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An Appropriate Price For The Wii U? - Take Two

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It's pretty clear that many people regards the launch day price of the Wii U as too high. So, what exactly is a reasonable price for the system?


I bought my Wii U from ASDA in that recent deal. £199 Premium Edition. Personally, that's what I think the system should have started off around.

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I've always thought £200 with a game... but a game that people want. New Super Mario Bros U would do. If that had been a bundle from the beginning I might have bought one, but I added up the cost of a Premium + NSMB and it came to too much. I would have been paying for so much that I didn't want, like Nintendoland and the GamePad. Not saying I wanted them to stick with the Wii remote, mind (I definitely didn't), just that so far the Wii U has included a lot of cost that people don't want to pay for.

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I think considering the Wii was £175 with a game, the Wii U should have been £199 with a game and that game should have been NSMBU or Nintendo Land. Despite what some people say, NSMBU has had a brilliant attach rate and a new Nintendo system launching bundled with a new 2D Mario game at a reasonable price would have flown off the shelves.


Even if Nintendo had gone half way and sold the premium at £249 it wouldn't have been too bad. But £300 on launch was too much. It was like N64 days, I remember that launching at £249 and plummeting to £149 in a less than a year.

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£250 for Premium Set with NintendoLand and New Super Mario Bros U would be the sweetspot


That would work. NSMBU would have been a great inclusion as that's the launch game the wider audience would have gone for. I just think Nintendo Land didn't hit the right sweet spot that they thought it would.

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It was like N64 days, I remember that launching at £249 and plummeting to £149 in a less than a year.


That was more because of insane UK pricing. The N64 launched at $199.99 (£130 without tax) in the US.

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Should be around £200-230 for the premium I reckon.

I was happy to drop £300 on Wii U at launch simply because I always loose my marbles when new Nintendo Hardware comes out :heh:, but yeah, it was definitely overpriced.


I really think the games could do with coming down in price a bit too. They should have a RRP of £39.99 (so £29.99 online), rather than £49.99! :o 50 quid for a game is a right pisstake. :nono:

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I'd ideally say £150 with no physical game, but a larger HDD and a downloadable code for Nintendoland or New Super Mario Bros U. Even at £200 for the Premium with Nintendoland/another first party game isn't looking too sharp.


I reckon we'll see some serious revisions just before Christmas, probably when Wind Waker HD launches.

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£200 was it for me. Admittedly I originally went for the ASDA bundle of Premium+NSMBU for like £230(which wasn't a bad price/deal) but then HMV's £200 for Premium with ZombiU(which I've not actually even played) just looked too good to pass up when I knew I was possibly thinking about a Wii U eventually.


When I say Premium it of course includes Nintendoland, I think mixing this up and having different possible options would help too. NSMBU bundle(Zechs hit the reasons why already), Pikmin 3 bundle, all would be good. Maybe they could go a bit crazy and do a £200 premium+nintendoland standard and £15-20 for downloadable retail title(ie code for it)? £220 for a Wii U+Pikmin or NSMBU would be quite tempting if I hadn't got mine already.


To come back round though: From what I've seen of other people here and conversations with my old gamer mates I think £199/200 is the premium sweetspot; with the Basic maybea safe £145(though I see lesser appeal in this).

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Having a game built in is a brilliant idea. Maybe £180 with NSMB U or £200 with Super Mario 3D Land. Then a £200 with Mario Kart 8 bundle when that's released. They've got to use the games that have the most chance of making people buy it.

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Sorry guys but I have to wholeheartedly disagree with you on the hard drive bit


If they were to include a hard drive in it, it'd cause a few things.


First, the console would have to be bigger and draw more power in order to fit it in. This would cause a massive issue.

Second, Hard Drives are a problem with the consoles. Have you ever wondered why there are so many SKUs for the 360 and PS3? As time goes on, Hard Drive prices increase, yes increase. As such, Nintendo would have to keep releasing new SKUs of the Wii U every 12 months or so just to keep the same bottom line. This is an unacceptable business practice. You'd also end up with multiple SKUs at once of say 120GB, 250GB etc.

Flash memory is the more cost efficient method and the better choice. Especially as it's easily augmentable for a cheaper price than the others with a USB one. I got a 2TB external HDD for £70. Bargain


£159.99 and a promise of Nintendo trying something completely new with their games.

You mean like they actually do? Shocking!

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Second, Hard Drives are a problem with the consoles. Have you ever wondered why there are so many SKUs for the 360 and PS3? As time goes on, Hard Drive prices increase, yes increase. As such, Nintendo would have to keep releasing new SKUs of the Wii U every 12 months or so just to keep the same bottom line. This is an unacceptable business practice. You'd also end up with multiple SKUs at once of say 120GB, 250GB etc.


lol wut?


As bigger HDD sizes because easier to produce, the number that are produced increase making them cheaper. At the same time there is less demand for smaller HDD sizes and thus the quantity to which they are produced decreases.


Microsoft and Sony simply remain within the cost bracket they've chosen for their console. How is this not an acceptable business practice? I'd actually say that HDD sizes rising by default while remaining at the same price would make the machines more tempting.


Also, the Wii U already has multiple SKUs.


You mean like they actually do? Shocking!




Anything that isn't acutely Japanese in origin would be a nice start. I think Eternal Darkness was the last game that ticked that box.

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I have to agree, at least for the most part, with people going with £199 for the Premium. Don't think they should have bothered with the Basic model to be honest.


However, that £199 would need to come with more storage space. If Sony can sell the latest PS3 model with a 500GB hard drive for £200 (and as far as I know, it's not being sold at a loss so there's no argument there), then Nintendo really have no excuse for a measly 32GB of flash space. It's nothing against flash memory, just that I would prefer a considerable amount of extra space in there before I even plonk down money for one. Sure, I got and still have the 20GB 360 model and although the Premium Wii U build comes with more than that, everything quickly adds up: save files, DLC (although technically this isn't really an issue with the Wii U seeing as few devs are even bringing DLC to the console atm), downloadable titles, etc.


As for a packed in game on top of that, it'd need to be something that could do for the Wii U what Wii Sports did for the Wii and neither Nintendoland or NSMBWiiU would do that or do it for me.


As an aside, I'm shocked at how much it is costing for Nintendo to manufacture the Wii U. It really shouldn't cost as much as it does, regardless of what the controller is (and that itself is a farce if it's costing as much as some of the rumours were suggesting a while back), as apart from the GPGPU, everything is pretty standard under the hood.

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The HDD price increase was a temporary issue to due floods in manufacturing countries destroying vast amounts of supplies. This also happened to other industries, such as cotton.


The Wii U launched with three SKUs. The PS4 is launching with one.

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£150, no game but it includes a 120-250GB hard drive.


...That's not a bad shout at all.


Given the likelihood that many will start downloading their games digitially this generation, that 250GB model would be put to a good use. It would also be a strong signal of intent to third parties that the space would be there for DLC, Demos, etc.


Make it £170/180 with a 120/250GB hard drive and a copy of Nintendoland and :o.

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The HDD price increase was a temporary issue to due floods in manufacturing countries destroying vast amounts of supplies. This also happened to other industries, such as cotton.


The Wii U launched with three SKUs. The PS4 is launching with one.


Now wait just one cotton picking minute!


Nah, I got nothing. I just wanted to say that. Also yeah, HDDs are totally decreasing in price over time, I'm not even sure where this increase over time came from.

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