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Heh, that's one of the rare times that I'm hoping that I've got a prediction wrong, so I'm #TeamSerebii on that one :hehe:


Although he doesn't agree with me on Great Detective Pikachu being the due-to-be-announced Pokemon game, so there's another upcoming victory that you can chalk me down for ;)

Hahahaha no :p


It's way too soon. They never show spin-offs a year before their release

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Anyone blaming the success of third-parties on the third-parties themselves are blind. Again, with the exception of EA, who seemingly did purposely kill the few Wii U releases they had, the ports we have had have been of good quality.


The only reason they're missing DLC or have performance issues are because of Nintendo. The awful, almost pathetic online capabilites of Wii U (yesterday, there was actually a loading screen before the Friends List because I was also playing a game online) are no doubt why many don't bother with DLC, and the performance issues speak for themselves - An underpowered system with, again, architecture different to most. Will they ever learn? Not until they've burnt themselves into the ground because they're so stubborn.


Those of you mentioning the GameCube, that's the closest we've come to parity between systems, and we got some great third-party support because of it, espeically from Capcom and SEGA, and that's despite that system also having a number of stupid handicaps, storage space on the mini-discs being a big one, terrible advertising and aesthetics along with really bad timing (was it released a year or more after PS2?)


As for the Wii, that's hard to argue, but again came down to power and online capabilities - Another oversight by Nintendo but a forgivable one at least, as up until around 2010 I think the Wii stood up well against the other consoles, instead of being trumped within the first year like the Wii U.

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Why are people blaming ports for not being up to scratch, then using the gamecube to show that a hardcore audience was there? It really is NOT due to porting issues that nobody bought them on Wii U. Why focus on a specific and almost irrelevant aspect while ignoring the truth?


It wouldn't matter if the ports of ACIII or anything else were exactly as good as PS3 and 360 versions. The latter two consoles were LAST gen and people already had the machines to play them, or could pick them up cheap. Who in their right mind would pay £300 for a new console to play a game at the same level as their current consoles? It is NOT down to porting issues, @Serebii. If Nintendo hadn't fucked up and gimped their consoles, ACIII could have been as definitive to the PS3/360 versions as ACIV was on PS4 compared to the other consoles. Which I'll bet you're not going to argue is much, but at 1080p there is a definite reason to upgrade there (and I can tell you, it looks a whole lot nicer on my PS4 than it did on the PS3).


Second, the gamecube had a core audience but you could easily argue that since then the other consoles have developed their online infrastructures and OS features so far ahead that now Nintendo doesn't stand a chance. People know where the meat is these days.

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Why are people blaming ports for not being up to scratch, then using the gamecube to show that a hardcore audience was there? It really is NOT due to porting issues that nobody bought them on Wii U. Why focus on a specific and almost irrelevant aspect while ignoring the truth?


It wouldn't matter if the ports of ACIII or anything else were exactly as good as PS3 and 360 versions. The latter two consoles were LAST gen and people already had the machines to play them, or could pick them up cheap. Who in their right mind would pay £300 for a new console to play a game at the same level as their current consoles? It is NOT down to porting issues, @Serebii. If Nintendo hadn't fucked up and gimped their consoles, ACIII could have been as definitive to the PS3/360 versions as ACIV was on PS4 compared to the other consoles. Which I'll bet you're not going to argue is much, but at 1080p there is a definite reason to upgrade there (and I can tell you, it looks a whole lot nicer on my PS4 than it did on the PS3).


Second, the gamecube had a core audience but you could easily argue that since then the other consoles have developed their online infrastructures and OS features so far ahead that now Nintendo doesn't stand a chance. People know where the meat is these days.


This is a key point. If Nintendo had made the Wii U powerful they could had multiplatform titles for the first year be the clear definite versions.

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Capcom Street Fighter producer has said that the franchise will eventually come to PS4 and XBONE. What about Wii U?




Getting better every day!


Although it's a blow, I doubt anyone expected this to arrive on the WiiU anyway. Don't think Street Fighter has appeared on a Nintendo home console since the SNES...although I might be wrong on that one. I tried looking it up and bleuuurgh.

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Although it's a blow, I doubt anyone expected this to arrive on the WiiU anyway. Don't think Street Fighter has appeared on a Nintendo home console since the SNES...although I might be wrong on that one. I tried looking it up and bleuuurgh.


No you're right we haven't had a Street Fighter since the SNES. The only 2 I can think of that had SF characters were Capcom vs SNK EO 2 for Gamecube and Capcom vs Tatsunoko for Wii. They could give us a port of SF4. Hasn't everything else under the sun had a version of it? I miss Street Fighter and it's not fair as a Nintendo only gamer.

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No you're right we haven't had a Street Fighter since the SNES. The only 2 I can think of that had SF characters were Capcom vs SNK EO 2 for Gamecube and Capcom vs Tatsunoko for Wii. They could give us a port of SF4. Hasn't everything else under the sun had a version of it? I miss Street Fighter, it's not fair as a Nintendo only gamer.


Tatsunoko vs Capcom was really, really good. I goof'd by not giving it the full attention it deserved, but I saw enough to know that I liked it a lot.


The WiiU started off with some decent fighters. Tekken is there, as is Injustice and soon Smash will be here. You can never really have too many, mind.

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You can't blame Ubisoft, they were really behind the console at launch. They gave us ZombiU which was a great launch title, great use of the gamepad and all. Probably the best use of the gamepad so far.


So below are the only major third parties left supporting it.


Sega - Sonic

Ubisoft - Just Dance, Watch Dogs

Activision - Skylanders (COD is looking very unlikely)

Warner Bros - Lego Series

Disney - Disney Infinity


Have I missed anyone?

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They messed up the Scribblenauts releases so bad on Wii U that I gave up even trying to figure out when it was available. Wasn't it a 6 month delay or even longer? And then it had been delayed so long that the marvel version came out like a month or two after that anyway.


It's sad but support for the Wii U is about as strong as support for the GameCube in 2006 or the Wii last year. It really does make me wonder how much longer Nintendo are gonna stick with the console for. The big saviour, Mario Kart, has been and gone and whilst it had a good effect on sales, 2 months have passed and I think it's clear that nothing is truly going to save the U now. Sales are up but they're still in the gutter. No matter how good a game is, Nintendo need more quantity (and diversity, 2D platformers seem to be the Wii U version of FPS titles) to really get it off the ground and it just doesn't seem like that's going to happen any time soon.

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To be fair, with AC3 and AC4, they half arsed it. The quality of the ports were subpar (even worse than 360 and PS3 when the Wii U CAN do better) and they even insulted Wii U owners further by not bothering to provide the DLC to them.


I can't help but see the third parties with "mature" titles on Wii U being a self-fulfilling prophecy


Half assed is flat out wrong. They ported the games the best they could without setting up expensive teams to code the engine and the game specifically for the Wii U hardware. Any investment into teams would have been very expensive and not worth it financially. It's also not their fault that the Wii U's CPU provides a huge bottleneck for developers when it comes to running last gen engines. It's pretty obvious Nintendo never checked whether those engines were even capable of running well on the Wii U.


You say the Wii U can do better but that's on engines that don't exist on other consoles, which make use of the GPGPU+weaker CPU combo.


The Wii U was never going to attract mature titles because:

1. The name Wii is entirely aimed at non-gamers. You may as well attach the word 'Yo yo' to a walking stick and see if old people buy it.

2. The majority of exclusive content from Nintendo and 2nd parties is not mature, hence the primary audience won't gravitate towards those games. It's different to the N64 era.

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whilst we're on subject what the fuck is happening with 90's arcade racer and watchdogs? It's like a fricking vacuum.


Watch_Dogs will almost certainly get quietly cancelled. 90s Arcade Racer is a Kickstarter project and they usually take a lot longer than promised or end up failing before release.

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Capcom Street Fighter producer has said that the franchise will eventually come to PS4 and XBONE. What about Wii U?




Getting better every day!


Can't blame him. Tatsunoko vs Capcom on the Wii bombed. Tekken and Injustice bombed hard on the Wii U. There is just no audience for those kind of games.

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Can't blame him. Tatsunoko vs Capcom on the Wii bombed. Tekken and Injustice bombed hard on the Wii U. There is just no audience for those kind of games.


Actually Tatsucap didn't bomb, it outdid expectations - especially in the west, where it actually sold more than in Japan (despite half the cast being completely unknown to anyone outside of Japan!)

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Reggie to take part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – “I will ‘one up’ the challenge”



Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime intends to take part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and he will apparently kick things up a notch.


Fils-Aime was called out by Xbox boss Phil Spencer yesterday to participate along with Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida and Valve’s Gabe Newell. Yoshida ended up donating instead, though a few folks from Sony did post a video of their involvement with he ALS Ice Bucket Challenge yesterday.


As for Reggie, he teased that he intends to “‘one up’ the challenge”.






You might as well Reggie. You're castrated in every other regard and it's not like you do anything else all day.

Edited by Wii
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