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Wii U General Discussion


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@Clownferret why is it Ubi's job to help sell Nintendo's consoles?


it's not their job, but they are basically saying we are waiting for Nintendo to release really good games that will sell consoles and we'll piggyback onto those sales. I'm saying make a game that will sell consoles by itself, not some half arsed party game cash in. But I'm also saying if Mario Kart can sell over 1 million copies in a weekend then the amount of consoles is not an issue. A great game will sell, so if Ubisoft really thought they had a great Wii U game they would release it. The Wii U is crying out for games so and good game would shift units and even if they don't want to incur production costs of discs, boxes etc (understandable) the just put it on the eshop.

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it's not their job, but they are basically saying we are waiting for Nintendo to release really good games that will sell consoles and we'll piggyback onto those sales. I'm saying make a game that will sell consoles by itself, not some half arsed party game cash in. But I'm also saying if Mario Kart can sell over 1 million copies in a weekend then the amount of consoles is not an issue. A great game will sell, so if Ubisoft really thought they had a great Wii U game they would release it. The Wii U is crying out for games so and good game would shift units and even if they don't want to incur production costs of discs, boxes etc (understandable) the just put it on the eshop.


Some of Nintendo's franchises are an exception to that though - MK8 is the EIGHTH title of its ilk, and the core concept is difficult to really mess up too much. MK8 hasn't just sold itself, MK 1 thru 7 has helped sell all those million units. It's why delivering now is important to continue delivering in the future in a lot of respects of games and console sales. The PS4 and Xbone were sold much more heavily off the back of the success of their predecessors.


If I was someone making a game and hoping to turn profit - I'd do exactly the same and release it somewhere that I have a fairly solid idea of making the sales. Do I release it now to 1million Wii Us or next year to 5million Wii Us? The latter is 5 times the potential. What if in a year there's only 3million Wii Us and 15million PS4s?


I personally believe there's a lot of momentum associated with releasing at the right time(why I take worrying issue of the WatchDogs situation). I must also admit as much as I want to really buy and support Child of Light on the Wii U because I want to send a message - I actually haven't yet due to my backlog. Imagine 5x similar people in the same situation, 1 or 2 may have already caved to that purchase.


Just read this fantastic post over at GAF (yup) and it pretty much sums up the industry at the moment.


Hyped for Nintendo's conference - at least I know I can watch Nintendo and indies without wincing at the amount of dead bodies on screen. :shakehead


Very apt post imo, but not really news for me. This is why I think Nintendo almost DID have it right with the Wii U, and why Steam has excelled so much over the last few years - lots of smaller, cheaper, and more diverse content. Smaller overheads on digital distribution is another large benefit to it, and allows for flash sales etc quite easily. They should have just ripped of the Steam model(hell, everyone rips of Nintendo, right?), and really put more of their focus and resources into getting little/indie studios and games on board. How many games could they bring to the console with a budget like that used for Need for Speed or something?


Yes, I know the obvious counterpoint though - Nintendo don't spend money on a game like Need for Speed. They make their money on the hardware, cut, and their first party titles etc. What if they stepped out of that a bit more into publishing smaller games on their system though? I was very interested when they decided to get Lego City to the console, and when they took on Super Scribblenauts in place of WB, I'd hoped it was going to be a sign of more of the same with smaller titles, but alas it hasn't really yet been so.

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it's not their job, but they are basically saying we are waiting for Nintendo to release really good games that will sell consoles and we'll piggyback onto those sales.


Which is really what a company should do. Why risk putting games out on a console that isn't doing well, to help another company prosper? They are in it to make money and until it becomes an more attractive console for them they would do right to avoid it.

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it's not their job, but they are basically saying we are waiting for Nintendo to release really good games that will sell consoles and we'll piggyback onto those sales. I'm saying make a game that will sell consoles by itself, not some half arsed party game cash in. But I'm also saying if Mario Kart can sell over 1 million copies in a weekend then the amount of consoles is not an issue. A great game will sell, so if Ubisoft really thought they had a great Wii U game they would release it. The Wii U is crying out for games so and good game would shift units and even if they don't want to incur production costs of discs, boxes etc (understandable) the just put it on the eshop.


By that metric you could argue Ubisoft could point to sales of Assassins Creed, Splinter Cell and Zombie U to say Wii U owners do not buy its games.


Publishers do not choose to leave money on the table. If Ubisoft believed money was to be made on the Wii U they would be hesitating to release games regardless of the small install base.

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With the Digital Event AND the Treehouse showcases, Nintendo really have knocked it out of the park this E3. Easily the best showing of the 3 console manufacturers... and for me, Splatoon is the best thing I've seen this E3 so far!


Funny how I was so ready for disappointment but I've ended up amazingly hyped... albeit for next year though.


My favourite games shown/teased:




Xenoblade Chronicles X

The Witcher

No Mans Sky

The Division

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Well that came from nowhere?


Crucial question, how much and what about those that already purchased Sketchpad? Not that it affects me but I did buy it back on DS and if the price is right, I may do so again. It really should be well under €10.

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With the Digital Event AND the Treehouse showcases, Nintendo really have knocked it out of the park this E3. Easily the best showing of the 3 console manufacturers... and for me, Splatoon is the best thing I've seen this E3 so far!


Funny how I was so ready for disappointment but I've ended up amazingly hyped... albeit for next year though.


I agree. I actually think that Nintendo did well this year, although I still think they lacked that one killer reveal as a centrepiece. However it still wasn't up to the standard set in 2010 when the Wii was in full swing and they announced DKCR, Goldeneye and a host of other games.


I thought MS did well too. They clearly learned that E3 doesn't cry out for Kinect or TV features and stuck squarely to the games. They have listened to the fans and improved their show no end. Although they do suffer from the fact it's always a COD reveal with a Halo game.


After knocking it out of the park last year, I thought Sony's was the weakest showing and was too long and boring. They teased Uncharted and people went mental, but if that was Nintendo teasing Metroid in such a lame way, people would have called them out and said it was lame.

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By that metric you could argue Ubisoft could point to sales of Assassins Creed, Splinter Cell and Zombie U to say Wii U owners do not buy its games.


Publishers do not choose to leave money on the table. If Ubisoft believed money was to be made on the Wii U they would be hesitating to release games regardless of the small install base.


Don't get me wrong, I understand 3rd parties not making certain games for Wii U as they more than likely won't shift enough units to make it viable, but if the game has already been made and is just sitting there, that's just dead money, so stick on the eshop and try to recoup some dosh.


Also, the EA thing, surely as Wii U did not get FIFA 14 and with Mario Kart 8 and Smash shifting consoles again, FIFA 15 would be a cash cow for EA? How many copies would FIFA 15 need to sell on Wii U to make it profitable?

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Nintendo and EA need to sort themselves out... Irritating.


I think overall Nintendo did well, but I'm with Zechs, they needed one big game. A better reveal for Starfox would've helped, but they fucked that up beyond belief. I also feel they needed one more game for this year, one big game, Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta and Smash isn't good enough in my eyes. If X, or Starfox, or something else was coming that was more substantial then it would've been just perfect.


2015 looks ridiculous. Surely one or two of them could've been released!!

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Nintendo and EA need to sort themselves out... Irritating.


I think overall Nintendo did well, but I'm with Zechs, they needed one big game. A better reveal for Starfox would've helped, but they fucked that up beyond belief. I also feel they needed one more game for this year, one big game, Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta and Smash isn't good enough in my eyes. If X, or Starfox, or something else was coming that was more substantial then it would've been just perfect.


2015 looks ridiculous. Surely one or two of them could've been released!!


Can't release them if they aren't ready. Looks like Smash will be the big holiday game. I knew X would be pushed back to 2015 ( it's was one of my predictions in the thread ) it was blatantly obvious.


I think the rest of the year looks pretty solid still. Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 1+2, Captain Toad and then Smash. Of course if none of these interest you then you are pretty much screwed due to the lack of 3rd party content, which is where the other 2 consoles are really going to shine at the end of the year.


I was saying to the guys in chat that I think Microsoft had the best conference, with game, after game, with very little talking but Nintendo have easily had the best overall presence at E3.


I think they've taken a big step in getting gamers back on their side with the setup they've done at E3.

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Is toad definitely 2014 then? I'd be happy with that. And they all appeal to me, I'll get them all, and with 3DS more than enough. I think just more for Nintendo, the Wii U success and keeping momentum, just don't think it's quite enough. Plus with the barren schedules for th either consoles Nintendo could have really capitalised on that!

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so far i have found it all a bit tedious for Wii U.


a few games on show but sadly they were pretty much all either a 2d cutesy platformer or a slash/shoot em up. Only really splatoon did anything new different.


I already have loads of Wii U games so just give me FIFA and Tiger and I'll be a happy bunny.

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