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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


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I've finished it.


The final two chapters were better than what came before it. Good boss fight at the end that I quite enjoyed and I LOVED the epilogue.



Chapters 18-20 really soured the game for me, though. They were boring, tedious, not-fun and not really all that varied. They really just ramped up the enemies x 100 and left you to it. It's a shame, as everything up until that point was wonderful. Chapter 16 (The Brothers Drake) was excellent and a real high point for me. The chapter with the clock puzzle was also great. It's a shame that there wasn't a bit more variety at the end or if they had just simply toned down the amount of bullet-magnets that you had to get through...



Overall, I loved the game. Buuuuuut, I'm finding it hard to place it due to those few chapters.

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I'm getting pretty pissed off and bored with this now. Up to Chapter 17, it was great and a real joy to play. I'm on Chapter 20 now and it's just an absolute fucking grind.


Naughty Dog really ran out of ideas here.


Here's a shooting sequence. Here. Have 20 enemies. Ok, you got through those 20...but what about THESE DOZEN? Ok, you just about made it through that...here's another 20.


Just fuck off. The game was so beautifully balanced up until the last three or so chapters and it's become far too monotonous. Even if they cut the amount of enemies by half I'm not sure it would be enough.


I'm feeling the same to be fair. Chapter 19 was decent, but i'm with you on Chapter 20. Enemies after enemies, felt like Uncharted of old. Certainly does feel like Naughty Dog are running low on ideas, because right up to this chapter i was certainly enjoying myself.


Probably polish it off this evening, before cracking on with the multiplayer and seeing what it's about.

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I have only just started this.

Enjoying it so far, as expected, but the combat bits I'm not a huge fan of just yet.


Why do I get the feeling there's going to be loads of them?


I just hope it isn't overloaded with it in the same annoying way that Batman had the tank sections at every turn which wore me down.


But so far, loving playing it!

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I have only just started this.

Enjoying it so far, as expected, but the combat bits I'm not a huge fan of just yet.


Why do I get the feeling there's going to be loads of them?

In fairness there is far, far fewer than previous titles and at least there's more than one way to approach them now.


They do still suck a bit though.

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And that is that, done and dusted with the campaign


What a game, ok i wasn't a fan of 2 chapters in particular. That being the exploding mummies in chapter 19, and the onslaught of enemies in chapter 20. But otherwise, the rest of the game was fantastic. Great story, loved exploring the Pirate island and discovering the life of a pirate. The driving sections were not too bad either, and ultimately the combat was a lot better than previous titles. Even with the different ways to take down groups was enjoyable.


Loved the boss battle, sword fighting in Avery's ship. Loved it.


The new way to maneuver around was interesting, letting you plan which way to climb or do things was great. Being able to slowly climb a wall and watching Drake's hands and feet move in each direction was neat. And the environmental features, wow.



And now, onto the multiplayer and to see what that is all about.

Edited by Jimbob
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My go to multiplayer class now that I have 26/26 LP:



AK-47 with recoil reduction modifier (9LP)

Para.45 (1LP)


Grenade (4LP)

Saviour Sidekick (2LP)


Mark on Damage 3 (4LP)

Down But Not Out 2 (3LP)

Helping Hand 2 (2LP)

Scavenger 1 (1LP)



Towards the end of each match once I've upgraded grenades and used the sidekick a couple of times, I switch to a similar loadout but with a mystical/heavy weapon in place of a booster. The Saviour Sidekick is immense - he'll save your skin on a number of occasions as well as resupply you and your team frequently - which includes reducing the cool-down on gear/grenades (HUGE). Add to that the fact that he's resilient in battle and costs a mere 2LP, he's insane.


Why you'd use anything but frags in the gear slot is beyond me because they're stupidly useful offensively and defensively, whatever the scenario. Maybe you could make a case for smoke grenades with certain niche set-ups, not for me though.


The extra cash gain from highlighting enemies when you damage them makes everything else easier, and the accurate AK can take people out from almost any range if you play it right. Down But Not Out complements the Saviour sidekick well as it improves your downed health and movement speed, while scavenger is something I put on every class because it's dirt cheap, and the extra range on ammo pickups means you don't have to worry about your positioning when collecting it - helpful if you need to restock the AK quickly during a firefight without having to hit a precise mark.




If you're trying to unlock the extra LP obtainable by downing 200 enemies with pistols, choose a Para.45-only class and play Plunder. If you're lucky enough to unlock Rafe's Para like I was (spending relics in the hero weapon-chest), use that - it comes with increased hip-fire accuracy and increased clip size, which happen to be the two best sidearm modifications. The Para's improved hip-fire is nigh-on OP, making it especially easy to rinse enemies caught in the mayhem of the idol during Plunder matches.

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Nice loadout @dwarf gourami


I really like the mp34a as my long gun, the XCR is pants as it has a tiny magazine!


I use helping hand, cash drip (I'm greedy) down but not out and endowment!


I like the sniper as a sidekick with the no laser sight mod, it really helps!


Youve raised some interesting info and I've hardly played plunder yet.


Nice to see someone appreciating the multiplayer and all its many nuances ��

Edited by Cookyman
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I finished the game yesterday. I absolutely loved it! There were a couple of times when i thought the combat towards the latter chapters were frustrating but apart from that I thoroughly enjoyed the game.


The graphics - just wow! Breathtaking.


I do really enjoy the Uncharted gameplay. The puzzles albeit are similar in the way you solve them (look at Nate's journal thing to figure it out) were challenging enough that I felt a sense of achievement when I solved them. I feel like I have not had the anticipation of the game like most people as I only played the series for the first time a few months ago. The game was really cinematic!


The story was great, the graphics fantastic, the gameplay sublime and the soundtrack was amazing.


I think i'm running out of positive adjectives.


I was so sad that i've finished it and there is unlikely to be another one! What a series!! :D

Edited by Blade
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I finally started playing this the other day, my jaw has been on the floor ever since. :heh:


Was cracking up at the part where you...


play Crash Bandicoot!


Anyway, am currently just past the section that was showcased at last year's E3 (amazing stuff, even though I'd seen it before) and can't wait to find out what will happen next!


Also, anyone else see Robert Davi whenever Sam Drake is on screen?:






BTW, does the multiplayer spoil anything from the story? Wanted to jump in for a few games the other day, but wasn't sure. :hmm:

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How many chapters is this? I'm on chapter 7 at the minute, the graphics are incredible and it's all very fluid and handles well.




It doesn't feel special. Like, at all. The story so far is meh, and I can see the twist coming already. So yeah, still uncharted 1 is the best for me!

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I'm getting there, slowly but surely... ;)


Now at Chapter 20, yes I'm still playing on Crushing difficulty and I won't let the game beat me as I'm too close now. :p


But I agree with what others have said about this point of the game, obviously I'm not going to spoil anything but it's becoming less fun now, still a great game though, hopefully I'll finally finish it within the next day or two so I can join you all for some multiplayer. :D


It's just something I do with these games, I never jump into the multiplayer first with a game where the primary focus is the single-player campaign. ::shrug:

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I'm extremely tempted to play through this game again, or at least to go through the series again. I know I slated parts towards the end, the bits around it were really fun as hell.


Basically, there were only about 2 (maybe 3) chapters that let the game down for me. Everything else up until that point and afterwards was great. Sometimes I do wonder if I had played the game in a smaller chunk, maybe if I had paused for a bit before doing some of the later chapters, maybe that would have stopped it from feeling like a bit of a chore. The middle section of the game is superb and I enjoyed the ending.


A large part of me feels guilty for not being overly enthusiastic about the game at the end because I was reeeeeeeally into it up until around Chapter 18. I hope Naughty Dog learn from this when they look back on this game and analyse what they did well because the exploration and storytelling side of this was great. I feel that they had the shooting down right (including how much of it you actually do) until the end, where it just seemed like they ramped things up way too much.

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I'm extremely tempted to play through this game again, or at least to go through the series again. I know I slated parts towards the end, the bits around it were really fun as hell.


Basically, there were only about 2 (maybe 3) chapters that let the game down for me. Everything else up until that point and afterwards was great. Sometimes I do wonder if I had played the game in a smaller chunk, maybe if I had paused for a bit before doing some of the later chapters, maybe that would have stopped it from feeling like a bit of a chore. The middle section of the game is superb and I enjoyed the ending.


A large part of me feels guilty for not being overly enthusiastic about the game at the end because I was reeeeeeeally into it up until around Chapter 18. I hope Naughty Dog learn from this when they look back on this game and analyse what they did well because the exploration and storytelling side of this was great. I feel that they had the shooting down right (including how much of it you actually do) until the end, where it just seemed like they ramped things up way too much.


I plan to play through it all again - on crushing. I'm going to finish off Witcher 3 and i'll do it then. I personally loved the game. I've also been listening to the soundtrack on spotify :D

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I plan to play through it all again - on crushing. I'm going to finish off Witcher 3 and i'll do it then. I personally loved the game. I've also been listening to the soundtrack on spotify :D


I didn't know it was on there! Might take a listen.


One thing I learned when I played through 3 on easy is that I don't really play Uncharted for the challenge. I think I play it to experience the locations, set pieces and to hear the dialogue and interplay between characters. I was a lot more forgiving towards 3 (I loved it, in fact) than others because it never became frustratingly difficult for me...bar one section towards the end.

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