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The incompetence at Nintendo continues...


I called their contact centre. They said that I should have been able to log in without any problems.


Eventually transpires that they actually don't have a clue what's happened. They say it could be the following...


1. We have given you the wrong console

2. We need to find out more.


They are going to contact their technicians to find out what has actually happened. I was told I would receive a call back "some time next week"


It is at this point I kicked off. I've had a shit morning anyway but that just wound me up. I am now going to get a call back within 48 hours. Still not good enough. I will call them tomorrow morning.


I'm completely pissed off. I'd hate to be one of my colleagues today. What a fucking joke of a company!!


My initial thought when you posted was that the console you got back was not the same console that you sent. Are there any markings or whatnot on the system (like a specific scratch or something) so that you are certain the console is the same one you sent? (the only time ever when a scuff can be useful)


It's either that or you're locked out, which should mean they can sort it out at their end...or rather, that they should have done this already.


Sorry to hear this, brah. Technology is a royal pain in the arse sometimes.

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Nah Nintendo are totally pain in the arse.


I accidentally left my SD card in my Wii U when I sent it. Got it back with a SD card in. I actually don't know what has happened!


Ah, so it almost certainly is the same one then. In which case, it's that second option that they stated...they don't really know what's gone wrong. Hopefully they'll pass on the message to somebody else who will know. Definitely call them tomorrow. If you don't, I can just imagine this sort of thing getting pushed to one side.


What exactly happens when you turn the console on right from the beginning?

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Is all your saved data on the console still?


I have no idea...


Ah, so it almost certainly is the same one then. In which case, it's that second option that they stated...they don't really know what's gone wrong. Hopefully they'll pass on the message to somebody else who will know. Definitely call them tomorrow. If you don't, I can just imagine this sort of thing getting pushed to one side.


What exactly happens when you turn the console on right from the beginning?


It's like a fresh new console. It asked me to set up the language, date and time etc. It then asks me to link a NNID to the console or create a new one.

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I have no idea...




It's like a fresh new console. It asked me to set up the language, date and time etc. It then asks me to link a NNID to the console or create a new one.


That really makes no sense.


The worst case scenario would be them asking to see the console again, in which case you'd have to send it back.

Best case is that they need to just flick some kind of switch at their end and everything works like magic.


No idea what else to suggest except wait for them to call back. You could call back later today and see what's up, but that might piss you off even further if they don't know and they might get a bit funny about that. Definitely call them tomorrow.


Sorry, brah. :(

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The incompetence at Nintendo continues...


I called their contact centre. They said that I should have been able to log in without any problems.


Eventually transpires that they actually don't have a clue what's happened. They say it could be the following...


1. We have given you the wrong console

2. We need to find out more.


They are going to contact their technicians to find out what has actually happened. I was told I would receive a call back "some time next week"


It is at this point I kicked off. I've had a shit morning anyway but that just wound me up. I am now going to get a call back within 48 hours. Still not good enough. I will call them tomorrow morning.


I'm completely pissed off. I'd hate to be one of my colleagues today. What a fucking joke of a company!!


That's really poor customer service.

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I'm gobsmacked at that @Blade how can they screw it up so royally? and if you have the wrong console....who has yours? if they have sent it out you may never get it back, do they have a contingency for switching that account in that instance? if not and i were you i'd want eshop vouchers to double the value of games on the system if they come saying theres nothing they can do....in fact i'd fully understand if you got shut of it if they couldn't help


jes they need to just copy other manufacturers/software devs some times


*stealth edit*


You paid for the repair? screw that i'd demand your money back AND eshop compensation money

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I'm gobsmacked at that @Blade how can they screw it up so royally? and if you have the wrong console....who has yours? if they have sent it out you may never get it back, do they have a contingency for switching that account in that instance? if not and i were you i'd want eshop vouchers to double the value of games on the system if they come saying theres nothing they can do....in fact i'd fully understand if you got shut of it if they couldn't help


jes they need to just copy other manufacturers/software devs some times


*stealth edit*


You paid for the repair? screw that i'd demand your money back AND eshop compensation money


Screw that! I'd ask Nintendo for a proper next gen console. ;)

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As far as I know, if you delete your NNID from your console then you have to make a new one as it simply ceases to exist. :wtf:


Yet as long as you have the same console you can then make a new NNID and still have access to the games providing they weren't deleted. ::shrug:


This information may not be entirely correct but it's how I understand it as I heard this happened to @Orihime when she had her first Wii U.


It's a completely messed up setup that Nintendo have regarding accounts. :shakehead

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As far as I know, if you delete your NNID from your console then you have to make a new one as it simply ceases to exist. :wtf:


Yet as long as you have the same console you can then make a new NNID and still have access to the games providing they weren't deleted. ::shrug:


This information may not be entirely correct but it's how I understand it as I heard this happened to @Orihime when she had her first Wii U.


It's a completely messed up setup that Nintendo have regarding accounts. :shakehead


But according to some the account system is fine. How anyone can come to that conclusion amazes me.

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As far as I know, if you delete your NNID from your console then you have to make a new one as it simply ceases to exist. :wtf:


Yet as long as you have the same console you can then make a new NNID and still have access to the games providing they weren't deleted. ::shrug:


This information may not be entirely correct but it's how I understand it as I heard this happened to @Orihime when she had her first Wii U.


It's a completely messed up setup that Nintendo have regarding accounts. :shakehead


If you make a new NNID, what exactly do you get to keep and what do you lose? If the console has been formatted, then surely he'll lose everything once he makes that new NNID?


I wouldn't do any of that until Nintendo gets back to him first.

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Spotted this on NeoGaf (nothing to do with Wii U, not like that's anything new for this thread anyway :heh:) it's a livestream of a fish playing Pokémon Red:






My mate at work has just showed me this. It's absolutely hilarious. I enjoyed Twitch plays Pokemon but this is a whole new level.


Not only that...I paid for the repair on the 25th July and they took a week to even look at it as they were "busy".


Wank company.


I can't believe you paid and then get this kind of service. Some kind of compensation should be awarded to you because of this mess.

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