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Wii Sports Club


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In light of our current convo about match making that advert doesnt fill me with confidence about it :heh:


Anyway whats the deal with the spot pass auto download of the freeware ? will that got out to WiiU's in standby mode from midnight or do we have to wait for the usual afternoon eShop update


Normal eShop update time I'd imagine since it's not a retail title.

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I actually loved the advert :laughing: but I am a huge tennis fan so it was right up my street.


I think this is the kind if game that will appeal to people who already have a Wii U rather than people who are looking into buying one. Is it even getting a boxed release?


I'm really excited to play some wii tennis again anyway! And hopefully the online is good.

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I'll wait and see just how the online works before downloading it. No way i'm paying for these if you can't actually play with people on your friends list in an easy manner.



There's a 24 hour FREE TRIAL, so you can see for yourself before using your eShop credit.


I'll be activating the trial on Saturday, as I'll have more time to test it out then.

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There's a 24 hour FREE TRIAL, so you can see for yourself before using your eShop credit.


I'll be activating the trial on Saturday, as I'll have more time to test it out then.


Good point!


Of course someone on here could do the leg work for me. :D


Not that it bothers me but Online play is region locked.



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Cool lookin forward to try it later so. Did it download automatically like Nintendo said it would? Left my wiiu on all night hopefully it installed already so. will check later


Well it was released less than 20 mins ago, so I doubt it has downloaded automatically already!


Give it a few hours and it'll probably have started/finished on its own.

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Ah boo... will just manually d/l it so if it not there when I check later. Thought it might have gone live earlier so people would wake up with it on their consoles.


Just took a look at my Wii U... light is red not orange, so either it finished or it's not there yet...place your bets :heh:



Just checked my Wii U... Wii Sports Club was not downloaded nor was in the process of.... i r disappoint :heh:


Manually downloading now... only 40MB just finished downloading and installing as I was typing.... it now downloading an Update... which is 1160MB in size


I'd say the initial 40MB is just the app and the "Update" is the actual games of Tennis and Bowling...telling me it gonna be 30mins to d/l that

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Yes, you can still throw the bowling ball like in the original Wii Sports/Resort :D


BTW, I'm not the only one who thinks that the game feels weird am I? Stylistically, it feels off - doesn't feel like Wii Sports at all (more like Namco's Go Vacation & We Ski series - which I suppose makes sense considering the team that made WSC...)


It does play well though, which I suppose is what matters most; still, it does bug me...

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Just checked my Wii U... Wii Sports Club was not downloaded nor was in the process of.... i r disappoint :heh:


Did you unplug your Wii U recently? It needs to have been turned on and off again before it will start checking automatically.


Is your Wii U setup to check every hour?


I don't think it's "officially" available yet, is it still only found via search? That's probably why it didn't auto download.


I'll test it mine when I get home.

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Did you unplug your Wii U recently? It needs to have been turned on and off again before it will start checking automatically.


I usually turn off teh plug every night before going to bed, yesterday I left it on all night after I finished playing.


Is your Wii U setup to check every hour?


It should be... that was the default when you get the last update right? I never changed any settings and said yes to everything last update.


... where do you check/change those settings?


I don't think it's "officially" available yet, is it still only found via search? That's probably why it didn't auto download.


Maybe that was it?




Gonna give my first play now in a minute

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Before playing this I was certain that I'd be buying both Tennis & Bowling, but now I think I'm just going to get the pass for Tennis.


Don't get me wrong, Bowling is as awesome as always, but it clearly works better as a local-multiplayer game. While playing online you're spending half the time just watching other players take their turn, it's kind of boring. ::shrug:

If there was voice chat for friend games it'd be OK as you could just chat in-between turns, but as it is you might as well be playing the single player mode. :blank:


Tennis is amazing online though, much quicker to find games than bowling too, it's basically instant. And so far I haven't experienced any issues with lag. :cool:

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But for the N-E League Red...THE LEAGUE!!!!



Anyway some of my first initial impressions.


Firstly the "Clubs" aspect... was a little dissappointed that there are no regional clubs for Ireland, "Ireland" is just one club. Had hoped it would be divided up by Counties like the 3DS location info is. But meh, minor Gripe I guess. I suppose this does finally mean I can virtually live a dream of mine and represent Ireland at international level in something :D



Tried a game of Bowling, took awhile to get the game started, it found one player pretty quick but it was still waiting around for a few mins. I thought I maybe had to accept the opponent or nothing and was wondering why I couldn't get a cursor to appear. Then it found another player and it started. I guess when searching for Bowling it is actively looking for 4 players... there should be an option for you to tell teh game if you want to find a 2,3 or 4 player game.


Anyway, that first 3 player game I had to drop out of as a cousin was knocking at the door. Discovered there is no menu options when in online play so couldn't choose to "drop out" and had to turn off console :heh:


Tried again 30mins later, again found one player very quick but it waited around again for a few mins before starting with just the two of us. I won the game :D Got 4 Strikes, 3 of them in a row (Turkey Bitches :D).


Checked the Club Ranking thing afterwards I guess it doesn't update dynamically as it had Ireland lised as having no Bowling Players :heh:



Tried the Tennis then and jumped right into an online game.

Found a guy in London pretty quick and the game started and I was DESTORYED :(

I the addition of motionplus controls seems to have taken me out of my confort zone. Trying to play like I did on Wii Sports with quick short gestures didn't seem to work the same at all. Think I lost 7-2 :cry:


After the game I wanted a rematch to my surprise there was no rematch option (Like WTF Nintendo!!!!)

So searched again and ended up with the same guy anyway. Lost again this time 7-3 (the use of non-tennis scoring system feels a bit weird too BTW)


So went offline and tried Solo to see if I could get a better feel for it there and worked out the game seems to require you to hold the Wiimote in a very specific way.



Now on the Wii when playing Tennis I held my Wiimote like this.




But I noticed things kept going "off" even after I "re-centred", for example when server, I press down on d-pad to re-centre which it did making the Mii hold the racket verticle. But then without me moving the Mii's racket by itself returned to a horizontal postion :mad:


If I hold the Wiimote like this



Then it seems to work fine.... though it does seem with teh motionplus it requires more "actual" tennis style swinging then being able to get away with smaller gestures like in Wii Sports. So that and having to relearn how to hold teh wiimote will take me some time to get used too....which means if anyone is looking for an easy win in Tennis, set up a match with me :D



I'm likely still gonna buy both sports (at the very least it will mean not having to bring the extra disc with me to my sisters for Xmas :heh:.... assuming Golf gets released before Xmas *fingers crossed*)




Just set up two threads in Online Forum to help with organising matches one for each sport for now but may merge them into the one down the road, wanted to see how it goes seperatly first. Thought seperate threads would help avoid confusion of who is trying to get games on which sport.


When someone wants to set up official N-E tournaments or leagues (@lostmario :wink: :kiss:) there'll be a seperate thread for those to help with organisation of those.

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I've moaned on miiverse, but I think this whole package is absolutely disgusting. It's so weird, it's a game, I game I enjoy playing, but for some reason it makes me so angry :) I think it's because it just shows how fucking inept and backward still are, it represents how far behind Nintendo are as a whole, culminated in this disgustingly prices, lazy software.


If the games were a few quid it wouldn't be so annoying, but the fact they charge such an extorionate amount for such a limp, bare bones games it was does it.



- had one game but the controls didn't seem to be great for me, couldn't execute lobs or slices and just didn't seem to click at all with me

- as predicted I detest you have to do doubles, and have to do first 11. Would it really have been that difficult to actually play proper tennis rules?!?!?

- found a match very quick




- bowling is as good as ever, greta fun

- found a 4 player match very quickly too, though the fact you can't just play against 1 or 2 others again is irritating, 4 player matches are so long it loses a quick match feature

- nice you can play some of the mini games online

- good you can compare highest scores online at least, though not easily accessible



- the sports clubs are as shit and pointless and as gym clubs (though slightly more interesting I guess)

- you can't REPLAY an online match. Have a good game and want another? Tough shit

- And yes, as feared it uses the Mario Kart DS style of online, you have to search for friends playing online and if they are you play too; I don't know if you can stop searching after finding one (there's a wait for friends option so maybe) but with the terrible communication features why does nintendo think this is a reasonable method? Why no invites or private rooms?! It's so backward it's irritating. I guess it isn't too hard, similar to the communities in MK7 but it's so far behind the rest of the industry it just baffles me Nintendo think this is an acceptable system.

- I don't know if you can replay games with friends, anyone know? Hope so.


So ultimately, the games are so lacklustre, barely upgrades on 7 (5) year old games. No customisation, and the most basic backward online. Like I said, if they were cheap it'd be kind of excusable, but at £9 each I just find the whole thing quite shocking to be honest.

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But for the N-E League Red...THE LEAGUE!!!!


Anyway, that first 3 player game I had to drop out of as a cousin was knocking at the door. Discovered there is no menu options when in online play so couldn't choose to "drop out" and had to turn off console :heh:


After the game I wanted a rematch to my surprise there was no rematch option (Like WTF Nintendo!!!!)


When someone wants to set up official N-E tournaments or leagues (@lostmario :wink: :kiss:) there'll be a seperate thread for those to help with organisation of those.


With how the online works with the game (mainly the searching and lack of a quit button), it sounds like a league may be a colossal pain to organise.

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Just having another go.


Played and won another game of Bowling :) That's 2 for 2 :D


Checked the Bowling Ranking and still no change on the Ireland Club, it lists 2 members and 0 games won....where's teh two I won!!!!!


Played the 3 Tennis mini games solo to get a better feel of them, enjoyed them, gonna try online tennis again in a bit.


One thing I was wondering about the Friend Searching. If you search and there are say 2 of your friends online, do you get to choose which one to play with/invite to a game or does the game just toss you in a game with the first one it finds? Or if there was 4 of you online would it just lump all 4 of ye into the one game?


Really hope Nintendo have the ability to patch the game and change/fix/make a better online system for playing with friends. With the Online modes being teh big thing in this version you'd think they would have come up with a proper match making system and lobbies and stuff.



Miiverse should be exploding with people pointing out the poor match making hopefully Nintendo will listen :heh:

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I've moaned on miiverse, but I think this whole package is absolutely disgusting. It's so weird, it's a game, I game I enjoy playing, but for some reason it makes me so angry :) I think it's because it just shows how fucking inept and backward still are, it represents how far behind Nintendo are as a whole, culminated in this disgustingly prices, lazy software.


If the games were a few quid it wouldn't be so annoying, but the fact they charge such an extorionate amount for such a limp, bare bones games it was does it.



- had one game but the controls didn't seem to be great for me, couldn't execute lobs or slices and just didn't seem to click at all with me

- as predicted I detest you have to do doubles, and have to do first 11. Would it really have been that difficult to actually play proper tennis rules?!?!?

- found a match very quick




- bowling is as good as ever, greta fun

- found a 4 player match very quickly too, though the fact you can't just play against 1 or 2 others again is irritating, 4 player matches are so long it loses a quick match feature

- nice you can play some of the mini games online

- good you can compare highest scores online at least, though not easily accessible



- the sports clubs are as shit and pointless and as gym clubs (though slightly more interesting I guess)

- you can't REPLAY an online match. Have a good game and want another? Tough shit

- And yes, as feared it uses the Mario Kart DS style of online, you have to search for friends playing online and if they are you play too; I don't know if you can stop searching after finding one (there's a wait for friends option so maybe) but with the terrible communication features why does nintendo think this is a reasonable method? Why no invites or private rooms?! It's so backward it's irritating. I guess it isn't too hard, similar to the communities in MK7 but it's so far behind the rest of the industry it just baffles me Nintendo think this is an acceptable system.

- I don't know if you can replay games with friends, anyone know? Hope so.


So ultimately, the games are so lacklustre, barely upgrades on 7 (5) year old games. No customisation, and the most basic backward online. Like I said, if they were cheap it'd be kind of excusable, but at £9 each I just find the whole thing quite shocking to be honest.


Man, the online sounds a complete mess and not at all what I was hoping for. I'm honestly getting sick and tired of Nintendo's attitude towards online gaming. It's really taking the P now.

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Doesn't sound too good, I'll try the free trial at the weekend when I've more time to find out for myself. I didn't expect much from this. The only thing is that with it being download only maybe, just maybe they'll listen to feedback and create newer improved versions of these games, fixing all the bugs and flesh out the package before they get around to the retail version. But this is Nintendo we're talking about so I wouldn't hold much faith in that idea. So far bare bones, lick of HD paint, limited options, no voicechat and poor online is not going to get my money.

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Just had a few more goes at Tennis, finally got my first WIN on my 5th game :) Almost won my 4th game, took it to duece twice but lost out. Went and won my 6th game too... back to back wins baby :D


Anyway just looking around some of the other options.


In Profile>Miiverse Posts


3 Options, Pep Talk, Thoughts, Custom Callouts


Pep Talk is a nice idea.


Allows you to make a Miiverse post that will display on the games (on the TV) of other people in your Club (shame there's no friends option) to help cheer them on and you can set up different posts for different situations.


For example in Tennis you can set messages for for when a club member scores points, loses points, hits a smash, made it to match point, wins a match and losses a match.

It a nice little feature, if a lot of club members use it helps to re-enforce the whole "Club" idea I guess.


Though again would have been nice if you could do it for your friends too.




Are posts that will appear on peoples GamePad screen as they play. Random I guess who sees your posts and whose posts are displayed to who.


Custom Callouts


Now this...hhmmm....well lets explain first.... "Callouts" are messages you can "say" during a game by pressing Up, Left or Right on the D-Pad. Think of the Message Taunts in Smash Bros. Brawl.


You can have unique callouts for each sport...all good so far :)


So in this option you can create your own callout to use instead of the pre-made generic ones Nintendo built in....still sounds good so far.


BUT when you make a call out in this option you only MAKE it, you don't set it to a button for a sport...instead the "Callout" gets posted to your Miiverse.

OK on the plus side to this you can make as many as you want and then choose which ones to use later, or change them when you want I guess so that's alright.


But to actually use them here's the kicker you have to go as if you are starting a game of lets say Bowling

Bowling>Online Game>10 Pin>Confirm Mii> "Everyone"


You then get a screen where you have the "Edit Callouts Button", select that and you can then select which call out to change and if you want a "Pre-made message" or "From Miiverse"


OK fair enough, not so bad I guess..... EXCEPT after you've posted your callouts to Miiverse it takes up to an HOUR before they are usable in YOUR GAME!



How did this set up get past Beta Testing.....WHO THE HELL BETA TESTS THIS STUFF?????



Not sure if you get the option to change callouts when picking friends as that goes right into search mode.





Oh just noticed you can change your set Callouts on the GamePad while in a game.... obviously probably more useful in Bowling than Tennis.... and it something to mess with while waiting your turn in a 4 player game, of which I am in one now.


First 4 player online bowling game. Not bothered bout the waiting between turns so far.

Can I make it 3 wins from 3.....





Can I make it 3 wins from 3.....


Nope...jinxed myself there I guess, haha


Came 4th :heh:

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