Hero-of-Time Posted May 12, 2016 Posted May 12, 2016 Reveal hidden contents Sam, you absolute git! Drake left his peaceful life for you!! I was genuinely shocked by that whole cutscene. I think I sat there with my mouth wide open.
drahkon Posted May 12, 2016 Posted May 12, 2016 Chapter 11 has to be one of the best "levels" I have ever played. Absolutely incredible. First of all... Reveal hidden contents Leave the controller idle for 30 seconds once you get to the point where the E3 demo started should've started And now... Reveal hidden contents Walking through that marketplace, the clocktower puzzle, the gunfight, escaping that armored vehicle, chasing after Sam...it was the perfect mix between set pieces, gameplay and - what people like to call - interactive movie. The pacing of that level alone is something every developer should keep in mind when making an action game. I was so absorbed in it I didn't notice that a thunderstorm had reached our town...seriously. I didn't notice the lightning, thunder and rain even though my window was open. So far, Uncharted 4 shits on every game ever made (except maybe The Witcher 3).
Blade Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 I'm only on Chapter 4 but i'm absolutely loving this. I am constantly impressed how beautiful and colourful it all looks. I love how it seemlessly goes into a cut scene and then back again. How other npcs interact with Drake is impressive, especially in fight scenes. Its like interactive cinema but at the highest quality. The gameplay is top too!
Hero-of-Time Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 drahkon said: Reveal hidden contents Leave the controller idle for 30 seconds once you get to the point where the E3 demo started should've started I assume you checked the trophy list beforehand to know how to nab this? You're a braver man than I. I didn't dare check the list in case of any spoilers.
drahkon Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 Hero-of-Time said: I assume you checked the trophy list beforehand to know how to nab this? You're a braver man than I. I didn't dare check the list in case of any spoilers. As unbelievable as it sounds, I haven't checked the list. It was quite a conincidence: The moment that scene started someone was at the door (delivery guy). When I came back the trophy popped
Hero-of-Time Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 drahkon said: As unbelievable as it sounds, I haven't checked the list. It was quite a conincidence: The moment that scene started someone was at the door (delivery guy). When I came back the trophy popped Haha. Outstanding!
S.C.G Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 As always I started out playing this on "Crushing" difficulty and I've just now hit my first major sticking point... Reveal hidden contents If you've played this far then you know the bit... you're hanging off the cliff just out of sight and the guards think they've seen something "over there in the treeline" "yeah but it's a jungle though, there's movement everywhere" "alright everyone false alarm, but keep a lookout" yeah that bit... :p From that part I've already crawled through the grass and up to the first rock you see, the moment the guard turns around I jump over the rock, cross the gap underneath then climb the next cliff which is moreorless right in front of you which has more grass for cover, then I immediately jump from there to the land mass right in the middle, just grabbing the cliff side then hiding in the grass, this nearly alerts a guard, once he's said "OK then..." my rope is already tethered to the grappling point which takes you down even further, I go for it, land in the grass which does almost alert another guard but I've found it's safe to take out the nearest guard who has his back to you at this point, securing you a pistol. Then it's up the hand-holds on the cliff nearest to you, as you get across the gap to the other side which has an ammo bos giving you more ammo for your pistol and two grenades, onto the ground pillars from there as I climb to the highest point, haning onto the edge but away from the guards until they can't see me, this is where I get stuck though as I can either jump across and go for the mudslide, after that I don't get too far, or go into the long grass out the back, usually spotted but I can cliff-hang and shoot for a while until I usually get taken out. I tried at that for around three hours or so last night, so frustrating as I feel like I've almost got a winning strategy down, I even checked a video out of some guy doing the same thing almost, yet he got a checkpoint at the point I usually get to but then he did manage to take out a few of the guards where as my run in much more stealthy up to that point. I'll get there... it's just a sticking point is all, any advice appreciated though. Other than that, really enjoying the game.
Hero-of-Time Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 The adventure is over. What a game! What a freaking game! Absolutely amazing experience. The animations, story, voice acting, music, set pieces....Naughty Gods indeed! The gameplay took an interesting turn with this instalment and I think we have finally come full circle with the Tomb Raider franchise. Originally, Tomb Raider was about exploration. Uncharted then copied bits of this and added a bit of Hollywood flair to it. Fast forward and Tomb Raider reboots and takes what Uncharted was doing and dials it up a notch. Finally, Uncharted 4 arrives and scales back the combat in favour of exploration. I'm absolutely gobsmacked by the quality of the facial animations. This really drew me into the story of the game and feel for each of the characters. Case in point... Reveal hidden contents When Elena and Drake find the Pirates all dead off drinking the poison in the cups, Drake gets really excited and Elena looks really sad. From her facial reactions I took that she realised that this was the spark that Drake was missing in his life and maybe she was holding him back as she hadn't seen him this excited in a long time. All of that was taken away by me simply by a look that she gave to Nate As for the ending... Reveal hidden contents The last boss fight was amazing. Certainly one of the best ( if not the best ) in the Uncharted series. I love it how Sam survived. I'm happy they didn't go the cliche route of a sacrifice for the greater good. No word of a lie, I was welling up at the end of the game. Seeing them all happy, with a kid, and living a peaceful was beautiful to watch. The faint jingle of the Uncharted theme playing as Nate told his daughter his tales was enough to nearly bring this grown man to tears. Naughty Gods, I salute you! Now, let the trophy hunt commence.
Guy Posted May 14, 2016 Posted May 14, 2016 Beat it last night. Game was utterly fantastic, glad the boring gunplay was kept to a minimum and the story went where it did. Still like 2 the most though.
Blade Posted May 14, 2016 Posted May 14, 2016 OMG!! Reveal hidden contents So it started off going down an Uncharted nostalgia trip (not much for me as I only played the first three games a few months ago) Then an actual playstation was switched on That fucking start music! And then Crash Bandicoot came on And then you get to fucking play it!! OMG!!!
Hero-of-Time Posted May 14, 2016 Posted May 14, 2016 Completed this again today, this time on Crushing difficulty. It's stupidly easy this time around as they allow you to use your bonuses that you unlocked during your first time. No idea if they intended this but put them to good use, just in case it gets patched. I had infinite ammo, any weapon I wanted and bullet time, which made every enemy encounter very easy. I used this play through to get all the collectibles. There's over 100 to get! Crazy amount. I missed a few on chapter 10 so I had to replay that one. I'm now on mopping up all the misc. trophies that I've missed.
S.C.G Posted May 14, 2016 Posted May 14, 2016 Hero-of-Time said: Completed this again today, this time on Crushing difficulty. It's stupidly easy this time around as they allow you to use your bonuses that you unlocked during your first time. No idea if they intended this but put them to good use, just in case it gets patched. I had infinite ammo, any weapon I wanted and bullet time, which made every enemy encounter very easy. Got a good strategy for Chapter 13? I'm still trying to finish it for the first time and I started on Crushing difficulty... :p I'm intending to do it the other way round, make my second playthrough really easy for the collectables. :awesome:
Hero-of-Time Posted May 14, 2016 Posted May 14, 2016 S.C.G said: Got a good strategy for Chapter 13? I'm still trying to finish it for the first time and I started on Crushing difficulty... :p I'm intending to do it the other way round, make my second playthrough really easy for the collectables. :awesome: Not really. As I mentioned, I had infinite ammo and was able to spawn rocket launchers and sniper rifles at will. Given that there are far worse encounters yet to come, I would just play on normal and then go through Crushing with the bonuses enabled. It would save a lot of stress.
Hero-of-Time Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 Multiplayer done. Misc. trophies unlocked. Platinum obtained.
Blade Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 @Hero\-of\-Time I bet you're gutted that you have finished with it! This game is nothing but fantastic and i'm still at the beginning. Now go play Witcher 3
drahkon Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 Hero-of-Time said: Completed this again today, this time on Crushing difficulty. It's stupidly easy this time around as they allow you to use your bonuses that you unlocked during your first time. Ah, I probably won't be given that opportunity on my second playthrough since I don't go out of my way to collect collectibles on my first playthrough for any game I think I'll just play the game on the easiest difficulty with a guide to knock out the collectibles and speed-run trophy (and maybe some other misc trophies). However, I do kinda want to complete the game on crushing without gameplay modifiers. Currently on chapter 16 on hard, but it's not really that hard. If you manage to take out the majority of enemies in an encouter via stealth the gunplay is not too difficult. Not sure how close I am to the end, but I don't think that there have been any pacing issues in the first 15 chapters. Some reviews pointed out that the pacing is a bit off from time to time but I have to say: It's perfect.
Fierce_LiNk Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 Reveal hidden contents I'm loving this game. Love the whole Scottish mountains/wintery theme. Beautiful as fuck to look at. For some reason, I'm really enjoying the gunplay in this a lot more. I don't know if there are any changes or if I'm just used to things by now. I do think each Uncharted game improves the last. I thought 2 was better than 1, 3 was better than 2 and now I think 4 is the best of the lot.
Tales Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 What's wrong with the pacing? I thought it was excellent all the way through. Reveal hidden contents Fantastic ending. With warnings from Naughty Dog about being aware of spoilers, made me fear they were going to kill Elena in some tragic final scene or something. So happy for them, settling down, having a kid, being a family, so beautiful. Finished my speed run just now, at 5 hours and 35 minutes. Was afraid for a while that I wasn't going to make it, good think the credits doesn't count :p Will be starting a 3rd playthrough on crushing, and hopefully I'll be able to do it without cheats. Since I've found so much myself(67 treasures, 18 entries, 22 journal notes and 33 option conversation), I will get the rest in chapter select after I've finished crushing, instead of following a guide during.
Fierce_LiNk Posted May 15, 2016 Posted May 15, 2016 I've been hhnnnnnnngggging pretty hard on the graphics in chapters 8-10. 10 in particular is just jaw-dropping. Really can't wait to see what Naughty Dog do next.
Shorty Posted May 16, 2016 Posted May 16, 2016 Picking this up on my way home tonight, yay for Tesco clubcard boost.... Quick question, should I dust off the PS3 and finish Uncharted 3 before I play this? (Probably just set it to easy and rush through) Wasn't a huge fan, gave up on it half way through and don't really remember the story anyway.
S.C.G Posted May 16, 2016 Posted May 16, 2016 Shorty said: Picking this up on my way home tonight, yay for Tesco clubcard boost.... Quick question, should I dust off the PS3 and finish Uncharted 3 before I play this? (Probably just set it to easy and rush through) Wasn't a huge fan, gave up on it half way through and don't really remember the story anyway. Just as well you're buying Uncharted 4 now as it's the last Clubcard Boost ever sadly... I would say yes, but then I've enjoyed each and every one of the Uncharted titles thus far - aside from Uncharted: Golden Abyss because reasons :p though I might end up picking it up cheap one day - all of the PS3 games have been essential day one purchases to me, it was even the original Uncharted which prompted me to buy an NTSC PS3 back in the day so I think you at least owe it to yourself to finish it really but don't feel obligated, that's just my view; do finish it for the sake of it being a solid game though. : peace: As for my own playthrough of Uncharted 4, I finally got past the sticking point I found to be Chapter 13 then I said to myself "I'll just get to just after Chapter 15 to find out about that plot point @Hero\-of\-Time posted in a spoiler box the other day..." - yes I clicked it as I couldn't help myself, to be fair it motivated me to keep going though but yeah... five hours and five chapters later and I'm now halfway through Chapter 18, before I knew it sunrise was almost upon me, whoops! I haven't actively played a game this much in a while, so at the very least it's the game to really get me back into gaming again after being stuck in a rut for a while, plus I do like a good Naughty Dog game, they are a rare developer who I shall support for as long as they keep putting games out.
Happenstance Posted May 16, 2016 Posted May 16, 2016 I'd say no. If you werent enjoying Uncharted 3 then dont go back to it. I forced myself to play through the entire game when it came out despite knowing I wasnt enjoying it and it really soured me on the entire franchise for a long time.
drahkon Posted May 16, 2016 Posted May 16, 2016 Finished it just now. A masterpiece. Naughty Dog did it again. Now please buy the rights for Crash Bandicoot and take a break from the adventure games.
Daft Posted May 16, 2016 Posted May 16, 2016 Finished it yesterday. Superb. It's Uncharted 2 via The Last of Us. It was an utter pleasure to play from start to finish.
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