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Wii U General Discussion


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It's been interesting reading all of this. To be honest, this isn't going to change. Nintendo are Nintendo and their strengths lie with creating exclusive gaming content. Everything else they supply is almost as an extra. I've given up on hoping for a huge online F Zero or something to that extent because it's not where Nintendo's strengths are. They'll get better with the online, but realistically it's always going to be behind the competition. It's just far easier now to live with it and accept their flaws because...it'll just drive you mad otherwise.


One thing is for sure, I don't regret getting another machine alongside the WiiU. Unfortunately, I think it is the way to go because if you want all of these online experiences or that feeling of a "complete" system, you're not going to get that with just a Nintendo machine. At least, not with this machine. I've got a Playstation App on my phone and was able to set the free PSN titles to download as soon as I got back, or add friends to my list when I was on holiday. My account is linked to Facebook, so as soon as I change my profile image on Facebook, the PSN image changes. I like this sorta stuff and it makes the whole experience more of...an experience, imo. It's one. You're just not going to get that sorta stuff with Nintendo because they don't think in that way.


But, they have their own strengths or areas where they excel at. And, occasionally, they'll deliver something that is "wow". Miiverse is one of those things. If they can do more of that, then good. They have to, because we're sure as hell not going to get the other stuff. :p

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One thing is for sure, I don't regret getting another machine alongside the WiiU. Unfortunately, I think it is the way to go because if you want all of these online experiences or that feeling of a "complete" system, you're not going to get that with just a Nintendo machine. At least, not with this machine.


Yup. This does seem to be the case and I think more and more people on here are starting to realise this.


I actually did a quick head count the other day and found that we probably have more members that have other consoles or Wii U and another console than we have people who just play exclusively on Nintendo machines. There are still a few others on here that are waiting to pick either a PS4/One as well.


This is where things get dangerous for Nintendo as they are essentially pushing gamers to buy other machines and once they see what the others offer these gamers may not be back when the next generation starts.

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Yup. This does seem to be the case and I think more and more people on here are starting to realise this.


I actually did a quick head count the other day and found that we probably have more members that have other consoles or Wii U and another console than we have people who just play exclusively on Nintendo machines. There are still a few others on here that are waiting to pick either a PS4/One as well.


This is where things get dangerous for Nintendo as they are essentially pushing gamers to buy other machines and once they see what the others offer these gamers may not be back when the next generation starts.


They've lost a certain crowd and following. Some will come back and will own a Nintendo machine alongside another one, some won't. That's the price they have to pay when they change their strategy, which was to target the non-gamers with the Wii. The difference is that this time they're not really attracting non-gamers or enticing some of their old crowd back. The ones that are buying the machine probably had a Wii beforehand and came back for more. Are many 360 or PS3 only gamers going to get a WiiU or have one already?


It's also a price that Nintendo have to pay for not going balls-deep into building a machine that can compete on a technological level with its competitors. How many of us were salivating over F Zero GX or Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time or even Wind Waker when they came out? Nintendo fans loved new technology back then. In fact, I seem to remember the console wars where Nintendo gamers used to rip the piss into Playstation owners when the N64 was more powerful than the original playstation, and then the same again when the Cube came along and delivered beautiful games like Wave Race Blue Storm or Resident Evil 4 (that game looked shit hot on the Cube at the time).

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its really doing my head in now having to to move everything constantly around to add new games into an alphabetised system


Out of interest, would people prefer folders, a search facility, algorithm to estimate what you're likely to play? Folders just seem limiting, quite archaic in my opinion. Thoughts?

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Out of interest, would people prefer folders, a search facility, algorithm to estimate what you're likely to play? Folders just seem limiting, quite archaic in my opinion. Thoughts?


A Random File Generator would be awesome.


"Today, you are playing...*beep beep beep Mario coins sound* Child of Light."

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Out of interest, would people prefer folders, a search facility, algorithm to estimate what you're likely to play? Folders just seem limiting, quite archaic in my opinion. Thoughts?


To be honest, Wii Channels have been my favourite way of displaying all my games on my TV, even if it is a shame that the lack of space in the 'fridge' means that a lot of Virtual Console games have to hide in the SD Card Menu.


I've never been interested in folders for games, especially when options surrounding them are limited. I enjoy seeing the title screens of my favourite games on display when I turn the console on, like with the Wii, as being able to see them encourages you to play the games :hehe:


For the record, I HATE the XMB of the PS3 and the ways of sorting games on there is TERRIBLE :nono:

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Yup. This does seem to be the case and I think more and more people on here are starting to realise this.


I actually did a quick head count the other day and found that we probably have more members that have other consoles or Wii U and another console than we have people who just play exclusively on Nintendo machines. There are still a few others on here that are waiting to pick either a PS4/One as well.


This is where things get dangerous for Nintendo as they are essentially pushing gamers to buy other machines and once they see what the others offer these gamers may not be back when the next generation starts.


I think I'll be picking up a PS4 (finally made the decision) once Destiny comes out, I'll pick it up along with The Last of Us and Infamous Second Son I reckon. The game I'm looking forward to most though is Batman Arkham Knight!


My train of thought at the moment is that I'll not buy the next Nintendo console upon release. I'll wait until either Zelda or Metroid is released on it.

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Are you referring to cloud saves? If that's the case you're quite insane; nowadays cloud saves are essential. Should a console pack in - you want your saves automatically backed up.


Yeah, even better would be server sided saves as a backup option (a la MMORPGs). That way you don't lose any progress at all if you have a power cut or something (which I did, yesterday!).


Luckily I was playing FFXIV online which server saves everything, though. :D

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I think I'll be picking up a PS4 (finally made the decision) once Destiny comes out, I'll pick it up along with The Last of Us and Infamous Second Son I reckon. The game I'm looking forward to most though is Batman Arkham Knight!


My train of thought at the moment is that I'll not buy the next Nintendo console upon release. I'll wait until either Zelda or Metroid is released on it.


I was hoping you would get one for Destiny!


Yeah, Im probably the same. Ever since I started getting my own income I've always got a Nintendo console at launch but next time they are going to have to prove to me that they have changed and will deliver what I'm looking for in a games console.

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Out of interest, would people prefer folders, a search facility, algorithm to estimate what you're likely to play? Folders just seem limiting, quite archaic in my opinion. Thoughts?


A fancy algorithm... couldn't imagine anything worse!! The Wii U allowing me to jump to one of the last 10 things I've opened or go to the main menu where I can see everything is perfect.


Google Now, any online advertising, etc simply does not work for me and I detest it. Convoluted bullshit.


The PS4 OS is infinitely better than 3, but I still find it quite cumbersome (though I'm presuming/hoping things can be moved around); don't like the whist new being the main thing, and all the services being way more prominent and first than your own games library... I just want the games to show up thanks!!

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Not having a proper account (you can not call it that for the one reason everyone knows, but you can call it some kind of account) is the only reason why I haven't bought a Wii U yet. It also pains my heart every time I have to buy something from the eshop on 3DS, because I know it's not safe. Otherwise I'd have gone all-digital on 3DS from the start.

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Not having a proper account (you can not call it that for the one reason everyone knows, but you can call it some kind of account) is the only reason why I haven't bought a Wii U yet. It also pains my heart every time I have to buy something from the eshop on 3DS, because I know it's not safe. Otherwise I'd have gone all-digital on 3DS from the start.


Going digital-only with the 3DS actually makes a lot of sense. Say you know you'll be travelling on the bus, but you don't know what games to take with you. Take the system, they'll all be there anyway. I've always thought the idea of carrying a pouch with all of the cartridges in was a bit...stupid, imo. Unless you carry a back-pack with you or something or a handbag. A portable console should just fit in your pocket and that's it, nothing else is needed. Like a mobile phone, imagine having to carry an additional case with you with all of the apps that you wanted to use on it whilst you're waiting at the bus stop. Sounds stupid to me, imo.


The killer thing for me with digital content is price, at least for the full games such as Luigi's Mansion, for example. It's too high. I don't understand why it's this much. You'll never convince people to pay for digital with such a stupid price, unless they wait for deals or something. That offer with Mario Kart of being able to download a game for free was amazing.

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Going digital-only with the 3DS actually makes a lot of sense. Say you know you'll be travelling on the bus, but you don't know what games to take with you. Take the system, they'll all be there anyway. I've always thought the idea of carrying a pouch with all of the cartridges in was a bit...stupid, imo. Unless you carry a back-pack with you or something or a handbag. A portable console should just fit in your pocket and that's it, nothing else is needed. Like a mobile phone, imagine having to carry an additional case with you with all of the apps that you wanted to use on it whilst you're waiting at the bus stop. Sounds stupid to me, imo.


The killer thing for me with digital content is price, at least for the full games such as Luigi's Mansion, for example. It's too high. I don't understand why it's this much. You'll never convince people to pay for digital with such a stupid price, unless they wait for deals or something. That offer with Mario Kart of being able to download a game for free was amazing.

This I can explain, without people jumping down my throats.


Basically, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft can't, outside of sales and special offers, sell their games on their own storefronts for less than the recommended retail price. If they do, then retailers will just stop stocking it. In time, some games (most non-Nintendo) do drop in the price in retail, but the RRP is still the same. Sometimes, they lower the RRP, but it takes a while and Nintendo seldom does it because, well, their games sell over time. Most games are ridiculously top heavy in their sales, so other publishers drop the price sooner. Nintendo games though, still have ridiculous legs. Last year, Mario Kart Wii sold 1 million new copies.


Nintendo of Europe and Japan do get around it with their special deal and promotions to encourage it, but it'll never be cheaper than RRP. The Nintendo Network Premium thing is another way for them to encourage it. You get money back, afterall.

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Yeah but because the possibility is there, it won't make a difference if my bag is stolen whether it has all my carts and 3DS or just a 3DS with digital games. Remember there is no Club Nintendo here whom I could go around sending police reports to about my stolen 3DS to get my digital games back. I don't have such worries with anything else though. Just like I don't mind if my house burns down, all my files are stored in clouds, and my save games too.

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Yeah but because the possibility is there, it won't make a difference if my bag is stolen whether it has all my carts and 3DS or just a 3DS with digital games. Remember there is no Club Nintendo here whom I could go around sending police reports to about my stolen 3DS to get my digital games back. I don't have such worries with anything else though. Just like I don't mind if my house burns down, all my files are stored in clouds, and my save games too.


That's the thing. If your console gets nicked you have no chance getting your content back if you were to buy another one.

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I have a lot of digital games on my 3DS. Really dig the convenience, but I know the dangerous game I'm playing. If that system breaks or disappears, all those games may also say their goodbyes.


This is what infuriates me about myself. I bitch like a bastard about Nintendo's digital stance and still buy stuff from the eShop.


Would it be safe to say that Nintendo fans are some of the most forgiving in the business?

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This I can explain, without people jumping down my throats.


Basically, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft can't, outside of sales and special offers, sell their games on their own storefronts for less than the recommended retail price. If they do, then retailers will just stop stocking it. In time, some games (most non-Nintendo) do drop in the price in retail, but the RRP is still the same. Sometimes, they lower the RRP, but it takes a while and Nintendo seldom does it because, well, their games sell over time. Most games are ridiculously top heavy in their sales, so other publishers drop the price sooner. Nintendo games though, still have ridiculous legs. Last year, Mario Kart Wii sold 1 million new copies.


Nintendo of Europe and Japan do get around it with their special deal and promotions to encourage it, but it'll never be cheaper than RRP. The Nintendo Network Premium thing is another way for them to encourage it. You get money back, afterall.


That's great for them in a business perspective, but where's the incentive to gamers to download a digital game? There isn't any atm, as far as I know see. Unless you go down the "indie" route, which makes much more sense since you can spend anywhere between £4-£14 quid and you've got a digital game. I'd boot up something like Monster Hunter every day if it was digital only.


Gotta be honest, I don't even fully understand this Nintendo Network Premium thing. The coverage that it has received has been...meh. At least with something like Playstation Plus it's touted as a big deal, even in the PSN store there's a whole section dedicated to it and it's very clear what it all means.


Yeah but because the possibility is there, it won't make a difference if my bag is stolen whether it has all my carts and 3DS or just a 3DS with digital games. Remember there is no Club Nintendo here whom I could go around sending police reports to about my stolen 3DS to get my digital games back. I don't have such worries with anything else though. Just like I don't mind if my house burns down, all my files are stored in clouds, and my save games too.


Yeah, I totally agree with you there and that's one aspect where Nintendo are behind. I'd like to see improvements in this section.

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That's great for them in a business perspective, but where's the incentive to gamers to download a digital game? There isn't any atm, as far as I know see. Unless you go down the "indie" route, which makes much more sense since you can spend anywhere between £4-£14 quid and you've got a digital game. I'd boot up something like Monster Hunter every day if it was digital only.


Gotta be honest, I don't even fully understand this Nintendo Network Premium thing. The coverage that it has received has been...meh. At least with something like Playstation Plus it's touted as a big deal, even in the PSN store there's a whole section dedicated to it and it's very clear what it all means.




Yeah, I totally agree with you there and that's one aspect where Nintendo are behind. I'd like to see improvements in this section.

It's not "great for them". They're restricted by retailers who will drop their products if they try to undercut them. That's the issue.

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It's not "great for them". They're restricted by retailers who will drop their products if they try to undercut them. That's the issue.


Sorry, should have bolded the part I meant.


Nintendo seldom does it because, well, their games sell over time. Most games are ridiculously top heavy in their sales, so other publishers drop the price sooner. Nintendo games though, still have ridiculous legs. Last year, Mario Kart Wii sold 1 million new copies.


Mario Kart still selling that much is insane.

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That's the thing. If your console gets nicked you have no chance getting your content back if you were to buy another one.


you'd just claim it on your insurance and re-download them.


I had a ps2 with a hd full of games that was stolen and I claimed for every game on the hd.

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