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Delighted to see how well Super Mario 3D World sold as typically the New series far exceeds the 3D Mario titles.


Phenomenal to see how well Splatoon has sold for a new IP, it's turned into a system seller which is even more impressive.


Any update on how Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD and the other first party titles have sold?




Zelda at 1,69 million. Don't know about Pikmin 3.

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Those are seriously impressive numbers. 4 million for Splatoon is incredible. Double the sales of Bloodborne!


The available software on the PS4 is probably double than that available on the Wii U.


Little amounts of software = more chance of larger sales of the available games.

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The available software on the PS4 is probably double than that available on the Wii U.


Little amounts of software = more chance of larger sales of the available games.


Oh come on, there are three times as many PS4s out there; that levels the playing field more than enough. I just find it very pleasing (and somewhat amusing) to see that Splatoon, a new Nintendo IP (a multiplayer shooter of all things) has sold twice as many copies as a huge AAA GOTY winner like Bloodborne.


Fantastic numbers, ditto for Yoshi and 3D World. I was worried NSMBU would far outsell it.

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The available software on the PS4 is probably double than that available on the Wii U.


Little amounts of software = more chance of larger sales of the available games.


Doesn't work like that does it. Wonderful 101 didn't sell 4 million. Donkey Kong didn't sell 4 mil. If anything a console with limited software selection will see people sell the console.


Less game selection doesn't automatically mean high sales for a game. Splatoon has done amazing sales wise and not one person believed it would be the hit it has been. The amount of software avaliable on the Wii U compared to PS4 is irrelevant. 4 mil sold on a install base of 12 mil is insane.


I just hope Nintendo produce more new ip's now they have seen that people do like something different and new.

Edited by liger05
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I don't think the one third of Wii U owners statistic itself is an impressive figure - there has already been considerable selection taking place (many of the people who have bothered to pick up the Wii U and stick to it have been the dedicated fanbase; contrast this to the Wii where there would not be a chance in hell of a game like this selling to a third of owners of the system). It is by no means a normal population to draw conclusions based on percentages from.


That said, 4 million is an impressive figure regardless and Nintendo would do well to look at how a new franchise has done rather well for them.

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Those are seriously impressive numbers. 4 million for Splatoon is incredible. Double the sales of Bloodborne!


Bloodborne is a game like Metroid Prime - never going to get huge software sales but it certainly will act as a system seller to a certain demographic. Splatoon is way more mainstream.


Great sales though - a sequel on NX near launch would be amazing.

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I just find it very pleasing (and somewhat amusing) to see that Splatoon, a new Nintendo IP (a multiplayer shooter of all things) has sold twice as many copies as a huge AAA GOTY winner like Bloodborne.





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If I had to hazard a guess. (I don't have to, but I will) I'd say it's the whole "AAA" aspect of it.

But that confuses me, because I never got the impression that Bloodborne was a "AAA" game.


EDIT: Welp, I was as rong as that spelling I just did.

I still fail to see how Bloodborne is a "AAA" game though.

(Context - Never played the game)

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Because I want Nintendo to succeed and this is pleasing, positive news. Simple really.


The comment just came off as rather immature and childish.


Personally I just want to play good games - I couldn't care less who makes them these days, as long as they're good.


This pointless, playground-esque "my game's doing better than yours," rubbish is really tiresome.

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This pointless, playground-esque "my game's doing better than yours," rubbish is really tiresome.


As is the ultra defensive nature of posters on this board, who take exception at the slightest, most uncontroversial statements. Silly me for trying to inject a shred of positivity into the Wii U thread.


If you really have a problem with me saying that I'm pleased Splatoon has sold more than a high profile AAA game then that says more about you than it does me. Unbelievable, god forbid a PS4 game isn't showered with praise.

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Those are seriously impressive numbers. 4 million for Splatoon is incredible. Double the sales of Bloodborne!


As is the ultra defensive nature of posters on this board, who take exception at the slightest, most uncontroversial statements. Silly me for trying to inject a shred of positivity into the Wii U thread.


If you really have a problem with me saying that I'm pleased Splatoon has sold more than a high profile AAA game then that says more about you than it does me. Unbelievable, god forbid a PS4 game isn't showered with praise.


These posts are a bit bizarre. I don't really understand why you're comparing two games in two wiiiiiiildly different styles in completely different genres with each other.


Splatoon is a team shooter, designed for a specific crowd. Aimed at a Nintendo audience. Bloodborne is a REALLY FUCKING HARD game aimed at a completely different demographic altogether. It's a niche game. Very niche. It's aimed at a small crowd who want to play difficult action-rpg games where very little help is given to the player. The game features no map, no tutorial, no difficulty selection and no instruction about where to go or what to do.


I think this is the sort of stuff that causes arguments, for the opposite reasons that you've intended. You've basically taken two separate games (you really couldn't have picked two different games if you had tried!) and have tried to compare them based on one set of criteria...which is the AAA-status. It causes arguments because it's just an ill informed comment that's meant to stir up hornet's nests and cause conflict, rather than actually generate any meaningful discussion. That's precisely the only reason you've linked those two games, because they have zero in common. Zero.


If I had to hazard a guess. (I don't have to, but I will) I'd say it's the whole "AAA" aspect of it.

But that confuses me, because I never got the impression that Bloodborne was a "AAA" game.


EDIT: Welp, I was as rong as that spelling I just did.

I still fail to see how Bloodborne is a "AAA" game though.

(Context - Never played the game)


Bloodborne is a triple AAA game and it's completely fucking awesome. It's also viewed by many as one of the best games of last year, as well as one of the best games of its type of all time. It's in my top 10 of all time for sure. Very high quality game. Not for everyone, but still top tier.

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I just find it very pleasing (and somewhat amusing) to see that Splatoon, a new Nintendo IP (a multiplayer shooter of all things) has sold twice as many copies as a huge AAA GOTY winner like Bloodborne.


This is provocation.


Because I want Nintendo to succeed and this is pleasing, positive news. Simple really.


This is what you should've just said.


By the way: Aren't you one of those who complain that people always bring up the PS4 here?

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It's a good comparison, one exclusive to another. I think it would be just as justified comparing it to Sunset Overdrive or Tomb Raider on Xbox One (trying to think of games released at the same time as Splatoon, which Tomb Raider isn't...).


And hey, it's great to have some positivity about Nintendo in this thread! :)

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I just find it very pleasing (and somewhat amusing) to see that Splatoon, a new Nintendo IP (a multiplayer shooter of all things) has sold twice as many copies as a huge AAA GOTY winner like Bloodborne.


Provocative? Jeeze, this board.


I only compared it to Bloodborne because that's what lots of people were doing on gaf. They found it pleasing and amusing as well. It's comparing one exclusive to another.

Edited by Ronnie
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It's situations like this why the Sales Thread was created. For some reason numbers were posted in here and discussed, even though they were also posted in the relevant thread. I knew as soon as they were posted in here something like this would happen. The original Wii U thread was closed because sales talk always ended up in arguments.

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It's pretty obvious why, and yeah, it's rather sad. Obviously both games have done well but Bloodborne is a much more niche game that is quite challenging (which itself can be offputtig to many) - a better comparison would be Bayonetta 2 and Bloodborne.

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To be honest, Splatoon is just as "AAA" (whatever that actually means) as Bloodborne. It's a high profile 1st party Nintendo game that was advertised a lot and pushed to sell consoles. Sure, it's great to see it do well, but the comparison is a bit pointless.

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It's situations like this why the Sales Thread was created. For some reason numbers were posted in here and discussed, even though they were also posted in the relevant thread. I knew as soon as they were posted in here something like this would happen. The original Wii U thread was closed because sales talk always ended up in arguments.


Maybe they were posted in this thread to inject some much needed positivity in a toxic thread full of complaints. It's pretty laughable that some people are so put out because I raised the briefest of smiles that a Nickelodeon styled Nintendo shooter outsold a flagship GOTY PS4 game by double.


Ok let's move on, Splatoon selling 4+ million units is pretty amazing. Well done Nintendo. A fantastic game selling fantastically well.

Edited by Ronnie
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Ok let's move on, Splatoon selling 4+ million units is pretty amazing. Well done Nintendo. A fantastic game selling fantastically well.


This is all you needed to say in the first place.


I do agree, it's good news, especially as it is a brand new IP.


Put voice chat in the sequel or the NX to have party chat and then i'm sold.

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