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Until software is tied to the NNID and not the hardware, no, it isn't.




They get the acknowledgement when it's done. If I say now that I'm going to climb Everest do you congratulate me now or after I've done it?


Again, when did I say let's congratulate them? That's right, I didn't.


Sticking with your analogy, if you say you're going to climb Everest, is it fair if we all slag you off for not having climbed it yet?

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My Wii U collection off top of my head, seems to be smaller than most here.



Darksiders II(played a few hours, maybe 5-10)

ZombiU(not played, though Dedede made good use of it)

W101(not played)

Pikmin(maybe 5-10 hours, need to finish it)

Injustice: Gods among us(played a bit of multi)

SM3DW(played a few hours w/ friends)

N4SMW(played a lot!)

MH3U(about 20 hours)

Sonic All-stars(played a few hours solo)

Deus Ex: Human revolution(not played)



D/L wise think I've got the 30p games only so far - KA, M+Y, SMetroid, DK, F-Zero.

How have you not played W101 yet?


Good god man. Get on it. Now. No excuses.

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This is exactly what I was thinking! However they said 82% of the UK sales were bundles, no? And Pestneb said that the MK8 bundles sold was 12k, so I went back from there(/82%). I ended up at totally different numbers in the general sales thread off the back of yours though, so really I'm totally confused and just kinda curious as to actually how well MK8 might have boosted Wii U console sales, in more solid numbers than %s.


HARDWARE sales were up 666%, 82% of those sales were the MK8 bundle.

12k Mario kart bundle hardware units.


Maybe I'm mistaken - but isn't that basically the European Nintendo headquarters? If it was in America would it be 'Nintendo in America only restructuring'? Or indeed as you even mentioned, if it was Japan?


Redundancies to my mind are very real and often serious indicators of a company's situation. Sure, restructuring happens from time to time in places - but redundancies always feel a bit...final? serious? I dunno, feels financially indicative to me.


Agreed, but NoA is much simpler than NoE. NoE covers multiple countries.

This could simply be a case of Nintendo rethinking the way NoE is run, possibly giving greater individual control to the individual countries, for example.

Again, a case of time to see what happens

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Like I said earlier, I just hope it's more than NFC stuff, as I don't really include that as the Gamepad being part of the gameplay.


I hope there's no NFP games or whatever it's called. It's a con, a gimmick. It has nothing to do with gaming. You don't need these figurines to unlock stuff in games or you shouldn't. It's a money making racket and I for one hope it falls flat on its face. I want games, real games, not some BS casual crap to follow up the likes of Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, etc.

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I hope there's no NFP games or whatever it's called. It's a con, a gimmick. It has nothing to do with gaming. You don't need these figurines to unlock stuff in games or you shouldn't. It's a money making racket and I for one hope it falls flat on its face. I want games, real games, not some BS casual crap to follow up the likes of Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, etc.

We KNOW that the figures will be there. It's a fact.

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After watching th unbelievably dull Microsoft conference, two things, one - conferences are terrible, long, stupid demos, AWFUL speakers. Two - I'm so glad for Nintendo. Most games looks so so so dull... I don't want Nintendo to make games to appeal to the western audiences if its all this bullshit!


Ori looks stunning, project spark has a lot of potential and I loved the dlc in dead rising. Everything else - ZZZZzzzzz.


Nintendo, keep making obscure quirky Japanese inspired games. I don't give a shit how many copies they sell, and please don't listen to the idiots who beg you to change !

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After watching th unbelievably dull Microsoft conference, two things, one - conferences are terrible, long, stupid demos, AWFUL speakers. Two - I'm so glad for Nintendo. Most games looks so so so dull... I don't want Nintendo to make games to appeal to the western audiences if its all this bullshit!


Ori looks stunning, project spark has a lot of potential and I loved the dlc in dead rising. Everything else - ZZZZzzzzz.


Nintendo, keep making obscure quirky Japanese inspired games. I don't give a shit how many copies they sell, and please don't listen to the idiots who beg you to change !


I don't think anyone was asking for Nintendo to change in that sense. This isn't an "either" or "or" situation. Why can't we have the Nintendo games AND the third party games like The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider, like they promised before the Wii U's release? In that sense, they do need to change.


The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider are both going to be amazing. If you are a Wii U only gamer, you won't be able to play them. I will be surprised if Tomb Raider is on Wii U.

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I don't think anyone was asking for Nintendo to change in that sense. This isn't an "either" or "or" situation. Why can't we have the Nintendo games AND the third party games like The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider, like they promised before the Wii U's release? In that sense, they do need to change.


The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider are both going to be amazing. If you are a Wii U only gamer, you won't be able to play them. I will be surprised if Tomb Raider is on Wii U.


The Witcher 3 looks insane. I've never played any of the games but I may have to look into it now.

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I don't think anyone was asking for Nintendo to change in that sense. This isn't an "either" or "or" situation. Why can't we have the Nintendo games AND the third party games like The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider, like they promised before the Wii U's release? In that sense, they do need to change.


The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider are both going to be amazing. If you are a Wii U only gamer, you won't be able to play them. I will be surprised if Tomb Raider is on Wii U.


Did you not see the many many calls on this very forum (and more in general) about Nintendo making games to appeal to the western audiences more? To quote people on here"they're too japanesey" (paraphrasing)

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Yeah very little outside of Tomb Raider 2 and The Witcher really appealed to me in the Microsoft one. Maybe there were a few things, but I can't remember them. The setting of Forza Horizon 2 should be good. Limbo sequel and Ori didn't really do much for me, I think I've seen a lot of pretty looking 2D sidescrollers lately.


More excited for Sony's.


But I'm ready for some new Nintendo in my life.

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Did you not see the many many calls on this very forum (and more in general) about Nintendo making games to appeal to the western audiences more? To quote people on here"they're too japanesey" (paraphrasing)


Again, it's not a case of one or the other. Why can't we have both? If not both, then at the very least they should be working harder with third parties to bring these more western titles to the Wii U. We had both on the N64 with the likes of Nintendo's own games AND Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, etc. The GameCube managed the balance too with games such as Killer 7 and Eternal Darkness, as well as stuff like the Resident Evil series. Why not both? Everyone is happy then.

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The Witcher 3 looks insane. I've never played any of the games but I may have to look into it now.
Same. Looks incredible. If I don't have one by then, I'm getting a PS4 for it. It's like playing Game of Thrones! and the most beautiful game ever.
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Why can't we have the Nintendo games AND the third party games like The Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider, like they promised before the Wii U's release?


Because it's Nintendo. They don't need 3rd party, they can hold up by themselves with their quirkiness.


Sometimes I think that some Nintendo fans seem to have a bit of an 'elitist' attitude. Like Nintendo is filling a niche just for the sake of it and they are like untouchable gods. :indeed:


Did you not see the many many calls on this very forum (and more in general) about Nintendo making games to appeal to the western audiences more? To quote people on here"they're too japanesey" (paraphrasing)


Well, that's what Flink was saying...we want Nintendo do diversify. Give us 3rd party games, fulfill their promises.


Also, as has been said many, many times before...and I quote Flink:


This isn't an "either" or "or" situation.



Microsoft has done a good job with their conference. You may not have enjoyed but you have to admit they hit the spot. The very spot that Nintendo haven't hit in over a year.

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Holy shit guys.


I don't know if any of you realised this, but you can switch the screen to the gamepad and continue playing your games while someone watches something else on the TV!!!


It's incredible, it's like the fucking future!

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But with nintdo it is. It is so fucking boring hearing "3rd parties, 3rd a parties, they need 3rd a parties like the other consoles, 3rd parties blah blah blah ZZZZZzzzzzz" they're not coming, we know they're not coming. You guys go on like Nintendo have a choice in the matter. Elitsit? Do you think Nintendo have CHOSEN to not have third parties? You don't think they'd love every single game on their platform?


Fuck me. It's like people just love bitching and arguing about everything, and usually the same old shit.


I'm talking about Nintendo. Forget 3rd parties. Nintendo. And I'd prefer Nintendo to keep making nintendo type games and not try and develop new games to appeal to the west, ESPECIALLY in the vein of most if ms press conference, and I'd imagine sonys too. I'm glad Nintendo are Nintendo and make the games they do.

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Fuck me. It's like people just love bitching and arguing about everything, and usually the same old shit.


To be fair, you started it. ;)


And your last post sums up why I (and I think quite a few others) don't like to post here (i.e. the Nintendo Board) anymore. Which is a shame.


Do you think Nintendo have CHOSEN to not have third parties? You don't think they'd love every single game on their platform?


Wouldn't that be a reason to do everything it takes to get third parties third parties, 3rd parties, zzZZZZzzz (:p) to their platform?

Edited by drahkon
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I'm talking about Nintendo. Forget 3rd parties. Nintendo. And I'd prefer Nintendo to keep making nintendo type games and not try and develop new games to appeal to the west, ESPECIALLY in the vein of most if ms press conference, and I'd imagine sonys too. I'm glad Nintendo are Nintendo and make the games they do.
... Nintendo don't have the capability of making games that appeal to the West. I didn't think anyone would want them to. Fuck me a Nintendo of Japan FPS, I'd dread to think.


But they need to get other Nintendo owned studio's on more Western games, or buy/start up new studios to make them out of the studios going out of business.

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