th), I spent 15 hours on Zelda and 22 hours on Assassin's Creed 4.


I also played a lot of Pokémon for screenshots and data for the site


Don't regret a single minute. Love them all. Still haven't finished AC4, but that's on hiatus due to Mario...and I intend to spend as much time as possible playing it :) Would it have been nice to spread them out? Sure, but then I'd have just had longer periods of boredom.


So I hear you, buddy. I am the same. Ignore the others :p

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Sorry I'm not trying to start an argument or be rude or anything, but I can't understand how someone can rush through an entire game (especially one of this quality) in one or two sittings. Does the thought of taking things slow and savouring the experience really not appeal to you? I can't imagine anything worse than waiting months or years for a game like this then rushing through it in a couple of days, but that's just me. Obviously whatever turns you on go for it, I'm just trying to understand. :)
I played this for several hours yesterday and reached the end of World 5, have I been rushing?

Not unless you consider thoroughly exploring levels, replaying many stages just to see what Ghost Miis are up to or listen to the music, watching Cat Mario's idle animation (where he washes his face like an actual cat :love:), oh and simply observing the title screen to see all of the different demo animations... rushing. :hehe:


Yeah, to be honest I used to be more of the mindset that you should "make games last", but now it's completely the opposite. At the end of the day, if you're playing the game how you would play it anyway, it makes no difference whether you do it in one big sitting, or space it out over time. The experience is exactly the same.


In fact (although not so relevant for SM3DW :D) with a story driven game I'd say playing through it with as few breaks as possible is highly beneficial, to better keep track of what's going on. You wouldn't watch a film and then halfway through it go "oh I'll stop watching this now and watch the rest tomorrow" just to make it "last longer". :heh:


Anyway, people should be able to enjoy their games however they like. And as long as those that play through before others use spoiler tags when describing the game, I have no problem with it whatsoever.


: peace:

Edited by RedShell
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Well I haven't played a single minute of it yet - DAMN YOU GAME AND DAMN YOU WORK!! :laughing:


But when I do get it, I don't care how I play through it! I just know it's going to be magical! :heh:


Quick question though - can you choose any player to play through single player with or is it just Mario to start? Just coz I'd like to turn this into Super Peach 3D World as quickly as possible. :D

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Well I haven't played a single minute of it yet - DAMN YOU GAME AND DAMN YOU WORK!! :laughing:


But when I do get it, I don't care how I play through it! I just know it's going to be magical! :heh:


Quick question though - can you choose any player to play through single player with or is it just Mario to start? Just coz I'd like to turn this into Super Peach 3D World as quickly as possible. :D


You can pick any player and switch at the start of a stage. I've been rocking Toad from the start, only switching to get a couple of stamps as there are a few character specific switches kicking about.

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