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Wii U General Discussion


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They had three GOTY contenders on Wii U alone last year, four if you count Shovel Knight. People will be playing Splatoon long after Titanfall has been long forgotten. Online connectivity isn't a focus for them, time to accept that.


People will only be playing Splatoon because they'll have nothing else to play.


Nintendo isn't a focus for the majority of the gaming world (developers, publishers and consumers), they'll have to accept that. Which is a harder truth than you you telling me to accept Nintendo's stance.

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They've stayed at their standard... but the industry have raised the bar and Nintendo aren't following suit.


I would argue that just because the mainstream market has moved away from Nintendo's main console it doesn't mean Nintendo are 'lower' than the competition. It just means the tastes of today are different.


You could argue that the rest of the industry have been releasing games that need patches after launch. Or games that encourage IAP's or online multiplayer functionality just for the sake of it.


It's all opinion and market trends as to who is in the 'lead'. Nintendo are finally reaching 'pixar' quality of graphics and their animation is joyous to behold in games like Smash/MK8 and SM3DW - they lead in other areas but certainly lag behind in others...it is important to consider multiple aspects to each companies approach rather than paint broad strokes.


Then there's Miiverse which has created a fun, creative online environment that is welcoming and effectively moderated. It's not hardcore or elitist.


All of this doesn't mean Nintendo are behind the curve. They are just on a different path.

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^ great post


People will only be playing Splatoon because they'll have nothing else to play.


People are playing Splatoon because they absolutely love it. It's received great reviews and gamers are having a blast. "One of the freshest and most fun shooters in years" etc.... You'll have to accept that critically it's already a hit and will only get better as more content is added.


And I meant 3 or 4 GOTY contenders last year, not this year.

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All the Nintendo games i've played have met my "standard" for quality. I would say that Nintendo no longer caters exclusively for my tastes. They have a focus on a few genres, which they do exceptionally well. Thats why I have gone PS4 to experience other style of games.


I don't think for one second that the quality of games on other platforms are superior to the games Nintendo produce. I agree with @tapedeck that it's all about individual preference.


I do think, that some people have changed their tastes about what games they prefer to play and that is completely fine, of course.

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I must disagree @tapedeck. To me, your post just reads as "spin".


Prior to the WiiU's release Reggie said to Geoff Keighly in an interview that the system's features (online features included) would be on par with Sony's and Microsoft's coming consoles. Yet they're not and so I feel I can validly say they aren't up to the standard.


As you have said though, it is all opinion based, but can you honestly say Nintendo wouldn't have preferred the majority of the gaming public to have had the opinion that Nintendo were up to standard and so the WiiU would've sold more?!


To palm it off as saying they're on a different path is very much spin.

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I must disagree @tapedeck. To me, your post just reads as "spin".


Prior to the WiiU's release Reggie said to Geoff Keighly in an interview that the system's features (online features included) would be on par with Sony's and Microsoft's coming consoles. Yet they're not and so I feel I can validly say they aren't up to the standard.


As you have said though, it is all opinion based, but can you honestly say Nintendo wouldn't have preferred the majority of the gaming public to have had the opinion that Nintendo were up to standard and so the WiiU would've sold more?!


To palm it off as saying they're on a different path is very much spin.


Spin implies disingenuous, deceptive and/or highly manipulative tactics. I'm being genuine stating its about different choices, perceptions and that Nintendo are truly on their own path.


As to your second point, of course Nintendo would have liked the entire market to see their approach as being the lead. But as with all products, what's in the lead may not always be the 'best'. In my opinion Nintendo's continued commitment to all-age encompassing fun and free online play is a commendable and consumer-friendly approach in the era of annual cash grabs and wringing as much money out of people as possible.

In my personal opinion, barriers to entry should be lowered if the market is to grow, not heightened behind memberships/pay-walls. Yet I do see how both methodologies can bring in new consumers. Again, it's opinions. Not spin from me.


Nothing highlights market changes/perceptions more than with the Wii which was a successful market leader last generation. But markets change. The casual crowd lost interest/moved on and Nintendo struggled to nail that market down again.


Nintendo's blue thinking waters can be volatile as they balance innovation against their heritage. It's a good place to be for a creative powerhouse like Nintendo but difficult to navigate effectively. I believe we should all try to remember that Nintendo are an individual company existing between that heritage and innovation process. Because of this we should all try a little harder to not wholly judge them based on what features their competitors have (as good as some of them may be.) Instead we should try harder to celebrate their differences.


As for Reggie, he spins like all marketeers do. I can't vouch for his actions/words but know that all developers (hardware and software) spin all kinds of promises prior to their system/game launches every year. The industry is almost built on hype. (All aboard!)

Edited by tapedeck
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I believe we should all try to remember that Nintendo are an individual company existing between that heritage and innovation process. Because of this we should all try a little harder to not wholly judge them based on what features their competitors have (as good as some of them may be.) Instead we should try harder to celebrate their differences.


For me, the issue arises when those differences become a hindrance. I've had things like instant messaging, notifications and voice chat for around 10 years now on the other consoles. Yes, 10 years! They have become a standard for me and anytime I fire the Wii U up I get a big reminder just how backwards the company can be at times. While I do enjoy and celebrate the things they do right, the things I mention are really important to me and as such these glaring omissions stick out like a sore thumb.

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Equally people are free to state that Nintendo validly meets their standard of gaming.


We have heard to death about how the Wii U is shit due to amongst other things, their online policies but I have really enjoyed the Nintendo single player experiences this generation. It has not been enough though hence buying a PS4 but I am very glad that I own a Wii U.


I can validly say this.


In short, you cannot deny that Wii U is wank when it comes to online infrastructure but when it comes to the standard of games then it is subjective.

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@Blade, nobody at all has suggested people can't say it does meet their standard. I don't see why you make that comment if it's not directed at anyone.


I'm not faulting Nintendo's single-player games, not at all... although I wish there was more of them. Multiplayer however, is where I'm finding them falling miles short! That's where I'm criticising them.

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Well the new system update kills the TVii icon in Europe.


Best system update in a while, it makes such a difference not having to stare at that little red TVii eyesore any longer, plus the amount of remaining items is now a nice and concise six. :)


It's the little things... :heh:

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Well this is nice!




Armature are porting UE4 to Wii U to make the Wii U version of Bloodstained and are making it freely available to all Wii U developers! :D


Shame that it happened so late (and that Epic refused to do it themselves), but at least someone would've done it in the end!

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Where you been @Wii?! Yeah, chat was good last night, hope I'm about for the direct tomorrow!! An hope nintendo are building to something special which the appear to be!


I changed broadband providers. Moved over to SKY. It was a nightmare getting them to connect it. It took 2 weeks to get it sorted and my old provider cut the service off before the contract was up as well. I didn't miss much it seems(besides the "World" Championships and the Smash DLC Direct) and hopefully I'm back in time for some good news at E3.

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