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Wii U General Discussion


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Pretty insulting. Just Dance? Really? I wouldn't p1$$ on that franchise.


Ubisoft if you don't bring Assassins Creed to Wii U then I won't get it for my PS4 so you loose ha


Anyway a Nintendo Direct is comeing soon





Edited by canand
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So it looks like Resident Evil: revelations 2 will be skipping Wii U. no surprise considering resident evil remake was not announced for Wii U either.


no 3DS release sucks but its understandable as nobody will buy it if it is also available on the big HD screen.

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So it looks like Resident Evil: revelations 2 will be skipping Wii U. no surprise considering resident evil remake was not announced for Wii U either.


no 3DS release sucks but its understandable as nobody will buy it if it is also available on the big HD screen.


Is there any confirmation of platforms yet? Obviously the Xbox version is a given, seeing as the boxart was on their website, but what about the others?

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So it looks like Resident Evil: revelations 2 will be skipping Wii U. no surprise considering resident evil remake was not announced for Wii U either.


no 3DS release sucks but its understandable as nobody will buy it if it is also available on the big HD screen.


Yes I was reading that. I don't know how much more bad news I can take.


Speaking of Revelations, I ordered the Wii U version from GAME on the 31/7. They said it was shipped on the same day. Yet here we are 19 days later and it still hasn't turned up. They told me I've to wait 45 days before reporting it lost. What a joke. I told them a week ago, it's clearly not going to arrive at this late stage. This was my first online purchase with GAME because I despise them and then this happens. Do you think I'll order from them again? Has anybody else had orders go missing and what did you do about it?

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Is there any confirmation of platforms yet? Obviously the Xbox version is a given, seeing as the boxart was on their website, but what about the others?


The only other thing we have is the Russian retailer listing (which has PS3, PS4, 360 and Xbone listed).


Mind you though, IIRC, didn't the same thing happen with the console release of RE:R originally anyway? Where all of the non-Nintendo platforms were listed and then we only found out about the Wii U version when Capcom announced it proper?


If so, then there's still hope :)

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The only other thing we have is the Russian retailer listing (which has PS3, PS4, 360 and Xbone listed).


Mind you though, IIRC, didn't the same thing happen with the console release of RE:R originally anyway? Where all of the non-Nintendo platforms were listed and then we only found out about the Wii U version when Capcom announced it proper?


If so, then there's still hope :)


I'm not really bothered as I will probably get the PS4 version ( if there is one ) anyway, but I'm just curious to see if another game gets passed by the Wii U.


Actually it will be a good test if it does get released on the Wii U, especially if it's a decent version of the game and released at the same time as the others.

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Yes I was reading that. I don't know how much more bad news I can take.


Speaking of Revelations, I ordered the Wii U version from GAME on the 31/7. They said it was shipped on the same day. Yet here we are 19 days later and it still hasn't turned up. They told me I've to wait 45 days before reporting it lost. What a joke. I told them a week ago, it's clearly not going to arrive at this late stage. This was my first online purchase with GAME because I despise them and then this happens. Do you think I'll order from them again? Has anybody else had orders go missing and what did you do about it?


Game are utter counts. I ordered 2 games for my son at Christmas, never turned up, I had to rush out on Christmas eve and buy them from the shop and it took months to get refunded, proud to say I've never spent a single penny with them since

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They told me I've to wait 45 days before reporting it lost. What a joke.


Inform them that the The Consumer Rights Directive (part of European Union law) states that goods must be delivered within 30 calendar days of purchase, and that by making you wait 45 days before reporting it as lost, they are breaking the law.

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Inform them that the The Consumer Rights Directive (part of European Union law) states that goods must be delivered within 30 calendar days of purchase, and that by making you wait 45 days before reporting it as lost, they are breaking the law.


Thank you, will do. What's worse is as soon as I ordered it I found it elsewhere for far cheaper and free delivery.

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I love Assassin's creed 4 on the WiiU, i've only once encountered a bug with the game....its a real shame that no more will come to WiiU.


It really irks me that third parties don't support a console because its not got enough user base, but users don't buy a console when third parties don't support a console...i bloody hate the catch 22 of this


I still lay blame at the name's door, it might not be its only problem but it is certainly its biggest image problem; everyone associates it with casual Wii stuff and/or assume its an add on




REs Rev2? and not coming to a nintendo platform? jesus h christ that is so not right! if anything it should be released for every platform! PS4/PS3/VITA/360/XBONE/WiiU/3DS give people the options and then it will sell hotcakes....I'd even consider a double dip and buy it for WiiU and Vita (support those under loved consoles!)

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So Vooks posted an article/list of things that Nintendo have said would be released but still haven't arrived yet. The most interesting one to me is the eShop mobile app.


Do you think we will get this before the end of the year?


It's something that would have come in handy for me this past month and going forward I would certainly use it. It would be great for getting some people to make an impulse buy when on their phones.


REs Rev2? and not coming to a nintendo platform? jesus h christ that is so not right! if anything it should be released for every platform! PS4/PS3/VITA/360/XBONE/WiiU/3DS give people the options and then it will sell hotcakes....I'd even consider a double dip and buy it for WiiU and Vita (support those under loved consoles!)


It still may arrive on the Wii U. All we have to go on is a Russian retailer and a Xbox leak. Feel free to get the pitch forks ready when an official announcement has been made though. That is, if they do indeed ditch the Wii U.

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I think the Wii was really a poisoned chalice for Nintendo. While it did wonders for Nintendo and its own software I think it didn't help them address the issues from the previous gen with the Gamecube.


It put them into a false sense of security thinking there was no issue and they could just produce a console which would sell millions and third parties would have no choice but to port there 360/ps3 games to the wii u.


I don't see it realy acknowledged enough but I don't believe any console exists in its own little generational vacuum - The XBone and PS4 were built on top of work done by the previous generation in PS360. Nintendo have traditionally been helped by the same from NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii etc but I think they've slowly been eroding that over time, and now the WiiU's been released with very shaky foundations to it. I don't see how they can turn this around without some serious work. I'm definitely going to be apprehensive over their next home console, assuming there is one.


You can't blame Ubisoft, they were really behind the console at launch. They gave us ZombiU which was a great launch title, great use of the gamepad and all. Probably the best use of the gamepad so far.


Been said before but I totally agree and lay the blame at Nintendo's door. Most folks will tell you the best use of the Gamepad so far has been by ZombiU - even Nintendo suck at supporting themselves.

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Perhaps they realised that their initial plans for the web based eShop was laughably bad so they've delayed it to make a proper one?


The initial plan was for the web-based one to be a browse-only thing, where you scan a QR code to be taken to the product page on the console.

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Been said before but I totally agree and lay the blame at Nintendo's door. Most folks will tell you the best use of the Gamepad so far has been by ZombiU - even Nintendo suck at supporting themselves.


Yeah, EA really supported Wii. Grand Slam Tennis and Tiger Woods 10 onwards were brilliant and made the best use of the Wiimote by far.

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So Vooks posted an article/list of things that Nintendo have said would be released but still haven't arrived yet. The most interesting one to me is the eShop mobile app.


Do you think we will get this before the end of the year?

Probably not.


And I'd really like to know what the hell is going on with Flipnote Studio 3D. :blank:

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Ubisoft if you don't bring Assassins Creed to Wii U then I won't get it for my PS4 so you loose ha


You have a PS4 and because the next Assassins Creed game isn't coming to the Wii U, you are refusing to buy it. Yeah, that makes sense!


So it looks like Resident Evil: revelations 2 will be skipping Wii U. no surprise considering resident evil remake was not announced for Wii U either.


If this doesn't get @welsh_gamer to buy a PS4, nothing will.

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console is done regarding 3rd parties.


Luckily it has quality 1st party games but sadly there are too few and far between to keep any momentum going. Nintendo can't churn them out fast enough and are having a real problem trying to support the platform on their own.


Was saying to my bro last night how it was surprising COD gets released on wii u.


The platform just doesn't offer enough players.


This console manages to produce bad bad news time and time again.


It seems like all the bad news in regards to 3rd party stuff has hit all at the same time. Creed, Resident Evil and now this, providing its true of course.

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Well if it is confirmed that it isn't seeing a release on the Wii U, on top everything else that's come from 3rd parties in recent days and that paltry 3rd party release schedule, the console is well and truly dead in the water. If this doesn't light a fire under Nintendo's backside to do something to repair the situation with developers and publishers then nothing will and they'll be stranded forever in limbo.


I'd suspect all the recent bad 3rd party news is filtering back to some unhappy faces at all of Nintendo's offices and would bet they're pushing forward development of the next home console to be released quicker than they originally planned or wanted. But if the rumours of a dual handheld/home console setup reflect the way Nintendo want to go, they really do need to think again because they're going to fall into the same trap of overcharging hardware.


So yeah, bad times. They really do need to do something, anyone arguing otherwise really is blind to what's going on.

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