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I think Nintendo likes the drip drip VC release. For some reason I think they believe too many titles being released will see games get lost among the mix. Personally I feel they should just load it up with content and let us choose what we want.


They should do it like a Netflix type service. £5 a month and you've access to their whole back catalogue.

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I have to agree with dazzybee.

I know nothing about what the GC sold, or the Wii or how much percentage of sales was what which affects this studio and this third party and this is the reason Nintendo suck etc.

To me, this place has become so boring. I'm not suggesting that people bury their heads in the sand and we ignore the poor sales and the reasons behind them - far from it. I'm sure people interested in that side of it really enjoy discussing that - and that's great.

But what I am so tired of seeing is every single fucking thread being derailed by the same thing. And it's always the same people. I just want to come on here and discuss games, consoles, up and coming releases and having a bit of a laugh with other members but I haven't been able to do that for a long time now.


Just look at the recent posts outside of this thread - hardly anyone is talking about games anymore. And the amount of people who used to post frequently are no where to be seen. It's hardly surprising as it's getting to the point where I don't feel like visiting here each day either.

Whilst I appreciate the Wii U situation is bleak, I would like to think that the Nintendo thread of a gaming forum would be looking at the positives of the company and trying to remain upbeat about the good things we know are coming this year. Instead we just get arguments, snide comments, sales discussion, the game pad is useless and the online is useless discussion instead.

Sad times.

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Whilst I appreciate the Wii U situation is bleak, I would like to think that the Nintendo thread of a gaming forum would be looking at the positives of the company and trying to remain upbeat about the good things we know are coming this year. Instead we just get arguments, snide comments, sales discussion, the game pad is useless and the online is useless discussion instead.

Sad times.


This might help :)

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Prozac then?


In fairness there's no real games to talk about at the moment due to the time of the year (as games aren't being released and companies are just coming back from Christmas so nothing to report on). Things should pick up next month.

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I know a lot of what I have to say about Nintendo these days is negative (even though I have enjoyed a few of their games recently), but that's just a reflection of the times. It's unlikely you'll find the forum filled with Nintendo praise when a lot of people aren't happy with the way things are going. It's just a sign of the times. At the start of the Wii and DS, these discussions really weren't around to the same extent because people were generally happy with what they were getting.


TL;DR try not to get down about it, other people's dissatisfaction shouldn't really affect what you think. And yeah, the positive thread.

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I'm not down about it. Believe me I don't let other peoples opinions affect my day to day life or outlook!

It's the fact that every single thread is taken over with the same thing. That's what's making coming here less welcoming than what it was before.

The arguments and the petty comments we see so often don't help either. Seems to go round in the same circle.


And if I do need cheering up, I'll play a Nintendo game. They're quite fun, you know. :awesome:

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Yeah I was gonna say, there aren't exactly a lot of games to discuss and I think that is the overriding problem. I know nothing about the tech/sales side either and I myself find that boring.


People don't have game threads to populate their time and therefore talk turns to other things, like sales and the success of the Wii U. If there were the games to play, we'd be off playing them, coming back and discussing them. But outside of Mario what has there been lately? Releases are spread so far and wide on the Wii U at the moment. What games are people supposed to be discussing at the moment? The only popular thread atm again is Mario. As we've just been talking about, there aren't even VC games to discuss, as the ones that are up people have played a million times before.


I think this is why people like to constantly talk about third party support too, because everyone would like to have more games to play and things to talk about?


The other problem is that the lack of games means not everyone on here actually has a Wii U either, which is a secondary factor in limiting discussion of what games there are. And again why people bring up topics such as what Nintendo should be doing, because they'd like reason to own the console! It doesn't help when it gets misinterpreted either.


Also making a comparison to a movie forum is difficult because there are films released literally ALL the time.


I've been really enjoying the Deus Ex thread lately, because it's a game I can get involved in (albeit it's the PS3 version, but I thought I'd play it at the same time as others in the Wii U thread so that I'd actually have a game I can talk about with people, and it's been a lot of fun). But again, there's only a couple of us in there.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I have to agree with dazzybee.

I know nothing about what the GC sold, or the Wii or how much percentage of sales was what which affects this studio and this third party and this is the reason Nintendo suck etc.

To me, this place has become so boring. I'm not suggesting that people bury their heads in the sand and we ignore the poor sales and the reasons behind them - far from it. I'm sure people interested in that side of it really enjoy discussing that - and that's great.

But what I am so tired of seeing is every single fucking thread being derailed by the same thing. And it's always the same people. I just want to come on here and discuss games, consoles, up and coming releases and having a bit of a laugh with other members but I haven't been able to do that for a long time now.


Just look at the recent posts outside of this thread - hardly anyone is talking about games anymore. And the amount of people who used to post frequently are no where to be seen. It's hardly surprising as it's getting to the point where I don't feel like visiting here each day either.

Whilst I appreciate the Wii U situation is bleak, I would like to think that the Nintendo thread of a gaming forum would be looking at the positives of the company and trying to remain upbeat about the good things we know are coming this year. Instead we just get arguments, snide comments, sales discussion, the game pad is useless and the online is useless discussion instead.

Sad times.


Dude I would like nothing more than to talk about up n coming games being announced and all kinds of exciting wii u announcements/news.


Problem is there isnt many games and exciting wii u news is hard to come by.

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Nintendo are a company who want their games perfect. You know this, as they have delayed games that they NEEDED to come out, just to make them be better.


If Nintendo were to do a one for all thing, then some games will suffer. Nintendo doesn't want that.


sorry, thats bull.

A snes is a snes. A nes is a Nes. The only thing that changed was the cartridges, the data being passed across to the main hardware. So long as Nintendo build an effective emulator (snes 9x is ANCIENT and ran on hardware far weaker than the Wii U, and was small enough to download on 56k internet in minutes) then job is a good'un. They then have to create a rom. If they do that properly (I have no doubt about it) then all that was needed for Wii U was a few tweaks on the console emulation.

Even that I doubt, as the Wii is essentially inside the Wii U, so they could have just reverted to using that.


I think a more compelling reason is that by drip feeding it encourages people to look through the library several times.. a title catches their eye, next time more so etc etc, until one day they take a punt on a title they otherwise wouldn't buy. It won't work with me, I have a small list of games I specifically am on the look out for, but I'm sure it would work on a small number of people.


I do think they should be releasing at a faster rate though. 4 games a week sounds nice. I guess they just want to maximise sales of each game, rather than having a successful vc service.


I realise there's a slight difference because films and music and such aren't limited with regards to format (hardware in gaming) so everyone can appreciate everything, and gaming your limited to the consoles you own. But I still find it a bit weird when someone so desperately tries to prove an inane point, badly, based on a game not selling to the level they deem appropriate.


interesting.. I wonder if film fans hard "wars" over HDdvd and bluray?

music fans over digital sales and hard cd's.. vinyl.... tbh they probably did/do.


Over investment. At the end of the day business is an easier side to argue, as most of us here don't have a clue really, so we can just throw things around - conversations are fuelled most effectively by ignorance. I mean, if its all accord and knowledge a conversation would be

"fact" "oooh" "fact" "I agree".

With ignorance you get debate/arguments

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^^^^^ I agree. I think also it's to do with hacking. If the Wii U is hacked at a later date then if the VC games were run off an emulator the hackers would have free run on running any software. Whereas if the emulator is built into each game then if it's hacked each game has to run differently. I'm not saying this is fact, just my guess on things.


I think Nintendo being so secretive leads to speculation and argument. Take the Wii U for example and it was the same with the Wii before it. Nintendo wouldn't tell us what the hardware was made of. We had to wait for Digital Foundry to rip the Wii U open to tell us what the guts were made up of. A lot of that was speculation and caused huge differences in opinion.


Contrast that with Sony having a press conference and bragging, telling everybody what was under the hood. Straight from the horses mouth. No need for people to speculate or make things up. I think Nintendo both times didn't want people knowing that their consoles were underpowered and the later people find out, the better it is for them. Kind of like the same way some companies put embargoes on a game until it's released because they know it's $h!t but they don't want the general public knowing until it's too late and they've already bought it.

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To me, this place has become so boring. I'm not suggesting that people bury their heads in the sand and we ignore the poor sales and the reasons behind them - far from it. I'm sure people interested in that side of it really enjoy discussing that - and that's great.

But what I am so tired of seeing is every single fucking thread being derailed by the same thing. And it's always the same people. I just want to come on here and discuss games, consoles, up and coming releases and having a bit of a laugh with other members but I haven't been able to do that for a long time now.


I couldn't agree with you more.


A question to those of you who are in the know: There was talk of an attachment that would improve the battery life of the Wii U. What is it? Is it available in Europe? I guess I could just plug it in, but I get a wee bit annoyed by wires getting in the way.


Also also, not sure if this one should be in the eShop thread, but I've already started sooo...Nano Assault for Wii U. Worth it at the current price of about 7 quid? I'm not one to get eShop titles, so I know little about it.


Finally, last I saw, Assassins Creed 3 was 7 quid on eShop, too. Any decent? I've never bothered playing any of the games...can't tell if it's my thing or not. Might get Deus Ex instead.

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I couldn't agree with you more.


A question to those of you who are in the know: There was talk of an attachment that would improve the battery life of the Wii U. What is it? Is it available in Europe? I guess I could just plug it in, but I get a wee bit annoyed by wires getting in the way.


Also also, not sure if this one should be in the eShop thread, but I've already started sooo...Nano Assault for Wii U. Worth it at the current price of about 7 quid? I'm not one to get eShop titles, so I know little about it.


Finally, last I saw, Assassins Creed 3 was 7 quid on eShop, too. Any decent? I've never bothered playing any of the games...can't tell if it's my thing or not. Might get Deus Ex instead.


Assassin's 3 is by far and away the worst one, imo. The world just doesn't compare to the previous games and it's just not exciting. It also runs very poorly on Wii U and it has some big framerate drops.


If you can try and nab AC4 then definitely do that; it's much more fun and the world is 10x better than AC3.

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Assassin's 3 is by far and away the worst one, imo. The world just doesn't compare to the previous games and it's just not exciting. It also runs very poorly on Wii U and it has some big framerate drops.


If you can try and nab AC4 then definitely do that; it's much more fun and the world is 10x better than AC3.


Nice one. That bad, eh?

I've never really played one so I don't know if it's my type of game. I hear it gets really repetitive. AC4 seems to be dropping in price pretty quickly, so may opt for that at some point.

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Nice one. That bad, eh?

I've never really played one so I don't know if it's my type of game. I hear it gets really repetitive. AC4 seems to be dropping in price pretty quickly, so may opt for that at some point.


I bought 3 and really didn't like it, found it incredibly incredibly dull. First time ever I've given up on a game after near 15 hours, it was that dull.


Nano Assault is a greta game, but I think at £7 it's still over priced; I bought it full price and don't regret it, but there's not much to it. 16 short levels, a few modes; but it's just great fun if you like dual stick shooters, also multi is good as well, online leaderboards, all good.


Get Zin Pinball 2 and all the tables, better use of money :)

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I couldn't agree with you more.


A question to those of you who are in the know: There was talk of an attachment that would improve the battery life of the Wii U. What is it? Is it available in Europe? I guess I could just plug it in, but I get a wee bit annoyed by wires getting in the way.


Also also, not sure if this one should be in the eShop thread, but I've already started sooo...Nano Assault for Wii U. Worth it at the current price of about 7 quid? I'm not one to get eShop titles, so I know little about it.


Finally, last I saw, Assassins Creed 3 was 7 quid on eShop, too. Any decent? I've never bothered playing any of the games...can't tell if it's my thing or not. Might get Deus Ex instead.

Get Deus Ex, fantastic game! A few of us are playing it atm. I just finished the PS3 version and then bought the PS3 Directors Cut which I started today. Come join!! :)


The thing that extends the battery life if a replacement third party battery pack I think.


If you do want Assassins Creed though, 4 > 3 so everyone says!

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^^^^^ I agree. I think also it's to do with hacking. If the Wii U is hacked at a later date then if the VC games were run off an emulator the hackers would have free run on running any software. Whereas if the emulator is built into each game then if it's hacked each game has to run differently. I'm not saying this is fact, just my guess on things.


I think Nintendo being so secretive leads to speculation and argument. Take the Wii U for example and it was the same with the Wii before it. Nintendo wouldn't tell us what the hardware was made of. We had to wait for Digital Foundry to rip the Wii U open to tell us what the guts were made up of. A lot of that was speculation and caused huge differences in opinion.


Contrast that with Sony having a press conference and bragging, telling everybody what was under the hood. Straight from the horses mouth. No need for people to speculate or make things up. I think Nintendo both times didn't want people knowing that their consoles were underpowered and the later people find out, the better it is for them. Kind of like the same way some companies put embargoes on a game until it's released because they know it's $h!t but they don't want the general public knowing until it's too late and they've already bought it.


the hacking angle isn't one I had considered. I suppose Nintendo are trying to avoid creating backdoors for hackers to use. It may also be why 3rd parties are reluctant to put their wares on the vc - man hours vs potential profits.


As for the specs under wraps - Sony releasing PS2 stats so openly allowed Nintendo to better position itself with the N64 specs wise. Sure that was nothing huge, the cartridge killed the N64 regardless of specs, but Nintendo keeping specs under wraps seems fine to me - I don't need to know its specs, I just need to enjoy some games on it!


I've seen to boosters, one from Nintendo



and another which incorporates a stand



The stand one looks a bit poor to me, its more a charger/battery combo from what I can ascertain.


Fortunately I have no problem with the power cable, its thin and flexible enough not to concern me. Lucky me! :D

I may get one of these batteries later when this battery goes bad though (I presume it has a finite life span)

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Nice one. That bad, eh?

I've never really played one so I don't know if it's my type of game. I hear it gets really repetitive. AC4 seems to be dropping in price pretty quickly, so may opt for that at some point.


I've never been a massive fan of the Assassin's Creed games. Played a tiny bit of the 1st one and hated it so never touched any of the others until 3 came out. 3 has a horribly long winded prologue that does ruin it a bit but I did enjoy the bits a pieces I played after the prologue but didn't get too far as I ended up playing other games being released at the same time and just didn't go back.


4, on the other hand, is great. Still not a fan of the main gameplay as it's nowhere near as smooth as I'd like it to be but I'm loving being a privateer and just sailing around and taking over Spanish and British ships. That alone is making me overlook some of the other bits that I'm not majorly fond of.


So yeah, of the two games I'd say get 4 at some point, even if it's only for being a privateer :D

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the hacking angle isn't one I had considered. I suppose Nintendo are trying to avoid creating backdoors for hackers to use. It may also be why 3rd parties are reluctant to put their wares on the vc - man hours vs potential profits.


As for the specs under wraps - Sony releasing PS2 stats so openly allowed Nintendo to better position itself with the N64 specs wise. Sure that was nothing huge, the cartridge killed the N64 regardless of specs, but Nintendo keeping specs under wraps seems fine to me - I don't need to know its specs, I just need to enjoy some games on it!


I've seen to boosters, one from Nintendo



and another which incorporates a stand



The stand one looks a bit poor to me, its more a charger/battery combo from what I can ascertain.


Fortunately I have no problem with the power cable, its thin and flexible enough not to concern me. Lucky me! :D

I may get one of these batteries later when this battery goes bad though (I presume it has a finite life span)


Developers should no the specs and what to expect from the final devkits. Sure I read with the Wii U some devs were left wondering which is ridiculous.

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Developers should no the specs and what to expect from the final devkits. Sure I read with the Wii U some devs were left wondering which is ridiculous.


I agree its ridiculous, but at the same time I can understand that if Nintendo want specs to be unknown re sony and microsoft, they may be wary of giving information to companies who have shown over the last decade that their loyalties are more with sony/microsoft than Nintendo. There are sound business reasons not to broadcast sensitive information to competitors.


equally there are sound reasons for trusting companies you are trying to develop closer business ties with.

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sorry, thats bull.

A snes is a snes. A nes is a Nes. The only thing that changed was the cartridges, the data being passed across to the main hardware. So long as Nintendo build an effective emulator (snes 9x is ANCIENT and ran on hardware far weaker than the Wii U, and was small enough to download on 56k internet in minutes) then job is a good'un. They then have to create a rom. If they do that properly (I have no doubt about it) then all that was needed for Wii U was a few tweaks on the console emulation.

Even that I doubt, as the Wii is essentially inside the Wii U, so they could have just reverted to using that.


It's not bull. I'm pretty sure Nintendo themselves have said it. Just because it is an emulator for hardware that is old does not mean it'll happily and simply work 100% for everything. Nintendo want everything to work perfectly. As such, they have to fine tune things.


Yes, it's almost certain that all the emulators for, for example, SNES games will have common coding, but there are definite changes and alterations that they have gone through in order to make the game work as it did on the original console. That is their intend for the Virtual Console.


You may think just a general emulator may work, and it may very well for the majority of games, however Nintendo don't and they're in a far better decision for calculating and deciding it than us.


I agree its ridiculous, but at the same time I can understand that if Nintendo want specs to be unknown re sony and microsoft, they may be wary of giving information to companies who have shown over the last decade that their loyalties are more with sony/microsoft than Nintendo. There are sound business reasons not to broadcast sensitive information to competitors.


equally there are sound reasons for trusting companies you are trying to develop closer business ties with.

You do realise that the whole reason the Wii U was revealed at E3 2011 rather than in a big hurrah at E3 2012 or its own conference was because a third party leaked the entire concept online.


Same thing happened with the 3DS.


I can see why they wouldn't trust them.

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It's not bull. I'm pretty sure Nintendo themselves have said it. Just because it is an emulator for hardware that is old does not mean it'll happily and simply work 100% for everything. Nintendo want everything to work perfectly. As such, they have to fine tune things.


As much as they say this, and I'm sure they do strive for this, recent history shows they don't always get things perfect.


I feel that if they released things (such as a wider VC) and there were problems, providing they patch them up, there would ultimately be less discord than there currently is.

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As much as they say this, and I'm sure they do strive for this, recent history shows they don't always get things perfect.


I feel that if they released things (such as a wider VC) and there were problems, providing they patch them up, there would ultimately be less discord than there currently is.

And that attitude is why gaming is going to hell.


"Oh it's fine as we can patch it."


That attitude brings things like Battlefield 4, 1GB day one patches etc.

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