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Wii U General Discussion


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I got


Zelda Windwaker

Zombi U

Assassin’s Creed III Join or Die Collector’s Edition

Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Skull Edition

Splinter Cell BlackList

Lego City Undercover

New Super Mario Bros U

Super Mario 3D Worlds

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze

007 Legends

Pikmin 3

Nintendo Land

The Wonderful 101

Resident Evil Revelations

Call Of Duty Black Ops 2

Call Of Duty Ghost

Mario Kart 8

Game and Wario Free game thanks to Mario Kart 8 offer

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My Wii U library at the moment is:


Assassins Creed III

Batman: Arkham City

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Lego City Undercover

Mario Kart 8

New Super Mario Bros U

Nintendo Land

Sonic All Star Racing Transformed

Splinter Cell Blacklist

Super Mario 3D World

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

The Wonderful 101



With Tank! Tank! Tank! and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge on the way.

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Had it since day 1.


Mario Kart 8

Zelda WW HD

Super Mario 3D World


DK Tropical Freeze

Wonderful 101

Pikmin 3

Nintendo Land

Zombi U


I wish I could say more after more than 18 months of having the console so hopefully E3 delivers.

Edited by liger05
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I'll be buying Smash regardless of anything, but this is going to break my heart if it's online just isn't up to it in this day and age. One thing I'm really looking forward to is playing online with everyone here, ideally with voice interaction too.


As far as E3 goes, I think Smash is actually the only thing I currently care about! Do we actually know if any other big titles are being announced/revealed/talked about?


Oh yes. We do indeed.


NFP game


Loads of GamePad centric games

Rumblings on Miyamoto's new IP

Hyrule Warriors reveals



And that's just Wii U and that we know about. 3DS is another matter.

Edited by Serebii
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I'd be extremely cautious saying Loads on Gamepad centric games :p


A teaser from Retro Studio's would also be extremely welcome!


Damn I'm excited! :D


EDIT: 6hrs to go!



Edited by Retro_Link
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I'd be extremely cautious saying Loads on Gamepad centric games :p


A teaser from Retro Studio's would also be extremely welcome!


Damn I'm excited! :D


EDIT: 6hrs to go!



Just repeating what Iwata said :p

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How many Wii U games do you lot all have then???







Batman Arkham City

Rayman Legends


Sonic Racing

Mario Kart 8

DKC: Tropical Freeze


Pikmin 3




Mysterious Cities of Gold

Little Inferno



Pullblox World


Must say...having owned everything bar a 360 in the previous gen, I have a ridiculous amount of games for WiiU and with W101/SMW3D, Pikmin 3 and DKC:TF I've had some of the best gaming experiences in recent years.


When I was playing W101 I was just thinking 'this is unique and utterly incredible' before jumping into the multiplatform AC games and loving their familiarity. Times like that I love having a Nintendo console. Sure, it's rare to have the unique offerings that come with Nintendo consoles, but when you have such choices on a platter, the system is fantastic.


Also - the browser. Use it all the time. What a brilliant choice and as fast as my iPad with the latest update!

WiiU is great. Thing is, if Nintendo pull their finger out it could be even better! :love:

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If I could have any game come to the WiiU it'd be Mirror's Edge 2... my most anticipated game! That's the deciding game that will make me get another console.


For me it's Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Having said that, I will probably get a sony console to complement my NINTENDO console someone down the road when I have money to spend and I'm still big on gaming.

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If I could have any game come to the WiiU it'd be Mirror's Edge 2... my most anticipated game! That's the deciding game that will make me get another console.


That teaser image DICE posted over the weekend has me all giddy waiting for a new trailer for the new Mirror's Edge. Probably the only reason I may actually watch EA's conference, just for that. Hopefully DICE will give us a little more than "Coming... when it's ready" this time around, perhaps a 2015 release date (really don't see it being done for this year). Should have a playable demo on the floor this year so will be interesting to see if the game really does look as good as that first trailer suggested it does, seeing as that said all in game footage.


@Fused King - Was hoping for at least a tease of that last E3. But Ancel has been more teasing of it over the last year so I have everything crossed that it's actually going ahead and they have a trailer or something to show this year! Been too long now. And with Ancel being a fan of the Wii U, it stands a chance of getting the game perhaps. We'll see later today anyway.

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Well I put it into our vernacular :p


Ok, it's just loads makes me think of something like 10... I'd expect more like 3. I wonder if they count NFC games as games that utilise the Gamepad in a big way. They probably do, where as I think of games more like Ubisofts efforts.

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If I could have any game come to the WiiU it'd be Mirror's Edge 2... my most anticipated game! That's the deciding game that will make me get another console.


I'm certainly looking forward to it but I'd have to give the edge to the next iteration of Deus Ex that comes from the Universe project as that's the only game I genuinely see being improved from GamePad inclusion. I don't really see what it would add to Mirror's Edge unless you hold it up to see some kind of "Runner's Vision" that highlights paths and shortcuts. In the absence of the next Elder Scrolls, the Witcher 3 would be pretty darn welcome too... and Batman. I know they aren't coming though and I've already accepted that. That's what my new PC will be for but since none of those will be out this year, there's no rush and it gives plenty of time to enjoy whatever comes else comes out for the Wii U this year, and catch up with what I already have.


As for Wii U games, just the four to my name so far (Lego City, Donkey Kong, Rayman and Sonic) but I haven't owned it a month yet and whilst there are few out left that I really want, there are some I wouldn't mind.


I think the Wii U will take care of itself this E3 and if nothing else other than Smash and X make it out this year, plus the inevitable SNES Remix, then it will still be a good year for me. We can play F-Zero and Zelda next year with Metroid and Super Maro Galaxy 3/universe the following year. Throw in a proper Fire Emblem at some point and give Golden Sun a big screen outing and the Wii U will have been a worthwhile investment.


It's the 3DS where I'm wondering where the games are...

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BBC News are reporting about the fact Sony has overtaken Nintendo in the amount of consoles sold. In the same report they do state about the closure of the building in Germany and the redundancies.


They also say that Nintendo are not doing a live E3 conference "in order to save costs". The article is placed on the front page of the BBC News app.


It's not decent when the mainstream media are slagging Nintendo off aswell.


For the first time ever i'm going to watch both the Microsoft and Sony conferences with interest.

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Mother of Arceus -_-


Yes, the Wii U is doing bad. Yes, Nintendo is restructuring their 2 HQs in Germany into 1. These are facts. Don't lie in news articles -_-


The fact they are renting the Nokia theatre for longer than a presentation shows that this isn't a cost saving measure

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How many Wii U games do you lot all have then???






Plus subtle Sonic in frame :heh:


On the Wii U itself:

Nes Remix 1 & 2

Wii Party U

Mario and Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic *breathes*

Monster Hunter 3 (have yet to play, got it as my free game)


Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party

Mighty Switch Force HD!

Earth Bound!

Rabbids Land (I have no excuse for this)

30p games: Mario & Yoshi, Balloon Fight, Kirbys Adventure, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong, Punch Out, F-Zero!!

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They do need to allow you to sign into your NNID on other Wii Us, but other than that, the account system is identical to every other.


Until software is tied to the NNID and not the hardware, no, it isn't.


You can if you have a serial number :)


but anyway. No, you can't i. The same way as apple google Sony etc. but IWATA EXPLICITLY SAID THEYRE MOVING TOWARDS AN ACCOUNT SYSTEM NOT TIRD TO HARDWARE


So why keep attacking them for this? They haven't got it, they made mistakes, they've acknowledged it and said they're going to sort it. What's the point in keep banging on about it?


They get the acknowledgement when it's done. If I say now that I'm going to climb Everest do you congratulate me now or after I've done it?

Edited by electrolite77
Automerged Doublepost
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Until software is tied to the NNID and not the hardware, no, it isn't.




They get the acknowledgement when it's done. If I say now that I'm going to climb Everest do you congratulate me now or after I've done it?


Software is tied to the NNID. If you delete your NNID, you lose all your downloaded software across both formats.


See: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=808318


NNID is still tied to hardware, yes, but software is tied to the NNID. You can transfer the NNID on the 3DS at will, and can get Nintendo to do it with the Wii U. This does need to be resolved. However, you are mistaken in your statement.

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I'd be extremely cautious saying Loads on Gamepad centric games :p


A teaser from Retro Studio's would also be extremely welcome!


Damn I'm excited! :D


EDIT: 6hrs to go!




I really hope there isn't loads of Gamepad heavy stuff. The reason my Wii U gets used so much but I sold my copy of Lego City is my reliance on Off TV Play.

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I really hope there isn't loads of Gamepad heavy stuff. The reason my Wii U gets used so much but I sold my copy of Lego City is my reliance on Off TV Play.

Iwata has said that they'll be showing off software that proves the GamePad is worth it, so there will be a decent amount.

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My Wii U collection off top of my head, seems to be smaller than most here.



Darksiders II(played a few hours, maybe 5-10)

ZombiU(not played, though Dedede made good use of it)

W101(not played)

Pikmin(maybe 5-10 hours, need to finish it)

Injustice: Gods among us(played a bit of multi)

SM3DW(played a few hours w/ friends)

N4SMW(played a lot!)

MH3U(about 20 hours)

Sonic All-stars(played a few hours solo)

Deus Ex: Human revolution(not played)



D/L wise think I've got the 30p games only so far - KA, M+Y, SMetroid, DK, F-Zero.

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