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Heaven forbid they do something that requires effort.


to be fair, if there is a cost involved, as a business, they have to be sure that it will earn them that money back and reasonably sure it will bring in a profit.


But any excuse about architecture making it tricky is their own fault so no sympathy there.

If they have to get games certified again, that is a ridiculous system.

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Good article...but unfortunately the hypocrisy of gamers...will be lost on those gamers, they'll claim its a nintendo fanboy article


The gamers the article describes probably has no feelings towards Nintendo one way or the other.


To be fair I think the article does come across as an angry fanboy ranting. People should be able to play what they enjoy, yes, even the games he describes.

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It's alright, nothing brilliant. A couple of good lines in there but no use of the gamepad. It showed 4 retail games and 2 VC games barely. Yes I'd say you're right, it'll just get thrown onto the Nintendo Youtube channel. It was very accurate in not showing any 3rd party games though. Don't want to mislead people into thinking that will be happening.


I will say it's infinitely better than that sandwich guy in the UK ad, can't remember his name but then I didn't know back then either until I looked it up. And better than that dub step American ad. So fair play to him, an amateur is better than all of Nintendo's marketing department. Give that man a job.


Edit: Rufus Hound, I remembered his name. Awful, someone should have choked him with that sandwich.

Edited by Wii
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Can you provide proof that I'd be like that? Because that is completely contrary to how I am.


After so much gloom and bandwagoning of late around the net, we actually have a well thought out pro-Nintendo article




One of the best ones I have read.





Interesting article nonetheless. I feel it makes some assumptions and accusations that I haven't actually seen Gamers I know calling for, but the thing about making their own app store style approach is exactly what I've been saying about them going down a more Steam-esque model. Overhaul the eShop interface, make it easily accessible for indies and 3rd parties, have flash sales and price flexibility. Partner with someone to release additional storage for cheaper.


Heaven forbid they do something that requires effort.


Tbh I wonder how much effort it would really be. If they can add Miiverse to the OS, and if the hacking community can manage to make a Wii(and I believe Wii U) boot originally disc-based media off external hard drives and emulate NANDs, then I don't imagine DS-downloadable media by the guys themselves will be all that tricky.


The gamers the article describes probably has no feelings towards Nintendo one way or the other.


To be fair I think the article does come across as an angry fanboy ranting. People should be able to play what they enjoy, yes, even the games he describes.


Had rather the same feeling myself - mostly thinking about folks here I can think of very few like that. Or amongst my gamer friends. Whilst I expect it's tongue in cheek and purposefully done, I think it's rather poor.

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Interesting article nonetheless. I feel it makes some assumptions and accusations that I haven't actually seen Gamers I know calling for, but the thing about making their own app store style approach is exactly what I've been saying about them going down a more Steam-esque model. Overhaul the eShop interface, make it easily accessible for indies and 3rd parties, have flash sales and price flexibility. Partner with someone to release additional storage for cheaper.


They do that though. It's very accessible for indies and third parties, much moreso than Xbox 360 & Xbox One. They can set sales whenever they want etc. There are price reductions weekly on it, just not with Nintendo's own software. All Nintendo asks for is for your game to not be broken.


Microsoft, however, have ridiculous stipulations like you can't release it on other platforms first, and then there's next to no visibility.

Edited by Serebii
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Really seems to be easily accessible, from one example.


Secondly, we've just become a licensed Wii U developer :santa:


Five and a half months later...


It certainly makes sense, what with the paver controlled via the GamePad and the other players using the TV, but even though the developer is enthusiastic, the studio's admitted to us that it doesn't yet have any devkits of the Wii U; it looks like Wii U gamers might have to wait a little bit longer than PC gamers on this one.

http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2014/01/creative_racer_velocity_stream_could_be_speeding_towards_wii_u - full article about the game for reference.

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Just because it took 5 months to be a developer doesn't mean that's anything to do with it being difficult. Maybe they didn't bother applying as the game was so early in development, a or a hundred other reasons why. None of those examples say Nintendo are awkward or not accessible etc. In fact, the general feeling is they are much more open to indies.

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That's so weird. I've heard the complete opposite for developers.


Nintendo need to sort that out


Nice and vague, as always.


Just because it took 5 months to be a developer doesn't mean that's anything to do with it being difficult. Maybe they didn't bother applying as the game was so early in development, a or a hundred other reasons why. None of those examples say Nintendo are awkward or not accessible etc. In fact, the general feeling is they are much more open to indies.


I've made no claims of anyone being difficult - I'm talking about accessibility. Just using an example from someone that I personally have some credible faith in, given Hogge's been around here for a while. Admittedly I haven't asked directly what the delay is - but my question would be what exactly is becoming a licensed Wii U developer, and how after becoming one would you still not have a devkit five and a half months later? It hasn't taken them five months to become a developer, they apparently became a licensed one five and a half months ago and STILL don't have a dev kit as of that article. I get my DBS checks done faster than that. Hell, I might even manage to buy a house faster than that. What, exactly, is the hold up? Where's the accessibility for these people who actively want to develop and release for your console?


Outside of this point - I'd recommend reading the whole original article anyway to get a bit more info about the game(plus it has a discussion thread over in General Gaming). It seems Velocity Stream is a game that's aiming to make good use of the WiiU's gamepad/'asymmetric gameplay' aspect, and that's something I'm certainly keen to see more of.

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The biggest names at games retail – talking under the condition of anonymity – say a significant price cut and a bundle with upcoming blockbuster Mario Kart 8 will help alleviate short-term issues surrounding Wii U.


“A sub-£200 machine will help, and Mario Kart is desperately needed to reach the fans,” said the games boss of one of the UK’s biggest retailers. “We also need something revolutionary that makes use of the second screen and has mainstream appeal, which is easier said than done.”


The top buyer at one online games store added: “There is only one real last chance for Wii U and it is Mario Kart 8. It could still be the game that sparks interest in Wii U, but it would need to be combined with a more mass market retail price.”


A games exec at a mass market outlet added: “£199 and Mario Kart 8. Simple.”


Despite the poor numbers, UK trade figures believe Nintendo has a plan.


Xbite boss Steve Thomas said: “Nintendo will have something up its sleeves that again will add a new dimension to gaming.”


I don't know how to read this. Is he saying that this is what is needed in general or that if Mario Kart doesn't shift Wii U units they are pulling the plug on stocking the console?

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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They should give it the old re-design-amajig. Like when the DS Phat became the...well, the DS. I find Nintendo's industrial design really hit and miss; DS Phat is ugly, DS looks great; 3DS looks like crap, the 3DS XL looks awesome. Granted I don't find the Wii U ugly, but I've had one sitting in the living for a good few months now and it is completely unmemorable.


That along with a price-cut would be great (Ideally with a UI overhaul because, again personal preference, I find its design is really outmoded; it is literally unfashionable within the current real-world UI design discourse - although it's not as offensive as the Vita which looks like it was designed in 1993).


I wonder what impact another price cut is going to have. It's RRP is borderline loss leading as it is. Kind of crazy.

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No way they would do that. Mario Kart is a premium game which historically has shown that @ retail.


Then it's not really a price drop. Wii U has already been going at £199 for ages through various bundles, even with newly released games (e.g. Zelda Wind Waker). It's how I got mine.

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Then it's not really a price drop. Wii U has already been going at £199 for ages through various bundles, even with newly released games (e.g. Zelda Wind Waker). It's how I got mine.


Thats individual retailers.


Argos & Amazon are selling the premium & Nintendoland for £179.00.


No way Nintendo will officially bundle MK8 for £179.00


Personally I think MK8 released over holidays would of have a had a bigger effect.

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