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Wii Sports Club - Online HD Wii Sports


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online 4 player bowling is worth the entry price alone


They need to make golf special as we are not getting Tiger Woods and the same goes for tennis. But again, online will make this incredible. 4 player Tiger on the Wii was as good as gaming gets.


Awesome news :)


I warn you tho i am like Nadal on tennis, you an hold that to me when we have a tennis league on this forum :p



It would also be great for nintendo to market these as built in free on new console bundles. I am actually looking foward to this more than the xbone and ps4 both which i have on pre order.


if you are Nadal then I am Sampras and Agassi's love child. Think I might have to fire up Grand Slam tennis tonight, forgot just how much I love that game. Probably about 2 people still playing this online :-( Anyway, bring it YYG.

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This gif sums up my reaction to this when I read a report on google during my dinner break at work.




My reaction after I watched the reveal trailer just now




Bowling will be worth £8.99 just for the N-E bowling league, ITS FINALLY HAPPENING!!!!! :yay::yay::yay:


I warn you tho i am like Nadal on tennis, you an hold that to me when we have a tennis league on this forum :p


You are forgetting I was 7th in the world on Grand Slam Tennis!

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Omfg, this sounds amazing! The day passed also sound pretty reasonable but yeah, would be better if each one cost around £5, I think


You're right, £5 would be much more reasonable. Especially as I believe Nintendo are going to milk this and it'll go beyond the 5 sports. What if they convert over Wii Sports Resort? £100+ on individual games would be outrageous. There'd better be some deal and seriously where the F### is voice chat? Get with the times Nintendo. No voice chat which so far seems to be the case and it's lost a sizeable chunk of its appeal.

Edited by Wii
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I know many have already said this but the price is really putting me off. I already have this game on the Wii and even if I didn't I could buy it on the Wii for £15. Even if this was a brand new game, would it be worth £36? I'm not so sure.


Now, excluding the price, I'm actually really looking forward to this. I really enjoyed the games on Wii Sports.

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I know many have already said this but the price is really putting me off. I already have this game on the Wii and even if I didn't I could buy it on the Wii for £15. Even if this was a brand new game, would it be worth £36? I'm not so sure.


Now, excluding the price, I'm actually really looking forward to this. I really enjoyed the games on Wii Sports.

You can pick and choose the games. They're also not the same as the Wii ones aren't High Definition, have less features, are less accurate and have no online capabilities

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You can pick and choose the games. They're also not the same as the Wii ones aren't High Definition, have less features, are less accurate and have no online capabilities


But they're still the same underlying simplistic game.


The Wii ones aren't high definition but is this really a game which is screaming out for it? The original game is as fun as it ever has been.


It also looks like the training section is missing from this.


Like I said, I'm looking forward to the collection. I just don't think they should have priced them at nine quid a pop.

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But they're still the same underlying simplistic game.


The Wii ones aren't high definition but is this really a game which is screaming out for it? The original game is as fun as it ever has been.


It also looks like the training section is missing from this.


Like I said, I'm looking forward to the collection. I just don't think they should have priced them at nine quid a pop.

Could you not say that of any iteration of any series that has had multiple games in it?


Also, we have the training bits. This was added to their Facebook which is why it's compressed to hell


Edited by Serebii
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Where has this game been all this time, how come we're only seeing it now and how come only 2 sports will be ready by November? I smell another panic move by Nintendo at our expense.




Are you incapable of posting ANYTHING even remotely positive? Does everything have to be so cynical? Whinge whinge complain complain. It wouldn't be quite so bad if your arguments weren't paper thin to begin with.

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Bowling will be worth £8.99 just for the N-E bowling league, ITS FINALLY HAPPENING!!!!! :yay::yay::yay:


Count me in for that :D


Here's an idea to help with the transition of the Mk League from 7 to 8


Finish this years MK League, start a N-E Wii Sports Bowling League and set it up to finish in the Spring when MK8 comes out?

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I'm really really looking forward to this. And I hate the negative basts on this. But some things worry me that I want clarification on...


- communication. Is voice chat definitely a no no. If not, canted write messages during the game. Wills till be awesome in bowling.

- can we have 4 player online from 4 different consoles.

- will there be more options? They're charging a lot of money and if it s the same itll be a bit of a pisstake. Can we play singles tennis. Can we have 6 games sets best of 5? Control our matches? (After mario tennis I doubt it)

- the clubs sound great in theory. But regional only? Boo. Why can't we create our own? We all speak of bowling leagues but the game itself won't let us. Why can't Nintendo let us crate our own communities, our own leagues and rules.? It's so frustrating. So simple, and off Nintendo allowed a great level of customisation they could get a huge online fanbase


Ultimately I can't wait, even just playing bowling online with friends will be amazing, but I guess it bothers me nintendo never fulfis the potential.

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I really like the visual upgrade they've given the games. Just a nice bit of extra sheen, with high res textures, but keeping the same very clean and simple style :)


Man, this is gonna be huge I reckon.

It's exactly the kind of thing that Nintendo should have launched Wii U with.


Oh well, better late than never I guess. :hehe:


Yeah, it should've been there alongside Nintendo Land. Shame that all 5 games aren't gonna be ready in time for launch either. I would hope that they'd get the missing games out before Xmas (At least Golf, considering that it already has fully functioning Motionplus controls that don't need to be modified for WSC and the net code can be largely recycled from Mario Golf World Tour if need be), but I'm doubtful.


Nintendo should really pre install it onto every Wii U manufactured after its release date though. Give people no excuses not to try it!

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Are you incapable of posting ANYTHING even remotely positive? Does everything have to be so cynical? Whinge whinge complain complain. It wouldn't be quite so bad if your arguments weren't paper thin to begin with.


Paper thin? Open your eyes, I can't be the only person to see the path Nintendo are heading down. Trust me I've not said how frustrated I am with them for fear of threading on peoples toes. I have one major rant just waiting to explode. Say anything and there you are moaning that I have a go at Nintendo, God forbid because they're perfect. You might as well join Zechs club. What a surprise you got a thanks from him.

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