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I imagine they will do more because if nothing else it's part of Iwata's legacy and a big thing that the fans enjoy. I imagine at the moment they're trying to sort out the business side of things.


Maybe one closer to Star Fox. Or even a festive one of Miyamoto dressed as Santa and Reggie as the Grinch.

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At one point I was really concerned about the release schedule this year, but things seem to have materialised quite nicely in the run up to Christmas - Devil's Third, Project Zero, Mario Maker, Star Fox, Mario Tennis and Xenoblade. I will end up with all of those games with the exception of Mario Tennis.

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Heard about that one at the end of May...


That is a quarter of the year ago (depressingly) :heh:


(depends on your definition of recent I guess)


Posting this here as it's not just about 3D World, but an analysis of Nintendo's level design in 3D Mario games:


Edited by Ashley
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Posting this here as it's not just about 3D World, but an analysis of Nintendo's level design in 3D Mario games:



I feel like this video should be included on Mario Maker and be mandatory to watch.

Because I've been planning to incorporate this kind of design in most of my levels for some time now.

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That's a shame but understandable, when I saw all their random Twitter announcements I thought maybe that was the case. I'm looking forward to Starfox now despite how short I assume it will be. Still torn on Mario Maker, it looks amazing in trailers but.. I'm not that creative so a lot of it will be lost on me. And as much as I like watching people play and complete crazy levels, I know I'll just get frustrated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Brought my Wii U from my mother's place to my place.

Got a couple of questions (some of which I may have asked already...):


1. If the console itself isn't connected to the TV, does is still work with the Gamepad as the screen?

2. If I use the Gamepad as the screen, do I have to use it as a controller, or can I use, let's say, a WiiU Classic Pro controller?

3. Does the Classic controller (the one you plug into the Wii Remote) work with the Wii U?

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1. If the console itself isn't connected to the TV, does is still work with the Gamepad as the screen?

2. If I use the Gamepad as the screen, do I have to use it as a controller, or can I use, let's say, a WiiU Classic Pro controller?

3. Does the Classic controller (the one you plug into the Wii Remote) work with the Wii U?


1. Yes, but a few games might be unable to be played. (Splatoon comes to mind)

2. No, as long as the game supports the WiiU pro controller, you can use it even in off-TV play.

3. Yes, it does, as long as the game supports it.

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Wasn't sure where to put this



Nintendo has confirmed that it will continue making Nintendo Direct videos.


“Nintendo Directs will continue," the publisher told IGN, "but we have no details to provide now on who will be featured or the topics that will be covered.”


The Direct videos – used to inform fans of new Nintendo games, consoles, amiibo, and more – were typically hosted by former CEO Satoru Iwata. The Nintendo President passed away in July.


Good that they're continuing it. It was really an amazing way to provide information

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I'm not sure how I feel about the continuation of the Directs. Yeah, I love riding the mini hype train when one gets announced, but it does feel like it was Iwatas thing. The same goes for Iwata Asks. Again, a fantastic thing to do, I just think it would be weird seeing/reading these things without him.

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I'm not sure how I feel about the continuation of the Directs. Yeah, I love riding the mini hype train when one gets announced, but it does feel like it was Iwatas thing. The same goes for Iwata Asks. Again, a fantastic thing to do, I just think it would be weird seeing/reading these things without him.

It's the best way of disseminating information, and when you think about it, there were a lot of Directs without Iwata. Iwata even introduced a successor in them this year.


Without Directs recently, info has been coming through PR and it's so easy to miss things, whereas in a Direct, everything gets showcased and you get shown games you may not even know you'd want.


While it'll be weird, in my view it'd be wrong to stop doing them. Let his legacy continue, don't just stop.

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It's the best way of disseminating information, and when you think about it, there were a lot of Directs without Iwata. Iwata even introduced a successor in them this year.


Without Directs recently, info has been coming through PR and it's so easy to miss things, whereas in a Direct, everything gets showcased and you get shown games you may not even know you'd want.


While it'll be weird, in my view it'd be wrong to stop doing them. Let his legacy continue, don't just stop.


I don't disagree that it's a great way of dishing out info, but I just think it will be missing something without him presenting.


The Directs without him were few and far between compared to the ones with him in it. Even if they switched to the regional presenter, Iwata still started things off, before eventually handing over to Reggie or Shibata.

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I'm not sure how I feel about the continuation of the Directs. Yeah, I love riding the mini hype train when one gets announced, but it does feel like it was Iwatas thing. The same goes for Iwata Asks. Again, a fantastic thing to do, I just think it would be weird seeing/reading these things without him.


You know, I've been thinking this a bit more over the last few days. I want the Directs to continue, but I do feel it's a bit of an 'Iwata's thing'. It's a difficult format to remix, however, but if they could somehow it'd be a bit better imo.

Iwata asks was great, and there's plenty I haven't read, I'd definitely like to see those continue - but I think I'd like Miyamoto taking the helm, possibly.

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I'm a bit late to the party with this news but what do you all make of the Starfox delay? Do you think it will change the course of Wii U much this Christmas?


I'm bitterly disappointed. Whilst there's a mix of games for the holiday season, I feel Starfox was the mainstream one (in a Nintendo sense, I wouldn't say it appeals to the general gaming populas).


Sure we have Xenoblade X that will be great but I think JRPG's are more niche than our Fox and Mario Tennis as good as it may be just isn't meaty enough to class as a big game, it's more of a fun side game you'd get along something else.


For me it's the first Christmas holidays I'll have without a new Nintendo game. Then again in my current job I don't get much of a Christmas holiday so maybe it's the perfect year for this to happen :p

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It's not too much of a blow for me personally, I'll have Xenoblade Chronicles X to play in addition to finishing Xenoblade Chronicles before that - halfway done - then there's the new Project Zero for Wii U and even before that I've still got Project Zero 2 to play - recently acquired - plus I'm sure that Super Mario Maker has plenty of mileage left as I've barely touched the creation side and already lost countless hours - and lives - to other peoples courses. :heh:


This is before even considering other non-Nintendo platforms of which I'm also invested in... :blank:


I'm good until early 2016 at least! : peace:


However I do get what you're saying about Nintendo games at Christmas, for me I still have fond memories of the Christmas in the late-nineties when we had an N64 with Goldeneye! Ahhh memories. :D

Edited by S.C.G
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I'm not too bothered by the Starfox delay. There's far too many games to play on the Wii U as it is, I still have plenty of games still in their shrink wrap! What's more, I have Wii and GC games to play and am still battling through Watch Dogs which is massive.


When Xenoblade comes out that will eat up literally hours and hours of free time. I also have several pre-orders still to be fulfilled and several games I need to pick up like Captain Toad and Devil's Third.

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