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My opinion shouldn't have any bearing on yours, but the way you get sensitive to negativity makes me think it does affect you. I could say you're being overly optimistic and that you're too ready to shower the game in praise, but I'd be wrong to do so because I'd be calling you a liar. I don't think anyone here has lied. You can have both sides of the debate.


To me the game showed promise after the initial teaser trailer, but to delay gameplay footage for so long only to show off that uninspired cover-based corridor shoot-out, it does raise some doubts.


I have to agree with this - let's not become the Nintendo board, where criticism is often leveled with insecure hostility or put-downs. There's nothing wrong with commenting on what you can see really.


Plus - low expectations means higher chance of pleasant surprise, aye?

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I dunno. I think a lot of people prematurely judge things (not just games, movies are another one where this happens massively). They showed about two minutes of gameplay, possibly less. Judging gameplay as barren is so asinine. As is the overblown reaction to the game's aspect ratio.


It's tiring. I could understand if this was a sequel so we could assume a lot that we haven't seen, but it isn't. It's a new IP and Ready at Dawn deserve a little bit more respect.


I'm not sure what you expect from this place, just to state your opinion and have everyone else nod and agree?


People like me who are refraining from being overly optimistic will happily be proven wrong once the hands-on impressions come in. We don't want the game to be bad and we're not arguing for the sake of it. People prematurely judge games in a positive manner too, and often turn out to be wrong.


We were given some footage, it's bound to be the focus of our discussion. This being a forum, it's kinda understandable that there would be a debate between the good and bad impressions of that footage.


If you find a discussion where not everybody is constantly optimistic/hopeful 'tiring', perhaps you should just start a blog and turn comments off.


No, but it would be nice to have some more constructive comments other than the 'gameplay seems about as barren they come' or a complaint about 21:9 without anything to add.


It's tiring because those are dead end posts. I don't have a problem with people stating that. The game could be awful. Honestly, I don't reeeeeeeaally care. Just like having some creative discussion about it.


I post here because people use to be excited about stuff. They still are on the Nintendo board, even when people are putting Nintendo down they at least offer alternatives. Maybe I should stop posting. I think I irk people more than most as it is.


I'm not sure how you can call them dead end posts when they lead people asking why they thought those negative things, and then responses to those questions, not to mention this whole meta debate :p On the other hand certain positive posts haven't been responded to at all (I don't want to pick on anyone in particular...) and didn't contribute anything.


Stick around, just... see it as a challenge when someone says something bad about something you're psyched for, and use it to brew some of that "creative discussion" you seek.

Posted (edited)
My opinion shouldn't have any bearing on yours, but the way you get sensitive to negativity makes me think it does affect you.


Your opinion has no bearing on mine and you know me I'm certainly not sensitive!


All I said is that I'm not getting my hopes up based on what we've seen. There's a difference between being "a miserable git" and not hedging all your bets on something just because it's a new IP. Remember how people thought Knack was going to be PS4's Super Mario 64?


I don't think your a miserable git I was trying to be funny and lighten the mood - clearly I failed.


This looks beautiful but incredibly dull. The gameplay seems about as barren they come. It's also performing like a mess, poor thing...


No surprises there then.


I dunno. I think a lot of people prematurely judge things (not just games, movies are another one where this happens massively). They showed about two minutes of gameplay, possibly less. Judging gameplay as barren is so asinine. As is the overblown reaction to the game's aspect ratio.


It's tiring. I could understand if this was a sequel so we could assume a lot that we haven't seen, but it isn't. It's a new IP and Ready at Dawn deserve a little bit more respect.


Same wavelength as me @Daft but far more eloquent.


I'm not sure what you expect from this place, just to state your opinion and have everyone else nod and agree?


Not at all, at least we got a conversation going and put a bit of fire in your bellies!


Anyway just to add more fuel to the fire Colin Moriarty on IGN's Podcast Beyond was fairly down on the game saying it felt unfinished (which it is) so make of that what you will.


*Edit* in fact there is now an article IGN about this - here's a snippet.


The brief 10-minute hands-off demo I witnessed confirmed some of my fears. The portion of the adventure I saw ran relatively poorly, with sudden, sharp transitions between scenes, audio issues, and a lagging framerate. Ready at Dawn’s CEO and Founder Ru Weerasuriya was quick to point out that this sliver of the game wasn’t QA tested and optimized at all, and that there might be problems. But I was left wondering how this could be the best 10 minutes of the game the studio had to show, especially when he reiterated that The Order would indeed launch in 2014.


Anyway I'll continue to post and no doubt piss people off in the process but if it gets people chatting and having a discussion that can only be a good thing right?

Edited by Cookyman

Personally I enjoy media that takes me to places I can't go, and seeing as I lived and work in the Whitechapel area, I'm digging the idea of this.


Let's not forgot how uninspired the original 3D World trailer was and Nintendo certainly added a lot to that before release.

I dunno. I think a lot of people prematurely judge things (not just games, movies are another one where this happens massively). They showed about two minutes of gameplay, possibly less. Judging gameplay as barren is so asinine. As is the overblown reaction to the game's aspect ratio.


Making a full on statement that a game is going to be bad on the evidence from the first gameplay trailer is obviously a dumb thing to do, but that out of everything they could have shown since the game was announced, what, a year ago (?), they show this, I think it either speaks to the extent of the games actual content, or that they respect their audience so little that they have to pander to the people hankering after a product to fill the hole left be Gears/Mass Effect/ Other shooters that defined the last gen, just because that's where the money's at.


It's easy to see why people aren't tumescent at the sight of a dude walking down a corridor with chest high crates and an over the shoulder camera.


Okay it was apparently confirmed a week ago, but not seen it myself (and can't see it mentioned in here); you can use the touch pad to tap in morse code signals. I think that's pretty neat and a good use of the DS4.

Okay it was apparently confirmed a week ago, but not seen it myself (and can't see it mentioned in here); you can use the touch pad to tap in morse code signals. I think that's pretty neat and a good use of the DS4.


Pfft, copied off Steel Diver :)


I'm with the people that thinks this game looks utterly dull, the setting is interesting, but bar that it seems a game we've played many times before. Long time to go and we barely know anything though so plenty of time for a turnaround; maybe like the opposite of the inevitable fate of Watch Dogs!


I just don't understand how people are judging this game already... based on 1 minute of gameplay set in an alleyway, that looks like something just put together to show something.


FFS everyone was complaining about Super Mario 3D World being 3D Land on Wii U after the first trailer... 'oh we don't need this... it's much more suited to the 3DS... I've already played this... Where's my Mario Galaxy...'


and that 3D World trailer showed us a whole lot more gameplay than we've seen of The Order, and look how that turned out.


Wait for a proper showing at E3.

I just don't understand how people are judging this game already... based on 1 minute of gameplay set in an alleyway, that looks like something just put together to show something.


FFS everyone was complaining about Super Mario 3D World being 3D Land on Wii U after the first trailer... 'oh we don't need this... it's much more suited to the 3DS... I've already played this... Where's my Mario Galaxy...'


and that 3D World trailer showed us a whole lot more gameplay than we've seen of The Order, and look how that turned out.


Wait for a proper showing at E3.


But it's all we have to go on, otherwise what would we talk about? As longs people don't write it off this soon all is good, THEY decided to show us this and let press play that section, they want people to talk about it.


The thing is, when people talk about how awesome Infamous looks that's okay. But people start getting upset when a game doesn't emit such positive emotions.


I don't see the problem with judging what is shown to you. The very reason they place it before you is for you to judge it (favourably, they hope). As long as you don't confuse people judging what is shown with judging the finished article then there shouldn't really be any issue.

The thing is, when people talk about how awesome Infamous looks that's okay. But people start getting upset when a game doesn't emit such positive emotions.
No need to put words in my mouth. I just think everyone's being overly judgmental based on what we've seen. It wasn't so long ago that people thought the game looked amazing based off some magazine scans.
No need to put words in my mouth. I just think everyone's being overly judgmental based on what we've seen. It wasn't so long ago that people thought the game looked amazing based off some magazine scans.


I wasn't talking about you :) I think the game settings and atmosphere etc is exciting, the worry is a rather generic game though I suppose. And we judge all games don't we, I guess it feels to better to be positive and exciting about games than down on them, but this is a pretty big deal for PS4 as it's an exclusive so maybe people care more, and want it to be good, this gen could be won on the exclusives, at the minute Xbox is doing better; but with Infamous and Driveclub coming that could change.

  • 2 months later...

Delayed till next year.


"To deliver that experience that we've wanted, and that we hope players expect, we're targeting an early 2015 release on the game," says Ru Weerasuriya, the game's creative director. "...We're really trying to hone in on getting the whole game to that level of polish."


I hope they have more than Drive Club for the end of the year, otherwise it will be slim pickings in terms of exclusive.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

This trailer is different to the gameplay we got during the conference, and comes with a 20th Feb 2015 release date.



That bullet time!



The E3 gameplay...


Edited by Retro_Link

The atmosphere is definitely helping now. Whilst it felt bland before, it needed a little sprinkle of cinematic action to get me interested. There's not a lot that separates one cover shooter from another in terms of actual gameplay, it comes down to the maps, layout etc. The first reveal was like a corridor shooter with popup targets, but the buildings in the E3 footage remind me more of The Last of Us.


That atmosphere makes it all the more better, watching the trailer yesterday certainly made me think twice about the game. Bring on 20th February.

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