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Wii U General Discussion


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On the negativity:


It's one thing to be negative, but it's another to hinder discussion. A great example of that is Radio Free Nintendo; the epsiode where they discussed the December NPD sales for 2013 was very negative (obviously) but it was the best 90 minutes of podcast I've ever listened to.


On people leaving because it's too anti-Nintendo:


Several Nintendo fanboys have stopped me from starting threads or even posting, and I bloody love Nintendo. Hero left the board for a while and @Zell barely ever posts on here anymore. Heck, the meet up in London last year was incredible but most of those people are relunctant to post because of how defensive certain people get.


td;lr. If you're incapable of having a discussion on a negative topic without getting defensive, then maybe a forum isn't for you.


It's been a combination of me being busy with work not giving me a lot of time to play games and Nintendo not releasing a lot of games that appeal to me in recent times. I still post a fair bit in the Destiny thread!


People criticise because they care about Nintendo. People get defensive because they care about Nintendo. You would think that people could come together over their mutual hobby and engage in a reasoned discussion without resorting to name calling or personal attacks. Unfortunately there are some people here who seem to fail at this, and it has nothing to do with their opinion of Nintendo. It's a matter of maturity and self awareness. Basically people need to stop getting so worked up just because someone else has a different opinion to them!


The community here is fantastic and that is what ultimately keeps people here, not their like or dislike of Nintendo.

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What an excellent few pages of Wii U discussion I've caught up on! Thread's getting back on point now though.


I had a PM the other day from a well known poster who barely posts anymore, if at all. Big Ninty fan, claiming the anti-Nintendo chat is just too off-putting. Makes me wonder how many other fans have been forced out.


I could tell you I had a hundred PMs the other way, but I'd simply just be telling you. For reference, encourage these people to PM the mod team so it's actually brought to our attention. Claiming to have had PMs from other members has no weight at all.

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I had a PM from another member just the other day. Unfortunately they were just telling me about their "wide range of computers, phones, laptops, photo cameras, video cameras, clothes, jewelry, goods for sport, fishing, hunting, cars, motorcycles and other branches cheaper than on eBay"

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I had a PM from another member just the other day. Unfortunately they were just telling me about their "wide range of computers, phones, laptops, photo cameras, video cameras, clothes, jewelry, goods for sport, fishing, hunting, cars, motorcycles and other branches cheaper than on eBay"


Aw man, they send you the exact same message? Here I was, thinking I'm special :weep:

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I had a PM from another member just the other day. Unfortunately they were just telling me about their "wide range of computers, phones, laptops, photo cameras, video cameras, clothes, jewelry, goods for sport, fishing, hunting, cars, motorcycles and other branches cheaper than on eBay"


I didn't get that one. The last PM I got was from @geofrey11 telling me how I could make money playing video games. Needless to say he "is in another castle" now. :yay:

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So I just heard about Microsoft reducing the XB1's price yesterday. Any chance Nintendo might try and do something about getting the Wii U out of the gutter? There's 1 Wii U game in the top 40 UK chart, that after months on none. In Japan the Wii U sells about 7,000 units weekly compared to PS4's 25,000-45,000. In the States it's not doing well either. Everywhere pretty much it's dead. When was the last price drop? It's at least a year.

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So I just heard about Microsoft reducing the XB1's price yesterday. Any chance Nintendo might try and do something about getting the Wii U out of the gutter? There's 1 Wii U game in the top 40 UK chart, that after months on none. In Japan the Wii U sells about 7,000 units weekly compared to PS4's 25,000-45,000. In the States it's not doing well either. Everywhere pretty much it's dead. When was the last price drop? It's at least a year.

It remains to be seen if that is the new baseline for the PS4. It's had a couple of good weeks due to game releases and new bundles.


I don't see Nintendo doing a price cut, personally. Nintendo are not going to cut into any potential profits just to get more systems out there. That's not good business.

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It remains to be seen if that is the new baseline for the PS4. It's had a couple of good weeks due to game releases and new bundles.


I don't see Nintendo doing a price cut, personally. Nintendo are not going to cut into any potential profits just to get more systems out there. That's not good business.


and yet Microsoft have just done that ::shrug:


Its looking like the shelf life of the WiiU is being reduced with the NX on the horizon so i wouldn't rule out a price cut...maybe after e3

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and yet Microsoft have just done that ::shrug:


Its looking like the shelf life of the WiiU is being reduced with the NX on the horizon so i wouldn't rule out a price cut...maybe after e3

Microsoft can absorb the loss and play the long game. They also have third party support to help offset it. Nintendo cannot absorb the loss and don't have third party support


NX is also not being revealed until next year, meaning likely 2017 release, and may not even be the home console.

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Nintendo don't have 3rd party support largely due to a low user base. A price drop would help increase the user base. Regardless, it's too late for 3rd parties, that ship has sailed and they probably won't come back now. It's 2 years since the Wii U launched, production costs must be much lower today. Get some more units out there and it could help the sales of Devils Third, the LEGO games, Rodea: The Sky Soldier, whatever AAA port Tantalus are meant to be working on and the rumoured Bops III. And it would help indie developers.

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They've likely got accurate models to show that unless software sales reach a certain level for new buyers (let's call this amount X'), they won't make up the loss in profits they get from a price cut (let's call this Y).


They need X to be greater than Y but there's no gaurentee that will happen on the Wii U because the software isn't particularly appealing to most people in the West.


Their aim is not to sell loads of new consoles; it's to maximise the amount of money they make off of current Wii U owners. That will be their focus through 2015 and 2016 :)

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They've likely got accurate models to show that unless software sales reach a certain level for new buyers (let's call this amount X'), they won't make up the loss in profits they get from a price cut (let's call this Y).


They need X to be greater than Y but there's no gaurentee that will happen on the Wii U because the software isn't particularly appealing to most people in the West.


Their aim is not to sell loads of new consoles; it's to maximise the amount of money they make off of current Wii U owners. That will be their focus through 2015 and 2016 :)


The Amiibo will come in handy there.

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So I just heard about Microsoft reducing the XB1's price yesterday. Any chance Nintendo might try and do something about getting the Wii U out of the gutter? There's 1 Wii U game in the top 40 UK chart, that after months on none. In Japan the Wii U sells about 7,000 units weekly compared to PS4's 25,000-45,000. In the States it's not doing well either. Everywhere pretty much it's dead. When was the last price drop? It's at least a year.


In all honesty I don think they need to as it will make little difference. A Wii U reduction will see a small spike in sales but that's it.


It's £215 on Amazon. If people aint buying it at £215 I really don't think you will see much difference if goes lower.


They might as well just keep selling it as a price which they make money on rather than taking an unnecessary hit to their bottom line.


The ship sailed a long time ago and their is no saving the platform now.


The only other viable option I see is to sell the console without a gamepad if you want a really low price.


Their aim is not to sell loads of new consoles; it's to maximise the amount of money they make off of current Wii U owners. That will be their focus through 2015 and 2016


Exactly. I don't blame them and they need to just ride the generation out and make the best out of a bad situation.

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Nintendo don't have 3rd party support largely due to a low user base. A price drop would help increase the user base. Regardless, it's too late for 3rd parties, that ship has sailed and they probably won't come back now. It's 2 years since the Wii U launched, production costs must be much lower today. Get some more units out there and it could help the sales of Devils Third, the LEGO games, Rodea: The Sky Soldier, whatever AAA port Tantalus are meant to be working on and the rumoured Bops III. And it would help indie developers.


Production costs probably have gone down - but wasn't it only not too long ago they actually announced they were starting up production again? They got over confident expecting the thing to fly off the shelves, then were left holding the baby launch day wiis for months.


They've likely got accurate models to show that unless software sales reach a certain level for new buyers (let's call this amount X'), they won't make up the loss in profits they get from a price cut (let's call this Y).


They need X to be greater than Y but there's no gaurentee that will happen on the Wii U because the software isn't particularly appealing to most people in the West.


Their aim is not to sell loads of new consoles; it's to maximise the amount of money they make off of current Wii U owners. That will be their focus through 2015 and 2016 :)


Yeah but don't forget that one console sale = more than one software sale(generally). You can't sell software if no one has the hardware, but at the same time like you say, you can't sell software if a large part of your market doesn't want to buy that, either.


It's £215 on Amazon. If people aint buying it at £215 I really don't think you will see much difference if goes lower.


Really? How much was it on launch? I picked mine up with ZombiU from £200 from HMV that one time, so I guess I'm still laughing. I do think that £199 mark makes a slight different to customer mentality mind, £199 appeals to people more at a glance than £215(even though it's only 16 quid difference).

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I still reckon we might see something like a 'New' Wii U bundle unveiled at E3 with perhaps a smaller, more refined Gamepad and system. They could have standard and XL versions, like the 3DS :heh:


Cant see the point in that myself. It seems like most people who actually want a Wii U will have one by now and a few refinements wont bring in new people. You would have to do something special to get the new people and then that would alienate all the people who did support the Wii U's original versions.

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Really? How much was it on launch? I picked mine up with ZombiU from £200 from HMV that one time, so I guess I'm still laughing. I do think that £199 mark makes a slight different to customer mentality mind, £199 appeals to people more at a glance than £215(even though it's only 16 quid difference).


£299. Luckily I got mine for £200 due to Amazon honouring the pre order prize mistake.


Since launch there have been plenty of discounted offers and its not changed much.

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Cant see the point in that myself. It seems like most people who actually want a Wii U will have one by now and a few refinements wont bring in new people. You would have to do something special to get the new people and then that would alienate all the people who did support the Wii U's original versions.


If done right, a rebranding/remodeling could do wonders. Sony are a great example of this during the PS3 era. At the start the console really struggled to get going but with the launch of the slim, and a new marketing approach, the system sold a lot better.


I would welcome a slimmer GamePad. I don't have any real issues with it apart from the size.

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I think they would struggle with the Wii U rebranding/new model though (relative to the PS3 situation) for three reasons: 1. Lack of games, 2. Gamepad still being there (I really don't think this resonates with most gamers regardless of form factor) and 3. Underpowered machine. Number 1 in particular is really enough alone to prevent it from ever being much of a success.

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