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1 or a month how about 1 every 2 months? You cant defend the droughts and especially when the console is on life support. It needs a steady stream of releases not one ever three months.


Lets not forget Iwata said there would be no droughts and only in December 2013 ago we had this:






Please stop trying to defend or justify the lack of games when Nintendo themselves admit its a problem!!


Already in early in 2014 we had one game in Feb and now the next one isnt until the end of May. How is this any different to the first half of 2013?

I correct erroneous statements. I never said there wasn't a drought. I corrected a statement saying that they aren't releasing games, when they are.

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I think you're the only person that interpreted David's post as "they are not releasing any games at all". I assumed he meant it in a more colloquial/less literal sense and I can't imagine I was alone in that interpretation.

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I correct erroneous statements. I never said there wasn't a drought. I corrected a statement saying that they aren't releasing games, when they are.


Could you be anymore pedantic. You know as well as everyone else what the OP was saying. There was nothing to correct.

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This is a big thing for me actually.


One night on the Wii after work, I made a gamble to buy Paper mario 64, which I never played before... Behold I found an amazing game for about a tenner which I was hooked on.


The VC would absorb some of the blow with regards to the slow churn of U games.


I have a new entertainment system and a massive TV, so I would happily pay for the likes of MM, OOT, Smash 64, Starfox, Sonic (Mega Drive), Street Fighter (Snes) and all those other little gems to relive. It will support the Wii U in its current state nicely.


I just can't believe it can take a year and a half to add these games, when i can get a ROM and play them in minutes.


Its not just new games, but the whole package that currently makes the Wii U a disappointment.


Absolutely, it's mental they didn't fill the gaps with what is a library filled with hundreds of quality games.


Though street fighter is on the Wii u, 3 versions of it I think. And there are some excellent VC games, just not enough.

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Does anyone please know where you can buy the new super mario bros + new super luigi bros U, double pack game which has both games on 1 disc ?





It was made only available in the Wii U Premium bundle, so either that or eBay.

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Just realised you can get stars for eShop purchases, I'm making a KILLING right now but need to take a rest. So. Many. Questions.


But man, if my calculations are correct, by the end of it all I should have that Luigi Relaxation Set! YES!

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I think Pikmin 3 was one of the freshest experiences I've had in a very long time. The game was so perfect and balanced. I enjoyed it immensely


It was a superb game, adored it from start to finish. I think it helped that there was such a gap between Pikmin 2 and 3, it seemed fresh. Its not radically different to Pikmin 2. It illustrates that a good gap between character appearances can make all the difference to how you perceive them.

Edited by david.dakota
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It was a superb game, adored it from start to finish. I think it helped that there was such a gap between Pikmin 2 and 3, it seemed fresh. Its not radically different to Pikmin 2. It illustrates that a good gap between character appearances can make all the difference to how you perceive them.


I dunno. Pikmin 3 was overdue, and its one of those games that just needed 'more of the same' to stay fresh, as it was easily addictive anyway.


Kinda like other RTS games - like C&C, releasing more maps, factions (Pikmin types) - and in Pikmins case ONLINE.


I think Pikmin would have more exposure and more fans if it were released within the space of how 1 & 2 were. I'm sure it wont even hurt if Pikmin were Nintendo's FIFA or ACreed.

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I think Pikmin would have more exposure and more fans if it were released within the space of how 1 & 2 were. I'm sure it wont even hurt if Pikmin were Nintendo's FIFA or ACreed.


A Pikmin released every year would get old and stale very, very quickly. It would lose it's charm. Plus, it hasn't got the mass appeal or the easy pick-up-and-play aspect for that.


I would looove it if Nintendo brought back NBA Courtside or the 1080 series. :yay: Or even their own football game. Gimmmeeee.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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A Pikmin released every year would get old and style very, very quickly. It would lose it's charm. Plus, it hasn't got the mass appeal or the easy pick-up-and-play aspect for that.


I would looove it if Nintendo brought back NBA Courtside or the 1080 series. :yay: Or even their own football game. Gimmmeeee.


Well the two year spacing between 1 & 2 is much more welcomed than the near ten year wait for 3.

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Well the two year spacing between 1 & 2 is much more welcomed than the near ten year wait for 3.


One or two Pikmin games for each home console would be good. 10 years was too long, but they also originally planned to do Pikmin 3 for the Wii before moving it back to the Wii U. So, the wait wouldn't have been as bad, although still a bit too long. It was worth it though, great game.


Hope they manage to bring another one out within the next few years. Would be surprised if they don't.

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One or two Pikmin games for each home console would be good. 10 years was too long, but they also originally planned to do Pikmin 3 for the Wii before moving it back to the Wii U. So, the wait wouldn't have been as bad, although still a bit too long. It was worth it though, great game.


Hope they manage to bring another one out within the next few years. Would be surprised if they don't.


Have to agree. I could see another one before Wii U is finished. The groundwork and assets are already there and there's still a lot of potential like more breeds of Pikmin and adding online, make it longer next time and maybe dual gamepad support. That and a 4th should be far quicker to develop.

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I was listening to this weeks episode of NintendoWorldReport the other day ( you listened to it yet, @Goron_3 )and a listener asked the a question about Nintendo's IPs. The question was pretty much the conversation that you guys were having the other day about Nintendo not creating new IPs. The guys on NWR gave a good explanation in regards to the subject.


They listed a bunch of the new stuff that has been created by them over the last few years and a lot of it seemed to be e-shop stuff. Now, this isn't a big deal but what they did point out was that although there are a bunch of new IPs being created on that platform none of them are stellar games but more time burners.


Another thing they pointed out is that Nintendo only seem to heavily market their big name games, like Mario, Zelda etc. There is no push for the likes of Pushmo, Harmo Knight, Dillion etc. Sure, you get stuff on Nintendo Directs but that is for the audience who already follow Nintendos stuff.


Stuff like The Last Story and Xenoblade weren't really pushed by Nintendo and as we all know the US almost never got Xenoblade. Again two new IPs that were sent out to die, with no marketing for either of them.


They also pointed out that Nintendo don't really engage the western press with previews of these new IPs. Again, not pushing them and kind of just letting them sit by the way side.


Lastly, they pointed out that stuff like Jungle Beat and Kirbys Epic Yarn could have easily been other games but because Nintendo have such great characters at their disposal they put them in these games. This can be a good thing but at the same time it can over saturate that character.


I know a lot of these points were made by people in this topic and it was interesting to see NWR share the same opinion.

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I was listening to this weeks episode of NintendoWorldReport the other day ( you listened to it yet, @Goron_3 )and a listener asked the a question about Nintendo's IPs. The question was pretty much the conversation that you guys were having the other day about Nintendo not creating new IPs. The guys on NWR gave a good explanation in regards to the subject.


They listed a bunch of the new stuff that has been created by them over the last few years and a lot of it seemed to be e-shop stuff. Now, this isn't a big deal but what they did point out was that although there are a bunch of new IPs being created on that platform none of them are stellar games but more time burners.


Another thing they pointed out is that Nintendo only seem to heavily market their big name games, like Mario, Zelda etc. There is no push for the likes of Pushmo, Harmo Knight, Dillion etc. Sure, you get stuff on Nintendo Directs but that is for the audience who already follow Nintendos stuff.


Stuff like The Last Story and Xenoblade weren't really pushed by Nintendo and as we all know the US almost never got Xenoblade. Again two new IPs that were sent out to die, with no marketing for either of them.


They also pointed out that Nintendo don't really engage the western press with previews of these new IPs. Again, not pushing them and kind of just letting them sit by the way side.


Lastly, they pointed out that stuff like Jungle Beat and Kirbys Epic Yarn could have easily been other games but because Nintendo have such great characters at their disposal they put them in these games. This can be a good thing but at the same time it can over saturate that character.


I know a lot of these points were made by people in this topic and it was interesting to see NWR share the same opinion.

Thing is, Nintendo has started shunning western "media", and that's why Nintendo Directs were created. Much of the western gaming "media" often misquoted Iwata (which Iwata referenced in a few Investor Meetings), trashed Nintendo based on it and ignored Nintendo events and/or releases. That's why they pushed the Nintendo Directs more.


While they could have had new characters in those games, would they have sold as much?


People, especially in the western community and media at the moment, seem to be of the belief that new IP = god. It has even become a buzzword in presentations & conferences. However, the fact is that a small portion of new IPs actually do well, but people focus on the ones that do as evidence that it's a major thing. Hell, it's the same situation in regards to mobile platforms.


I really don't see oversaturation of characters or anything. That doesn't do much to me, at all, but I guess others can see it. However, it's not like there are 150000 DK or Kirby games every year.

Edited by Serebii
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Oh god, the directs. Such a pain, and only segments seem to get posted later, making some stuff extremely easy to miss. They're not worth watching, either.


They'd be much better off with a blog. Then they can spread out the information and it's right there in plain text.

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Oh god, the directs. Such a pain, and only segments seem to get posted later, making some stuff extremely easy to miss. They're not worth watching, either.


They'd be much better off with a blog. Then they can spread out the information and it's right there in plain text.

They send out press releases with all the data, screenshots & videos straight away. The entire Nintendo Directs get posted also, not just segments.

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Stuff like The Last Story and Xenoblade weren't really pushed by Nintendo and as we all know the US almost never got Xenoblade. Again two new IPs that were sent out to die, with no marketing for either of them.


They also pointed out that Nintendo don't really engage the western press with previews of these new IPs. Again, not pushing them and kind of just letting them sit by the way side.


They did give them collectors editions so they did put a bit of effort in. Not quite the same as pushing them I do realise.


I think they under estimated the popularity of those games to the point NoA weren't even interested and it got to the point that Gamestop and XSeed had to step in.


Although, how well did they actually do? Xenoblade must have done decent, they seemed eager to announce X.


Lastly, they pointed out that stuff like Jungle Beat and Kirbys Epic Yarn could have easily been other games but because Nintendo have such great characters at their disposal they put them in these games. This can be a good thing but at the same time it can over saturate that character.


DK fits into Jungle beat so well though, can't imagine it with a different character.

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