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Wii U General Discussion


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Erm, we're classing Wonderful 101 as a Nintendo game because it's paid for by Nintendo and Nintendo owns the IP, not just because they published it.


I may be wrong, but Sony actually only own Driveclub, The Last of Us, The Order: 1886 and Uncharted.


MLB 14: The Show is entirely Sony, Hohokum and Everybody's Gone to Rapture

are co-developed by Sony and Sony paid for Rime.


Helldivers and Shadow of the Beast are unknown for these and PixelJunk is similar to Professor Layton in terms of publishing.

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Okay fine, then I misunderstood the reason it is classed as that and your point is valid.




"People wank off Sony".




I interpreted the debate to include hardware. The lack of original games on the Wii U (perceived or not) is, in my opinion, partially down to the hardware excluding third parties (to a degree, there are of course other factors). This in turn results in Nintendo being the primary source of games on the Wii U. If you take the view point that Nintendo is lacking in originality or taking risk nowadays (which I do, but each their own) then it is feasible to see this in part because the hardware has forced them to be the main software producers, and in turn they have less opportunity for risk. If there were loads of third party games, then Nintendo may be inclined to revive old franchises (Wave Race, Metroid etc) or try out new ones. As it is, I understand why they may be more reliant upon Mario as its a cash cow. Consequently, original ideas go down the pecking order.


Hopefully that explains why I brought it up. Not to stray from the discussion, but to give my thoughts on why we might be in this situation where some people (rightly or wrongly) feel that Nintendo is lacking in originality.




This kind of circles back to my hardware point. I think people are praising Sony for their hardware (and to a lesser extent, marketing, PR etc) and as such aren't craving loads of titles (both in number and originality) from Sony themselves, which is why the same kind of arguments aren't being levied against Sony as they are Nintendo. The originality and breadth of titles (that some people feel Nintendo is lacking) is being covered by third parties. They were connected points, but maybe I didn't explain it well. Sorry about that.




If its not out-right been asked, it's certainly been inferred. Most discussions will heat up for a bit and then someone will say "well I thought this was supposed to be a Nintendo forum so why is everyone so negative!"


I have yet to see an "incessant attacking of Nintendo". I've seen people question their actions, I've seen people disappointed by their actions, but very seldom would I classify any response as incessant attacking.


And if we want to go down this "we don't do it but they do" route I would point you to the General Gaming Board. For example, Flink's 'Things That Nintendo Have Got Right This Generation' thread. It was all going nicely, people were commenting on the good stuff, and then Serebii (I don't wish to name names, but it would be obvious anyway if you look at the thread) comes in to call cinematic games "dross". There's an attack. It's a minor one, sure, and not one I'm going to get het up about, but it's an example of people taking seemingly unwarranted attacks at something in what was supposed to be a positive Nintendo thread. The same argument could be made by saying "I like that Nintendo is gameplay focused as I prefer that kind of game". Then there's the classic "mobile games aren't real games" argument that has been levied by certain people and the fact certain pro-Nintendo people have admitted to intentionally trying to cause arguments in the Other Consoles board.


There are countless example (in this thread and others) where we'll be discussing Nintendo and a Nintendo-favouring person will suddenly feel the need to bring in Sony/Microsoft into the discussion to somehow prove a point (that Nintendo isn't the only one with problems perhaps? but that should be obvious). It happens, it's part of discussions but to think it is just pro-Sony people doing it (and they're doing it to slag off Nintendo rather than criticise (there is a difference)) is misguided. It is happening on all sides.


If you want people to discuss Nintendo positively do something about it. Fused King made the 'Lets Talk' series. Flink made the thread I mentioned above and yet the people who keep harking on about negative comments being made about Nintendo, don't seem to be trying to engage in positive discussions. Instead they seem quick to get riled up and angry at


Okay, I get you now, so basically you were rationalising the reasons why you feel Nintendo aren't as original or take risks. Fair enough, I mean that's a broader issue in itself. Like I stress I personally feel they still are the ultimate risk takers in the industry - the gamepad and even miiverse are pretty bold ideas, but yes their decisions have, again, destroyed 3rd party support.


I just think let's see what e3 brings, no company has a slew of games that far outweigh any others, and I still hold on to x2, Hyrule warriors, bayonetta 2, w101, NES remix, Lego city as positive steps forward, combined with classic releases (mario, pikmin, kart and smash), and ultimately I still have faith that a backs to the wall Nintendo will turn it on! But it is all "we will see", but over the next few weeks I'll get to play pocket football, NES remix 2, mario golf, mario kart surely after and some classic GBA games, and I'd literally not swap that for anything in anther device... Except maybe infamous 3... And that's what it's all about, what games do we want to play!

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@ Ashley this is a Wii U forum and whilst Nintendo supporters are entitled to air their grievencies, people openly mocking Wii U owners should never be considered acceptable and I have seen you support this nonsense before. You are either ignorant to what is blatant trolling or are simply not monitoring the forum properly, either way I don't think you are performing your role as an Administrator any near a level that I consider to be acceptable and should either step up and ban the people (person) in question or step down and get somebody else to take on the role.

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@ Ashley this is a Wii U forum and whilst Nintendo supporters are entitled to air their grievencies, people openly mocking Wii U owners should never be considered acceptable and I have seen you support this nonsense before. You are either ignorant to what is blatant trolling or are simply not monitoring the forum properly, either way I don't think you are performing your role as an Administrator any near a level that I consider to be acceptable and should either step up and ban the people (person) in question or step down and get somebody else to take on the role.


Okay I'll step down. Sorry guys, N-Europe is shutting shop!


Facetious comments aside, please PM me examples where you feel people are being mocked for owning a Wii U. Not people being mocked that own a Wii U, or people's opinions on the Wii U mocked, but people actually being mocked for owning a Wii U. I can't recall seeing the sort, but I am but one man with a full-time job that is used to bankroll this place, so I may have missed it while I was trying to fit in around my job, my freelancing, my work on the main site and having a god damn social life. Sorry I can't live up to your expectations.


Furthermore, those that are often deemed anti-Nintendo I know from first hand experience actively play Nintendo games/consoles. I have seen it with my own eyes. A lack of blind devotion doesn't make a troll.

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Okay I'll step down. Sorry guys, N-Europe is shutting shop!


Facetious comments aside, please PM me examples where you feel people are being mocked for owning a Wii U. Not people being mocked that own a Wii U, or people's opinions on the Wii U mocked, but people actually being mocked for owning a Wii U. I can't recall seeing the sort, but I am but one man with a full-time job that is used to bankroll this place, so I may have missed it while I was trying to fit in around my job, my freelancing, my work on the main site and having a god damn social life. Sorry I can't live up to your expectations.


Furthermore, those that are often deemed anti-Nintendo I know from first hand experience actively play Nintendo games/consoles. I have seen it with my own eyes. A lack of blind devotion doesn't make a troll.


I shouldn't need to PM you examples. It's as plain as daylight that there is one person who totally derails every Wii U discussion with anti Nintendo/pro Sony comments. It has got to the point where as a Wii U owner I no longer enjoy logging in to find out what's new. Fair play to you for hosting what has been and still could be a brilliant place to visit for all things Nintendo but sometimes you have to sacrifice the few to save the many.

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I shouldn't need to PM you examples. It's as plain as daylight that there is one person who totally derails every Wii U discussion with anti Nintendo/pro Sony comments. It has got to the point where as a Wii U owner I no longer enjoy logging in to find out what's new. Fair play to you for hosting what has been and still could be a brilliant place to visit for all things Nintendo but sometimes you have to sacrifice the few to save the many.


There are also members who think the sun shines out of Nintendos backside and the company can do no wrong. This also effects the conversation in a negative manner. It's swings and roundabouts.


I feel like I should chime in here in regards to Ashley. As a member who was a mod for a long time I know the work that goes on behind the scenes in this place. It's not an easy job and I think people forget that people like the admins, mods and the various members of the staff run this place for free. None of them get paid and all of them use their own free time to keep this place running. They have a passion for the place and if they didn't it wouldn't be here.

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@ Ashley this is a Wii U forum and whilst Nintendo supporters are entitled to air their grievencies, people openly mocking Wii U owners should never be considered acceptable and I have seen you support this nonsense before. You are either ignorant to what is blatant trolling or are simply not monitoring the forum properly, either way I don't think you are performing your role as an Administrator any near a level that I consider to be acceptable and should either step up and ban the people (person) in question or step down and get somebody else to take on the role.


When has this ever happened? I've been on this forum for a decade and this has never been the case.

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There are also members who think the sun shines out of Nintendos backside and the company can do no wrong. This also effects the conversation in a negative manner. It's swings and roundabouts.


I feel like I should chime in here in regards to Ashley. As a member who was a mod for a long time I know the work that goes on behind the scenes in this place. It's not an easy job and I think people forget that people like the admins, mods and the various members of the staff run this place for free. None of them get paid and all of them use their own free time to keep this place running. They have a passion for the place and if they didn't it wouldn't be here.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't believe that. :p

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Yeah, I think calling Ashley to 'step down' (lol), is a little too far. At the end of the day I am happy that we can all share our opinions. The forum is pretty balanced in opinion, and when there is some exciting news re Nintendo we all come together in praise (Smash Direct).


I HATE mods who use their powers to ban and heavily edit stuff just because their or certain sects of the forum are too sensitive to it.


If someone mocks me as a Wii U owner (which I haven't experienced) - thats fine. I' ll just continue to argue my point of view and try to understand theirs. Shouldn't be anything deeper than that.


Have you guys seen the latest Final Bosman yet? It's funny as hell :D



Is that the guy in that 'Meanwhile at Nintendo' gif?

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I shouldn't need to PM you examples.


The forum rules state that if you have a problem with a member you should contact us so, yes, you should PM me if you have a problem. Otherwise you just seem to be desperate to kick up a stink. I can take a guess at the person you are referring to, but I think I might be thinking of someone different but still mostly fits your description.


Anyway, now I know how Iwata feels :heh:

Edited by Ashley
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@ Ashley this is a Wii U forum and whilst Nintendo supporters are entitled to air their grievencies, people openly mocking Wii U owners should never be considered acceptable and I have seen you support this nonsense before. You are either ignorant to what is blatant trolling or are simply not monitoring the forum properly, either way I don't think you are performing your role as an Administrator any near a level that I consider to be acceptable and should either step up and ban the people (person) in question or step down and get somebody else to take on the role.


Here's an idea. If you think the forum is run badly then why not find another forum?


That is a really insulting post, actually. Suggesting that someone should step down and that they do a poor job when they actually do a great job is just offensive. Shame on you.

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Hardly. Pretty sure there's more than 1 person that wants Iwata to step down. :heh:

Yeah, it's five very vocal people on GAF :p


I kid, I kid.


I remember when Iwata was voted as one of the world's best CEOs. What a difference 5 years makes. I still maintain he's a great CEO. It's the board as a whole that faltered, not just Iwata. Can't scapegoat him. They're fully capable of making a bounce-back, people just need to realise that it doesn't happen overnight.

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Do you think they will announce any new bundles soon?


There are a handful of games out there now which I wouldn't mind playing and some of the prices on the premium models are at the point that I'd probably have bitten if it weren't for the fact that none of them contain games I actually want.


And whilst it's easy to imagine a Mario Kart Bundle, though I'd have thought they would have announced something like that by now, it too falls into that category of a game I'm not overly fussed about.

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Do you think they will announce any new bundles soon?


There are a handful of games out there now which I wouldn't mind playing and some of the prices on the premium models are at the point that I'd probably have bitten if it weren't for the fact that none of them contain games I actually want.


And whilst it's easy to imagine a Mario Kart Bundle, though I'd have thought they would have announced something like that by now, it too falls into that category of a game I'm not overly fussed about.

I would be very surprised if there's not a Mario Kart 8 bundle by Christmas.


For them to not do one now is a better business decision. That way, they get more money. If they bundled it with the console around launch, it'd hamper their revenue somewhat for the game as it'd be absorbed into the console cost.

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I'm still a big fan of Iwata as well (despite the current situation at Nintendo), he's just such a likable chap. :hehe:


I think Iwata has done a lot of good for Nintendo, especially with things like the Nintendo Directs. I remember when we only got new info at events like E3 or Nintendo World, now we get updates every 2 months (which in itself is a bit of a double edged sword).


He's certainly dropped the ball in places but I don't think he deserves the hate he gets at the moment.

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I would be very surprised if there's not a Mario Kart 8 bundle by Christmas.


For them to not do one now is a better business decision. That way, they get more money. If they bundled it with the console around launch, it'd hamper their revenue somewhat for the game as it'd be absorbed into the console cost.


I know what you mean in that it forces a hardware sale and then they get more profit from an extra software unit but if, like in my situation, you don't want the software that is included, it has the opposite effect of putting me off buying entirely - much like I'd never ever buy an Xbox One whilst it comes with a Kinect (not that it wouldn't take something monumental to get me to buy one without of course - a proper Banjo and new Blast Corps would be an excellent start though if you're reading Phil).


As it stands, you can get the Wind Waker bundle from GAME for £220 which is great value if you want that game but I really have zero interest in it - if that were 3D World or DKC, I'd find it difficult to refuse. The lesser of all the evils for me would probably be the Mario Bundle but then, it's not because I want it, I just see it as the least objectionable of the options and as a consumer, I have to vote with my wallet, which right now means no sale unless some amazing deal comes along which just happens to include it.


Despite my general apathy towards the series, I would actually play NSMBU and NSLU at least once if I had them, especially given these are supposed to be the best of the lot, whereas I know Zelda wouldn't make it out the wrapper.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Now now everyone. Let's not get into this. Let's go happy happy.


Thoughts for E3?


I was thinking of starting a thread in General Gaming for initial E3 thoughts but I'll just leave mine here:


For Nintendo I'm looking forward to seeing the evolutionary steps taken for Zelda U from a mechanics and gameplay perspective.


From third parties I want to see a first glimpse of the game set in the Sleeping Dogs universe.

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I think Iwata has done a lot of good for Nintendo, especially with things like the Nintendo Directs. I remember when we only got new info at events like E3 or Nintendo World, now we get updates every 2 months (which in itself is a bit of a double edged sword).


He's certainly dropped the ball in places but I don't think he deserves the hate he gets at the moment.

Absolutely. :)

Plus he's clearly clued-up when it comes to game development, due to his background. And even though a lot of his ideas aren't popular, I appreciate the direction that he's trying to take. His heart is very much in the right place I reckon.

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