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Actually, I made the "idiotic" comment first, then said I wasn't going to go further with because I would just be retreading old ground and it wasn't worth the effort. But fair enough.


Although I wouldn't say it's an idiotic comment. In fact, I'd say it was pretty true. Either way, It's still my opinion though and I'm perfectly entitled to have it. I have even managed to discuss it with far more maturity than some.




When it's the WiiU, it may as well be. Who other than Nintendo are actually making games for it nowadays? Surely there can't be many left?


Besides, the same comment about only having cartoony games could also be applied to the console as a whole, not just Nintendo themselves.


I just meant that everyone condemns ronnie to quite a harsh level for making those comments, you were going to top but "it wasn't worth it". and you pretty You the same thing but in reverse.


Do you think both comments are true? Or just yours?


And you're right, it is pretty much Nintendo, but not solely, that's why I mentioned it, because if it was system wide it's even more wrong.


Maybe in the main, you're right, but in the main ronnies right and he gets lynched. Just the double standards of the forum as a whole I guess.


I mean, if anyone dare say anything bad about ps4 games like "like a child using every colour..." Etc then they would be absolutely lynched and condemned. Against Nintendo then it's thanked and any rebuttal is "people just don't like negativity"

Edited by dazzybee
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I just meant that everyone condemns ronnie to quite a harsh level for making those comments, you were going to top but "it wasn't worth it". and you pretty You the same thing but in reverse.


Do you think both comments are true? Or just yours?


And you're right, it is pretty much Nintendo, but not solely, that's why I mentioned it, because if it was system wide it's even more wrong.


Maybe in the main, you're right, but in the main ronnies right and he gets lynched. Just the double standards of the forum as a whole I guess.


I mean, if anyone dare say anything bad about ps4 games like "like a child using every colour..." Etc then they would be absolutely lynched and condemned. Against Nintendo then it's thanked and any rebuttal is "people just don't like negativity"


Just for the record, I've thanked Goafer's post for the following bits.


The problem is, that's all Nintendo make. People slate the other consoles for not having variety, but Nintendo are just as bad, they just focus on the other end of the spectrum.


And I'm sure the whole "there's plenty of colour on PS4/360/PC" argument has been done to death, so I won't start it up again (mainly because it's often ignored by the haterz).


Yeah that's pretty much what I meant.


Although "bland" palettes do have a place. For example, Fallout or The Last of Us would be awful if it was all neon colours.


Plus if a game is colourful all the time, it loses it's impact when you want to make a standout level/area. The greenery taking over the abandoned cities in The Last of Us was more noticable and striking because it was a contrast to all the grey and brown you'd been used to in the populated cities. Those scenes had far more impact to me.


I think that's why I'm not a fan of Nintendo games (At least the aesthetics). I get that they're colourful, but it almost seems like there's been no thought applied to it. It's like a child using all the colours of their paint set just for the sake of using them. Or if every course of a meal was desert. Desert is awesome, but a full meal would be overkill.


I could be wrong, as I haven't exactly played tonnes of Nintendo games, but that's what it looks like to an "outsider" like me.


I think there's already a thread somewhere about colour and diversity. Maybe you guys should carry this on in there.

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Do you think both comments are true? Or just yours?


I definitely think the lack of variety on the WiiU comment is true. For example: I like racing games, both sim and arcade as long as they feature real (or at least realistic looking) cars, but there's literally no racing games that cater to my tastes, at least as far as I can see. The same can be said for sandbox games or non-cartoony action/adventure games (barring Bayonetta, which is a very specific type of action game). I don't think I'm being unrealistic to want one game from any of these three genres.


I think the lack of variety on the other consoles needs refining slightly to "There's a lack of variety in AAA games on the other consoles". If you look beyond the Call of Duties and the GTAs, you find some gems such as Valiant Hearts and Transistor.


To be honest, all consoles have their faults when it comes to variety as they're all still relatively early in their life cycles, but the PS4/XBone both show more promise for the future due to their strong third party and indie support and I personally think they already have more variety than the WiiU.

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Just to say @Ronnie I have no problems with the article you posted, I agree with what it's saying. There was a period especially on the 360 with Gears and CoD where everything did suddenly look very bland, generic and muted. It did get too much. But there's great diversity on the consoles now, just as it's great to have diversity in the industry with Nintendo and their games.


It's just continually dismissing that the same types of games can't also be found outside of Nintendo gets really old, and only sets about to rile up people.

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The charts don't lie, Wii u games are all colourful platformers Ps4 and xb1 are all adult shooters. There are only a couple of exceptions


I have three times as many games on PS4 than on my WiiU and not a single one is an "adult shooter".


Charts aren't ever a good example for variation are they? If you took music charts as gospel then you'd believe the only music ever being made was rubbish pop or r'n'b. (Or whatever is actually in the charts atm, I haven't paid attention for over ten years.)

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I have three times as many games on PS4 than on my WiiU and not a single one is an "adult shooter".


Charts aren't ever a good example for variation are they? If you took music charts as gospel then you'd believe the only music ever being made was rubbish pop or r'n'b. (Or whatever is actually in the charts atm, I haven't paid attention for over ten years.)


Thats not even what the charts show anyway. Looking at the ones Wii posted last week there are a nice variety of games, the top one being The Witcher 3 which isnt a shooter but a very impressive open world RPG and easily a GOTY contender.

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Thats not even what the charts show anyway. Looking at the ones Wii posted last week there are a nice variety of games, the top one being The Witcher 3 which isnt a shooter but a very impressive open world RPG and easily a GOTY contender.


Ah well there you go. I don't really pay attention to any charts. :awesome:

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This mornings Japanese Direct in full.





Iwata says he’s not done with Nintendo Directs, again apologizes for amiibo shortages


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata published a few messages on the company’s Japanese Twitter account following today’s Nintendo Direct.


Iwata first commented on how he did not host this latest broadcast. Rather than having him present, he turned to Mr. Morimoto from the PR department for the stream. Despite this, Iwata noted that has hasn’t quit doing Nintendo Directs. He just thought it might not be interesting to see a 55 year-old man present each time.


Iwata also addressed the amiibo situation as well. Once again, he apologized for amiibo shortages. He said that some figures will be re-produced, though this will take time to accomplish.








I don't believe the reasoning for Iwata's non appearance in todays Direct.

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Iwata seems like such a nice person so it's a shame that he's clearly not looking his best. I can't remember what his illness was, but could that be an on-going thing? Other than that I think it could purely be stress related, he looks so thin now. :(

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Iwata seems like such a nice person so it's a shame that he's clearly not looking his best. I can't remember what his illness was, but could that be an on-going thing? Other than that I think it could purely be stress related, he looks so thin now. :(

A tumour on his bile duct :/

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Iwata seems like such a nice person so it's a shame that he's clearly not looking his best. I can't remember what his illness was, but could that be an on-going thing? Other than that I think it could purely be stress related, he looks so thin now. :(


iirc, bile helps digest fat. The gall bladder allows a whole load of bile to be released in one lump when we eat large meals. Without the gall bladder relatively little bile is released at meal times, so a proportionally smaller amount of fat is broken down ready to be absorbed. The choice is simple... fatty food and greasy crap, or low fat meals and relatively normal crap. If the bile duct was the issue I wonder if he has any bile at all? So it may just be he is consuming far fewer calories now?

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Even before he was ill he wasn't fit enough to run Nintendo. He's not forward thinking enough, they need someone at the helm that will drive the company forward into this day and age.


I always feel like Iwata takes the blame for all the older board members who don't like forward thinking, progressive developments, and think they are still in the NES era.


A lone wolf desperate to swim against the tide. (Maybe a bit too romantic...)

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I don't know, perhaps we could have said that a year ago but I think Iwata has tried hard to save the sinking ship and has done a good job in just the last year of taking all of Nintendo's eggs out of one basket and spreading them to new ventures.


This time two years ago it felt like pretty much Nintendo's only revenue was made from the Wii U and 3DS but now they have the surprisingly popular amiibo, are branching out into new areas, such as the theme park stuff and QOL and most importantly are going to enter the mobile market, as well as whatever the NX is.


It took a while to see exactly what Iwata was doing, and whilst the Wii U was clearly borked in every way, he's making up for it by expanding the Nintendo name into other areas and I think that's a good thing.

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I think he's doing well in that respect for Nintendo as a company, but for Nintendo as a console manufacturer and games developer he's crap.




The games Nintendo have been putting out the last few years have been excellent. They make quality titles in a variety of genres. Their very high standard certainly hasn't dropped in these tough times, and that's to be commended.

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The games Nintendo have been putting out the last few years have been excellent. They make quality titles in a variety of genres. Their very high standard certainly hasn't dropped in these tough times, and that's to be commended.


They've stayed at their standard... but the industry have raised the bar and Nintendo aren't following suit.

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They had three GOTY contenders on Wii U alone last year, four if you count Shovel Knight. People will be playing Splatoon long after Titanfall has been long forgotten. Online connectivity isn't a focus for them, time to accept that.

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