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Oh yeah, but I kind of forgot about PCs being used for gaming :p


And I think Daft's point was "Sony are investing in getting exclusive titles" rather than "these are exclusive to PS4" (as TUS isn't on there AFAIK).

Edited by Ashley
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Oh yeah, but I kind of forgot about PCs being used for gaming :p


It's pretty much all I use my tower for. It's essentially an HTPC/console! Ever since big picture mode, it's pretty much like owning a console, anyway... no hassle at all, I have it hooked up in the living room, you just have to turn the controller on, sit your ass down on the couch and voilá, it's gaming time!


The software price gap is so high I don't think I could go back, tbh... plus the ability to use any controller you like is always a plus! Not to mention the quality bump in the games themselves. I really think this is the only way to go, now. And if you build your own machine, it's not that much more expensive than a console... the amount you save in games makes up for the difference in a matter of months, too! Plus, there's never any online fees, all games have mod support, it's as quiet as you want it to be and it can look however you want and be as small or as big as you want it to. Looking back, I don't know what took me so long to join the PC scene. There are just no cons to speak of!


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It's times like this that remind me just how shocked I was at the negative reaction to Nintendo's E3 presentation last year. Still am surprised by it. To get 3D Mario, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zelda ALBW and Pokemon all in the same presentation + Bayonetta 2 and X... that's a pretty incredible line-up.


Problem is that beyond X, I don't believe that any game was a surprise. 3D World felt like a rushed 3DS port (that should've been available at launch instead of NSMB) at the time, Smash Bros was expected, Mario Kart was expected, Donkey Kong felt like one 2D-platformer too much (NSMB at launch, Rayman being overly hyped the year before and Yarn Yoshi being announced during the January Nintendo Direct). And Wind Waker was just a remake, nothing new.


As I've said before, I think that whoever greenlights projects at Nintendo should get fired. Perhaps purposefully sent over to Sony to ruin their future lineup (imagine him greenlighting some s**t like a Medievil remake instead of a new Uncharted). The Wii U is flooded by platformers and minigame compilations noone wants, while people are begging on their knees for new entries in a very, very long list of franchises, as well as some new, core IP's.

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The bad online on some games on the WiiU makes playing an online game on my girl's PS3 now and then that much more special.


What I kind of like though, is that NINTENDO pretty much forces you to have direct human contact while playing a game and consequently force you to go out into the world and find fellow gamers.


I think it's, like other NINTENDO strategies, a really Japan-oriented way of thinking, for in Japan gaming is a bit more widespread and one could easily have a good time playing Super Mario 3D World (still cannot believe the title) with the random guy on the street as you could with your family.


I think their approach to the West will only change if they can't find their audience anymore.


I wonder who will become the great radar of the West.

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As I've said before, I think that whoever greenlights projects at Nintendo should get fired. Perhaps purposefully sent over to Sony to ruin their future lineup (imagine him greenlighting some s**t like a Medievil remake instead of a new Uncharted). The Wii U is flooded by platformers and minigame compilations noone wants, while people are begging on their knees for new entries in a very, very long list of franchises, as well as some new, core IP's.


Genius. :bowdown:


It's sad to say, but there must be someone at Nintendo who thinks Game & Wario is more important than Metroid Dread, Donkey Kong is better than Metroid Prime and anything with Mario/Wario/Luigi/Yoshi etc is leagues ahead of F-Zero. :blank:

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I don't think the Game & Wario team would be up for making Donkey Kong or Metroid, I also think it would have took a considerable amount of time. Don't they generally make Wario Ware and Rhythm Tengoku titles? At least they used the GamePad in a few interesting ways.


It's hard to believe now, but even Game & Wario was plugging a software drought last year. It was the first game for MONTHS if I remember correctly and heck, for what it is, it's a decent little game.


I see your point though, Nintendo just aren't making the right titles. It makes me wonder if their teams are even up for the tasks now. Say all you want about DKC TF being great, but compare it to Metroid and it seems like quite a cop-out.

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I don't know if it's fair to call DKCTF a cop out?


It's a cop out in terms of actually utilising and demonstrating the Wii U, in that it doesn't!... and that's a huge mistake on Nintendo's part in terms of green lighting that game in the first place.


But compared to Metroid Prime, both games are at the very pinnacle of their genre.

I suppose producing a 2D platformer could be considered a safer genre (although not to do it well perhaps), and actually choosing to do a sequel to a known quantity is perhaps a cop out, when they really should be producing new experiences.

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I don't think the Game & Wario team would be up for making Donkey Kong or Metroid, I also think it would have took a considerable amount of time. Don't they generally make Wario Ware and Rhythm Tengoku titles? At least they used the GamePad in a few interesting ways.


It's hard to believe now, but even Game & Wario was plugging a software drought last year. It was the first game for MONTHS if I remember correctly and heck, for what it is, it's a decent little game.


I see your point though, Nintendo just aren't making the right titles. It makes me wonder if their teams are even up for the tasks now. Say all you want about DKC TF being great, but compare it to Metroid and it seems like quite a cop-out.


Of course the G&W team wouldn't be up to scratch for a Metroid. But how about a simple new Starfox? Nothing fancy, just essentially the same experience as in SF 64, only new levels, better graphics and some minor improvements. Perhaps a mode where you can fly through single levels and a boss attack mode.

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It may also be that Donkey Kong can be done far quicker than a Metroid title. It's such a waste of their talent and I can't believe that's all they've been working on. Saying that, Retro's output is extremely slow. How many games have they produced in about 14 years? 7? I could be wrong.

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It may also be that Donkey Kong can be done far quicker than a Metroid title. It's such a waste of their talent and I can't believe that's all they've been working on. Saying that, Retro's output is extremely slow. How many games have they produced in about 14 years? 7? I could be wrong.


Five if we are only counting...

Metroid Prime

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


Eight if you count...


Metroid Prime Hunters (mostly developed by NST)

Metroid Prime Trilogy (Technically only new control schemes for first two titles plus extras but still an amazing collection)

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (ported by Monster Games)


Personally I'd call it six as I would include Metroid Prime Trilogy on the count of it being amazing but being that the other two portable games were outsourced I don't think they really count in the same sense.

Edited by S.C.G
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It may also be that Donkey Kong can be done far quicker than a Metroid title. It's such a waste of their talent and I can't believe that's all they've been working on. Saying that, Retro's output is extremely slow. How many games have they produced in about 14 years? 7? I could be wrong.
Really you can only call it a waste of their talent if you're not interested in the DCKR series. A lesser developer wouldn't create such an incredible platformer worthy of the name.


Also when compared to Rare on the N64, budgets and timescales are completely different nowadays.


Maybe Retro Studios could use some investment to get them up to a guaranteed 2 games team.

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Well, I wouldn't call it a waste because they seem to be getting all out of the franchise, but just bad timing. The Wii U catalogue is already saturated to the max with platformers, so using a high quality team to push out another one feels rather misplaced. Especially when there are still other platformers coming out, like Kirby and Yoshi...

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Well, I wouldn't call it a waste because they seem to be getting all out of the franchise, but just bad timing. The Wii U catalogue is already saturated to the max with platformers, so using a high quality team to push out another one feels rather misplaced. Especially when there are still other platformers coming out, like Kirby and Yoshi...


...both of which should be pushed back indefinitely. As I said before, making a new Starfox shouldn't be too much of a problem. Neither should Waverace for that matter.

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I think a more fitting question is why on earth Nintendo themselves have prioritised Yarn Yoshi ahead of all their other yet to be released franchises?


There's a 2D Yoshi coming to the 3DS this year, why on earth do we need a second? One of them shouldn't have been made.


And this is an example of the very strange thinking at Nintendo.

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I don't think the Game & Wario team would be up for making Donkey Kong or Metroid, I also think it would have took a considerable amount of time. Don't they generally make Wario Ware and Rhythm Tengoku titles?


Psst. They ARE the Metroid team ;)


SPD1 (the team that made Game & Wario and all of the Wario Land/Wario Ware games) is the same team that made all of the 2D Metroids (Super Metroid was programmed by Intelligent Systems though, while SPD1, then known as R&D1, handled all aspects of game design) and they co-developed Metroid Other M alongside Team Ninja.


They're a small team with little experience with 3D modelling and programming. That's why they usually either work on small projects or work in collaboration with another development team (usually Intelligent Systems, who were actually an offshoot of R&D 1 to begin with when they were formed back in 1990).

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Why are Retro doing Tropical Freeze? Because they wanted to.


Speaking at Nintendo's software showcase, Retro's president and CEO said that Retro had unfinished business with Donkey Kong after Donkey Kong Country Returns.


Michael Kelbaugh (Retro) says that it was hard to decide whether to go with Metroid or not but they felt they had unfinished business w/ dk



It simply isn't the case Nintendo consider DK better than Metroid (although the way they've ignored Metroid recently does look that way :p).


Development on DKC:TF is probably done by now and considering Retro have just advertised 3 new job opening it looks like they already working on their next project.


To be fair on Yarn Yoshi - that game seems to still be a ways off. Plus it probably plays slightly different to Yoshi's New Island (they are still platformers at base though I'll give you that).


Don't remember anyone moaning about Kirby's Epic Yarn, Kirby's Adventure Wii and Mass Attack being released so close together (there was also the 25th Anniversary game we never got).


I'm well aware we're over-saturated with platformers, don't get me wrong.


Mario/Wario/Luigi/Yoshi etc is leagues ahead of F-Zero.


Because Mario/Wario/Luigi/Yoshi sell more than F-Zero? They could totally do an eShop F-Zero. Not sure why they won't give it to SEGA to handle again either.

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I was quite surprised we got Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby Wii quite close together tbh.


But then there was a Kirby anniversary to celebrate, and the Wii was in a position where it really could afford to do what it wanted. I just meant for the Wii U it seems a very strange choice, even if and I'm sure it will, play differently to Yoshi's Island.



Like I said in General Gaming, I'd even take an eShop F-Zero X 2 at this point!

N64 graphics and everything, give it to a smaller team to do, like they have people doing these NES Remix's.

Give it 30 player online and it would be incredible :p

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Psst. They ARE the Metroid team ;)


SPD1 (the team that made Game & Wario and all of the Wario Land/Wario Ware games) is the same team that made all of the 2D Metroids (Super Metroid was programmed by Intelligent Systems though, while SPD1, then known as R&D1, handled all aspects of game design) and they co-developed Metroid Other M alongside Team Ninja.


They're a small team with little experience with 3D modelling and programming. That's why they usually either work on small projects or work in collaboration with another development team (usually Intelligent Systems, who were actually an offshoot of R&D 1 to begin with when they were formed back in 1990).


Wow, I had no idea! That's really interesting. Especially in regards to Other M.


and @Ike - That's part of the problem. It's all well and good giving them freedom sometimes but Nintendo should have really given them direction when the Wii U is in this situation. The Wii U needs something different right now, another 2D platformer should have been the very last thing on the list.


Again though, as some of you have said, it's still going to be a high quality game and it could partially have been given the green light because it doesn't take as long to produce.


Who knows? All I know is that I've never seen Nintendo in such a bad state of affairs. I thought the GameCube days were bad, but at least we had a bunch of really fun and fresh titles to play, even if the sales weren't up to scratch. Now we have an abysmal release schedule and sales to match.

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and @Ike - That's part of the problem. It's all well and good giving them freedom sometimes but Nintendo should have really given them direction when the Wii U is in this situation. The Wii U needs something different right now, another 2D platformer should have been the very last thing on the list.


I just feel Retro are getting a lot of undeserved hate since DKC:TF was announced, it almost feels that it's simply because it's not Metroid Prime 4 in some cases.


But yes, maybe Nintendo should have told Retro they were working on other platformers. Where Retro aware? Would it change their mind? Who knows. In fact, why does it matter?


But the point I'm trying to make is hate Nintendo, not Retro for doing something they wanted to do. If there's any game we don't need it's Yarn Yoshi.


Honestly, if I was was Retro, I'd be sick of Metroid Prime games, let them do something different for a while. :p


The Wii U does have a range of titles coming out, it's just taking longer than it should.

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I just feel Retro are getting a lot of undeserved hate since DKC:TF was announced, it almost feels that it's simply because it's not Metroid Prime 4 in some cases.


But yes, maybe Nintendo should have told Retro they were working on other platformers. Where Retro aware? Would it change their mind? Who knows. In fact, why does it matter?


But the point I'm trying to make is hate Nintendo, not Retro for doing something they wanted to do. If there's any game we don't need it's Yarn Yoshi.


Honestly, if I was was Retro, I'd be sick of Metroid Prime games, let them do something different for a while. :p


The Wii U does have a range of titles coming out, it's just taking longer than it should.


I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that Retro had a chance to make a game that would appeal to western crowds and give people a game that would make them say 'I need a Wii U'. The problem with Donkey Kong is that it won't sell hardware at all. That said, I'm all over it, but a lot of that is because I'm starved of Wii U games.

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The problem with Donkey Kong is that it won't sell hardware at all.


To be fair, neither would Prime 4. Maybe to a few "core" players. A new IP could go either way, it would have to be the most amazing thing since sliced bread to make the Wii U reach "printing money" level of sales.

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The way we're going to be different is... we're certainly going to have a steadier pace of games, both for Wii U and for 3DS. The marketing activity is going to be constant throughout the entire year; you teased me a little bit about "boy, the first half was a little quiet" and, you know what? You look back and it was. We're not going to be making that same mistake in 2014, so the pace, the ongoing activity, touching the consumer and messaging what we're all about, that's going to be a big difference next year.


Dont believe a word Nintendo execs say.

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