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To be fair, you started it. ;)


And your last post sums up why I (and I think quite a few others) don't like to post here (i.e. the Nintendo Board) anymore. Which is a shame.




Wouldn't that be a reason to do everything it takes to get third parties third parties, 3rd parties, zzZZZZzzz (:p) to their platform?


Haha. I wasn't trying to start anything, I was trying to be positive about Nintendo. I personally think it's amazing there's someone so different to everyone making the games they do and ms reminded me of that a lot.


And why don't people enjoy it, because a lot of people are fed up with the rampant negative of 'other boards' members and having the same bullcrap arguments? I wish that was true, it isn't, maybe then we wouldn't keep having the same pointless debates and everyone getting pissed off with each other!


But title would just involve insane amounts of money? Seriously, leave it, stop banging on about it, it isn't happening! It's pointless, it drags discussions down, and it always ends up heated. 3rd parties are not coming!

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Did you not see the many many calls on this very forum (and more in general) about Nintendo making games to appeal to the western audiences more? To quote people on here"they're too japanesey" (paraphrasing)


That's not what I, or others, said. What I did say, which many/most agreed with, is that they need more exclusive western developers (like they did before Iwata disbanded them, remember). Retro's output is nowhere near enough and even then their last 2 games were DK. Imagine the N64 without Goldeneye (Rare).


Nintendo's in house teams should never make western focus games; we never said that. In fact it was you who kept assuming that's what people were talking about.

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... Nintendo don't have the capability of making games that appeal to the West. I didn't think anyone would want them to. Fuck me a Nintendo of Japan FPS, I'd dread to think.


But they need to get other Nintendo owned studio's on more Western games, or buy/start up new studios to make them out of the studios going out of business.


Possibly. But actually, I'd still prefer Nintendo type games rather than western appealing games (not sure what this actually means). I'm speaking selfishly here, the only games that appealed to me from MS were the ones that I felt were more Nintendo/japanesey - Ori, dead rising and project spark. Sunset overdrives humour and design was great, but the gameplay looked a bit generic!


Ps @serbii means EA


Maybe they're just curious as to how they perform. I seriously don't think we'll see anything for Nintendo


Ps @serbii means EA


Maybe they're just curious as to how they perform. I seriously don't think we'll see anything for Nintendo

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For me it's Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Having said that, I will probably get a sony console to complement my NINTENDO console someone down the road when I have money to spend and I'm still big on gaming.


Dude you'd better cross every bone in your body because I can't see this happening unfortunately on Wii U. I too would love to see it but I don't know if you know, nobody around these parts have talked about it but Tetris is celebrating its 30th Anniversary and everything under the sun but Nintendo platforms are getting it. Tetris? Tertis for Gods sake, how hard would that be to make or port? It started on the Gameboy but they've forgotten their roots. Further proof Ubisoft are gone.

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But with nintdo it is. It is so fucking boring hearing "3rd parties, 3rd a parties, they need 3rd a parties like the other consoles, 3rd parties blah blah blah ZZZZZzzzzzz" they're not coming, we know they're not coming. You guys go on like Nintendo have a choice in the matter. Elitsit? Do you think Nintendo have CHOSEN to not have third parties? You don't think they'd love every single game on their platform?


Fuck me. It's like people just love bitching and arguing about everything, and usually the same old shit.


I'm talking about Nintendo. Forget 3rd parties. Nintendo. And I'd prefer Nintendo to keep making nintendo type games and not try and develop new games to appeal to the west, ESPECIALLY in the vein of most if ms press conference, and I'd imagine sonys too. I'm glad Nintendo are Nintendo and make the games they do.


Isn't there an irony of overwhelming negativity in this post? The rest of us are just trying to be positive for 3rd party support!



On the more serious note, I do find it somewhat negative/defeatist to absolutely assume it isn't/can't/won't/shan't happen. I also refuse to accept it isn't Nintendo's fault. Why do the others have it when Nintendo don't? Sure Nintendo weren't necessarily the kings at it, but they used to have much better support/output from both second and third parties.


Also note - the 3rd party support I'm after isn't things like another generic FPS. I'm after the same things you seem to want Nintendo to do anyway - nice and quirky little titles, or something a little bit different. Nintendo CAN get these, but they have to seeeeeeeeeriously improve relations and support for indie studios making these sorts of things. An example I've used before is that of A Hat in Time - indie devs making a game that's a heavy tribute to Nintendo's past greats, and desperate to bring it to the system - yet they can't even say whether or not that's going to be possible yet. Cost of getting good and solid indies on board are a pittance compared to trying to make a big-scale western FPS blockbuster I'm sure, it just seems a lot like nobody's been bothered enough to organise a solid structure within the company to get it happening more.

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I'm just being honest, it's pretty much over. Hopefully there'll be some nice exclusives like you mention, but that's it. ALS, I never once say it wasn't nintendos fault. It is in the sense their machine is older tech, and it is in the sense their fans don't buy 3rd party games!


But I've accepted it, don't like it, wish it wasn't the case, but it is, so let's just appreciate what we do have, or buy another console.

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Ubisoft, once a stalwart supporter of Nintendo's Wii U, is holding off on releasing an unannounced new title for the console until there are more of them in people's homes, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot told Polygon this week.


Watch Dogs, Guillemot said, is still coming to the Wii U this November, but Ubisoft is being much more careful with new projects.


"We did adapt the number of products to the level of quantities that the machine did," he said. "So we will have Just Dance again which is well suited for the machine. We'll have Watch Dogs. We have another couple of products that we are waiting to launch, specifically we have one game that we wait for the machine to be more mass market to launch."


Guillemot declined to say how many Wii U would have to sell to make releasing the games worthwhile.


"We don't have a number," he said. "We need the sales to increase so it becomes more and more mass market then we will have the volume that will justify massive marketing and TV marketing."


Does he think that day will ever come, I asked.


"I hope so," he said. "We have a game that has been done for six months. It's on the shelf, waiting for more families to have the console."


The decision to freeze completed games, especially coming from Ubisoft, is a stark reminder of the position Nintendo finds itself in this year. It was Ubisoft that has been for years Nintendo's third-party champion. They supported the release of the Wii and its motion controls with Red Steel. When MotionPlus was released, Red Steel 2 came out to support that technology. And the release of Wii U came at the same time as one of the console's better third-party titles: Ubisoft's ZombiU.


But ZombiU didn't sell as well as Ubisoft had hoped, in part because of the low console sales numbers. That franchise now appears to be dead in the water, even for other platforms.


"I think it was so adapted to the Wii U so (bringing it to another platform) would be difficult to do," he said. "Maybe it will come to other platforms, but not as a full game. It was really developed for that type of machine."


Despite how low sales of the Wii U have seemingly impacted Ubisoft, Guillemot remains at least slightly upbeat about the possibility that the Wii U could turn around.


"Nintendo is really coming up with fantastic games," he said. "They could, with the right price and very good games, help the machine start selling."


What if, we asked, the Wii U never hits that point.


"It could never come out," he said. "It could come out on another format... "


So how long is Ubisoft willing to wait, is this the last year the Wii U has to prove itself?


"I think we have to wait for Smash Bros. to come," he said. "Smash Bros has always been a big, big property for Nintendo and for gamers. And we all know that there are lots of Nintendo fans that are waiting for big games to come. We know they are coming. We don't know if they will still be there. I think when I speak with the fans that come to E3 90 percent of them are crazy Nintendo fans. They really love Nintendo and the games they do."


Right to assume the game he mentions that has been done for 6 months is a title for the casuals considering he mentions families?


Rayman Rabbids or something?

Edited by liger05
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Oh man, that is definitely a punch in the gut going public with that info. We knew that Ubisoft is slowly getting turned off by the Wii U, but admitting they're withholding a game BECAUSE of the sales? Daaaamn son.


I appreciate the honesty and not coming up with some BS PR excuse.

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But with nintdo it is. It is so fucking boring hearing "3rd parties, 3rd a parties, they need 3rd a parties like the other consoles, 3rd parties blah blah blah ZZZZZzzzzzz" they're not coming, we know they're not coming. You guys go on like Nintendo have a choice in the matter. Elitsit? Do you think Nintendo have CHOSEN to not have third parties? You don't think they'd love every single game on their platform?


Fuck me. It's like people just love bitching and arguing about everything, and usually the same old shit.


I'm talking about Nintendo. Forget 3rd parties. Nintendo. And I'd prefer Nintendo to keep making nintendo type games and not try and develop new games to appeal to the west, ESPECIALLY in the vein of most if ms press conference, and I'd imagine sonys too. I'm glad Nintendo are Nintendo and make the games they do.



I sometimes wonder exactly that yes. If it isn't a deliberate policy then they're utterly dreadful at achieving it.


And as others have said there is literally no reason why they can't add Western developers and diversify while keeping on doing what they do in Japan.


Software is tied to the NNID. If you delete your NNID, you lose all your downloaded software across both formats.




NNID is still tied to hardware, yes, but software is tied to the NNID. You can transfer the NNID on the 3DS at will, and can get Nintendo to do it with the Wii U. This does need to be resolved. However, you are mistaken in your statement.


So the software is tied to the NNID and the NNID is tied to the hardware, which means........the software is tied to the hardware. You're splitting hairs there, the end result is the same.


My PS3 and Wii got stolen. I re-bought a PS3, logged in, downloaded all my old games. That obviously didn't happen with the Wii and Nintendo couldn't have been less interested. If the same thing happened with my 3DS or Wii U, I lose the software. If my Ipad gets lost or stolen, all my ebooks/music are there for me to simply access on another device. Nintendo still can't do this. It's 2014. It simply isn't good enough.

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Oh man, that is definitely a punch in the gut going public with that info. We knew that Ubisoft is slowly getting turned off by the Wii U, but admitting they're withholding a game BECAUSE of the sales? Daaaamn son.

Worked out so well with them doing it with Rayman Legends...

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Yeah it sold four times as much as it might have done if they had just released it for the U. Good plan.


I wonder if this game will eventually be released on other consoles if they don't release it on the U.

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I sometimes wonder exactly that yes. If it isn't a deliberate policy then they're utterly dreadful at achieving it.


And as others have said there is literally no reason why they can't add Western developers and diversify while keeping on doing what they do in Japan.




So the software is tied to the NNID and the NNID is tied to the hardware, which means........the software is tied to the hardware. You're splitting hairs there, the end result is the same.


My PS3 and Wii got stolen. I re-bought a PS3, logged in, downloaded all my old games. That obviously didn't happen with the Wii and Nintendo couldn't have been less interested. If the same thing happened with my 3DS or Wii U, I lose the software. If my Ipad gets lost or stolen, all my ebooks/music are there for me to simply access on another device. Nintendo still can't do this. It's 2014. It simply isn't good enough.


You, me and everyone knows this.. We all agree that Nintendo's accounts are pathetic.


I think Serebii is the only person out there who thinks that the accounts Nintendo offer are good and match what the competition are doing.


No matter how many times you explain why the account system is a joke. He simply won't accept that line of thinking.

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You, me and everyone knows this.. We all agree that Nintendo's accounts are pathetic.


I think Serebii is the only person out there who thinks that the accounts Nintendo offer are good and match what the competition are doing.


No matter how many times you explain why the account system is a joke. He simply won't accept that line of thinking.

No. I know they need to unlink from hardware. I just take issue with people stating mistruths and then saying I'm "splitting hairs" when I correct

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I'm just being honest, it's pretty much over. Hopefully there'll be some nice exclusives like you mention, but that's it. ALS, I never once say it wasn't nintendos fault. It is in the sense their machine is older tech, and it is in the sense their fans don't buy 3rd party games!


But I've accepted it, don't like it, wish it wasn't the case, but it is, so let's just appreciate what we do have, or buy another console.


Out of interest - do you have many non-nintendo titles? Especially on download? I'm considering Child of Light at some point - admittedly it's not revolutionary but it sounds like something a little bit different and that interests me. The only reason I haven't bought it yet is just because I've such a big back catalogue I need to crack on with clearing soon.


Oh man, that is definitely a punch in the gut going public with that info. We knew that Ubisoft is slowly getting turned off by the Wii U, but admitting they're withholding a game BECAUSE of the sales? Daaaamn son.


For me, absolutely sensible and understandable though. Personally glad to see them being open and honest with it, and kinda telling it like it is - it's not writing Nintendo off completely, but it's a small kick up the arse that might help movement down the line.

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Out of interest - do you have many non-nintendo titles? Especially on download? I'm considering Child of Light at some point - admittedly it's not revolutionary but it sounds like something a little bit different and that interests me. The only reason I haven't bought it yet is just because I've such a big back catalogue I need to crack on with clearing soon.


Yeah I have loads of third party games, I own about 40 retail games and have loads of digital downloads too. But I don't have child of light, I really want it though, but it was just before cannes and my backlog was crazy. Out of the third party digital games I love the zen pinball games, scram kitty is great but almost TOO hard, unepic was good fun if you're into that kind of old rpg. I actually really like two tribes games - rush and edge, dirt cheap, and great little puzzlers, spin the bottle is a brilliant local multiplayer party game, really really good.


If you didn't play it in the 3ds mighty switch force is easily one of the better games too. And bit trip runner... God there a lot. Trine 2 is stunning (online with cvoice chat :) ), little inferno is small, an acquired taste, but I thought it was beautiful, nano assault is a good shootem up.... Oh, and another really unique and brilliant local multiplayer is chasing aurora!


I have others, but haven't played them or didn't like them.

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Surprised but very pleased at the lack of leaks. I'm using all the ore reveals, all the indie trailers from yesterday, the separate 90 minute smash direct as signs that we're going to get announcement after announcement... Setting myself up for a fall?

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Surprised but very pleased at the lack of leaks. I'm using all the ore reveals, all the indie trailers from yesterday, the separate 90 minute smash direct as signs that we're going to get announcement after announcement... Setting myself up for a fall?


Just go in clean man.

Take a shower.

Drink some water.

Clear your anus.


Consider this, there will be another CGI Smash trailer and a Zelda trailer.

Just take a look at your backlog and don't tell me that isn't enough.

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Just read this fantastic post over at GAF (yup) and it pretty much sums up the industry at the moment.


Hyped for Nintendo's conference - at least I know I can watch Nintendo and indies without wincing at the amount of dead bodies on screen. :shakehead


Bring the fun! : peace:


5 HOURS TO GO!!!!!





Edited by tapedeck
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reagarding ubisoft, if this secret game was any good then release it and help sell consoles. we are waiting for smash to sell more wii u's, that's kind of defeatist, plus how many consoles is enough, i'm sure they would be happy with mk8 numbers, so userbase is a bit misleading, plus they are fully supporting ps4 and xb1 which right now are at similar numbers.

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reagarding ubisoft, if this secret game was any good then release it and help sell consoles. we are waiting for smash to sell more wii u's, that's kind of defeatist, plus how many consoles is enough, i'm sure they would be happy with mk8 numbers, so userbase is a bit misleading, plus they are fully supporting ps4 and xb1 which right now are at similar numbers.


Agree - it's the reverse of the Wii situation, which had the biggest userbase. :indeed:

The answer as to why they are releasing content on other systems may involve moneyhats? If some developers had to wear stickers of their sponsors like F1 drivers do, they'd be covered head to toe. :heh:

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