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Wii Sports Club


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Haha. I've probably moaned more than most and Ives till bought it. It's a lot of fun still. But as long as people still bitch and moan hopefully Nintendo will listen.


You not buying it then?


Anyone got any advice on this tennis controls. Considering its meant to be more accurate, I just can't lob consistency, not sure slicing does anything differently (how different is it than top spin or normal shot, they all seem to be the same to me).

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I think people are giving this game way too much stick personally.


If this was a proper game that was being sold in a box in the shops purely as Wii U Tennis, then I'd be saying that a lot of the criticism is warranted.

As it stands though, I don't feel it is.


It is an updated version of what is, in my opinion, a classic. The best tennis simulation game you will ever play. And it's just got better.


It looks better, it controls better (I say better, some may disagree and prefer just sitting down and flicking their wrist which worked in the original, not so much here), it has an added online mode, and the single player is more of a challenge.


Whilst I agree that there are some problems with the game such as the online not being the best it could be, I still think it is perfectly acceptable. Like I say I've played well over 50 matches online now and never has the experience been ruined by slow down. One or two of the matches have had slow down on there, but nothing like Brawl standards that breaks the experience.


Like I say I've found the single player to be great fun and am currently having great trouble trying to beat the 'Champions'. But it's so much fun trying out new shots and play techniques against them to try and win! Those bitches don't know when to lie down... :heh:


At 8 quid or whatever it is, I'm not gonna complain. I've already put over 6 hours into this and I've loved it and have no intentions to stop playing anytime soon. I've spent forty quid on a game that's only lasted me that long before!

I've never played an online game quite so tense as this - being match point down after a close contest and managing to crawl it back and win is pretty awesome to me! But everyone's idea of what is acceptable as an online experience differs I guess.


I can't recommend it enough, but I was a huge fan of Wii Tennis so this was always going to appeal to me.

Edited by Aneres11
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I can't recommend it enough, but I was a huge fan of Wii Tennis so this was always going to appeal to me.


Pretty much my sentiments in my review.



Anyone else find that their friends don't all show up on the friends list of scores for games? On bowling for instance, there's only four of you guys appearing when displaying best scores. ::shrug:

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I'm really enjoying tennis also. Haven't played the bowling game, not even in the 24-hours demo, because I didn't like bowling in Wii Sports en Sports Resort.

In Tennis only played online, maybe some training is needed, because I find it very hard to grow higher than my current level 10 stats.

Strange thing is, I win most of my matches against equally and/or higher skilled players, but lose too much when playing level 1's and 2's. Maybe they play too unpredictable because of their inexperience :P

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Seeing posts like this on Miiverse makes me sad




How can there be people so deluded? I've seen more than just this one posting positive thoughts on this games online it is sickening.


Come on people post more on Miiverse about how poor the onlien setup is or elese Nintendo will just see posts like this on Miiverse and think everyone is happy with the online.

Not just would we be unlikely to see an update for this game but we'd be more likely to see more of the same in future online games from Nintendo which is even more worrying!

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Seeing posts like this on Miiverse makes me sad




How can there be people so deluded? I've seen more than just this one posting positive thoughts on this games online it is sickening.


Come on people post more on Miiverse about how poor the onlien setup is or elese Nintendo will just see posts like this on Miiverse and think everyone is happy with the online.

Not just would we be unlikely to see an update for this game but we'd be more likely to see more of the same in future online games from Nintendo which is even more worrying!


On Miiverse you have morons claiming that there was no buzzing during Monster Hunter and that there is no lag compensation when playing CoD, so seeing something like this isn't surprising. :laughing:


Did you reply to his comment, Mokong?


To people claiming it was Namco and not Nintendo to blame for this, well Nintendo clearly give them the thumbs up to make the online so basic. They go on about being protective of their IPs and if they weren't happy with the quality here then they would have done something.

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I think people are forgetting that this game is not call of duty or FIFA or any of the shovel ware that you find on the other consoles.

The online is never going to be fully flushed out and it works perfectly fine.


To call the guy a moron because he is enjoying the fact he can now play online with this game and have fun with it is a little low. Like I say everyone's expectations were different for this but I'm with him and I do think its a step in the right direction. Online play is there and it works - they didn't choose to just release it without in the hope people would buy it anyway.


Think I'll go and 'yeah' his post actually.

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To people claiming it was Namco and not Nintendo to blame for this, well Nintendo clearly give them the thumbs up to make the online so basic. They go on about being protective of their IPs and if they weren't happy with the quality here then they would have done something.


Not to mention it's exactly like some of Nintendo's other online systems.

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I think people are forgetting that this game is not call of duty or FIFA or any of the shovel ware that you find on the other consoles.


IN fairness that does not mean the lacking of an invite system should be brushed off.


Imagine if they put some real effort into the online setup.


I was expecting to be able to see in-game who was online and what they were playing at the very least. An invite system and/or noticifcations of when someone comes online shouldn't be left out of online games in this day and age.


Rather than looking on the Friendlist seeing people on the game game but no idea which sport they are playing, and no way to tell them you are online and ask if they want to play or no way for them to see when you've come online.


On the "Everyone" side, I find it rather shocking that there is no option for a rematch after a game, espcially in Tennis which lasts just one set? And when you do select to find other opponents why doesn't go right into the search? It tosses you back a few menu pages instead?


On the search for "Club", like I said before, love the idea but there is no way to no if the club you want to search for even has anyone online? I would actually like to use the Club search over "Everyone" as I'd like to find people from teh designated "Rival Club" but when I had my free pass every time I tried it found nobody cause nobody from that club was online and I couldn't find out before searching?

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I think people are forgetting that this game is not call of duty or FIFA or any of the shovel ware that you find on the other consoles.

The online is never going to be fully flushed out and it works perfectly fine.


To call the guy a moron because he is enjoying the fact he can now play online with this game and have fun with it is a little low. Like I say everyone's expectations were different for this but I'm with him and I do think its a step in the right direction. Online play is there and it works - they didn't choose to just release it without in the hope people would buy it anyway.


Think I'll go and 'yeah' his post actually.


That's the issue I have with Nintendo, it's not steps, its baby steps when it comes to online gaming and when people are praising these small steps then it's no wonder they are getting away with it.


It's great that people are enjoying but there are also a lot of people who aren't. I've done my part and voted with my wallet but if they patch private lobbies and invites into the game then Nintendo can then have my cash.

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Considering how much they try to inovate in terms of gameplay and control I'm amazed they dont do the same with online. When the WiiU was being revealed we were told online was important and they would deliver but for all thesteps forward they took (no friendcodes, creating miiverse... maybe some other features i forgot?) they left out so much... no unified account, digital titles still tied to hardware, no chat or invite or message system built into the OS level... no on screen notifications when someone comes online, just a flashing blue light that cpuld mean a number of different things.


And then even at game level there is no consistancy. I dont have Pokemon XY but I hear its online is decent yet Wii Dports Club feels like a DS game minus the friendcodes

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That's the issue I have with Nintendo, it's not steps, its baby steps when it comes to online gaming and when people are praising these small steps then it's no wonder they are getting away with it.



Ok. Your opinion is your opinion and I respect that, and understand it. But other people may find the inclusion of online warrants praise, no matter how big or small the online mode is - myself being one of them.


If you'll excuse me I'm off to play some tennis. :p

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Ok. Your opinion is your opinion and I respect that, and understand it. But other people may find the inclusion of online warrants praise, no matter how big or small the online mode is - myself being one of them.


If you'll excuse me I'm off to play some tennis. :p


Indeed. Each to their own and all that.

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You not buying it then?


it has an added online mode
The problem is that Nintendo went out of their way to suggest that online was the defining feature with this, it's was always presented as the main focus of Wii Sports Club.


Things like the video of Iwata playing online, and a commercial with Andre Agassi that was exclusively about the online, etc...

From the moment Wii Sports Club was revealed it was always about the online.


That's why they needed to go all out with that aspect of the game, but they didn't, and instead went completely backwards, omitting features which should be standard, and that they've already included in other games.


Seeing posts like this on Miiverse makes me sad



That's gotta be a sarcastic post, surely? :blank:

Or perhaps they're just living up to their username. ;)

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The problem is that Nintendo went out of their way to suggest that online was the defining feature with this, it's was always presented as the main focus of Wii Sports Club.


But it is the defining feature. ::shrug:

That's what I look forward to playing the most - the online against real people.

It's the best part of the game.


I personally don't feel Nintendo promised anything with this other than an online mode to play with friends and people across Europe etc. But if you haven't bought it then like Hero says, you've voted with your wallet and that's gonna effect Nintendo more than someone positing a positive comment on Miiverse.

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I personally dislike competitive online gaming as it seems to bring out the worst in people lol.

I enjoy collaboration and comparing high scores though, hence my confusion as to why you weren't all showing up on my friends list of scores.

Maybe it's because the trial has ended and you guys haven't purchased the games? I have Londragon/Phube and a couple of others only.


I do think the games should have been priced at £5 each though. Maybe people would have said less then as we all tend to associate value with cost.


On another note: I spent 40minutes in sheer frustration trying to set up multiplayer games in GTAV with my nephew last night. Drop-outs, full games, lag...Maaaan it was frustrating.

Wii sports Club seemed flawless in comparison haha.

Edited by tapedeck
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On another note: I spent 40minutes in sheer frustration trying to set up multiplayer games in GTAV with my nephew last night. Drop-outs, full games, lag...Maaaan it was frustrating.

Wii sports Club seemed flawless in comparison haha.




Btw tapedeck do you fancy some online games?! Or anyone that has the game?! Be cool to get some N-E tennis lovin going on! :grin:

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Btw tapedeck do you fancy some online games?! Or anyone that has the game?! Be cool to get some N-E tennis lovin going on! :grin:


Yeah, we'll have to sort one out at some point. Are we Wii U friends?

Right now would be awkward though: I'm at work. :heh:

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Nintendo are the family console...


It's quite ironic therefore that the Wii U creates the atmosphere of a divorce; with everyone bitching and sniping at one another.


You only need to look at the fan base atm to realise Nintendo aren't making good decisions. Only with Nintendo fans atm do you have this. Sony and Microsoft fans bump heads, but only Nintendo can get their own fan base doing it.


Sort it out Nintendo.

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Nintendo are the family console...


It's quite ironic therefore that the Wii U creates the atmosphere of a divorce; with everyone bitching and sniping at one another.


You only need to look at the fan base atm to realise Nintendo aren't making good decisions. Only with Nintendo fans atm do you have this. Sony and Microsoft fans bump heads, but only Nintendo can get their own fan base doing it.


Sort it out Nintendo.


Bitching and sniping? Lol. No ones doing that. We're merely discussing a matter a few of us have different views on. No ones being offensive or taking offense at any of it. It's a discussion topic that everyone feels differently about for different reasons.

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You only need to look at the fan base atm to realise Nintendo aren't making good decisions. Only with Nintendo fans atm do you have this. Sony and Microsoft fans bump heads, but only Nintendo can get their own fan base doing it.


I agree in some ways but in others think the whole Nintendo hating thing has gone way over the top.

When Nintendo fans are going crazy at each other about a new Mario title 'apparently' lasting only 8hours, I don't think Nintendo are going to waste energy and resources doing anything about such vitriol.

The web is a blessing and a curse afterall.


Unfortunately no-one comes out and reports about the magical wonder and imagination of Pikmin3 or the wondrous control fidelity seen in Wii Sports Club Tennis or the pure joy garnered from playing Nintendoland or Wii Party U in a social environment with friends and family who normally wouldn't touch a game. Headlines usually focus on aspects like 'Batman on Wii U has texture pop in' instead of 'Wii Party U mini games rock'. The press has a lot to answer for, generally presenting one side of the coin all of the time.


And when it comes to reviews we get 'rehash!' And 'that's casual' headlines and everyone falls in line hating on the most minor of things - usually focusing in on what the product doesn't do right instead of what it does well. Look at Ducktales...a game buzzing with love but getting slated by some for its retro approach. It was a REMAKE.


Now we have reports that the PS4 takes 30 seconds to start up. Finally! Some bad news! Meanwhile the XBone is getting slammed for games being in 720p BEFORE anyone has even properly played through the games...but that's just what we need. More fuel for the fire! Because heaven forbid it's about the actual games...


Ok, I'm being dramatic but it's a constant thorn when reading news/info about the industry.

The industry is passionate but when you have a ton of hot headed gamers all fighting against each other for bragging rights the industry seems moronic, immature and complacent.

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I agree in some ways but in others think the whole Nintendo hating thing has gone way over the top.

When Nintendo fans are going crazy at each other about a new Mario title 'apparently' lasting only 8hours, I don't think Nintendo are going to waste energy and resources doing anything about such vitriol.

The web is a blessing and a curse afterall.


Unfortunately no-one comes out and reports about the magical wonder and imagination of Pikmin3 or the wondrous control fidelity seen in Wii Sports Club Tennis or the pure joy garnered from playing Nintendoland or Wii Party U in a social environment with friends and family who normally wouldn't touch a game. Headlines usually focus on aspects like 'Batman on Wii U has texture pop in' instead of 'Wii Party U mini games rock'. The press has a lot to answer for, generally presenting one side of the coin all of the time.


And when it comes to reviews we get 'rehash!' And 'that's casual' headlines and everyone falls in line hating on the most minor of things - usually focusing in on what the product doesn't do right instead of what it does well. Look at Ducktales...a game buzzing with love but getting slated by some for its retro approach. It was a REMAKE.


Now we have reports that the PS4 takes 30 seconds to start up. Finally! Some bad news! Meanwhile the XBone is getting slammed for games being in 720p BEFORE anyone has even properly played through the games...but that's just what we need. More fuel for the fire! Because heaven forbid it's about the actual games...


Ok, I'm being dramatic but it's a constant thorn when reading news/info about the industry.

The industry is passionate but when you have a ton of hot headed gamers all fighting against each other for bragging rights the industry seems moronic, immature and complacent.

I agree. The focus is on everything negative.


Whenever Nintendo announces a new instalment in one of their franchises, people call rehash. They don't for any other franchise that isn't CoD. It's ridiculous.


Nintendo hate has become a standard across the Internet. It's the "hip" thing to do on the Internet.


While Nintendo have messed up a lot in regards to the Wii U, people complain at the most ridiculous things. Seriously, nowadays there's nothing Nintendo can possibly do which won't result in people bitching.

Edited by Serebii
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I personally dislike competitive online gaming as it seems to bring out the worst in people lol.


Tell me about it. We were playing CoD the other night and myself and the N-E faithful butchered a team because we worked together. At the end of the match this American just started hurling abuse at us for ruining the game! In my experience on the Wii U and Live the yanks are by far the worst when it comes to kicking off when getting beaten.


Online is great when with my mates or family though. It's why I love the Xbox Party Chat feature. No matter what online game people are playing I was always able to have the banter with them.

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